8 Best Apps Similar To Tactical Three Kingdoms T3K|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Tactical Three Kingdoms T3K

Tactical Three Kingdoms T3K
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.1.7(2020-04-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Strategy
10.0K | 10.0K | <5K |
Tactical Three Kingdoms (3 Kingdoms) - Strategie & Oorlog is een tactisch spel met Drie Koninkrijken als thema en een unieke stijl. Het brengt je terug naar periode van Drie Koninkrijken. Je moet beroemde generaals rekruteren en strategie toepassen om je eigen geschiedenis te maken.
Word lid van Tactical Three Kingdoms (3 Kingdoms) - Strategie & Oorlog en herbeleef het heroïsche maar toch chaotische tijdperk!
Dit is een slagveld van zowel kracht als intelligentie. In dit spel, kunt u de Drie Koninkrijken Gevechten herbeleven en krachtige helden werven om een team te vormen. Vecht samen met je generaals om het hoofd te bieden aan verschillende vijanden.
- Nieuw kunstwerk zonder concurrent
Dit tactische schaakspel is eenvoudig te spelen en nog gemakkelijker om te leren! Je hebt geen goddelijke reflexen of moeilijke technieken nodig. Je kunt in dit spel uitblinken met slechts een tik van een vinger!
- Strategieën inzetten met een tik van een vinger
Je kunt dit tactische strategiespel met slechts één hand spelen! Je hebt geen goddelijke reacties of moeilijke technieken nodig om het onder de knie te krijgen, je hebt alleen je vinger nodig.
- Gebruik tactieken en zet je leger overeenkomstig in
Onderschat eenvoudige activiteiten niet. Elke beweging vereist planning en elke beslissing die u neemt kan het resultaat veranderen. Grote hersenen zitten achter het eenvoudige spel!
- Diverse spelmechanismen laten je verschillende plannen maken
Je vertrouwde helden hebben nu onderscheidende stijlen! Tactische 3 Koninkrijken (3 Koninkrijken) – Strategie & Oorlog maakt gebruik van speciale kunstontwerpen om elke held een uniek imago te geven, voor de meest duurzame indruk!
- Ontwikkel en train je helden
Ontwikkel de niveaus, vaardigheden en statistieken van je favoriete helden. Pas vaardigheidscombinaties aan om de krachtigste opstelling te vormen. Nieuwe overwinningen wachten!
SPECIALE VERHAALLIJN: Ons handgemaakt verhaallijn heeft een vleugje humor. Wij brengen u een geheel nieuwe Drie Koninkrijken ervaring!
OPDRACHT SYSTEEM: Voltooi verschillende opdrachten om rijke grondstoffen en prijzen te claimen!
GEORGANISEERDE JACHT: Beleef oude jachtactiviteiten. Verzamel middelen om je helden te upgraden!
REAL-TIME GEVECHT: Ga de confrontatie aan met andere spelers over de hele wereld in real-time. Laten we kijken wie het beste gevoel heeft met het spel en wie de meest ingenieuze plannen kan bedenken!
ARENA GEVECHTEN: Kies je favoriete helden om een krachtig team te vormen. Neem het op tegen andere spelers!
ELITE GEVECHTEN: Daag sterke vijanden uit, plan nauwkeurige tactieken en red de wereld alleen!
EINDELOZE OORLOGSVERLOOP: Verzamel je team, maak overeenkomstige plannen en overleef oneindige golven van vijanden!
Tactical Three Kingdoms (3 Kingdoms) - Strategie & Oorlog is een gratis te spelen spel. Je hebt wel de mogelijkheid om in-game aankopen uit te voeren. Voor dit spel is een netwerkverbinding vereist.
[email protected]
Voor meer informatie en updates over het spel, volg ons op:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tacticalthreekingdoms , Word lid van onze Facebook en deel onze evenementen om Jade Draken te winnen.
Discord: https://discord.gg/BDdcGdg , Word lid van onze discord en voer je speler ID in het #newbies_free_jade kanaal, en je kunt 50 Jade Draken winnen.
Link to the terms of use:http://www.tacticalthreekingdoms.com/tos.html
Link to the privacy policy:http://www.tacticalthreekingdoms.com/privacy.html
Premium-abonnees kunnen dagelijks 40 Jade claimen. Ontvang 100 bonus Jade bij je eerste aankoop. Het abonnement wordt ook geleverd met 50% bonus gevecht XP en 50% bonus arena punten.
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Name:Archero Price:Free
Description:Archer Heroes!
Entre em um mundo onde todos querem eliminá-lo! Você é o Arqueiro Solitário, a única força capaz de resistir e derrotar os exércitos do mal.
Acumule habilidades fantásticas e lute com toda a sua força, pois os exércitos infindáveis de inimigos não estão prestes a desistir. E lembre-se, depois de morrer você deverá começar tudo do princípio! Tenha cuidado!
Crie inúmeras combinações de habilidades exclusivas, todas projetadas para ajudar você a sobreviver. Explore mundos diferentes combatendo monstros e obstáculos.
Recursos principais:
• Habilidades aleatórias e exclusivas para ajudar você a explorar as masmorras.
• Conheça mundos deslumbrantes e centenas de mapas neste novo universo.
• Milhares de monstros nunca antes vistos e obstáculos intrigantes para derrotar.
• Aumente de nível e equipe-se com poderosos equipamentos para aumentar suas estatísticas.
Se tiver alguma dúvida, pergunte-nos em:[email protected]
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Mr.クラブ 2 Price:¥0
Description:Mr. Crab 2 is trots om deel uit te mogen maken van ‘App Store Beste van 2016’!
Raad eens wie terug is? De onweerstaanbare, vriendelijke en gave superheld Mr. Crab. Dit keer heeft hij wat nieuwe vrienden meegebracht om met hem mee te gaan op het meest mooie en betekenisvolle avontuur. Lukt het Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden om alle verloren babykrabben te redden? Om dit te kunnen doen moeten ze goed kunnen springen, door spannende en leuke passages gaan en tot slot oppassen voor kwaadaardige vijanden. Lukt het de krabhelden te overwinnen?
Dit is het moment om Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden te helpen om de baby's terug te krijgen.
Timing is alles
In Mr. Crab 2 moet je al je timing en denkvaardigheden gebruiken om in ieder level gouden medailles te verkrijgen.
Uitdagende levels
Veel uitdagende en prachtige levels. Levels om gratis te behalen en levels om als kado uit een automaat te verkrijgen.
Pas je krab aan
Verzamel veel leuke voorwerpen zoals hoeden en maskers en pas je krabben aan.
Volg @illusionlabs op Twitter
Like ons op facebook.com/illusionlabs
Music gemaakt door Scott Tobin
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:Translator Guru: Voice & Text Price:Free
Transforme o seu celular em um dispositivo de tradução direta. Escolha um par de idiomas e comunique-se facilmente em qualquer lugar do mundo. A lingua não é mais uma barreira!
Entre qualquer frase que você deseja traduzir e obtenha o resultado em formato de texto. Pressione o botão "Som" para ouvir a pronúncia correta.
Suporte para a tecnologia de reconhecimento de voz da Apple - O reconhecimento de voz em tempo real melhora significativamente a velocidade das suas traduções.
Maior precisão de tradução. Funciona bem em ambiente ruidoso.
Fale e traduza em todas as línguas populares!
Partes do serviço traduzidas pelo Microsoft Translator, Amazon Translate e Google Translate ™
Idiomas suportados para tradução de voz:
Árabe, chinês, checo, dinamarquês, holandês, inglês, finlandês, francês, alemão, grego, hindi, húngaro, indonésio, italiano, japonês, coreano, polaco, português, romeno, russo, eslovaco, espanhol, sueco, tailandês, turco
Idiomas suportados para tradução de texto:
Árabe, chinês, checo, dinamarquês, holandês, inglês, finlandês, francês, alemão, grego, hindi, húngaro, indonésio, italiano, japonês, coreano, polaco, português, romeno, russo, eslovaco, espanhol, sueco, tailandês, turco
- Traduções ilimitadas
- 100% sem comerciais
Informações sobre a renovação automática da subscrição:
- A subscrição é renovada automaticamente, a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada pelo menos 24 horas antes do final do período atual.
- As subscrições podem ser gerenciadas pelo usuário e a renovação automática pode ser desativada, acessando as configurações da conta do usuário após a compra.
- Qualquera parte não utilizada do período de teste gratuito será cancelada quando o usuário adquire uma subscrição.
- O pagamento será cobrado da conta do iTunes na confirmação da compra.
- Da sua conta será cobrado o pagamento para a renovação dentro das 24 horas antes do final do período atual. O custo depende do plano selecionado.
Os seguintes planos de subscrição estão disponíveis (o preço pode variar dependendo da localização):
• 1 semana de subscrição com versão de teste de 7 dias - USD 6,99
Termos de prestação de serviços: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/tos.html
Política de privacidade: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/privacy.html
Termos de pagamento: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/billing.html
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Fire Emblem Heroes Price:Free
Description:Fire Emblem, a aclamada série de RPG de estratégia da Nintendo, que faz sucesso há mais de 25 anos, continua a sua jornada em dispositivos inteligentes!
Lute em batalhas customizadas para telas táteis e que você pode jogar em qualquer lugar. Invoque personagens de todo o universo de Fire Emblem. Desenvolva as habilidades de seus heróis e os leve à vitória. Esta nova aventura de Fire Emblem é diferente de todas que você já viu!
Este aplicativo pode ser baixado gratuitamente e oferece opções de compras dentro do aplicativo.
■ Uma jornada épica
Este jogo apresenta o desenvolvimento contínuo de uma história original na qual novos personagens e dezenas e mais dezenas de heróis do universo de Fire Emblem se encontram.
Até julho de 2019 já foram disponibilizados mais de 800 níveis da história, incluindo os diferentes modos de dificuldade. Ao superá-los você recebe orbes que podem ser usados para invocar heróis.
Novos capítulos da história são adicionados frequentemente. Não perca!
■ Batalhas intensas
Participe de batalhas estratégicas baseadas em turnos, simplificadas para mapas que cabem na palma de sua mão! Você terá que levar em conta as vantagens e desvantagens de cada arma de seus heróis e até analisar os próprios mapas enquanto joga. Lidere o seu exército com controles táteis intuitivos, incluindo a habilidade de atacar simplesmente deslizando um aliado até um inimigo.
Você não tem experiência em jogos de batalha estratégica baseada em turnos? Não tem problema! Use a opção de combate automático para os seus personagens lutarem automaticamente.
■ Fortaleça seus heróis favoritos
Há muitas maneiras de fortalecer seus aliados: aumentar de nível, habilidades, armas, equipar itens e mais. Melhore os seus personagens cada vez mais e lute pela vitória.
■ Modos que podem ser jogados mais de uma vez
Além da história principal, há muitos outros modos em que você pode fortalecer seus aliados, competir contra outros jogadores, e mais.
■ Personagens originais encontram heróis lendários
O jogo apresenta vários personagens heróis da série Fire Emblem e novos personagens criados pelos artistas Yusuke Kozaki, Shigeki Maeshima e Yoshiku. Alguns heróis lutarão ao seu lado como aliados, enquanto outros podem lhe enfrentar como inimigos hostis para serem derrotados e adicionados ao seu exército.
* Uma conexão de internet é necessária para jogar. Tarifas de dados podem ser cobradas.
* Para usar este jogo com uma conta Nintendo, jogadores precisam ter 13 anos ou mais.
* Permitimos que nossos parceiros terceiros coletem dados deste aplicativo com propósitos analíticos e de marketing. Para mais informações sobre nossas propagandas, confira a seção "Como utilizamos suas informações” da política de privacidade da Nintendo.
* Variações nas especificações do dispositivo e outros aplicativos executados no dispositivo podem afetar a operação normal deste aplicativo.
* Pode incluir publicidade.
Rating:4.85 Show Detail

Name:MAPS.ME – Offline Maps & GPS Price:Free
Description:Fast, detailed and entirely offline maps with turn-by-turn navigation – trusted by over 100 million travelers worldwide.
Save mobile data; no internet is required.
Use driving, walking and cycle navigation anywhere in the world.
Save you time planning the trip and never miss an interesting place with our ready-made travel guides. We've partnered with the best travel content creators to build travel guide catalog for hunderds of destinations around the world. Whether you prefer city travel, car trips or outdoor activities you will find a great choice of guides for a perfect journey.
Directions to points of interest (POIs), hiking trails and places missing from other maps.
Maps are updated by millions of OpenStreetMap contributors daily. OSM is an open-source alternative to Google Maps and Apple Maps.
Offline search, GPS navigation along with optimized maps to effectively save memory space.
Save locations you love and share them with your friends.
Essential for home and travel.
MAPS.ME is free to download and use. We have in-app unobstructive ads in order to fund our development though. Should you choose to remove ads in the app, we offer 3 auto-renewing subscription options:
- weekly
- monthly
- yearly
In MAPS.ME you can also subscribe to the content of the guides catalog: guides for city travels and outdoor activities, which will be available offline after downloading.
There are two types of subscription to the catalog: City Pass – exclusively for city guides, and City + Outdoor Pass – unlimited access to any guides, including for city travels and for outdoor activities.
Any of the catalog subscriptions can be purchased for a month or for a year.
Payment will be charged off your credit card through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription will be renewed automatically if it has not been canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the paid period.
Subscriptions can be managed, and auto-renewal can be turned off in your account settings in iTunes. After the purchase a refund for an unused period is not made.
Subscription prices may vary depending on your country of residence and may change without prior notification.
If you don’t use subscriptions, you can continue to use MAPS.ME for free.
– Search through different categories, e.g. restaurants, cafes, tourist attractions, hotels, ATMs and public transport (metro, bus, etc).
– Make hotel bookings via Booking.com directly from the app.
– Share your location via text message or social media.
– When cycling or walking, the app shows whether the way is uphill or downhill.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
If you have any questions, visit our Help Center: support.maps.me.
If you are unable to find the answer to your question, contact us at: [email protected].
Follow us on FB: http://www.facebook.com/mapswithme | Twitter: @MAPS_ME
Privacy Policy: https://legal.my.com/us/maps/privacy/
Terms of Use: https://legal.my.com/us/maps/tou/
Rating:4.9 Show Detail

Name:Epic Seven Price:Free
Description:ผจญภัยร่วมกับผู้สืบทอดกว่า 3 ล้านคน!
‘Epic Seven’ แอนิเมชันที่คุณเล่นได้
ดิเช่ เทพธิดาแห่งชีวิตรวบรวมพลังของเธอ
“บุตรของข้า จงปกป้องโลกใบนี้”
• เนื้อเรื่องกว่า 1,000 ตอน
เราขอเชิญทุกท่านสู่ ‘โลกที่เจ็ด’
• แอนิเมชัน 2D เต็มรูปแบบ
พร้อมกราฟิกภาพเคลื่อนไหว 2 มิติคุณภาพคัตซีน!
• วางกลยุทธ์จากเนื้อเรื่อง!
• เขาวงกตเรด
ไล่ล่ามอนสเตอร์โบราณ และรับรางวัลมากมาย!
• อารีน่า PVP
• เพื่อกิลด์และความรุ่งโรจน์!
พบกับสงครามกิลด์ การต่อสู้อันดุเดือดแบบ 3 ต่อ 3!
รวมพลังกับสหายร่วมกิลด์ เพื่อเป็นกิลด์ที่แข็งแกร่งที่สุด!
• เวิลด์บอสปรากฎตัว!
ในที่สุด เวิลด์บอสก็ตื่นขึ้นแล้ว!
ต่อสู้ร่วมกับฮีโร่สูงสุดถึง 16 คน ในสมรภูมิขนาดมหึมา!
• เปิดเวิลด์อารีน่า!
※ รองรับหลากหลายภาษา: สามารถเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าได้ทุกเมื่อ
1. ข้อความ : ภาษาเกาหลี, ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาจีน (ดั้งเดิม), ภาษาเยอรมัน, ภาษาฝรั่งเศส, ภาษาสเปน, ภาษาโปรตุเกส
2.เสียงพากย์ : ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาเกาหลี
- รูปภาพ/สื่อ/ไฟล์ : ต้องการสิทธิ์การเข้าถึงเพื่อการแนบไฟล์ เมื่อติดต่อศูนย์บริการลูกค้า 1:1 คำถามที่พบบ่อยและคอมมิวนิตี้
※ แม้จะไม่ยินยอมสิทธิ์การเข้าถึง ก็สามารถเล่นเกมได้
ชื่อผู้ประกอบการ : บริษัท สไมล์เกต เมกาพอร์ต
กรรมการผู้จัดการ : จาง อินอา
ที่อยู่ : 344 ชั้น 9 อาคารสไมล์เกตแคมปัส พันกโย-โร บุนดัง-กู เมืองซงนัม คยองกีโด
เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 1833-7462
อีเมล์ : [email protected]
หมายเลขจดทะเบียนบริษัท : 144-81-05911
หมายเลขจดทะเบียนภาคโทรคมนาคม : 2012-คยองกีซองนัม-1489
หน่วยงานจดะเบียนภาคโทรคมนาคม : เมืองซองนัม
※แอปพลิเคชันนี้มีการซื้อในแอปพลิเคชัน ซึ่งมีค่าใช้จ่ายเพิ่มเติม
ข้อมูลติดต่อผู้พัฒนา :
ที่อยู่ : 344 อาคารสไมล์เกตแคมปัส พันกโย-โร บุนดัง-กู เมืองซงนัม คยองกีโด
เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 1833-7462
Rating:4.5 Show Detail

Name:American English by Nemo Price:Free
Description:Turn your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch into your FAVORITE teacher of English.
◆ The most essential words and phrases of the language, each with native speaker audio.
◆ Master your accent with the Speech Studio. Simply record yourself saying a phrase and then hear your voice next to the teacher’s. You’ll be AMAZED how quickly your foreign accent melts away.
◆ All audio is downloaded to the device and accessible even in airplane mode or without expensive international roaming fees.
◆ Nemo is NOT BUILT AROUND LESSONS at all. It is meant to be picked up and put down throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutes to spare.
◆ Builds a foundation of English empowering you to speak CONFIDENTLY in EVERYDAY CONVERSATIONS.
◆ NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of English required.
Nemo® is specially DESIGNED to tap the remarkable power of your mobile device, and your brain, to their fullest.
Nemo is your personal trainer, tracking your PROGRESS across every single word and phrase.
◆ Practice English the way you'll use it. Nemo is fully customizable.
◆ Nemo immerses you in the sounds of English so you naturally speak with ease.
◆ Dive into WHAT YOU WANT to learn at any time.
◆ You control which words to practice – skip words you don’t want to learn or already know.
◆ Turn on Review Mode to study what you practiced earlier in the day to BOOST your memory retention.
◆ Hear English descriptions of all words, in a flashcard format.
◆ Quiz your mastery of the vocabulary.
◆ Nemo introduces words to you progressively to develop familiarity and reviews them at the right moment so they enter your LONG TERM MEMORY.
Maximize your time investment by targeting the most basic and high frequency words of the language.
Upgrade to the complete version to:
◆ Get off the beaten path or find comfort with DIRECTIONS, TRAVEL and HOTEL phrases.
◆ Decode menus with the most common FOOD words.
◆ Shop and find bargains like an insider with must-know SHOPPING phrases.
◆ Build your proficiency with the most important verbs and SENTENCE BUILDING BLOCKS in English.
◆ Spark new friendships with COMPLIMENTS and CONVERSATION STARTERS.
Use your new skills to make friends, impress old friends, bring smiles to children, get out of jams, experience new things, speak confidently, and make your travel and cultural experience more rich and fulfilling.
Download this FREE app now!
Rating:4.3 Show Detail

Name:Dragalia Lost Price:Free
POP風格曲目讓您更盡興遨遊於「 Dragalia Lost~失落的龍絆~」的世界中。
Rating:4.75 Show Detail