8 Best Apps Similar To Toca Life: Hospital|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Toca Life: Hospital

Toca Life: Hospital
APP STORE: App Store $3.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.1.2(2018-06-29)
APP CATEGORIES : Education, Entertainment
9.0K | 40.0K | <5K |
Experimenta a emoção de um centro médico cheio de atividade com Toca Life: Hospital! Ajuda a trazer novos bebés ao mundo, trata pacientes doentes e despede-te dos teus entes queridos. Toca Life: Hospital é o lugar onde podes sentir as alegrias e tristezas da vida à tua maneira.
Trazer um bebé ao mundo pode ser um bocado assustador e muito emocionante! Partilha essa emoção porque os novos membros de Toca Life! Family são recém-nascidos e a equipa médica pode acarinhar e cuidar destas pequenas doçuras nas suas mantinhas.
Por vezes, também há momentos de tristeza no hospital. O quarto de despedida do Toca Life: Hospital permite aos entes queridos despedirem-se num ambiente calmo.
Toca Life: Hospital permite-lhe contar histórias de faz de conta ou histórias reais sobre exames, raios-X e tudo o que pode acontecer no dia a dia de um hospital.
Na cave, ouve a sirene das ambulâncias na garagem ou decifra o código de um aparelho misterioso para abrir as portas do laboratório secreto! No rés-do-chão, regista-te na receção e aguarda na Sala de Espera ou mata a fome na cantina. O piso de tratamentos tem equipamento para diagnosticar doenças, um laboratório para examinar amostras e uma sala de operações. O piso de pediatria tem uma unidade só para as crianças e uma maternidade com equipamento de ultrassons, berços e bebés recém-nascidos! Os pacientes no piso de observação geral podem visitar jardins zen para meditar sobre a vida. E quando um ente querido morre, despede-te dele no quarto de despedida.
- Explora cinco pisos, cave, entrada principal, laboratório e tratamento, pediatria e observação geral.
- Move as personagens entre pisos com o grande elevador.
- Vem um bebé a caminho? Usa o equipamento de ultrassons na paciente grávida!
- Oh, recém-nascidos: ajuda a trazer os bebés ao mundo!
- Usa a máquina de TAC (o nosso relógio só faz TIC TOC) e a máquina de raios-X para diagnosticares doenças!
- Usa o monitor médico para examinar os órgãos vitais do paciente de cirurgia.
- Usa todas o equipamento que existe em hospitais reais: macas, ligaduras, canadianas, camas de hospital, cadeiras de rodas e mais!
- Decifra o código do aparelho misterioso para explorares o laboratório secreto!
- Fica em paz e despede-te dos teus entes queridos no quarto de despedida.
- Escolhe o ambiente da tua história com a música certa, desde um tema dramático para hospitais a melodias descontraídas e suaves.
Usa a funcionalidade de gravação da tua aplicação para criares um vídeo original! Esta funcionalidade grava a tua voz e os movimentos da tua personagem enquanto contas a história. Cria vídeos até dois minutos de duração e guarda-os no rolo da tua câmara para os partilhares depois!
No Toca Boca, acreditamos no poder do jogo para incentivar a imaginação das crianças e ajudá-las a aprender mais sobre o mundo. Os nossos produtos são criados na perspetiva das crianças para encorajar as crianças a brincar, a serem criativas e a serem aquilo que quiseres ser. Os nossos produtos incluem aplicações premiadas que foram transferidas mais de 150 milhões de vezes em 215 países e oferecem experiências divertidas, seguras e sem limites. Saiba mais sobre Toca Boca e os nossos produtos em tocaboca.com.
A privacidade é uma questão que levamos muito a sério. Para saber mais sobre como lidamos com estas questões, leia a nossa política de privacidade: http://tocaboca.com/privacy
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Name:Toca Life: Neighborhood Price:$3.99
Description:Welkom in je nieuwe buurt, vol met vriendelijke buren waarmee je kunt spelen. Ga op verkenning uit in je nieuwe wijk, stap even binnen bij cafés en winkels, en maak kennis met een nieuwe set personages. En weet je wat? Een Toca Life-app heeft nog nooit zoveel woningen gehad.
Wat is jouw interieurstijl? Minimalistisch, gezellig, boho of industrieel? Kies een van de vier appartementen of betrek ze allemaal! Ga naar binnen, neem de tijd om je te settelen, breng een bezoek aan je buren en nodig ze uit om je te helpen met het inrichten van je woning.
Ga naar de interieurwinkel waar je een hele hoop leuke spulletjes kunt vinden waarmee je je woning kunt inrichten. Planten, klokken, kussens en postbussen, maar ook schilderijen, stoelen en andere accessoires.
Ga niet weg voordat je een paar leuke foto's hebt gemaakt in de fotocabine. Kies een filter, bereid je vrienden voor op de flits en zeg 'cheese'!
Spreek met je vrienden af in Rob-o Café. Pak wat te eten van de lopende band of bestel een smoothie bij de grote robot. Je kunt kiezen uit vier lekkere smaken - welke kies jij?
Binnenkort introduceren we Toca Life: World, onze nieuwe mega-app waarin alle Toca Life-locaties worden samengebracht. Toca Life: World wordt de plek voor alle nieuwe thema's en updates, en zelfs een paar leuke verrassingen! We zijn er bijna klaar voor om deze app aan je te introduceren. Als je Toca Life: Neighborhood vandaag nog download, kun je het binnenkort koppelen aan de rest van je Toca Life-apps.
Maak kennis met 23 nieuwe personages
4 nieuwe appartementen met verschillende thema's om in te wonen en je te ontspannen!
Koop in de interieurwinkel nieuwe meubels en decoraties voor je woning - ga helemaal voor jouw stijl!
Ga met je beste vrienden naar Rob-o Café en kies lekker eten van de lopende band.
Haal een smoothie bij de grote smoothierobot - je hebt keuze uit maar liefst vier lekkere smaken!
Maak met familie en vrienden een foto in de fotocabine! Welke filter ga je gebruiken?
Haal een speelluiaard uit de Slothtato-speelgoedmachine!
Ga op zoek naar de geheime Rob-o Disco Club!
Breng een bezoek aan de kleine wezens die zich verstopt hebben in de lift!
Over ons:
Bij Toca Boca geloven we in de kracht van het spel om de verbeelding van kinderen te stimuleren en hen te helpen meer te weten te komen over de wereld. We ontwerpen onze producten vanuit het perspectief van de kinderen om kinderen in staat te stellen speels te zijn, creatief te zijn en te zijn wie ze willen zijn. Onze producten omvatten bekroonde apps die meer dan 200 miljoen keer zijn gedownload in 215 landen en bieden leuke, veilige en open spelervaringen. Lees meer over Toca Boca en onze producten op tocaboca.com.
Privacy is een kwestie die we heel serieus nemen. Lees ons privacybeleid voor meer informatie over hoe we met deze zaken werken: https://tocaboca.com/privacy
Rating:4.15 Show Detail

Name:Toca Life: Vacation Price:$3.99
Description:Faz com todos os teus dias sejam uma aventura de férias. Sente a emoção de ires até ao aeroporto para apanhares o avião. Salta para uma cama de hotel. Procura tesouros na praia. Cria todo o divertimento das férias que quiseres com Toca Life: Vacation!
Com quatro localizações para explorares em Toca Life: Vacation, nunca ficarás sem ideias para as tuas histórias. Queres começar a tua aventura no aeroporto? Diverte-te com a máquina de raios-x, entra no avião e visita a cabine do piloto. Depois, come um petisco e aprecia o voo! No destino, tens muitas opções para atividades: ir às compras e passear pelo cais, jogar na praia e surfar no oceano e explorar o hotel.
Descobrirás muitas surpresas em Toca Life: Vacation. Descobre quem habita no fundo do mar, abre um compartimento secreto, descobre tesouros enterrados e investiga uma estátua de aspeto misterioso.
Usa a funcionalidade de gravação na aplicação para criares um vídeo original! Esta funcionalidade grava a tua voz quando contares a tua história, juntamente com os movimentos das tuas personagens. Cria vídeos das tuas férias até dois minutos de duração e guarda-os no rolo da tua câmara para partilhares mais tarde!
- Explora quatro localizações: aeroporto, hotel, praia e passeio.
- Cria histórias para 34 novas personagens.
- Vê a bagagem e as pessoas na máquina de raios-X do aeroporto! Visita a cabine do piloto e come um petisco no avião.
- Enche a barriga no bufê do hotel ou assalta o frigorífico no quarto do hotel.
- Brinca no elevador do hotel, depois vai até ao último andar para apreciares a vista da suite da penthouse.
- Compra recordações na loja de recordações, tira fotos com figuras de cartão e come uma refeição no cais.
- Joga na praia e faz surf com os animais do oceano.
- Descobre os mistérios da ilha!
- Grava as tuas histórias na aplicação e partilha-as com os teus amigos!
- Sem limite de tempo ou pontuação — joga enquanto quiseres!
- Sem publicidade de terceiros
- Sem compras na aplicação
Queriam uma aplicação de férias. Agora já a têm! Adorámos as vossas sugestões para um hotel, praia e aeroporto. Não parem de nos enviar ideias! O que querem ver a seguir na série Toca Life? Partilhem as vossas ideias publicando críticas ou partilhando-as com @tocaboca no Instagram e YouTube!
No Toca Boca, acreditamos no poder do jogo para incentivar a imaginação das crianças e ajudá-las a aprender mais sobre o mundo. Os nossos produtos são criados na perspetiva das crianças para encorajar as crianças a brincar, a serem criativas e a serem aquilo que quiseres ser. Os nossos produtos incluem aplicações premiadas que foram transferidas mais de 130 milhões de vezes em 215 países e oferecem experiências divertidas, seguras e sem limites. Saiba mais sobre Toca Boca e os nossos produtos em tocaboca.com.
A privacidade é uma questão que levamos muito a sério. Para saber mais sobre como lidamos com estas questões, leia a nossa política de privacidade: http://tocaboca.com/privacy
Rating:4.3 Show Detail

Name:Kid-E-Cats: Doctor Pet Game Price:Free
Description:Kid-E-Cats are wearing white hats, it means that someone needs help!
Join new adventures of the cats and help them treat their friends!
Alarm! You received an emergency call from a cat - he needs your help. Here is what you gonna do:
1. Receive calls from different cats - they all need to be treated but you choose who will be the first.
2. Pack medicine in your box - take not only meds but also something sweet for your patients.
3. Get to the house of your patient - avoid puddles and trees to get there quickly and don't catch a cold.
4. Do the treatment - use tools and medicine from your box and don't forget to make a sweet tea or milkshake in the end.
The treatment is done! The cat is well! However, you have more patients. Check new emergency calls and go on a new visit.
You will have:
- 5 characters to treat
- 6 types of sickness (treat a toothache, a running nose, etc.) Diagnose and vaccinate!
Although doctor is a complicated job, this game will be easy to play even for the youngest! The app will tell about different types sickness, tools and medicine and other medical things that are usefull for all to know. This is not only a fun game but a way of education! Download it!
If you like games with "Kid-e-Cats", you should look at our other games:
Kid-E-Cats Picnic
Kid-E-Cats Shop
Kid-E-Cats Musical Coloring
Kid-E-Cats Cooking Show
Kid-E-Cats Sea Adventure
Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the subscription period, and the free trial will automatically convert to a paid subscription at the end of the trial period, unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the period. Your account will be charged for the applicable subscription fee within 24 hours of the end of the previous subscription period or trial period. After this time, your subscription will automatically renew until auto-renew is turned off, and it must always be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period to avoid the next charge for a new period.
Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. You may turn off auto-renewal at any time from your device iTunes settings.
Privacy Policy available here: https://devgameou.com/english-terms-of-use/
Contact us: support@devgameou.com
Stay tuned: https://www.facebook.com/DEVGAME.Kids
Our website: https://devgameou.com/
Rating:3.55 Show Detail

Name:BRIO World - Railway Price:$2.99
Description:Build your own BRIO railway!
In this app you can build your own railway with all the classic parts from the world of BRIO. You can lay down tracks, place stations and figures, combine your own train sets and travel out to solve missions in an amazing train world.
The app stimulates creative play where kids can create their own world and play freely. When they play in the world and solve missions they receive more elements to build with.
- Build your own railway with an awesome collection of parts
- Create amazing train sets with more than 50 different train parts
- Jump into the trains and ride on your own track
- Help the characters in different missions in the world and collect joy to unlock new elements to build with
- Load cargo with cranes
- Feed the animals to make them happy
- Create up to five different profiles in the app
The app is suitable for kids between 3 and 10 years old.
The safety of kids is very important for us at Filimundus and BRIO. There is no offensive or explicit material in this app, no ads and no IAP (in app purchases).
Filimundus is a swedish gamestudio focused in creating developing games for kids. We want to stimulate learning by giving them challenges where they can create things and then play with it. We believe in giving kids a creative environment where they can develop through open ended play.
Visit us at: www.filimundus.se
About BRIO
For over a century, our driving force has been to spread joy among children around the world. We want to create happy childhood memories where the imagination is allowed to flow freely. BRIO is a Swedish toy brand that creates innovative, high-quality and well-designed wooden toys that give children a safe and fun play experience. The company was founded in 1884 and is represented in over 30 countries.
For more information, please visit www.brio.net.
Rating:2.5 Show Detail

Name:Miga Town: My Pets Price:Free
歡迎與我們聯繫: support@xihegame.com
Rating:3.5 Show Detail

Name:Animal Doctor - Jungle Rescue Price:Free
Description:Help the vet take care of the animals - treat, heal and cure the Jungle wildlife.
The Jungle animals need some assistance, some got sick, others got injured or hurt. Help the doctor get them better: treat the giraffe, fix the gorilla, cure the elephant, heal the lion, help the zebra and take care of the bear. Whether the animals have fever or ear infection, has scratches or wounds, or whether it just got caught up in branches or got dirty, you have the tools to fix them and help them out.
This game is included in the Pazu subscription which offers all of Pazu’s games with full game versions, no ads, a child-friendly interface and up to 4 devices for each subscription.
Pazu games are trusted by millions of parents and loved by millions of kids worldwide.
Our games are designed especially for kids and offer fun educational experiences for girls and boys to enjoy.
With a variety of game mechanics adapted to different ages and capabilities, it is suitable for kids to be able to play on their own, without the support of adults.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.pazugames.com/
The Pazu Subscription is an auto-renewable subscription with full access to multiple gaming apps, therefore:
Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.
Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.
Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.
For more information please see: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4098
Prices may vary from time to time.
Terms of Use
PAZU and the PAZU logo are trademarks of Pazu Games LTD © 2020 All rights reserved.
Rating:4.45 Show Detail

Name:BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week Price:Free
Description:The BrainPOP Jr.® Movie of the Week app delivers a different animated movie every week - plus related quizzes and educational activities - free! Ideal for kids in Kindergarten through grade 3, BrainPOP Jr. spans topics across Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Math, Health, Arts, and Technology. The gentle, humorous, and relatable characters Annie and Moby serve as guides through each topic, empowering kids to form their own ideas. BrainPOP Jr. is designed to cultivate critical thinking skills and encourage children to ask questions and make connections. The app is easily navigable by kids ages 5-9.
For even more access to BrainPOP Jr.’s award-winning content, log in with your school's username (free!) or choose an optional in-app subscription and enable kids to explore hundreds of topics beyond the Movie of the Week.
In-App Subscription Options*:
“BrainPOP Jr. Full Access Subscription” – Unlimited access to all of BrainPOP Jr.’s movies and bonus features. (BrainPOP Jr. site subscribers can log in to the app at no additional cost.)
*Subscription will automatically renew each month, within 24 hours of its expiration. Your credit card will be charged through your iTunes account. To stop auto-renewal, turn off the feature in your iTunes account settings at least 24 hours prior to your subscription’s expiration. Current, active subscriptions cannot be cancelled.
Since its 2006 launch, BrainPOP Jr. has been a safe and trusted online environment where early learners can further explore what they're studying at school, or delve into any other age-appropriate subject they're curious about.
Also check out the award-winning BrainPOP Featured Movie app - which offers animated movies and quizzes for older students; and the BrainPOP ESL app - for English language learners.
About BrainPOP:
BrainPOP creates cross-curricular digital content that engages students and supports teachers. Our trusted and award-winning resources are used in more than 40 percent of U.S. elementary and middle schools by millions of monthly visitors. Since our earliest days almost two decades ago, we’ve maintained a commitment to helping kids make sense of the world around them. The BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week app is a small part of that mission. Visit us at jr.brainpop.com to learn more.
Terms of Use: http://www.brainpop.com/about/terms_of_use/
Privacy Policy: http://www.brainpop.com/about/privacy_policy/
User Agreement: http://www.brainpop.com/about/user_agreement/
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:▻ Solitaire Price:Free
Description:Solitaire is the most loved free solitaire ...with thousands of games, all free. Top class games with selectable level of difficulty :)
And, with our optional extra-large card symbols, squinting the eyes is a thing of the past!
With this solitaire game you get unlimited puzzle games, all free games, all best of class games, and we have added a Smart Point System and multiple levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard :)
So easy to use: Solitaire has been built specifically for your iPhone and iPad to bring you the best card game experience ever… for you to fall in love with it over and over again like our players, which rank it the best solitaire card game and best card puzzle :)
Solitaire (Klondike), along with Spider Solitaire and FreeCell Solitaire, is part of our family of card games and puzzle games, all created with the same mix of passion for enjoyment, midnight oil, and deep technology skills to bring you the best solitaires… try the difference.
This is what some of our players are saying:
:) "Fun and Easy! — …Easy to use and it makes you keep wanting to beat your previous scores… I ended up playing for an hour straight without even realizing it!…"
:) "Good Stuff — Easily the best solitaire app out there. Grab it."
:) "Addicted — I'm so addicted to this game!! Playing it for months now."
:) Check out the rest of our raving reviews... and look at our ratings!!!
Solitaire makes it amazingly natural to control the cards movements and to feel in control: With tap-to-place, you simply tap the right card and it magically does the right move, or when you prefer you can also use our assisted drag-and-drop to move a card anywhere it creates a valid move.
With this solitaire card game you also get all the nice features you would expect from a first class Klondike card game, such as:
• unlimited number of free games
• landscape and portrait card game play
• draw one card puzzles
• draw three card puzzles
• right and left game layout
• drag destination highlight
• automatic game save and resume
• unlimited undos
• cards placement hints
• tap to place cards
• drag and drop cards
• autocomplete to finish a solved puzzle
• scores, moves, and times
• statistics
• guaranteed winnable card games
• show me how to solve a puzzle
• awesome graphics and animations :)
• show or hide time/battery
• online games scoring
• online achievements
• klondike solitaire game rules
• … too many more to keep listing :)
Solitaire is an iPhone game and an iPad game combined into one iOS app. Your iPhone, iPod, or iPad automatically selects for you the iPhone app and iPad app.
Solitaire is part of our family of card games and puzzle games, all created with the same mix of passion for enjoyment, midnight oil, and deep technology skills to bring you the best solitaires… try the difference!
The feeling of playing Solitaire is not just that of playing cards… it's the feeling of being part of a community… an enriching, shared experience that never makes you feel apart!
Rating:4.55 Show Detail