8 Best Apps Similar To Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map
Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.9.31(2020-06-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Reference, Education
60.0K | <5K | 9.84K |
Hey, get outdoor with your friends and start star gazing! Let StarTracker guide you to explore the universe.
Just hold up and point the device to the sky and have fun! You can see any stars, constellations and deep sky objects you are watching in reality.
What our user said:
"Best star gazing app I've ever used. Very well put together and great visuals!!! From end to end this app is a must-have for anyone interested in astronomy!!"
"This app is a marvel of technology, art, and science. Super smooth operation, great graphics and a great merging of the devices capabilities. Having grown up using star charts and compasses, this app feels like science fiction come to life. Great job!"
"Looking at the sky was never this incredible!"
"If you download only one app, make sure it's this one!! This is one of the best apps I've ever seen, period! Its quality is unmatched among star gazing apps!"
• All data is offline!
• Sun, Moon, planets, 88 Constellations and 8000+ stars visible to the naked eyes.
• 12 Zodiac Constellations Art & 6 famous deep sky objects with magnificent graphics.
• 3D compass in AR mode, indicate position of objects your searched.
• Location auto set by GPS, or set manually.
• Auto hide all menus and enter AR track mode when lift up the device and point to sky.
• Smooth motion flow and quick response which is realized by cutting edge signal processing technique.
• Superb high quality graphic display by enabling the retina display of the device and the full screen anti-aliasing technology employment.
Pro version:
• Full 88 Constellations & 100+ deep sky objects with magnificent graphics.
• Search and guide you to stars, constellations, planets and deep sky objects.
• Time Machine menu and location menu to encourage children to exploring more on time and location dimension.
• Night mode switch, to protect children's eye when doing star gazing outdoor.
• Top Left: Location Menu, choose location from a world map.
• Buttom Left: AR Compass indicator in AR track mode, pan the screen to enter un-track mode and click track button to back.
• When under un-track mode, just lift up the screen and point it to the sky to enter AR track mode.
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Apps Similar To Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map
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![Rival Stars Basketball](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/389f2b59d34a576ef829509ece0761ac.jpg)
Name:Rival Stars Basketball Price:Free
Description:Estrelas do Basquete deixa você no controle. Colecione jogadores extraordinários, planeje sua estratégia e confronte seu time com adversários reais do mundo todo em batalhas de cartas emocionantes. Use as jogadas em momentos cruciais para ganhar uma vantagem na medida em que a tensão aumenta. Depois, em instantes decisivos, entre na ação da quadra em 3D! Você vai passar ou tentar a cesta de 3 pontos? Sua escolha será a diferença entre a derrota e o sucesso.
Há várias maneiras de se ganhar jogadores raros poderosos em um mundo de rivais que está sempre evoluindo para desafiá-los. Arremesse para se tornar um astro, em Estrelas do Basquete!
Destaques de Estrelas do Basquete:
· Centenas de cartas de jogadores totalmente animadas em 3D para encontrar, colecionar e evoluir. Melhore seu time com habilidades especiais, bônus e muito mais!
· Entre de cabeça no gerenciamento de cartas com estratégias e jogadas infinitas
· Momentos de ação na quadra com roubos, passes, arremessos e enterradas. Você consegue fazer uma cesta no último segundo para vencer?
· Torneios globais ao vivo colocam você para enfrentar adversários reais! Suba nas classificações e desafie os melhores para ganhar ainda mais recompensas!
· Vários outros modos de jogo com prêmios de montão!
· Recompensas de conquistas incríveis por aumentar sua coleção de cartas e jogar bem nas quadras!
· Eventos e promoções bônus regulares oferecidas pela equipe de Estrelas do Basquete!
Estrelas do Basquete é grátis para jogar, mas oferece alguns itens de jogo para comprar com dinheiro de verdade.
Adoramos ouvir o que nossos jogadores têm a dizer!
No Twitter? Mande uma mensagem para @PikPokGames e participe da conversa com #RivalStars!
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Weather HD Lite by Clear Day®](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/671a86b9052a046770bd82054a82113a.jpg)
Name:Weather HD Lite by Clear Day® Price:Free
Description:Clear Day™ (以前の名称は Weather HD)はClear Dayが築いたマジックと革命に基づいて構築された画期的な新リリースです。驚くべき映像、3Dマップ、MultiForecastを使った革命的なデータの正確さ、ソーシャルメディアとの統合など、多数の機能をお届けします。
The New York Timesも絶賛:「Clear Dayはユーザを雲のレベルまで持ち上げてリアルタイムの天気図を静観することを可能にする。これまでの太陽と雨と雲のマークをちりばめた天気図とは雲泥の差である。」
● 新しい画期的な気象アニメーション。
● 今までに見たことのないような3D気象マップ。
● 複数位置の天気を一目で見ることが出来るクイックビュー。
● 悪天候警告(米国および欧州)。
● ソーシャル:友達の天気を見たり自分の天気を共有。
● 世界250万箇所をカバー。
● 1日24時間、週7日の予報。
気象データはWeather Undergroundによって提供されています。
完全版Clear Day 2にアップグレードして無制限の数の都市、悪天候警告のプッシュ通知、MultiForecastを追加、さらに広告を削除しましょう。
ご意見、ご質問、ご使用上の不都合などは[email protected]までお寄せください。
Rating:4.45 Show Detail
![Uber - Request a ride](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/acbb8cdc2ba60e06f3f0217bdb13aa22.jpg)
Name:Uber - Request a ride Price:Free
Description:Chegue ao seu destino com uma viagem Uber ou bicicletas ou trotinetes JUMP.
Com a Uber, o seu destino está à distância de um toque. Aceda à aplicação e indique o seu destino. Um motorista nas proximidades irá ajudá-lo a lá chegar de forma fiável. Também pode alugar bicicletas e trotinetes JUMP.
Viaje a partir de quase qualquer ponto
Disponível em mais de 600 aeroportos e em mais de 700 cidades em todo o mundo, a Uber é uma ótima forma de tornar os seus planos de viagem mais tranquilos. Obtenha uma viagem a pedido ou agende-a com antecedência.
Encontre a viagem que procura
Independentemente do estilo, do espaço ou da acessibilidade pretendidos, a Uber pode ajudá-lo a encontrar a viagem que mais se adequa a si:
- Desfrute da qualidade premium e da elegância das viagens Black
- Evite o trânsito com uma bicicleta ou trotinete JUMP
- Viaje com mais espaço (e mais amigos) com o UberXL
Estas e outras opções de transporte estão disponíveis num só lugar com a aplicação Uber.
Saiba o preço final
Com a Uber, sabe o preço final antes de fazer a reserva. Assim, terá sempre uma ideia do preço que irá pagar antes de pedir a sua viagem.
A sua segurança é importante para nós
O nosso compromisso passa por tornar cada viagem com a Uber o mais segura possível. É por isso que concebemos novas funcionalidades de segurança e atualizámos as nossas orientações da comunidade com o objetivo de assegurar experiências positivas e respeitadoras.
- Pode partilhar a sua viagem
Tranquilize os seus entes queridos enquanto está em viagem e partilhe a sua localização e o estado da sua viagem, para que saibam que chegou ao seu destino.
- Pode contactar os serviços de emergência
Pode contactar as autoridades locais diretamente a partir da aplicação e a sua localização e os detalhes da sua viagem serão apresentados para que possa partilhá-los rapidamente com os serviços de emergência.
Classifique e dê uma gratificação ao seu motorista
No final de cada viagem, pode atribuir uma classificação e enviar comentários sobre a mesma. Também pode dar uma gratificação ao seu motorista através da aplicação para que este saiba que ficou satisfeito com a experiência.
Para ver se a Uber está disponível na sua cidade, visite https://www.uber.com/cities.
Siga-nos no Twitter em https://twitter.com/uber.
Faça ""gosto"" na nossa página do Facebook em https://www.facebook.com/uber.
Tem alguma dúvida? Visite uber.com/help."
Nem todos os produtos estão disponíveis em todos os mercados.
Rating:4.45 Show Detail
![Koober: reach your life goals](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/1bdc7f6412a59780311d31715bb9a0cb.jpg)
Name:Koober: reach your life goals Price:Free
Koober est l'appli #1 pour le développement personnel, la formation continue et la culture générale. Rejoignez +400 000 personnes qui développent leurs connaissances et atteignent leurs objectifs professionnels et personnels grâce à nos contenus condensés en 20 minutes et nos parcours d’apprentissage.
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Vous souhaitez tester vos connaissances ? Passez l’un de nos quiz afin de progresser de manière agréable et interactive.
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Téléchargez l'application et souscrivez à l'une de nos deux formules d'abonnement pour bénéficier d'une période d'essai gratuite de 7 jours, annulable jusqu'à 24 heures avant la fin des 7 jours.
Nos deux formules d'abonnement :
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La souscription de l'abonnement et le paiement sont gérés par iTunes. Vous recevrez une confirmation d'achat. Votre compte iTunes sera débité à la confirmation de l'achat. Votre compte sera débité pour le renouvellement automatique dans les 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours, du même montant. Aucune résiliation n'est possible pendant la période active en cours.
** Gérez votre abonnement directement depuis votre iPhone ** :
Les abonnements peuvent être gérés par l'utilisateur, et le renouvellement automatique peut être désactivé dans les réglages du compte de l'utilisateur après l'achat.
1. Cliquez sur l'icône ""Réglages"" de votre mobile, puis sur l'icône ""Store"".
2. Enregistrez-vous avez votre ID iTunes.
3. Cliquez sur ""Affichez l'identifiant"" puis sur ""Abonnement(s) / Gérer"".
4. Vous pourrez ainsi voir la date de votre prochain prélèvement ou annuler votre renouvellement automatique
** Annulez votre abonnement quand vous le voulez ** :
Le renouvellement de votre abonnement Koober Unlimited et Koober Unlimited Annuel est automatique. Vous pouvez annuler ce renouvellement automatique à tout moment, au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période d'abonnement en cours.
Conditions générales de vente et politique de confidentialité : https://koober.com/fr/Conditions-Generales-de-Vente
Rating:3.4 Show Detail
![Tapas – Comics and Novels](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c084e7ef1d2920bbf0da8563ef43c0db.jpg)
Name:Tapas – Comics and Novels Price:Free
Description:Welcome to Tapas! Your new favorite app to explore tens of thousands of webcomics and novels. Enjoy a quick laugh or lose yourself in worlds beyond your wildest imagination by diverse creators from all around the world.
▸ Read the Internet’s most addictive stories from popular and up-and-coming creators
▸ Explore our wide array of stories - a majority of which are completely free to read
▸ Earn Ink to unlock episodes and directly support your favorite creators
▸ Join our community and connect with readers and creators just like you
▸ Whether it’s romance, fantasy, comedy, and more, dive into our expansive library of stories - we guarantee there’s a story here just for you!
Wondering where to start? Check out Tapas' #1 series, THEY SAY I WAS BORN A KING'S DAUGHTER, a tale of murder, reincarnation, and royalty, chock full of humor. Available exclusively on Tapas in both webcomic and novel formats.
Download Tapas and get started today – it’s FREE!
Mail us: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tapas.io
Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapas_app
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/tapas_app
Creators work hard to make awesome stories for you to enjoy, and Tapas lets you support their passion.
Tapas is made with love in San Francisco and Seoul by an awesome team.
Please note that Tapas is only available in English at this time.
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
![SkySafari 6 Plus](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/133e04eb541874c518e403a15b232842.jpg)
Name:SkySafari 6 Plus Price:$14.99
Description:SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control and Augmented Reality (AR) mode.
Note that there is no discount upgrade path from SkySafari 6 Plus to SkySafari 6 Pro. Choose carefully!
Here's what's new in version 6:
1) Complete support for iOS 13 and iPhone 11. We got you covered and release regular updates.
2) Clouds and Astronomy. Two words that rarely go together. Rewritten from the ground up, SkySafari 6 Plus will (optionally) back up all of your observing data in our secure cloud storage and make it easily accessible to multiple devices as well as from our new web interface, LiveSky.com.
3) We Have The Best Stars. Precise, modern and deep. We’ve updated our star catalog to use the latest and greatest, UCAC5 star catalog.
4) Observers First. A redesign of our tools puts the active observer first. Quick access to features like your equipment, observing sites, lists, and observations make it easy and enjoyable to get out, observe, and record your observations.
5) Graph It. The completely new graph tool will give a quick visual representation of an object’s altitude above the horizon. Essential for planning your night’s observations.
6) Plan It. Make the most of your time under the stars. Our updated planner is a powerful tool that lets you create a list of targets for your observing session with filters like object types, specific time ranges, constellation, catalog, and more. Plan it and get more done.
7) Say It. Ever just wanted to just yell at your device and tell it what to do!? SkySafari 6 adds basic voice control for a wide range of operations. Say “select Jupiter,” “search for Titan,” “center on Polaris” and SkySafari will do the work for you. Yelling optional.
8) Tilt It. Every old astronomy app these days lets your tilt and pan your device to show different parts of the sky, but who else lets you control your telescope that way!? “Tilt to slew” is an optional mode allowing you to keep your eye in the eyepiece, and, using the accelerometers in your device, gently translate the movements of your hands into smooth telescope motion.
9) Share It. SkySafari 6 is more than just a mobile app, it’s a new system to help organize and share your observing experiences. With a free signup, you can see and share your observing data from our web portal, LiveSky.com! Affordable premium memberships add online editing, so you can not only view, but edit your observations, add new observing sites, manage your equipment and more. Finally, (coming soon) you can view, edit and manage your settings files with SkySafari Web, our fully functional web version.
If you haven't used SkySafari 6 Plus before, here's what you can do with it:
• Hold your device up, and SkySafari 6 Plus will find stars, constellations, planets, and more!
• Simulate the night sky up to 10,000 years in the past or future! Animate meteor showers, conjunctions, eclipses, and other celestial events.
• Learn the history, mythology, and science of astronomy! Browse over 1500 object descriptions and astronomical images. Explore NASA space missions! Stay up-to-date with SkyWeek for all major sky events every day!
• Control your telescope, log and plan your observations.
• Night Vision – Preserve your eyesight after dark.
• Orbit Mode. Leave the Earth’s surface behind, and fly through our solar system.
• Time Flow – Follow the motion of sky objects as days, months, and years are compressed into a few seconds.
• Advanced Search – Find objects using properties other than their name.
• Support for Apple Watch!
• Tonight at a Glance: the Sun, Moon, Planets, ISS, and Iridium flares in one handy view!
• Notifications when the ISS will pass overhead, when Iridium satellites flare, and more!
• Much more!
For even more features, and a gigantic database aimed at the most dedicated amateur or professional astronomer, check out SkySafari 6 Pro!
Rating:3.6 Show Detail
![Brain Games: IQ Challenge](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/1dda27e2b1146fb1ecf3d508c1cd4970.jpg)
Name:Brain Games: IQ Challenge Price:Free
Description:What's your IQ? Are you ready to find out?
Play now and see if you're smarter than your friends!
Brain Games: IQ Challenge is an addictive brain game with all sorts of fun questions that will prove how smart you are! All types of questions for working out all the parts of that big brain of yours! Stump me, and think outside of the box, brain out your friends, and play now!
- Imaginative game play!
- Fun puzzles!
- Super smart teasers!
- Ducks!
- More mind teasers!
- Increase your smart power now!
- Think creatively outside and inside the box! Let your imagination run wild now!
VIP Membership Subscription Terms
VIP Membership Subscription offers a weekly subscription for $3.99. Upon purchase of this subscription, you will immediately receive:
* New exclusive Daily Puzzle every 24 hours!
* Keys rewarded upon completing Daily Puzzles!
* Remove all non-optional ads.
This is an auto-renewable subscription. The payment is charged to your iTunes account after purchase confirmation. Your subscription is renewed unless you turn it off at least 24 hours before the period ends. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the $3.99 subscription price. See below links for more information.
The prices are set for United States customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency.
You can turn off the auto-renew for the subscription whenever you want in the settings after purchase.
For our privacy policy visit: https://gamejam.co/privacy
For our terms of service visit: https://gamejam.co/terms
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at:
[email protected]
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Location Tracker - find GPS](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/13d0a07b00f0501056dc22550faac201.jpg)
Name:Location Tracker - find GPS Price:Free
Description:Stay informed on the whereabouts of your friends and loved ones with the "Location Tracker - find GPS" application.
The application "Location Tracker - find GPS" helps you accurately track all devices connected to our service. Install the application on your smartphone, and on the phones of your family members and your friends, and you will get a permanent ability to:
- Check the location of your children - and you will rest assured that your child is safe at all times!
- Your parents are now also under protection - the application allows you to notice on time if something goes wrong!
- Spot your employees – to arrange any event will be plain sailing from now on!
- Locate the whereabouts of your friends, meeting them is now easier than ever!
- Stay informed on where your better half is at the moment – test each other’s fidelity!
- Be aware of where the members of your family are – and join your family celebrations!
- Search on the fly – our map is all you need to pinpoint the location of your friends and your dearest ones!
- Our application works with a smart watch: feel secure about your children and your dearest ones!
All you have to do in order to find your peace of mind and to take control over the situation is to install the application and to enter the phone number of a person you wish to spot. You will be able to see the real position of each person you trace on the map, marked with their avatar. Secure your nearest and dearest, including yourself, by knowing their location at any moment!
* A user's location is tracked only with his personal consent.
Subscription conditions:
- After you subscribe, you can manage your account and turn off automatic renewal in Account Settings.
- Your subscription is renewed automatically if you don’t cancel it within 24 hours before its expiration date.
- When you purchase the app, your iTunes account is billed.
- Subscription fees: 1 month - 19.99$.
- Your iTunes account will be billed automatically within 24 hours prior to the end of your current subscription.
- Any unused time left on your trial subscription will disappear if you upgrade to the paid version.
- Your personal data is stored securely.
- Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
Rating:2.6 Show Detail