8 Best Apps Similar To Song of Bloom|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Song of Bloom

Song of Bloom
APP STORE: App Store $1.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.02(2020-01-26)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Adventure, Puzzle
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Song of Boom
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Apps Similar To Song of Bloom
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Name:echo回声—潮流音乐生活方式 Price:¥0.00
聯系我們:[email protected]
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Rating:4.5 Show Detail

Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space Price:$6.99
iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5
Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!
Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.
Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!
Principais características
* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:@Thermometer Price:Free
Description:Prático, rápido e preciso: o melhor termômetro para o seu iPhone / iPad
O termómetro nº 1 na App Store com mais de 5.000.000 de downloads!
@Termómetro é a aplicação mais precisa na App Store (a um décimo de grau).
@Termómetro É A ÚNICA aplicação desde 2009 a dar-lhe a temperatura exterior, com uma precisão de um décimo de grau, correspondente à sua posição exata no mundo e em tempo real.
Para isso, @Termómetro utiliza várias fontes de dados meteorológicos do seu ambiente imediato e combina-os no seu conjunto graças aos nossos algoritmos próprios desenvolvidos nos nossos servidores meteorológicos.
@Termómetro NÃO É uma aplicação como outra qualquer que lhe diz a temperatura de uma cidade mais ou menos próxima de si e cujos dados estão desatualizados em uma hora ou muitas vezes mais...
Principais características da aplicação:
- A temperatura mais precisa na App Store (a um décimo de grau)
- Temperatura correspondente à sua posição exata no mundo e em tempo real.
- Rapidez na localização e indicação da temperatura.
- Vários temas gráficos de alta qualidade (HD Ecrã Retina) estão disponíveis para que possa escolher o que melhor lhe convier.
- Possibilidade de visualizar a temperatura em graus Celsius ou Fahrenheit.
- Disponível em vários idiomas.
- Compatível com iPhone, iPod touch e iPad. Requer iOS 5.0 ou superior.
- É necessária uma ligação à Internet para recuperar a temperatura calculada nos nossos servidores meteorológicos.
A versão PREMIUM (compra no aplicativo) oferece as seguintes vantagens:
- Desativação total de anúncios.
- Maior rapidez na visualização da temperatura.
- Acesso prioritário ao apoio.
...e você apoia diretamente a nossa equipa no desenvolvimento desta aplicação!
Lembre-se, se gosta da nossa aplicação @Termómetro, pode classificá-la e partilhar a sua satisfação com os outros utilizadores.
No entanto, se tiver algum problema, queira contactar-nos por e-mail no seguinte endereço: [email protected]
ATENÇÃO: Se deixar um único comentário na App Store, não poderemos responder-lhe diretamente e dar a nossa ajuda!
Location data may be used for providing you more relevant ads.
This app collects anonymous information about users to help us measure the usage of our app so we can better understand our audience and improve our service. This information does not contain information from which users can be identified. You can find a full description of our data collection and use practices in our Privacy and Security Policy http://www.mobiquite.fr/thermometre-confidentialite.html
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:Bloons TD 6 Price:$4.99
Description:Smash Hit Tower Defense Game
The Bloons are back and better than ever! Get ready for a massive 3D tower defense game designed to give you hours and hours of the best strategy gaming available.
Craft your perfect defense from a combination of awesome monkey towers, upgrades, Heroes, and activated abilities, then pop every last Bloon that comes your way!
* Vibrant new monkey animations and upgrade skins
* Intense visual effects
* 46 original maps, some with 3D objects that can block line of sight
* 21 powerful monkey towers, including new BTD6 towers Druid and Alchemist and recently added Mortar Monkey and Engineer Monkey
* 3 upgrade paths - all monkey towers now have 3 amazing paths to choose between
* Tier 5 upgrades - top upgrades so powerful only one monkey can have them
* Each game, place one of these 10 unique and powerful monkeys with 20 signature upgrades
* Two bloon-shredding activated abilities per Hero
* Craft new gameplay strategies around each Hero's powers and synergies
* Unlockable skins and voiceovers to customize your play
* Over 100 meta-upgrades that buff individual monkey towers or monkey groups
* Adds late game power so you can win more maps and reach higher freeplay rounds
* Play anywhere - single player offline works even when your wifi doesn't!
* New Bloons - tricky new Bloon types like Purple, Fortified, and the relentless B.A.D.
* New game modes added to each game difficulty, like Restricted Monkeys, Double Health MOABs, and the brutal CHIMPS rules
* Widescreen support for iPhone X
And there's heaps more! We packed as much content and polish into this game as possible, and we continue to add new features, content, and challenges in regular updates. We truly respect your time and support, and we hope Bloons TD 6 will be the best strategy game you've ever played. If it's not, please contact us at [email protected] and tell us what we can do better!
Now those bloons aren't going to pop themselves... sharpen your darts and go play Bloons TD 6!
Best experienced on iPhone 8 or above, or on iPad 5th generation or above
Ninja Kiwi Notes:
Please review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You will be prompted in-game to accept these terms in order to cloud save and protect your game progress:
Bloons TD 6 contains in-game items can be purchased with real money. You can disable in-app purchases in your device's settings, or reach us at [email protected] for help. Your purchases fund our development updates and new games, and we sincerely appreciate every vote of confidence you give us with your purchases.
Ninja Kiwi Community:
We love hearing from our players, so please get in touch with any feedback, positive or negative, at [email protected]. If it's stuff you want the whole community to see and talk about, then join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram:
Streamers and Video Creators:
Ninja Kiwi is actively promoting channel creators on YouTube and Twitch. If you are not already working with us, keep making videos and tell us about your channel at [email protected].
Rating:4.8 Show Detail

Name:Plant Nanny² Price:Free
Description:Water tracker app that reminds you to drink water throughout the day. Water Reminders are a handy way to make sure that you drink water. Buzzers and alarms are there to help you stay hydrated whilst keeping it fun. As you track your water drunk you play the game of growing your cute plant and keeping it as healthy and hydrated as you are. Drink water reminders can be boring but Plant Nanny² is here to keep your hydration fun so you will always stay on track with water you have drunk.
What’s so good about drinking water more?
Do you want a healthier body & a happier, more stress-free life? Are you looking to improve constipation, urethritis, or other common health conditions?
About 70% of our body is composed of water, so how our body feels depends a lot on how much water we drink. Starting with just a single glass of water, you can begin to change your entire water consumption habits and effectively improve your health, lose weight, and reduce bodily fatigue and illnesses.
Plant Nanny² will provide you with a customized plan using simple charts & interfaces so you can get a solid grasp & help you to track water consumption. Collect cute plants & improve the way your body looks & feels before you know it! These little plants will boost your spirits, improve your health, & help you cultivate good habits for drinking water!
◈ Customize the way you manage your water consumption goals ◈
*Suggestions for appropriate amounts based on individual body data and exercise habits
*Automated reminders when it’s time to drink more water to help you truly establish the habit of regularly drinking water
*Easily set the appropriate units for each glass in either milliliters or ounces
*Rewards for regular use and small missions encourage you to stay motivated and reach your own water consumption goals
◈ Simple charts and interfaces at a glance ◈
*Graphics that progressively track your daily water intake
*Track your water consumption history and quickly view daily, weekly, and monthly trends
*Simple design and user-friendly interface, so you can easily build good habits
*Optimized for screens of all sizes for use on multiple devices
◈ A Variety of Adorable and Lively Plants ◈
*Each glass of water you drink also waters the plants, so you can grow and thrive together!
*All kinds of special pots and containers. Develop your own cute plant family!
*Unlock and collect a variety of different plants, and even interact with mysterious new creatures!
Plant Nanny has access to HealthKit and sync water hydration data to "Apple Health”
▼Any questions or suggestions
You can go to Plant Nanny² > Menu > Settings > FAQ to quickly search for a solution.
If you’re still unable to find an answer to your question, tap the envelope icon in the top right corner to contact our “Garden Assistant” (customer service). :)
▼Feel free to reach out to our support team with any suggestions
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plantnannyapp/
or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantnanny2/
Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: http://fourdesire.com/terms
Water is essential for life, but drinking enough is easy to neglect. Plant Nanny² is your daily water alarm that keeps track of how much water you drink - each glass also waters the app’s plants so you can both thrive! Every day you can collect and take care of little plants to get hydrated & grow together!
We really hope you love your drink reminder app and use it as your daily water monitor & have as much fun with it as we do.
Lots of Love,
Plant Nanny²
Rating:4.85 Show Detail

Name:Coco Fashion Price:Free
Description:~~> ¡Bienvenido a Coco Fashion Show! ¡El juego con el desfile de modas 3D con más estilo de la app store!
~~> ¡Sé el estilista en jefe! ¡Viste a tu supermodelo 3D con miles de vestuarios fabulosos!
~~> ¡Prepárate para tu sesión de fotos de moda! ¡Es tu momento de brillar!
¡Demuestra tu sentido de estilo en esta nueva aplicación de modas! Es tu oportunidad de ser el estilista en jefe de Coco, la supermodelo. ¡Dale estilo con la ropa más a la moda y haz que se vea como la mejor! Incluso puedes ir a los desfiles de moda y sesiones de fotos más geniales con tu cliente. Diversión al vestirse - ¡Demuestra tu sentido de estilo al vestirte! ¡Viste a Coco con más de 750 ítems a la moda! Escoge entre más de 400 ítems a la moda: tops, faldas, vestidos elegantes, pantalones populares, trajes de oficina, medias, todo a elección. Ve al cuarto de maquillaje y elige entre más de 200 estilos de cabello, lápices labiales coloridos, pestañas, sombras para los ojos, cejas especiales… ¡Y más! No olvides probar todo tipo de accesorios geniales, como anillos, collares, sombreros y todo tipo de zapatos.
Hora del desfile de modas - Ahora es el momento de que Coco haga su desfile de modas sobre la pasarela. Mira el desfile y toma maravillosas fotos de ella. Ve sus geniales vestuarios y las últimas tendencias de la temporada. ¡Toma fotos para las revistas y anuncios más populares! ¡Coco es una verdadera estrella de la pasarela! Coco Fashion es el juego perfecto para los que aman la moda y el estilo. Niños, adolescentes y adultos amarán esta experiencia 3D de modas.
- Verdadera experiencia 3D – Puedes ver a Coco desde cualquier ángulo. Se puede agrandar, reducir, mover y rotar a Coco como quieras fácilmente.
- Viste a la supermodelo Coco con más de 400 ítems a la moda: tops, faldas, pantalones populares, vestidos elegantes, trajes de oficina, medias.
- Maquilla a Coco con coloridos lápices labiales, pestañas, sombras para los ojos, cejas increíbles y otros cosméticos.
- Elige los accesorios que combinen con el maquillaje y la ropa de Coco: aros brillantes, collares, sombreros lindos, anteojos a la moda, carteras a la moda, bufandas.
- ¡Sé el estilista en jefe de la supermodelo Coco!
- ¡Recibe una invitación para ir al desfile de modas!
- Trabaja junto a Coco en una revista de moda y disfruta de los originales momentos de la moda.
- Interfaz fácil de usar, incluso para niños, con posibilidades creativas increíbles.
- Toma fotos de Coco
- Sin reglas, estrés ni límites de tiempo - ¡Juega como quieras!
Danos Me Gusta en Facebook para obtener las últimas aplicaciones y noticias: https://www.facebook.com/cocoplay
Envíanos tus ideas o preguntas: http://www.tabtale.com/contact/
¡Gracias por jugar y por favor deja un comentario para asegurarte futuras actualizaciones gratis!
¡Valoramos mucho tu apoyo!
* Esta aplicación es gratuita pero algunos elementos dentro del juego pueden comprarse con dinero real. Se pueden restringir las compras dentro del juego desactivándolas en el propio dispositivo.
* Descargando esta aplicación usted acepta la Política de Privacidad y Términos de Uso de TabTale en: http://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/ y http://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/.
Esta aplicación puede incluir servicios de terceras partes, tales como avisos de redes o periodismo, y puede contener vínculos a redes sociales para permitir a los usuarios comunicarse con otros. La recolección y uso de datos está sujeta a las políticas de privacidad de TabTale.
Rating:3.35 Show Detail

Name:forma.8 GO Price:$4.99
Description:forma.8 is a unique take on the proven Metroidvania action-adventure formula, with a striking visual style and a huge world to explore.
As the small exploration probe forma.8 you're stranded alone on the surface of an alien planet. Separated from your companions by accident you have a life or death mission to accomplish: find and recover a lost, powerful energy source before it's too late. Ancient civilisations, great perils and dystopian visions await you. And not everything is what it seems...
- Explore a huge, open world full of secrets
- Solve ancient mysteries
- Gain new power-ups to progress in your adventure
- Fight deadly enemies and face powerful bosses
- Delve into a deep and cryptic lore
- Beautifully hand-drawn vector graphics
Are you ready to uncover the truth?
Warning: the game does NOT run on iPad 2, iPad mini 1st generation, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPod Touch 5th generation.
Rating:2 Show Detail

Name:Codex of Victory Price:$9.99
Description:Human society has been divided. On one side, the natural course of human evolution has been disrupted. What started as an attempt to adapt to the harsh conditions of outer space and hostile planets, led to the creation of a weird race of transhuman cyborgs – the Augments. Driven by a desire to ‘liberate’ ordinary humans from the limitations of their wholly organic bodies, the Augments have launched a full-scale attack. Now we must defend our territory and fight back, to save our Kingdoms and all of humanity as we know it!
Codex of Victory features an extensive story-driven, single-player campaign that tasks you with building and commanding a hi-tech army of drone vehicles, tanks and robots. The campaign offers an exciting mix of real-time base building, global strategic planning and turn-based combat. Travelling between planets and territories, your sole task is to stop the Augments.
Inspired by classics of the strategy genre, the base building element involves expanding your underground HQ in real-time. Collect room blueprints, build factories, research centers, workshops, laboratories and other facilities, to prepare for battles ahead. Global tactical oversight comes from your Planetary map, on which you’ll instantly see where your armies need to be deployed.
Engage in tactical turn-based combat on hex-mapped battlefields. Select your units and upgrades, deploy them to the battlefield using the terrain to your advantage and test your tactical skills in each mission. As you progress through the battles of the main storyline and the various randomly-generated side missions, you’ll gain access to over 25 units. Each type of unit comes in countless variations, thanks to a diverse range of upgrades and add-on modules. Build your best and put them to the test against the incoming Augments!
• Exciting combination of turn-based combat and real-time base building
• 20+ hours of story-based singleplayer campaign
• 25+ unique units, each with countless variations
• High replay value ensured by randomly generated campaign missions
• Neo-feudal sci-fi environment with vivid, cel-shaded graphics
System requirements:
• 1GB RAM or more
• iOS 9 or newer
Rating:0 Show Detail