8 Best Apps Similar To Secret Menu for Starbucks!|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Secret Menu for Starbucks!
Secret Menu for Starbucks!
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.3.7(2018-05-17)
APP CATEGORIES : Food & Drink, Lifestyle
90.0K | <5K | <5K |
Looking for the Secret Menu for Starbucks?
Have you ever wanted to try something new when visiting your local coffee shop?
Well now you can with the Secret Menu for Starbucks app!
Try hundreds of new drink recipes like Snickerdoodle Frappuccino, and the Burnt Marshmallow!
Have a great recipe that you don’t see here? Submit them with our app and you’ll have them featured!
What are you waiting for? Download now and enjoy these great drinks!
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Apps Similar To Secret Menu for Starbucks!
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![Goat Simulator Waste of Space](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/123506dcd91dba6678114601d1b7e845.jpg)
Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space Price:$6.99
iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5
Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!
Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.
Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!
Principais características
* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente
Rating:4 Show Detail
![Healthy Options Philippines](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/e7d3b640c1fb7062baae99b5da7991d0.jpg)
Name:Healthy Options Philippines Price:₱ 0.00
Description:Designed with a dynamic interface with multiple features, the Healthy Options mobile app was developed to help educate and empower our customers to take charge of their health.
Check out the great features of our mobile app:
• Access your membership profile and points right on your smartphone.
• Use the handy virtual membership card each time you shop. No more plastic!
• Receive exclusive notifications on events and promotions.
• Find store locations nearest you. Get contact information, store hours, and directions.
• Enjoy delicious and wholesome recipes you can easily cook in your own kitchen.
• Read our monthly News Digest to keep abreast on the latest health and wellness topics.
Rating:3 Show Detail
![NFC Tools](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/7026c8422342cdb56d2e4a561e3db053.jpg)
Name:NFC Tools Price:0,00 €
Description:NFC Tools can read and write your NFC tags with a simple and lightweight user interface.
By passing your device near an NFC chip, you can read the data it contains and interact with the content.
The "Read" section allows you to see data such as:
- the maker of the tag
- the type of tag (ex : Mifare Ultralight, NTAG213)
- the norm of the tag (ex : NFC Forum Type 2)
- the available technology (ex: NFC A)
- its serial number (ex : 04:85:c8:5a:40:2b:80)
- the size of the tag and of the data on it
- if you can write on the tag
- all the data on the tag (NDEF format)
NFC Tools can record standard information on your tags which will be compatible with any NFC device.
For instance, you can store a VCARD to share your contact details easily, open an URL, share a phone number or even a geolocation.
The "Write" section let you record standardised data such as:
- a simple text
- a link to a website
- an email
- a contact
- a phone number
- a predefined text message
- an address or geolocation
- a WiFi or Bluetooth configuration
- personalised data
- and more...
The write function allows you to add as much data as you wish.
This way you can record large quantities of information on your tag.
The app also allows you to save the contents of your chip for later access.
NFC Tools has been tested with the following NFC tags:
- NTAG 203, 210, 210u, 212, 213, 213TT, 215, 216
- Ultralight, Ultralight C, Ultralight EV1
- DesFire
- FeliCa
- ICode
If you encounter any problem, don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Compatible from iPhone 7 and iOS 13.
- Use the "compatibility" mode to read/write Mifare Classic tags.
Rating:4.25 Show Detail
![네이버 카페 – Naver Cafe](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/dcd1a20f002ed726c081d1895b3076b3.jpg)
Name:네이버 카페 – Naver Cafe Price:₩0
Description:※ LTE / 3G에서 카페앱 및 safari > cafe.naver.com 접속이 안 될 경우 - 에어플레인 모드를 켰다 끄거나, 보유하신 기기를 재시동 해주세요.
- iOS 이슈로, 가이드를 확인하시려면 아래 주소로 이동해주세요.
- https://support.apple.com/ko-kr/HT201415
함께하는 재미와 알찬 정보가 있는 곳,
네이버 카페에서 관심 있는 주제의 카페를 만나보세요!
- 내 카페와 최신글을 한 눈에 볼 수 있어요.
- 하단에서는 풍성한 추천글과 추천카페도 함께 만날 수 있습니다.
- 게시판 별로 다양한 정보와 관심사를 함께 공유해요.
- 자주 찾는 게시판은 즐겨찾기 해두고 더 빠르게 이동하세요.
새글피드 & 내소식
- 관심 있는 키워드, 멤버, 게시판의 새글을 구독하세요!
새글이 등록되면, 새글피드에서 편하게 모아볼 수 있고,
그 중 원하는 항목만 골라 푸시알림으로 빠르게 받아볼 수도 있어요.
- 내 글에 달린 댓글과 카페 활동 알림은 내소식에서 바로 확인하세요!
글쓰기 & 카페 공지 기능
- 사진, 동영상, 지도, 투표를 첨부하여 더 풍성하게 글을 작성해보세요. - 공지 등록 권한이 있다면, 중요한 글을 공지로 설정할 수 있어요.
중요공지와 필독공지는 멤버들에게 내소식 알림으로 전달됩니다.
- 1:1채팅 또는 그룹채팅으로 멤버들과 언제 어디서든 대화해보세요.
카페 찾기
- 네이버 대표카페부터 주제별·지역별로 다양한 카페를 만나보세요.
[다운로드 시 $1가 결제된 경우]
다운로드 혹은 업데이트 시 결제 안내는 App Store에서 등록한 신용카드가 유효한지 확인하는 가상 결제이며, 실제로 금액이 청구되지는 않습니다.
앱 사용 중에 문제 또는 오류가 발생하는 경우 네이버 고객센터 (m.help.naver.com/mail.nhn) 로 문의를 남겨 주세요.
리뷰에만 의견을 남기실 경우 고객님 문제에 대한 정확한 확인 및 답변이 어렵습니다. (이메일문의: [email protected])
Naver Café at your fingertips!
Naver Café is a space where anyone can make friends and share their interests and information.
Through Naver Café Mobile App, you can not only check out your favorite Cafés and bulletin boards anytime and anywhere, but also set a unique icon and intro image for your own cafe.
With Naver Café Mobile App, meet Naver Café that comes closer to you.
With Naver Café Mobile App, you can:
1) Write a post anytime and anywhere, utilizing photos/videos, maps, and temporarily saved texts;
2) Move to the content of interest faster through favorite Cafes and bulletin boards; 3) Operate a café more easily because you can approve/reject membership application as well as check what’s new about the posts you wrote;
4) Set a café you want as home café;
5) Enjoy a wide range of Café activities since you can read and write onto Q&A and staff bulletin boards, and even check product registration board.
Please leave your inquiry on NAVER Customer Center (m.help.naver.com/mail.nhn) in case a problem occurs while using app.
Please note that an accurate access and answer to your problem cannot be possible if you are only leaving comment on the review. (Email inquiry: [email protected])
Rating:2 Show Detail
![iBeer - Drink from your phone](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/94edbb0d2ecd14002405cf7f6d19574b.jpg)
Name:iBeer - Drink from your phone Price:Free
Description:Beba cerveja no seu iPhone! Este hilariante truque visual comporta-se como uma verdadeira cerveja graças aos sensores do seu iPhone e ao nosso tempo livre. Incline para beber, abane para espuma, despeje a cervaja do seu iPhone para dentro de outros iPhones via Game Center.
Inclui cerveja!
Leite, vinho, água, Champanhe, vodka, bebidas com gás, café e bochechos, etc estão disponíveis separadamente.
Selecione a sua própria foto de fundo ou as nossas onde os ecrãs têm truques.
Viu na TV, YouTube e leu sobre isto no seu jornal favorito. Agora pode ser seu.
Como bónus o arroto está incluído.
Adquira hoje e acabe com as ressacas para sempre!
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
Name:위메프오 Price:₩0
Description:위메프가 만든 O2O 서비스 위메프오!
맛집 배달ㆍ픽업, 특가할인 이용권, 빵빵한 포인트 적립까지!
이 모든 혜택을 하나의 앱으로 만나보세요.
[주요 기능]
■ 맛집 음식을 집에서 간편하게! 배달서비스
프랜차이즈부터 맛집, 카페까지. 간편한 주문, 빠른 배달
■ 줄 서지않는 픽업주문으로 빠르게! 픽업주문
위메프오로 미리 주문하고 대기 없이 빠르게 픽업하세요.
■ 전국 할인티켓 총집합
맛집 뷰티 키즈 체험 액티비티 등 1,000여개 매장의 이용권을 특가로 만나보세요.
■ 빵빵한 할인ㆍ적립
1년 내내 할인받고, 횟수 제한없이 즉시 포인트로 돌려받으세요.
■ 인증서 없이 쿨하게 간편결제
APP에서 터치만하면 1초만에 결제 끝!
[접근권한 안내]
원활한 서비스 제공을 위한 접근권한을 안내드립니다.
■필수적 접근 권한
기기정보 : 서비스 최적화 및 오류확인 등 사용성 개선
■선택적 접근 권한
선택적 접근권한은 비허용 시에도 위메프오 이용이 가능하나 일부 서비스의 경우 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.
-위치정보 : 지역 검색 시 사용자 위치 확인 및 내주변 맛집 추천
-카메라/갤러리 : 사진촬영 및 사진 가져오기
-저장소 : 사진, 액세스 등 임시파일 저장
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Cooking Tale - Food Games](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/fde9d27c667dc3b26a2572821ba2327e.jpg)
Name:Cooking Tale - Food Games Price:Free
Description:Do you love food and cooking games? Play this kitchen game, cook and serve delicious food as a top chef and put your time-management skills to test! If you're ready to live the life of a rising star who's just graduated from the chef academy, share the fever and fun of cooking and baking with chef Audrey! Cooking Tale will fill your dreams of being a chef and discovering various cuisines for sure! Travel and explore towns, each with a new cafe, coffee shop, bakery or diner! Every new episode on the map will bring you a new restaurant with new recipes and unique fun customers to deal with! A surprising illusionist and even a thief may stop by!
In this addictive time-management game you'll have to reach the maximum speed and skills! Your kitchen is equipped fully with all the utensils you need, and you'll find the more advanced and useful ones in the Shop! Take orders, cook and serve dishes and upgrade your tools to the best! Sounds fun? Roll up your sleeves, get ready to cook and make customers happy with various challenges in this cafe world! Survive the frenzy and become the greatest chef ever!
If you want to have a fast-paced fun, play now and...
- Cook hundreds of different dishes!
- Discover amazing restaurants and towns on the map!
- Learn recipes from around the world!
- Serve super-fun customers on time!
- Upgrade and boost your kitchen with brand-new tools!
- Challenge the other chefs on every level!
- Connect with your friends to exchange gifts!
- Enjoy playing in both online and offline modes!
Discover the exciting map with more than 700 levels and addictive challenges! Play now!
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
Name:Today习惯追踪器 Price:¥0.00
Description:Today is your free personal habit tracker that helps you organize your day and build life-changing habits. Quit bad habits and stay on track with Today's unique visual and rewarding approach based on proven methods from behavioral science.
What makes Today unique?
Today's clean and simple interface is designed to help you track you multiple habits and activities with a few simple gestures that feel natural right from the first launch.
Choose a full-screen photo cover for each of your habits to motivate yourself and stimulate you visually to stay on track. Select from our ever-growing photo gallery or choose one of your own photos.
Today is the first habit tracker app that lets you build a fully customizable dashboard for each habit by combining cards that offer unique functionality: Apple Health Charts, Custom charts, Customer counters, To-do lists, Journal, Streak Calendar, Photo Galleries and more. Select those that best fit your habit and the way you want to track it.
You can manage what you can't measure. Get a clear overview of your check-ins and persistence across all your habits and activities from your profile in Today. Discover your weak spots to help you tweak and optimize your plan for maximum success.
Developing a new habit or quitting a bad one is not just about checking a box every day. Today rewards with badges as you make progress to help you be more mindful of your journey and push you in the right direction.
Your data is precious. Use Today's automatic backup feature to save all your data on your personal iCloud Drive or Dropbox folder for safekeeping and restore, if needed.
Your privacy matters. Protect your all your habit data by using Today’s Touch ID or Face ID lock. For all devices that don’t support Touch ID or FaceID, we have enabled a 4-digit passcode.
Today on the Apple Watch gives a quick and clear overview of all your check-ins due for today and check-in with a simple gesture. The Apple Watch complication will keep you up to the task and let you know when every single goal is complete.
Set up as many reminders as you need for each of your habits. Using Rich Notifications, each notification comes with a beautiful graphical representation of your progress and the option to check-in without leaving the app. Today Widget allows you to view and complete your tasks quickly.
Visit our website to learn about all of Today's features: htts://neybox.com/today/
Download Today and change your life today!
(All of Today's features can be unlocked via a one-time in-app purchase.)
- Custom photo covers and full access to all premium cover galleries
- Add unlimited cards per habit
- Access to premium cards
- Track unlimited habits
- Backup and restore all using iCloud Drive or Dropbox
- Control access to your habits using FaceID, TouchID or a 4-digit passcode.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail