8 Best Apps Similar To SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring

SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 5.0.3(2020-06-05)
APP CATEGORIES : Medical, Health & Fitness
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.6 (127.05K)

100.0K   80.0K 24.41K


Die beliebteste und innovativste App ihrer Art, SnoreLab, nimmt Ihr Schnarchen auf, misst und erfasst es, und hilft Ihnen, effektive Möglichkeiten zu finden, weniger zu schnarchen.

SnoreLab hat bereits mehr als 50 Millionen Nächte lang den Schlaf überwacht und Millionen Menschen geholfen, ihre Schlafprobleme besser zu verstehen oder vielleicht sogar ganz zu beheben.

Die App ist sehr einfach zu verwenden: Schalten Sie SnoreLab einfach neben dem Bett ein, während Sie schlafen. Am Morgen entdecken Sie Ihren Schnarch-Score, wann genau und wie laut Sie geschnarcht haben und können sich einige Highlights anhören!

Mit SnoreLab können Sie Lebensstilfaktoren und Hilfsmittel gegen das Schnarchen protokollieren und erfassen, um zu sehen, wie diese sich auf Ihr Schnarchen auswirken.

SnoreLab wird von Ärzten, Zahnärzten und Nutzern gleichermaßen geschätzt. Die App kann sogar nützlich bei Arztterminen zur Untersuchung von Schlafstörungen wie Schlafapnoe sein.

Bringen Sie den ganzen Raum zum Wackeln oder schnarchen Sie leise vor sich hin? Sind Sie eine Kreissäge oder eine Pfeife? Oder schnurren Sie wie ein kleines Kätzchen? Entdecken Sie mit SnoreLab die Wahrheit! Wie ist Ihr Schnarch-Score?

▷ In 30 Ländern unter den Top 10 der medizinischen Apps
▷ In 33 Ländern medizinische „What's Hot“-App
▷ Lifehacker, Quantified Self und andere haben darüber berichtet
▷ Auf HealthTap von führenden amerikanischen Ärzten empfohlen

▷  Fortschrittliche Schnarcherfassungs-Algorithmen
▷  Erstellt Aufnahmeproben von Ihrem Schnarchen
▷ Misst die Schnarch-Intensität (Snore Score)
▷  Erstellt Schlafstatistiken
▷  Tondateien können per E-Mail versendet werden
▷  Zeigt an, wann und wie laut Sie geschnarcht haben
▷  Vergleicht das Schnarchen von Nacht zu Nacht
▷  Bietet Informationen über Anti-Schnarch-Mittel
▷  Testet die Effektivität aller von Ihnen ausprobierten Anti-Schnarch-Mittel
▷  Zeigt an, wie sich spezielle Faktoren wie Alkohol auf Ihr Schnarchen auswirken
▷  Leicht zu benutzen; es ist keine Kalibrierung nötig
▷  Mehr als 5 Millionen Downloads
▷ Sie können SnoreLab mit Apple Health verbinden, um Ihre Schlaf- und Körperstatistiken aufzunehmen.

SnoreLab hat eine Durchschnittsbewertung von 4,7 Sternen bei mehr als 10.000 Nutzerbewertungen. Hier sehen Sie einige unserer Favoriten:

„Die App ist absolut fantastisch. Ich finde, sie ist ein Must-have für jedermann. :)“

„Faszinierend und hilfreich – Ich habe erfahren, was passiert, wenn ich schlafe.“

„Diese App ist wundervoll. Sie funktioniert nicht nur, sondern ist auch leicht zu benutzen. Dies ist ein einfaches, effektives Tool für eine bessere Gesundheit.“

„Ausgezeichnete App. Sie hat mir geholfen, durch einige der aufgeführten Hilfsmittel weniger zu schnarchen. Meine Frau und ich danken Ihnen, besonders meine Frau!“

„Glauben Sie einem Geschäftsführer ... Dieses Programm funktioniert und bietet Ihrem Arzt sehr nützliche Infos.“

„Diese App ist eine Offenbarung. Zum ersten Mal habe ich das Gefühl, mein Schnarchproblem im Griff zu haben. Vielen Dank, SnoreLab!“

„SnoreLab ist das Beste, um den Schlaf aufzuzeichnen, was ich je ausprobiert habe. Mein Schnarchen hat sich in nur zwei Wochen um mehr als 40 % verbessert.“

Erweiterte Funktionen wie Aufzeichnung der ganzen Nacht, Trends und Cloud-Back erfordern ein Snore Lab-Premium-Abonnement.

Der Abonnement-Zeitraum erstreckt sich über 12 Monate.

Die Kosten von mit der App abgeschlossenen SnoreLab Premium-Abonnements werden über dein iTunes-Konto bezahlt.

Das Abonnement kann über deine iTunes-Kontoeinstellungen gekündigt oder verwaltet werden. Das Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch, es sei denn, du deaktivierst die automatische Verlängerung mindestens 24 Stunden vor Ablauf des Abonnementzeitraums.

Terms of Use: https://www.snorelab.com/terms-of-use/





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Apps Similar To SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring

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Name:Cardiograph                                                Price:$1.99

Description:Cardiograph é uma forma rápida e fiável para medir o seu ritmo cardíaco no iPhone e iPad. Utilizando apenas a câmara integrada do seu dispositivo (sem necessidade de hardware adicional), permite acompanhar o seu ritmo cardíaco em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Os registos detalhados de histórico e a capacidade de sincronizar, marcar, partilhar e imprimir medições individuais fazem dela uma ferramenta versátil para monitorizar a sua saúde cardiovascular.

* Resultados Precisos, Quase Imediatamente
Uma maneira rápida e fácil de saber quão rápido bate o seu coração tem muitas aplicações - desde melhorar o seu regime de exercício a manter o controlo periódico do estado do seu coração, ou apenas por diversão. Cardiograph facilita-o, com resultados precisos que são exibidos em alguns segundos.

* Desgin Simples e Sóbrio
O design minimalista e intuitivo mostra-lhe tudo de relance e faz com que Cardiograph seja acessível e simples de utilizar para toda a gente.

* Histórico Detalhado
Guarde as suas medições (incluindo cada batimento cardíaco individual) para referência futura ou para partilhar com a sua família ou profissional de saúde. Poderá também adicionar um rótulo a cada medição, dependendo da intensidade do seu nível de atividade ou exercício.

* Exporte e Partilhe as Suas Medições
Cada medição pode ser partilhada, exportada em formato PDF e até mesmo imprimida em papel diretamente da app. Se possui a nossa app anterior, Cardiograph Classic, poderá transferir todas as suas medições para a nova app com apenas alguns toques.

* Concebida para iPhone e iPad,
Cardiograph é uma app nativa que tira proveito das distintas características do iPhone e iPad, assim como as excelentes câmaras, 3D Touch (sempre que disponível) e apoio para sincronizar com a app Apple Health (sempre que disponível).

IMPORTANTE: Embora suficientemente precisa, esta aplicação não se destina a substituir equipamento médico profissional e cuidados qualificados. Caso tenha alguma preocupação com o estado do seu coração, por favor, consulte o seu médico ou clínico geral.

Caso encontre dificuldades ao utilizar Cardiograph, veja a secção “Mais” dentro da app ou contacte-nos através do nosso e-mail de apoio para o podermos auxiliar.

Contate-nos e receba as notícias mais recentes relacionadas aos nossos aplicativos:

Rating:4.6                                               Show Detail

Mr.クラブ 2

Name:Mr.クラブ 2                                                Price:¥0

Description:Mr. Crab 2 is trots om deel uit te mogen maken van ‘App Store Beste van 2016’!

Raad eens wie terug is? De onweerstaanbare, vriendelijke en gave superheld Mr. Crab. Dit keer heeft hij wat nieuwe vrienden meegebracht om met hem mee te gaan op het meest mooie en betekenisvolle avontuur. Lukt het Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden om alle verloren babykrabben te redden? Om dit te kunnen doen moeten ze goed kunnen springen, door spannende en leuke passages gaan en tot slot oppassen voor kwaadaardige vijanden. Lukt het de krabhelden te overwinnen?

Dit is het moment om Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden te helpen om de baby's terug te krijgen.

Timing is alles
In Mr. Crab 2 moet je al je timing en denkvaardigheden gebruiken om in ieder level gouden medailles te verkrijgen.

Uitdagende levels
Veel uitdagende en prachtige levels. Levels om gratis te behalen en levels om als kado uit een automaat te verkrijgen.

Pas je krab aan
Verzamel veel leuke voorwerpen zoals hoeden en maskers en pas je krabben aan.

Volg @illusionlabs op Twitter
Like ons op facebook.com/illusionlabs

Music gemaakt door Scott Tobin

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail


Name:Recorder                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:The original voice and call recorder for iOS. Recorder is your one-button audio recording solution. Record memos, discussions, interviews, and ideas on your iPhone. Use it as a voice recorder or a sound recorder. Record for seconds or hours.
With an extremely simple interface, Recorder is the best app for all of your recording needs.

- Record for seconds or hours.
- Seek, pause during playback.
- Email short recordings.
- Wifi sync any recordings.
- 44.1k high quality recording.
- Pause while record.
- Level meters.
- Visual trim.
- Record outgoing calls.
- Create an account (optional) so you'll always be able to transfer your recordings between devices.

For more tips + tricks, visit http://recordertheapp.com. Need help? That’s what we’re here for. Email [email protected] with any of your questions.

Rating:1.8                                             Show Detail

Countdown Star

Name:Countdown Star                                                 Price:Free

Description:Countdown Star — наилучший способ слежения за временем, оставшимся до важнейших событий или прошедшим после них.

Следите, сколько времени осталось до дня рождения, праздника, отпуска, каникул, свадьбы, Нового года, спортивного мероприятия, вечеринки, концерта или другого события.
Отсчитывайте время, прошедшее с юбилеев, дня своего рождения и прочих особых событий в прошлом.

* Сколько секунд осталось до вашего следующего дня рождения?
* Сколько месяцев прошло с дня вашего рождения?
* Сколько дней осталось до выпускного?
* Сколько часов осталось до вашего юбилея?
* Сколько ремени осталось до отпуска?
* Сколько дней осталось до Рождества?
* Сколько минут осталось до начала вашей вечеринки?
* Сколько времени осталось до рождения вашего ребенка?

Countdown Star ведет обратный отсчет времени до самых важных для вас событий!


* Добавление своих событий
* Выбор обоев или фотографии для каждого события
* Показ событий на Apple Watch
* Показ событий в виджете «Сегодня»
* Указание точного времени каждого события
* Перемещая ползунок, можно менять единицы времени для выбранного события.
* Отправка времени выбранного события другу в сообщении, по электронной почте или через социальную сеть.
* 15 видов обоев

Примечание: платная версия Countdown Star не содержит рекламы.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Pray.com Prayer & Sleep Bible

Name:Pray.com Prayer & Sleep Bible                                                 Price:Free

Description:** The #1 App for Prayer & Faith ** - Fox News

** The Digital Destination for Faith ** - Christianity Today

** 2019 Best Place to Work ** - LA Business Journal

Pray is the #1 App for Daily Prayer, Bible Stories, Bible Sleep Stories, and Christian Meditation. Join millions of other Christians experiencing a stronger faith, a better prayer life, and deeper sleep.

Bible Stories take you through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation with vivid detail with the world's best voice actors. Learn the Bible like never before with over 250 Audio Bible Stories.

Sleep Bible Stories help you calm your mind, ease your spirit, and learn the Bible as you go to sleep. These calming stories told by renowned voice actors are the perfect way to go to sleep.

Sleep Bible Stories Include
* The Story of David - Learn how to have a Heart after God's own heart through this soothing story.
* The prophet Daniel - Learn how to stay faithful and calm during stressful times with wisdom from Daniel.
* The Teachings of Jesus - Learn the teachings of Jesus while you relax to sleep
* The Story of Paul the Apostle - Learn how to transform yourself into a lover and follower of God with stories of Paul & the early Church.

Daily Prayer, Meditative Prayers, and Bible Meditations help you develop a Christian mindfulness practice that helps you tackle all of life's challenges.

Prayer Topics Include:
* Love & Kindness
* Hope & Happiness
* Overcoming Anxiety
* Overcoming Fear & Anger
* Better Sleep
* Better Marriage
* Dating & Relationships
* Fatherhood & Motherhood
* Parenting
* Friendship
* Sustaining Faith
* Spiritual Fitness
* Fasting
* Calm & Tranquility
* Leadership
* Finance
* Wisdom
* Healing from Grief
* Overcoming Depression
* Forgiveness
* Transformation, Commitment & Perseverance
* 7 & 21 Day Prayer Plans
* And so much more...


For Everyone
* New Daily Prayers every morning
* New Nightly Prayers to help you sleep
* Learn the entire Bible with our Audio Bible Stories
* Sleep peacefully with Sleep Bible Stories
* Find peace morning to night with our Christian Meditations
* Learn to Pray with our Pray Plans
* Find inspiration with Authentic Stories of Faith from Pastors around the world

For Church/Faith Leaders
* Create a culture of prayer for your church
* Teach people the Bible with our huge Faith Audio Library
* Develop a daily and nightly habit of prayer with our Prayer Plans
* Instantly enable free mobile giving

Grow your faith. Develop a habit of prayer. Get support for your prayers. Encourage people around you. And embrace the love on Pray today.

You can now subscribe to the Pray Bible Experience, an auto-renewing annual subscription with a 7-day free trial. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.

Terms of Service: https://pray.com/terms-of-service

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Plant Nanny²

Name:Plant Nanny²                                                 Price:Free

Description:Water tracker app that reminds you to drink water throughout the day. Water Reminders are a handy way to make sure that you drink water. Buzzers and alarms are there to help you stay hydrated whilst keeping it fun. As you track your water drunk you play the game of growing your cute plant and keeping it as healthy and hydrated as you are. Drink water reminders can be boring but Plant Nanny² is here to keep your hydration fun so you will always stay on track with water you have drunk.

What’s so good about drinking water more?
Do you want a healthier body & a happier, more stress-free life? Are you looking to improve constipation, urethritis, or other common health conditions?
About 70% of our body is composed of water, so how our body feels depends a lot on how much water we drink. Starting with just a single glass of water, you can begin to change your entire water consumption habits and effectively improve your health, lose weight, and reduce bodily fatigue and illnesses.

Plant Nanny² will provide you with a customized plan using simple charts & interfaces so you can get a solid grasp & help you to track water consumption. Collect cute plants & improve the way your body looks & feels before you know it! These little plants will boost your spirits, improve your health, & help you cultivate good habits for drinking water!

◈ Customize the way you manage your water consumption goals ◈
*Suggestions for appropriate amounts based on individual body data and exercise habits
*Automated reminders when it’s time to drink more water to help you truly establish the habit of regularly drinking water
*Easily set the appropriate units for each glass in either milliliters or ounces
*Rewards for regular use and small missions encourage you to stay motivated and reach your own water consumption goals

◈ Simple charts and interfaces at a glance ◈
*Graphics that progressively track your daily water intake
*Track your water consumption history and quickly view daily, weekly, and monthly trends
*Simple design and user-friendly interface, so you can easily build good habits
*Optimized for screens of all sizes for use on multiple devices

◈ A Variety of Adorable and Lively Plants ◈
*Each glass of water you drink also waters the plants, so you can grow and thrive together!
*All kinds of special pots and containers. Develop your own cute plant family!
*Unlock and collect a variety of different plants, and even interact with mysterious new creatures!

Plant Nanny has access to HealthKit and sync water hydration data to "Apple Health”

▼Any questions or suggestions
You can go to Plant Nanny² > Menu > Settings > FAQ to quickly search for a solution.
If you’re still unable to find an answer to your question, tap the envelope icon in the top right corner to contact our “Garden Assistant” (customer service). :)

▼Feel free to reach out to our support team with any suggestions
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plantnannyapp/
or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantnanny2/

Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: http://fourdesire.com/terms

Water is essential for life, but drinking enough is easy to neglect. Plant Nanny² is your daily water alarm that keeps track of how much water you drink - each glass also waters the app’s plants so you can both thrive! Every day you can collect and take care of little plants to get hydrated & grow together!

We really hope you love your drink reminder app and use it as your daily water monitor & have as much fun with it as we do.

Lots of Love,
Plant Nanny²

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail

Stepz - Step Counter & Tracker

Name:Stepz - Step Counter & Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:O Stepz é um aplicativo conveniente de contagem de passos, que implementa o Apple Motion Coprocessor, que coleta seus dados de movimento automaticamente em segundo plano enquanto economiza a vida útil de sua bateria. Este simples aplicativo de contagem de passos foi desenvolvido especificamente para iPhone e Apple Watch.
Você caminha o suficiente ao longo do dia? Saiba mais sobre sua atividade diária e entre em forma atingindo suas metas!
Para lhe dar uma visão geral completa do progresso da sua forma física, o Stepz pode importar todos os datos anteriores do aplicativo Apple Health.
O Stepz respeita a sua privacidade: todos os seus dados pessoais de sua rotina são armazenados internamente no seu dispositivo e nunca são compartilhados na rede sem o seu consentimento explícito.

* Figurando na Página Inicial da Apple Store como um dos Melhores Novos Aplicativos em 22 países (abril 2015) *

- Integração total com o Apple Health
- Monitoramento automático dos seus passos
- Precisão sem necessidade de GPS
- Funciona em segundo plano com baixo consumo de bateria
- Valores diários, semanais, mensais, anuais e de horários
- Cálculo de distância
- Definição de metas diárias
- Mostra andares subidos
- Sincronização inteligente de dados com App Apple Watch
- Conecte-se com seus amigos

- Widget no iOS Today para o Centro de Notificação
- O ícone do aplicativo mostra sua contagem de passos

“Agora que conheci o aplicativo Stepz não busco mais outros aplicativos. É o melhor aplicativo para acompanhar meu progresso. Depois de conhecê-lo você não buscará outro”. (set 2018)
“Eu amo este aplicativo. É a ferramenta que eu precisava para me motivar a caminhar mais. Obrigado. Mantenham o bom trabalho.” (jul 2018)
“Eu amo este aplicativo de caminhada. Eu tentei alguns outros e li as avaliações do STEPZ... decidi tentar ‘só mais um’. É o melhor aplicativo que já usei. Adoro o contador de calorias dele também. Nem mesmo o aplicativo Health que vem com o iPhone se compara com ele. Obrigado!” (nov 2017)


Inscreva-se para aproveitar os recursos descritos acima.
• Duração da assinatura: semanal
• O pagamento será cobrado em sua conta do iTunes assim que você confirmar a compra.
• Você pode gerenciar suas assinaturas e desativar a renovação automática nas Configurações de sua Conta após a compra.
• Sua assinatura será renovada automaticamente, a menos que você desative a renovação automática com pelo menos 24 horas de antecedência do final do período atual.
• O valor da renovação será cobrado em sua conta dentro das 24 horas anteriores ao final do período atual.
• Ao cancelar sua assinatura, ela permanecerá ativa até o final do período. A renovação automática será desativada, mas a assinatura atual não será reembolsada.
• Qualquer parte não utilizada de um período de teste gratuito, quando oferecido, será descartado no momento da compra de uma assinatura.

Termos de serviço: https://bendingspoons.com/tos.html?app=839671656
Política de Privacidade: https://bendingspoons.com/privacy.html?app=839671656

Tem algum recurso que você gostaria de solicitar para ver em uma versão futura do aplicativo? Não deixe de nos contatar em [email protected]

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

ESPN: Live Sports & Scores

Name:ESPN: Live Sports & Scores                                                 Price:Free

Description:From scores to signings, the ESPN App is here to keep you updated. Never miss another sporting moment with up-to-the-minute scores, latest news & a range of video content. Sign in and personalise the app to receive alerts for your teams and leagues. Wherever, whenever; the ESPN app keeps you connected.

What do you get with ESPN?

- Fast access to scores from Football, Cricket, F1, NBA, NFL, Tennis, Golf, MLB and more.

- Stories and videos from your favourite teams and leagues front and centre in your favourites feed. Simply pick your favourite leagues and teams to get started.

- Get real-time notifications on score updates and breaking news for your favourite teams, directly to your device.

For fans in the Philippines

- In collaboration with 5, the ESPN5 edition brings Philippine fans the best in international and local coverage, including NBA, PBA, Gilas, Boxing, and much more.

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail