8 Best Apps Similar To Spendy - Ausgaben und Budgets|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Spendy - Ausgaben und Budgets
Spendy - Ausgaben und Budgets
APP STORE: App Store 1,09 €
CURRENT VERSION : 1.4(2017-10-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Finanzen, Dienstprogramme
<5K | <5K | <5K |
The completely different, intuitive and faster way to track your expenses & costs ◆ Beautiful, clean and lightweight design ◆ Adaptable for your personal taste ◆ The essentials & really important infos at a glance ◆ The debt of your friends - Spendy reminds
▸ A dashboard with all of your active budgets and an overview/summary of those budgets.
▸ A new and faster way to track your spending’s and expenses on the dashboard via a simple swipe gesture.
▸ Unlimited budgets with a large collection of colours and symbols.
▸ Recurrent costs, which are automatically detected (Examples: Monthly rent, subscriptions...).
▸ Track money you owe someone or vice versa.
▸ Repeating entries can be done very quickly with a simple swipe gesture.
▸ Remind your friends to their debt (via email or SMS).
▸ Customizable reminder E-Mail and SMS message templates.
▸ A simple report of all of your active budgets to have your costs & expenses under control and see where your money goes.
▸ Export cost and expenses of all selected budgets during a specific period.
▸ Your data is stored in a database, which will be saved and stored on the iCloud.
▸ Swipe down the circle on the dashboard with your fingers to quickly add or enter a new expense to any of your budgets.
▸ Entries can be deleted using the standard gesture (right to left swipe).
▸ Repeated entries are copied with the same values but the current date.
▸ Your name is used only for E-Mail and SMS reminder templates.
▸ The access to your contacts is to prefill the email & phone number field when sending dept reminders. This access is not mandatory.
For any further questions, suggestions or any other feedback an instant request via email or via the app would be highly appreciated. It is very important for me to incorporate your feedback in the further development and future of Spendy.
Thank you, if you've decided to use Spendy!
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Apps Similar To Spendy - Ausgaben und Budgets
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |
![treefin - mein Finanzmanager](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/03cc2e5f2ea97fcf4ffe05ac5136f6d1.jpg)
Name:treefin - mein Finanzmanager Price:0,00 €
Description:Mit treefin hast du deine Finanzen jederzeit sicher im Griff.
Kostenfrei. An einem Ort. Und stets begleitet – durch den mehrfach prämierten Testsieger.
Verwalte deine Konten
Mit treefin verwaltest du all deine Konten sicher, egal von welcher Bank, denn treefin unterstützt nahezu alle deutschen Bankinstitute.
Integriertes Haushaltsbuch
Gewinne die perfekte Kontrolle über deine Finanzen! Mit der automatischen Umsatzkategorisierung deiner Einnahmen und Ausgaben siehst du stets wofür du dein Geld ausgibst. Mit der zusätzlichen individuellen Kategorisierungsoption, erhältst du den besten individuellen Überblick. Erstelle dir auch individuelle Budgets, um dir bspw. ein monatliches Shopping-Limit zu setzen. Nie mehr „noch so viel Monat am Ende des Geldes übrig“!
Schluss mit dem Konto-Blindflug! Lasse dich auf Wunsch über Kontobewegungen per Push-Nachricht informieren und verpasse so keine wichtige Abbuchung oder Gutschrift mehr. Damit kannst du rechtzeitig gegensteuern, wenn mal das Geld auf deinem Konto knapp werden sollte.
Mit treefin hast du dein Wertpapierdepot immer im Blick. Wenn du weitere Vermögensanlagen wie zum Beispiel deine eigene Immobilie hast, dann kannst du diese dort auch verwalten. Gutes Gefühl, wenn man sieht, was man schon erreicht hat!
Verwalte deine Verträge einfach und übersichtlich und habe wichtige Kontaktdaten, bspw. zur Schadenmeldung, stets zur Hand. Dank dem intelligenten Erkennungs-Algorithmus, sind deine Verträge im Handumdrehen in deinem Vertragsordner. treefin ermittelt deinen Versicherungsbedarf, der auf dein persönliches Profil zugeschnitten ist. So weißt du, welche Versicherungen du brauchst und welche überflüssig sind. Wenn du willst, hilft dir treefin bei deinen Verträgen ordentlich Geld zu sparen.
Deine Daten geben wir niemals ohne deine Zustimmung weiter. Versprochen!
treefin ist als Zahlungsauslöse- und Kontoinformationsdienst nach §1 Abs. 1 Satz 2 Nr. 7 und 8 ZAG von der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) zugelassen und lizenziert. Damit ist ein sehr hohes Sicherheitsniveau garantiert.
Wir sind kostenfrei, weil wir uns primär durch die Entwicklung ähnlicher Apps für große Finanzdienstleister finanzieren. Dadurch entwickeln wir auch treefin stetig für dich weiter. Wir haben deshalb durch dieses Geschäftsmodell keinen Druck, unsere laufenden Kosten mit dir als treefin User zu refinanzieren. Darüber hinaus sind wir unabhängige Vermittler von Finanzprodukten. So erhalten wir Provisionen von Partnern – so wie jeder andere Berater, Makler oder jedes Vergleichsportal auch.
- Testsieger im Test „Versicherungs-Apps“ von Stiftung Warentest.
- 1. Platz unter den Versicherungsmanagern bei der n-tv DISQ-Servicestudie „Versicherungsmanager von Insurtechs“
treefin hostet in einem Rechenzentrum mit Sitz in Deutschland und unterliegt somit den strengsten Datenschutzrichtlinien der Welt. Jegliche Art von Datenaustausch im Internet wird nach modernster TLS Technologie verschlüsselt und somit sicher übertragen. treefin wird außerdem regelmäßig vom TÜV Saarland geprüft und zertifiziert.
Persönlicher Ansprechpartner
Bei Fragen oder Anregungen stehen wir dir gerne auch persönlich zur Verfügung. Auf Wunsch beraten dich unsere Experten vertrauensvoll und kompetent zu Absicherungs- und Vorsorgethemen. Du entscheidest wie und wann! Damit kannst du dich immer auf uns verlassen und hast den Kopf frei von komplizierten Finanzthemen.
Email: [email protected]
Telefon: (089) 8091333 49
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![AND.CO - Invoicing & Expenses](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/127f5dd37826f815f5e4f1bd6d8da658.jpg)
Name:AND.CO - Invoicing & Expenses Price:Free
Description:Manage your entire business from your pocket with AND.CO
AS FEATURED IN: Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, PSFK, TechCrunch & more
AND.CO's is the one and only app you need to run your entire business. It has everything from invoicing and accepting payments to expense tracking and time tracking.
- Smart Invoicing: Create invoices in 20 seconds or less, track payments, and send reminders so you can get paid on time, every time.
- Time Tracking: Track your time easily on all devices
- Automated expense-tracking: Connect your bank account to automatically track expenses.
- Task Manager: Stay on top of your to-dos.
- Simplify tax prep with clean, detailed income statements.
- Ridiculously easy payments: We provide one simple page to accept payments quickly and easily from credit cards, bank transfers, or PayPal.
Terms of Service: https://www.and.co/terms
Rating:5 Show Detail
![Money Manager Expense & Budget](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/81c62c59b87f51319998dd21ca816b56.jpg)
Name:Money Manager Expense & Budget Price:Free
- いつでも、どこでも簡単・手軽に入力できます。
- ご自分の支出傾向を、わかりやすいグラフで確認できます。
- 簡単な入力だけでも様々な統計が見られます。
- 検索機能をサポートします。
- 電卓機能をサポートします。
- 必要に応じて小分類と大分類に分けて使用できます。
- 簡単に資産管理ができる構成になっています。
- 様々な通貨が使用できます。
- 週間、月間、年間の統計が確認できます。
- カレンダー表示ができます。
- 予算設定機能により、週間・月間・年間の予算が設定できます。
- 月始めの変更が可能です。
- パスワードの設定が可能です。
- バックアップ・復元 : iCloud, DropBox, Email, etc.
※ 複式簿記コンセプトの取り入れ
※ 振り替え と 自動振込み、繰り返し設定
資産間の振り替えが可能で、より効率的に資産管理ができます。また、 自動振込や繰り返し設定で給料、保険料、積立金、ローンの管理がより簡単になりました。
※ 直感的な統計機能
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Microsoft Excel](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/975132a30d22e483339ebc2eb91c7ca0.jpg)
Name:Microsoft Excel Price:Free
Description:Microsoft Excel, l’application de feuille de calcul, vous permet de créer, d’afficher, de modifier et de partager vos fichiers rapidement et aisément. Gérez les feuilles de calcul, tableaux et classeurs joints à des e-mails sur votre téléphone à l’aide de cette puissante application de productivité.
Tableaux et feuilles de calcul : Créez, calculez et analysez
• Gérez votre budget, vos tâches ou vos analyses financières avec les modèles modernes d’Excel.
• Représentez graphiquement des formules familières pour calculer et analyser des données.
• Les nombreuses fonctionnalités de productivité et options de mise en forme enrichies facilitent la lecture et l’utilisation de vos classeurs.
• Utilisez l’affichage Cartes pour voir et gérer facilement les feuilles de calcul.
Application de productivité : Consultez, modifiez et travaillez en tout lieu
• Consultez vos fichiers Excel sur n’importe quel appareil.
• Modifiez vos données, ou mettez à jour vos tâches en tout lieu.
• Utilisez les options de tri et de filtre des colonnes pour mettre en évidence des données.
• Créez, dupliquez, masquez et affichez des feuilles de calcul.
Analyse de données
• Analysez des données à l’aide de graphiques courants.
• Ajoutez et modifiez des légendes de graphique pour mettre en évidence des données.
• Créez des diagrammes et graphiques en secteurs à partir de vos données.
Finances : Budgets et comptabilité
• Gérez vos budgets à l’aide de feuilles de calcul et graphiques agiles.
• Cernez vos besoins financiers à l’aide d’outils familiers.
• Estimez vos contributions fiscales, vos finances personnelles, etc.
Dessinez et annotez à la main
• Prenez des notes, surlignez votre feuille de calcul, créez des formes ou rédigez des équations avec l’onglet de dessin d’Excel sur les appareils tactiles.
Le partage simplifié
• Partagez vos fichiers du bout des doigts pour inviter d’autres personnes à les modifier ou les commenter.
• Copiez votre feuille de calcul dans un e-mail en préservant son format, ou joignez un lien à votre classeur pour d’autres options de partage.
Téléchargez l’application mobile Microsoft Excel pour créer, organiser et gérer des données et feuilles de calcul à partir de votre iPhone ou iPad.
Pour créer ou modifier des documents, connectez-vous avec un compte Microsoft gratuit sur un appareil équipé d’un écran d’au moins 10,1 pouces.
Tirez pleinement parti de Microsoft Office avec un abonnement Microsoft 365 éligible pour votre téléphone, tablette, PC ou Mac.
Les abonnements mensuels Microsoft 365 achetés à partir de l’application sont facturés sur votre compte App Store et automatiquement renouvelés dans les 24 heures précédant la fin de votre période d’abonnement en cours, sauf si le renouvellement automatique a été désactivé au préalable. Vous pouvez gérer vos abonnements dans les paramètres de votre compte App Store.
Cette application est fournie par Microsoft ou par un éditeur d’application tiers, et fait l’objet d’une déclaration de confidentialité et de conditions générales distinctes. Les données recueillies via ce magasin et cette application peuvent être accessibles à Microsoft ou à l’éditeur d’application tiers (selon le cas), et transférées, stockées et traitées aux États-Unis ou dans tout autre pays où Microsoft ou l’éditeur d’application et leurs filiales ou prestataires de services sont établis.
Consultez les termes du contrat de licence logiciel Microsoft pour Microsoft 365. Suivez le lien « Contrat de licence » sous Informations. En installant l’application, vous acceptez ces modalités.
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Organizze Budget Planner](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/18e29f073a0d782c30e14ceaede74447.jpg)
Name:Organizze Budget Planner Price:Free
Description:Do you want to organize your finance and finally get to know where is your money going?
If so, Organizze is perfect you!
Organizze is the easiest, simplest and most beautiful financial manager that you have ever seen. Used by more than a million people, Organizze combines the flexibility of the mobile app with the security of having your personal data stored and synchronized in super safe servers.
You data is no longer limited to only one device and can be also accessed from any computer through our feature-complete WebApp or through any other Smartphone.
• Simple to use, easy and intuitive interface;
• Multi-platform solution (iOS & Web);
• Fully functional even without internet;
• Safe communication: your data is always encrypted during synchronization;
Subscription payment information:
- The monthly payment will be renewed every month;
- The annually payment will be renewed every year;
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase;
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period;
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal;
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase;
Start it for free right now!
Privacy Policy: https://organizze.com.br/termos-de-uso#politica-de-privacidade
Terms of Use: https://organizze.com.br/termos-de-uso
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Empower: Bank, Save & Budget](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/b5e71deda9d1bbaa5330751178d89b9d.jpg)
Name:Empower: Bank, Save & Budget Price:Free
Description:Save and bank better with a financial expert in your pocket. Our budgeting tools, human coaches and expert tips let you master your money like a pro.
Join the 650,000+ people who have downloaded Empower to prepare for the future, budget wisely, and crush their financial goals. Let’s break it down:
Automated saving
Save $1,500 or more every year, without even trying. Set your weekly savings target, and Empower will study your income and spending and automatically knows when to save the right amount of money at the right time.
- Earn 0.25% APY on savings when you also open an Empower interest checking account
- Empower deposits are FDIC insured up to $250,000
- Access your money at anytime
- Unlimited withdrawals
- No account minimums
Painless budgeting and spend tracking
Whip up budgets that reflect your lifestyle and get notifications on how your bills and purchases are tracking to plan.
- Customizable budget categories
- Weekly or monthly spend limits
- 24/7 alerts on $ left to spend
- Monthly reports
Expert tips
Empower keeps an eye on your money so you don’t have to. Sit back, relax, and we’ll tell you when and how to make better financial choices. We’ll notify you about these (and more):
- Account alerts – Empower notifies you about bank fees, bill increases, missed bills, credit utilization, new ways to save, and more
- Subscription management – Empower shows you all of your subscriptions and helps you cancel any you're not using anymore.
- Bill negotiation – Empower negotiates your phone, cable and internet bills to get you better deals.
Human coach
Our human coaches are always here to help you through any financial challenge. Think personalized tips to steer you in the right direction.
Checking account
Enjoy a checking account with an APY that's higher than traditional banks. Make more money on your money — spend it, save it, you choose. We’ll make it grow.
- 0.25% APY on all your money
- Debit card with 24/7 alerts on all transactions
- 3 monthly ATM fee reimbursements
- Empower deposits are FDIC insured up to $250,000
- No account minimums
- No overdraft fees
- No insufficient funds fees
- Feature to lock/unlock your card in app
Data privacy and security
Your personal data belongs to you, and you alone. We would never share or sell your information to another party. And we keep your money safe and sound with the latest-and-greatest bank-grade security features and protections, like:
- AES 256-bit encryption
- Multi-factor authentication
- Touch/Face ID
Love for Empower.
Recognized by Apple in "New Apps We Love" and by Time Magazine in "Best Apps of the Year So Far." Featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, TechCrunch, and USA Today.
For more information, visit empower.me.
Banking services for new accounts provided by nbkc bank, Member FDIC. 0.25% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may change at any time. APY as of May 20, 2020. Empower charges an auto-recurring subscription fee of $6 for access to the full suite of money management features offered on the platform after your first 30 days.
Empower does not charge foreign transaction fees for the use of the Empower Visa Debit Card outside of the US. However, Visa charges a foreign transaction fee of 1%. Empower does not reimburse this 1% transaction fee on foreign ATM transactions or on any other foreign transactions or purchases.
Annual savings through our AutoSave feature may vary based on the customer’s savings selection and financial circumstances.
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Household account book](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/b20362f22a435426eb4bd4c516e5bfef.jpg)
Name:Household account book Price:Free
Description:Introducing a budget book app with cute illustrations!
With this app, you can keep track of how much money you spend in a month, and even save money!
As a bonus feature, the app includes a comic book! The longer you continue to use this app, the more you will be able to read this comic book.
◆About the app
・Keep track of how much you earn and how much you spend in one month
・A pie graph that shows what you spend your money on and what percent of your money you spend on each item
・A story that you can read more of if you use the app more
・Download wallpaper
◆This app is perfect for people who.....
・want to avoid using too much money
・want to save up
・have trouble saving up
・want to know in detail how much they spend in a month
◆A request from the staff:
If there are any problems with the app, please tell us by sending us an e-mail. To send us an e-mail, open the app and select "Other", then select "Inquiry".
If you write about any problems you're having in a review, we will not be able to tell which version of the app or device you are using, which makes it difficult for us to fix the problem.
Please cooperate with us in making our service better!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Klover: $100 between paychecks](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/a68b65b54d341243aa32d0fc37977859.jpg)
Name:Klover: $100 between paychecks Price:Free
Description:Never run short on cash.
No credit check.
No lines.
No paperwork.
No stress.
The end of overdraft.
Klover is the first platform to give you access to your wages early: innovative tools to help you stay financially stable and protect you from expensive loans and overdraft fees. Sign-up is simple and does not require complicated paperwork or credit checks.
How Klover works:
1. Become a member in seconds - simply tell us a little about you, link your bank account, and find your paycheck. We will never check your credit.
2. Instant Activation - no more waiting. Once you have completed the membership check-list, you can activate your membership right away.
3. Fast access to cash and tools - your membership gives you tools to improve your financial wellness and access cash whenever you need it.
Rating:4.5 Show Detail