8 Best Apps Similar To Step Younger+|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Step Younger+

Step Younger+

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.3.8(2020-05-15)
APP CATEGORIES : Health & Fitness
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.75 (21.92K)

100.0K   <5K <5K


Step Younger+ is a free pedometer app that helps you monitor your physical activity and progress by accurately counting and recording your daily steps. Download and activate Step Younger+ to start tracking your daily steps now! The app will count and record your steps automatically, as long as your device is with you.

Highlight Features for Step Younger+:
- Real-Time Step Counter
Records your fitness activity (number of steps, distance, speed etc.). Synchronize your activity data via Apple Health or built-in pedometer.Step Younger+ will track your walking or running step activity every day and generate your personal daily steps report. Make every step count!
- Continuous Encouragement
One of the primary purpose is to encourage you to walk more. Please do remember that every step you walk would transfer into energy in the games, which you could use to play multiple entertaining games.
- Win Free Rewards
Win rewards by collecting puzzles as you walk or run. Keep motivated knowing that the more you travel, the closer you are to claiming your prize!
- Intuitive Design
Step Younger+ offers a clean and easy-to-use interface for an excellent user experience.

Note: All tasks, prize and rewards given by Step Younger+ are not affiliated with Apple Inc. The offers are solely sponsored by the Step Younger+.

You don’t need to keep the app running all the time to track your progress, just open it at least once a day to sync your states.

To give suggestions or get support, please contact us at: [email protected]
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Apps Similar To Step Younger+

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps


Name:Cardiograph                                                Price:$1.99

Description:Cardiograph é uma forma rápida e fiável para medir o seu ritmo cardíaco no iPhone e iPad. Utilizando apenas a câmara integrada do seu dispositivo (sem necessidade de hardware adicional), permite acompanhar o seu ritmo cardíaco em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Os registos detalhados de histórico e a capacidade de sincronizar, marcar, partilhar e imprimir medições individuais fazem dela uma ferramenta versátil para monitorizar a sua saúde cardiovascular.

* Resultados Precisos, Quase Imediatamente
Uma maneira rápida e fácil de saber quão rápido bate o seu coração tem muitas aplicações - desde melhorar o seu regime de exercício a manter o controlo periódico do estado do seu coração, ou apenas por diversão. Cardiograph facilita-o, com resultados precisos que são exibidos em alguns segundos.

* Desgin Simples e Sóbrio
O design minimalista e intuitivo mostra-lhe tudo de relance e faz com que Cardiograph seja acessível e simples de utilizar para toda a gente.

* Histórico Detalhado
Guarde as suas medições (incluindo cada batimento cardíaco individual) para referência futura ou para partilhar com a sua família ou profissional de saúde. Poderá também adicionar um rótulo a cada medição, dependendo da intensidade do seu nível de atividade ou exercício.

* Exporte e Partilhe as Suas Medições
Cada medição pode ser partilhada, exportada em formato PDF e até mesmo imprimida em papel diretamente da app. Se possui a nossa app anterior, Cardiograph Classic, poderá transferir todas as suas medições para a nova app com apenas alguns toques.

* Concebida para iPhone e iPad,
Cardiograph é uma app nativa que tira proveito das distintas características do iPhone e iPad, assim como as excelentes câmaras, 3D Touch (sempre que disponível) e apoio para sincronizar com a app Apple Health (sempre que disponível).

IMPORTANTE: Embora suficientemente precisa, esta aplicação não se destina a substituir equipamento médico profissional e cuidados qualificados. Caso tenha alguma preocupação com o estado do seu coração, por favor, consulte o seu médico ou clínico geral.

Caso encontre dificuldades ao utilizar Cardiograph, veja a secção “Mais” dentro da app ou contacte-nos através do nosso e-mail de apoio para o podermos auxiliar.

Contate-nos e receba as notícias mais recentes relacionadas aos nossos aplicativos:

Rating:4.6                                               Show Detail

Fit Widget for Jawbone UP - Resting Heart Rate for UP3 & Higher

Name:Fit Widget for Jawbone UP - Resting Heart Rate for UP3 & Higher                                                Price:$1.99




View Jawbone UP data as a Today Widget! Just swipe down from the top of the screen and see your progress for the entire day. What other stats would you like to see added? Contact us at www.facebook.com/JaiyoInc with suggestions!

Currently Supported Data Types
Step Count
Resting Heart Rate
Active Calories
Resting Calories
Total Calories

* All information that is read from Jawbone is immediately displayed and then discarded. The app does not store any of the information.

Jawbone UP is a registered trademark and service mark of Jawbone, Inc. This product is not put out by Jawbone, and Jawbone does not service or warrant the functionality of this product.

Rating:0.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:Beyondium                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:FROM: MEDIOCRE, Apple design award winning lab behind mind altering experiments SMASH HIT and DOES NOT COMMUTE.

SUBJECT: Explore the microverse with top scientists from across the world using the revolutionary Beyondium engine.

MESSAGE: Congratulations!

Thanks to the Mediated intern opportunity colocation research (MEDIOCRE) laboratory, you have been given the exclusive opportunity to work with Beyondium, the latest in computerized quantum disentanglement technology. You have been granted unlimited and unsupervised access to the Beyondium mkII Quasi-Fibonacci de-unfocusing vectorscope terminal. Through phase-distorted intermodulation inference you will be able to manually disentangle and sort through the macroscopic existence of the microverse.

Press the appropriately labeled button below to claim your shot at the understated glamour of life as a lab technician (intern).

Rating:2.2                                             Show Detail

Fix My Car: Junkyard!

Name:Fix My Car: Junkyard!                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Construa um carro de competição americano clássico para salvar o seu ferro velho! Um rico empresásio inescrupuloso da cidade está tentando tirar você de suas terras e o desafiou a uma corrida - esta é a sua última chance de salvar o seu ferro velho em uma corrida! Vasculhe por peças de segunda mão poderosas e ferramentas de seu ferro velho e conserte, restaure, e modernize um carro de competição clássico para ganhar esta corrida! É hora de mostrar a estas pessoas da cidade como é um carro realmente é!

* Esta é a versão completa do jogo. Você começa absolutamente tudo desbloqueado upfront com e sem anúncios ou IAP! *

Trabalhe com seu belo e talentoso parceiro para explorar, encontrar ferramentas e peças, e realizar reparos e modernizações em dezenas de carros para transformar um velho carro em um monstro de carro de competição de alto desempenho surpreendente! Explore e construa engenhocas legais no ferro velho! Selecione e restaure o seu carro de corrida clássico com dezenas de motores, carroçaria, suspensão, interiores, e modificações para desempenho! Detalhe a sua corrida com atualizações legais e divertidas.

Você se divertirá simulação, desafiando as suas habilidades na área de mecânica de veículos e aprendendo sobre atualizações de carro que você pode fazer na vida C6real. Concentra-se na customização de um carro de corrida clássico legal enquanto novas peças são achadas como em um jogo de Objeto Ocultos, até você ficar pronto para a corrida. Ache todos os seus parceiros coelhos em uma caça de vasculhamento opcional e desafiadora.. há um segredo aqui!


+ 90+ objetivos e atualizações para fazer!

+ Dezenas de ferramentas e peças de segunda mão legais para achar e instalar!

+ Realize dezenas de serviços, da manutenção básica rotineira aos modos de desempenho absurdos!

+ Explore ambientes legais - é o seu próprio ferro velho!

+ Sistema de dicas incluído assim você nunca fica parado (apenas na versão COMPLETA)!

+ Sem compras de aplicativos adicionais - você tem tudo antes!


Veja este jogo e muito mais em: https://www.firerabbit.com/

Venha conversar conosco em nossa página: https://www.facebook.com/firerabbit.canada

Encontre-nos no Twitter em: https://www.twitter.com/firerabbit_inc

Ou no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firerabbit_inc/

Rating:2.25                                                 Show Detail

Strike of Nations: Army Battle

Name:Strike of Nations: Army Battle                                                 Price:Free

Description:Smeed allianties tussen rijken en leid je leger in dit actierijke strategiespel met wereldoorlogthema. Lanceer reusachtige militaire campagnes om je vijanden en terroristische milities weg te vagen en uiteindelijk de atoombasis te veroveren. Strijd tegen naties en verover ze via allianties met andere rijken. Bouw een legerbasis met moderne tanks, luchtvaartuigen en raketten.

Strike of Nations - Alliance World War
Leid je leger als de opperbevelhebber.
Gebruik de atoomknop om raketten en atoombommen te lanceren.
Plan militaire operaties.
Bouw 20 verdedigingsmuren, schilden en Panzers.
Delf nucleaire substanties voor reactors.
Sluit je aan bij allianties uit 192 landen.
Upgrade en doe onderzoek naar zonne- en windenergie.
Vaag PvP-vijanden weg met chemische wapens op vrachtvliegtuigen.
Verover een atoombasis.

Plan je strategie -> Delf bouwstoffen -> Bouw een basis -> Ontwikkel dodelijke wapens -> Sluit je aan bij allianties en rijken -> Zoek de vijand -> Val aan met alle macht van het leger -> Verdedig de basis en CLAIM veroverd gebied

Vernietig meer dan 1 miljoen spelersmachten en opstandige naties via gezamenlijke operaties

Raak ervaren met futuristische massavernietigingswapens. Gebruik een mix van traanbommen, biochemische dodelijke substanties, waterstofbommen, tanks en thermonucleaire reactors om steden binnen seconden weg te vagen. Introductie van Amerikaanse vrachtvliegtuigen met straaljagers en getrainde gevechtspiloten om te vechten tot de dood erop volgt. Train een vloot van onderzeeërs met ballistische wapens om heimelijk terroristische campagnes te bestoken.

Engeland won WOI en WOII met sterke allianties met de VS en Rusland. Sla de handen ineen en verzwak vijanden. Combineer gezamenlijk legers en uitrusting om op veilig te spelen. Kies voor gezamenlijke atoomaanvallen na rivaliserende naties te hebben vervreemd.

Maak high-tech munitie om de heerschappij op het slagveld te vergroten.
Delf uranium, plutonium, radium, thorium en cesium, plus andere gevaarlijke radioactieve mineralen
Converteer plant-, zonne- en waterbronnen tot accu's met een hoog voltage.
Train het grootste leger dat de wereld ooit heeft gezien in de gevechtsmodus en ontwikkel hun vaardigheden.

Vergroot je macht om fantastische beloningen als oorlogsbuit te verzamelen. Doe mee aan wereldwijde events, waarbij alle spelers moeten samenwerken om te slagen, of sluit je aan bij gevechten op meerdere servers en bewijs de superioriteit van jouw server. Het plezier van verwoesten en nieuw land bezetten houdt nooit op!

Heb jij wat nodig is om de titel van keizer te pakken en op de rode atoomknop te drukken? Sluit je nu aan bij de oorlogsmacht en neem je lot in eigen handen.

Jij bent de baas van doodseskadersoldaten en moet bombarderen om de oorlog te overleven. Alleen een legendarisch teamgevecht met een goede stadsverdediging biedt totale bevrijding en zorgt ervoor dat je de grenzen van je rijk uit kunt breiden. Leid drones, chinooks, helikopters en vloten met raketvliegtuigen.

Gebruik de wereldoorlog III-kaart om taken te voltooien met aanvalssimulaties. Ontwikkel je sluipschutters via geweeraanvallen voor de ultieme overleving. Zet raketwerpers met een kort bereik in dodelijke oorlogen in.

Strike of Nations is een volledig gratis spel met als thema moderne oorlogvoering. Je kunt met betaalde items spelen om het tempo van grondstoffenverzameling en bouwactiviteiten te versnellen. Meer dan 1 miljoen spelers vechten actief voor het grootste rijk, maar alleen strategische spelers veroveren de wereld.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Fabulous - Daily Self Care

Name:Fabulous - Daily Self Care                                                 Price:Free

Description:Join millions of Fabulous users and create a healthier, happier life. Fabulous will help increase your energy levels, be more focused, lose weight and sleep better by building healthy habits and routines in your life. 

Fabulous takes a holistic approach to motivate you to be more productive and have higher energy. We’re more than just a habit tracker, or a way to create new rituals; we’re your own personal coach and happiness trainer.

Top Reasons You Need Fabulous:

⁃ Struggle to wake up in the morning
⁃ Want to maximize your energy
- Struggle with fatigue and find yourself tired by midday
- Want to build an indestructible morning ritual
- Want to have full energy for 5 hours
- Can’t sleep at night because you don’t feel tired
- Can’t concentrate on a single task because of ADHD
- Have anxiety and cannot calm the thoughts in your mind

Fabulous Benefits:

⁃ Focus and Concentration
⁃ Better Sleep
⁃ Managing Stress
⁃ Calming Anxieties and Meditation
⁃ Happiness
⁃ Healthier Eating and Exercise
⁃ Better Habits
⁃ Motivation

Integrated Coaching:

Ready for a healthier lifestyle? Take your fitness and diet to a new level by using our integrated coaching feature: 7-minute scientific workouts, zen and vipassana meditation for breathing & mindfulness, happiness trainer, power nap sessions, and a beginner’s yoga pack for total flexibility.

And with your consent we can use the Apple HealthKit APIs to read and/or write certain data (such as steps count, distance walked, calories burned and much more) to the Health App on your device.

Make me Fabulous:

Make me Fabulous sessions are created in collaboration with researchers and are consistently updated with new insights from major scientific studies.

- Do Anywhere Exercise: An intense 10 min exercise session that will push both your endurance and strength, and you can do it anywhere without any equipment.

- The Mind Bus: A scientifically proven session that will get rid of stressful thoughts that become obstacles between you and a fulfilling life.

- 4 Hours Deep Work: An deeply focused session that will help you fight temptation and plunge you into a dedicated 4 hours of deep, meaningful, and creative work.

- Uplifting Fabulous: Based on resilience studies, this session will coach you through your grief, so you can feel the energy flow through your spirit once more.

Fabulous Features:

- Smart-targeted health advice for healthy living
- Scientifically grounded approach to instill healthy healthy habits and mindfulness into your daily rituals
- Atkins & HCG diet inspired weight loss program where you can stop counting calories
- A personal 1:1 coach that will motivate you to be more productive and achieve your goals
- Integrated fitness programs for a healthier, fitter lifestyle
- Incremental goals that starts with getting you to fall asleep faster. You’ll eventually create an entire morning ritual
- Beginners guide to exercise and a workout plan, meditation, yoga, stretching, and a lot more

Take an unexpected journey and learn to build habits that stick.

• Monthly: $9.99/month
• Yearly: $7.99/month, one payment of $95.99 billed every 12 months


• Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period

• Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal

• Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase

• Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable

Get in Touch:

Shoot us an email: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thefabulous.co
Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thefabstory
Read our full Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy at https://thefabulous.co/terms-fab.html

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Keto Diet & Low Carb App

Name:Keto Diet & Low Carb App                                                 Price:Free

Description:Keto Calculator & Food Tracker!

A powerful low-carb manager and macros counter tool powered by speech recognition technology. The app brings valuable Keto insights and recommendations just in one click, as well as helps reach your goal to a healthier and more energetic body state.

1. Voice recognition technology: no more manual search and data input
2. Automatic nutrition and net carb calculator
3. Educational materials about keto diet and meal planning
4. Low-carb eating insights and recommendations
5. Live support from a keto-friendly nutritionist
6. A holistic approach to reach your macro goals
7. Easy-to-navigate and eye-pleasing design
8. Helps to lose weight, gain mass, or maintain weight

Our dedicated ketogenic team has created a simplified onboarding process, where you don't need to search for the required ingredient or dish manually - just say it to Keto. The rest is on us.

With a keto diet, it is vital to keep track and measurements of all nutrition you eat. Many would define it as a very problematic process, but not you! Now, all your protein, fat, card and net carbs are calculated and recorded automatically within the app system.

*Additionally, you can:
- keep an eye on your macro goal progress,
- determine your nutrition intake for other diets,
- increase your knowledge about ketogenic diet.

When it comes to tracking the macros, My Keto Diet Tracker won't leave you alone. All you have to do is enter your data, goal, and say what you have eaten during the day. As a result, enjoy your daily breakdown of all the elements consumed.

- keep track of calorie intake,
- review your food history in the journal,
- measure your nutrition level.

Optimize your success with My Keto Diet Tracker by Voice and start seeing real results!

MyKeto integrates the following data from the Health app (HealthKit) to provide personalized content:
- Steps
- Weight
- Sleep
- Water

Support team: [email protected]

Please, contact us should you have any questions, concerns or proposals - we are open to a discussion. We would highly appreciate if you share your app experience with friends and fitness pals! Thank you in advance.

MY KETO is free to download. The upgrade to Premium gives you access to voice input, free typing input, barcode scanning feature, Live support, 600k food records. Should you choose to upgrade to a Premium Membership, payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Your monthly subscription is $14.99 per month, while the yearly subscription is $49.99 per year (price may vary by location). Your subscription renews automatically unless canceled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable. Cancellation of the current active subscription period is not allowed. Auto-renewal may be turned off in your Account Settings in iTunes after purchase. You can also manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase.

Privacy Policy: http://myketo.care/pp
Terms of Use: http://myketo.care/tc

Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any diet program.

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Microsoft Math Solver - HW app

Name:Microsoft Math Solver - HW app                                                 Price:Free

Description:Ứng dụng giải toán Microsoft Math hỗ trợ giải nhiều loại bài toán khác nhau bao gồm số học, đại số, lượng giác, vi tích phân, thống kê và các chủ đề khác bằng cách sử dụng trình giải toán hỗ trợ AI tiên tiến. Đơn giản chỉ cần viết một bài toán trên màn hình hoặc sử dụng máy ảnh để chụp đề bài. Trình giải toán Microsoft Math ngay lập tức ghi nhận đề bài và giúp bạn giải đề với Giải thích từng bước MIỄN PHÍ, biểu đồ tương tác, các đề bài tương tự từ các bài giảng trên web và video trực tuyến. Tra cứu nhanh chóng các khái niệm toán học liên quan. Được hỗ trợ giải các bài tập về nhà của bạn và tự tin thành thạo các kỹ thuật giải đề với Microsoft Math. Hoàn toàn MIỄN PHÍ và không có quảng cáo!

● Viết phương trình toán học trên màn hình tự nhiên như viết trên giấy
● Quét hình ảnh đề bài được in hoặc viết tay
● Nhập và chỉnh sửa bằng máy tính toán khoa học tiên tiến
● Nhận tương tác Giải thích từng bước & Máy tính vẽ đồ thị
● Nhập hình ảnh các phương trình toán học từ thư viện
● Quét và giải các trang tính gồm nhiều bài toán
● Tìm kiếm trên web các bài toán và bài giảng video tương tự
● Thử giải các bài toán đố
● Quét và vẽ đồ thị x-y theo bảng dữ liệu cho các hàm tuyến tính/phi tuyến tính
● Học toán bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn - hỗ trợ tiếng Trung, tiếng Pháp, tiếng Đức, tiếng Hindi, tiếng Ý, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Bồ Đào Nha, tiếng Nga, tiếng Tây Ban Nha và nhiều hơn nữa

● Sơ cấp: số học, số thực, số phức, bội số chung nhỏ nhất, ước số chung lớn nhất, thừa số, chữ số La Mã
● Tiền đại số: căn bậc hai và số mũ, phân số, ma trận, định thức
● Đại số: phương trình bậc hai, hệ phương trình, bất đẳng thức, biểu thức hữu tỉ, đồ thị tuyến tính, đồ thị hàm số bậc hai và đồ thị hàm số mũ
● Các bài toán đố về các khái niệm toán học, lý thuyết số, xác suất, thể tích, diện tích bề mặt
● Vi tích phân căn bản: Phép tổng, Giới hạn, đạo hàm, tích phân
● Thống kê: Giá trị trung bình, Trung vị, Yếu vị, Độ lệch chuẩn, hoán vị, tổ hợp

Tìm hiểu thêm về ứng dụng Microsoft Math Solver trên trang web của chúng tôi: https://math.microsoft.com

Liên hệ với chúng tôi qua [email protected] Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được phản hồi của bạn.

Rating:4.95                                                 Show Detail