8 Best Apps Similar To Torrent Power Connect|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Torrent Power Connect

Torrent Power Connect
APP STORE: App Store ₹ 0
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0.4(2019-02-15)
7.0K | <5K | <5K |
The Torrent Power Mobile App is now Faster…Simpler…Better ! Register & manage multiple Torrent Power services in this one comprehensive New design App. Enjoy the best in class design, features and unparalleled convenience.
You can now:
• Pay online & save.
• Submit your own meter reading.
• Call a technician if you are facing power supply issues.
• Register & get updated on any query/complaint.
• Stay updated on your application status.
• Click and register any safety concerns anywhere.
• Instant verification of any torrent employee.
• Book an appointment to visit any Plug Point service center.
• Get a statement of account for previous years.
• Plus all the other unique features that made Torrent Power mobile app your favourite.
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Apps Similar To Torrent Power Connect
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Name:PayPal: Mobile Cash Price:Free
Description:Our new PayPal app is a simple and secure way to get paid back for last night’s takeaway, send money to friends who have an account with PayPal, check PayPal activity, choose currencies to send around the world and more. Plus, we’ve added some new features we think you’ll love…
• If you’re buying, simply scan the QR code to pay securely with your PayPal app.
• Whatever you’re selling, now you can quickly set up a QR code and get paid in person, all with just your phone.
• When funded by a bank account or balance, it’s free and secure to send money or ask for it back from friends and family in the US.
• All you need is an email address, mobile number, bank account, cash pick up service point or mobile top up details. *An account with PayPal is required to send and receive money. If you don’t have an account with PayPal, you can sign up for free quickly and easily.
• NEW FEATURE: just type a name, email or phone number and PayPal will find the right person for you.
• Request money quickly and securely from friends or family with just a few taps.
• Never miss a thing – keep on top of payments and sending or receiving money, with instant push notifications.
• Check out all your latest PayPal activity, by just logging in.
• Easily transfer funds from your bank balance to your account with PayPal.
• Shop in-store, online or everywhere Mastercard® is accepted and withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide.
• PayPal Cash Plus account required to get the card.
• You can be sure PayPal will help keep your financial information secure, with commercially available encryption, and fraud detection. All that plus monitoring transactions, 24/7.
Rating:4.7 Show Detail

Name:亚洲航空 Price:¥0.00
Description:Your favorite destinations are now at your fingertips! The AirAsia Mobile App makes it easier for you to book not just flights but hotels, packages, activities, daily deals, duty-free products, and many more. Earn BIG Points with your bookings and pay with BIG Points to enjoy more savings. View our lowest fares, manage your booking and pre-book baggage, meals, seats, and travel insurance. You can also check-in while on the go!
After you’ve booked a flight, you will receive a mobile barcode when you check in via the app. Just scan the barcode at the airport kiosk to print your boarding pass. You can also opt to get an e-boarding pass which allows you to go straight to the gate if you have no bags to check in.
What else is on the AirAsia app?
This app will be your one stop shop for all travel and lifestyle deals.
Hotels - The app gives you access to deals at more than 500,000 hotels and service apartments globally at up to 50% off. You can also explore affordable holiday packages (flight + hotel) with amazing daily deals. AirAsia members will also enjoy exclusive package offerings and special members-only sales.
Activities - With access to unique experiences across 15,000 activities deals in over 80 destinations in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand such as F&B, spas, tours, attraction tickets, all at exclusive / discounted prices, the AirAsia app makes it easier for guests to plan their perfect itinerary and get more out of their budget.
Daily Deals - Explore amazing daily deals in Malaysia where you get the best offers for just about anything to see, eat, and do - F&B, beauty, massage, services, fitness, and more.
This is applicable in Malaysia only.
OURSHOP - Your go-to platform to shop the world! Shop a wide variety of products online before you fly. Travellers can opt to collect their purchases at the airport or on board for convenience. Guaranteed 100% authenticity.
BIG Member Privileges
Members-only discounts - As a BIG member, you will receive members-only discounts when you log in to your account to book your flights. You get to enjoy 24-hour priority access to AirAsia BIG Sale (Free Seats) and participate in Final Call and Final Call X Sales where you can save up to 90% on AirAsia and AirAsia X flights every month.
Earn and pay with BIG Points - BIG Points are as good as cash where it can be used as a borderless digital currency on the AirAsia app. BIG Members get to earn BIG Points with every transaction for flights, activities, and daily deals; and pay for their bookings with BIG Points, fully or partially, giving them even more savings on top of low fares and great deals. There are a variety of ways where you can earn even more BIG Points from our partners. Find out more on airasiabig.com
BigClick - Save your cards with BigClick for a quicker and more seamless payment process when you book with AirAsia. Be rewarded with 100 BIG Points when you save your first card.
BigPay - Pay with BigPay card and enjoy zero processing fee for AirAsia bookings, discounts on baggage and meals, best currency exchange rate for your travels. Plus, earn BIG Points on every transaction and more.
BigPay is available for Malaysian citizens or Malaysian permanent residents only.
AirAsia Cards - Pay with AirAsia credit or debit cards and earn up to 7X BIG Points for AirAsia bookings.
AirAsia cards are available in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines only.
Download the app and sign up as a BIG Member today!
Rating:4.45 Show Detail

Name:中国移动(手机营业厅) Price:Free
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:Call me a Legend Price:Free
Description:Call me a Legend is a free RPG game simulation with plenty of love affairs and politics after the apocalypse! Become a Legend in the game, which enables you to get rich and gain power! But beware of waves of zombies, because they are lurking behind every corner!
Main features:
Love affairs - Increase intimacy and euphoria with girls by dating them and giving them gifts. Become a Legend among girls!
Raising a family - Take care of your wife and she will take care of your life and your children. Groom your heirs!
Political games - Get rich and gain power!
Forge Alliances - Recruit heroes which will help you to defeat the waves of zombies!
Develop the camp and upgrade your heroes to make them stronger. Make history and be the top of the Legend!
Go on Quests - send expeditions to explore new territories and find more survivors.
Chat online with other players - exchange your experiences! Who is the Legend at the end?
Set the record - We challenge you to try to become the best-ranked player on our worldwide ranking list! Are you the Legend? Can you reach the climax?
Play Call me a Legend for FREE now! Get Rich, Gain Power Now!
Rating:3.6 Show Detail

Name:VIP Access for iPhone Price:Free
Description:O Symantec VIP Access ajuda a proteger suas contas e transações online usando um processo de autenticação forte quando você acessa suas ativadas para VIP.
• Autenticação forte: Oferece autenticação forte de dois fatores ao fazer login em suas contas ativadas para VIP.
• Códigos de aplicativo/QR: Lê um código QR e gera códigos de segurança específicos de sites para autenticação forte de dois fatores a seus sites favoritos.
• ICE Workspace: Descriptografa e exibe arquivos importantes de maneira segura para usuários autorizados.
Use o VIP Access em organizações participantes como eBay, PayPal, E*TRADE, Facebook, Google ou outras entre as centenas de sites na VIP Network:
Autenticação forte
O VIP Access adiciona autenticação forte a seu login normal de uma das seguintes maneiras:
• Gerar dinamicamente um código de segurança de uso único em seu dispositivo móvel. Use esse código com seu nome de usuário e senha.
• Aprove a autenticação ao receber uma notificação de envio em seu dispositivo móvel. Caso sua organização exija a definição de um mecanismo adicional de autenticação de dispositivos para atender às necessidades de segurança, será solicitado que você forneça uma autenticação local adicional, como uma senha ou biometria.
• Use o Touch ID, o Face ID ou a senha em uma notificação de envio para fazer sua autenticação no dispositivo móvel. Nota: A autenticação pelo Touch ID ou Face ID requer que seu dispositivo móvel seja compatível com o Touch ID ou Face ID e que você tenha registrado autenticação por reconhecimento facial ou impressão digital no dispositivo.
O método de autenticação forte que você utiliza depende do método implementado pela organização participante.
Você poderá gerar um código de segurança, mesmo se não tiver uma rede ou conexão móvel.
Códigos de aplicativo/QR: Leia um código QR em organizações participantes como Google, Facebook, Amazon e outras para gerar um código a cada 30 segundos para acessar com segurança. Digite esse código de segurança com sua senha para adicionar autenticação forte a seus sites favoritos.
ICE Workspace
O Symantec ICE permite que funcionários, parceiros e indivíduos de confiança compartilhem arquivos e documentos importantes com segurança. O Symantec ICE criptografa esses arquivos e permite que você os compartilhe com outras pessoas de maneira segura por email e aplicativos na nuvem como Box e Microsoft OneDrive. O ICE Workspace descriptografa e exibe esses arquivos somente para usuários autorizados.
Leia o contrato do usuário final do VIP após fazer o download do VIP Access: m.vip.symantec.com/eula.v
Rating:3.15 Show Detail

Name:Mahjong+ Price:Free
Description:Mahjong City Tours = Mahjong clássico + novos quebra-cabeças + explore as melhores cidades do mundo!
Se você ama quebra-cabeça, estratégia, memória e desafios para o cérebro, amará Mah-jong!
A inovação de Mahjong Solitaire. Explore as melhores cidades do mundo enquanto resolve quebra-cabeças desafiadores. Itens especiais e obstáculos fornecem uma volta inesperada em cada nível. Jogue e relaxe!
▶ Gráficos incríveis e jogabilidade única de Mahjong.
▶ Vá em uma busca ao tesouro para ganhar as melhores lembranças!
▶ Ganhe prêmios incríveis nos torneios semanais!
▶ Novos objetivos, itens especiais e obstáculos dão ao Mahjong uma nova cara!
▶ Jogue com amigos e outros viajantes da cidade e curta a jornada de Mahjong com companhia!
▶ Ótimo para jogadores que amam jogos como quebra-cabeças, mayong, caça-palavras, paciência, jogos de combinação de 3 e outros "jogos inteligentes".
▶ Uma jornada fantástica com mais de 1500 níveis!
▶ Consiga sua própria coleção de peças lindas para uma diversão de combinação sem fim!
▶ É possível jogar off-line, para viagens longas.
▶ É possível jogar com outros sem conectar com o Facebook!
▶ Grátis e com atualizações regulares!
Mahjong City Tours manterá você entretido para sempre!
Rating:4.75 Show Detail

Name:Remitly: Transfer Money Abroad Price:Free
Description:Senden Sie Geld international – schnell, sicher und gegen geringere Gebühren. Werden Sie einer der über 1 Million Kunden, die weltweit über uns Geld senden, und laden Sie noch heute die Remitly-App herunter.
Über Remitly erhalten Sie:
ABSOLUT SICHERE ZUSTELLOPTIONEN: Bei uns können Sie selbst bestimmen, wie das Geld Ihrem Empfänger zugestellt werden soll. Sie können Ihre Überweisung über Ihr Bankkonto oder Ihre Kreditkarte bezahlen. Ihre Empfänger erhalten die Mittel dann direkt auf ihr Bankkonto oder können sie an einer Bargeldabholstelle entgegennehmen. Bei uns haben Sie außerdem die Option, Geld an eine mobile Geldbörse wie z. B. M-Pesa oder (in bestimmten Ländern) direkt an eine private Adresse zu senden.
GESCHWINDIGKEITS- UND PREISOPTIONEN: Anhand unserer EXPRESS-Option können Sie Geld innerhalb von Minuten versenden. Wir bieten Ihnen hervorragende Kurse und geringe bis gar keine Überweisungsgebühren.
DOPPELTE WÄHRUNGSOPTION: Bei uns können Sie Geld in der Währung senden, die Ihr Empfänger benötigt. Sobald Sie eine Überweisung bezahlt haben, kann das Geld im Land Ihres Empfängers in USD oder der lokalen Währung abgeholt werden. Diese Option steht Ihnen an Bargeldabholstellen, auf bestimmten Bankkonten oder in bestimmten Ländern im Rahmen der Zustellung an Privatadressen zur Verfügung.
Wir stehen für jede Überweisung mit unserem PERFECT DELIVERY PROMISE ein: der Garantie an Sie und Ihren Empfänger, dass das Geld zu einem genauen Datum und Zeitpunkt eintreffen wird. Sobald das PERFECT DELIVERY PROMISE eingelöst wurde, können Sie mit uns den Weg Ihrer überwiesenen Mittel bis zum Zielort nachverfolgen. Wir halten Sie über jede Station auf dem Laufenden. Ihr Geld kommt zum versprochenen Zeitpunkt an oder wir erstatten Ihre Gebühr zurück.
Wir halten die PCI-Datensicherheitsstandards strikt ein und nutzen 256-Bit-Datenverschlüsselung. Remitly ist von der Financial Conduct Authority im Rahmen der Payment Services Regulations 2009 zur Bereitstellung von Zahlungsdienstleistungen autorisiert und entsprechend reguliert. Wir sind auch bei HMRC als Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen registriert.
Senden Sie Geld an 49 unten aufgeführte Länder:
Senden Sie Geld direkt auf ein Bankkonto in Nigeria, Kenia, Ruanda, Ghana und Marokko.
Senden Sie Geld sofort an mehr als 11.500 Abholstellen in Äthiopien, Kenia, Marokko, Ruanda, im Senegal, in Südafrika, Ghana, Tunesien und Ägypten.
Senden Sie Geld sofort an mobile Geldbörsen wie z. B. M-pesa in Kenia und mehrere wichtige Mobile-Money-Anbieter in Ruanda, Uganda und Ghana.
Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten in Indien (z. B. bei HDFC, Axis Bank, ICICI, SBI), Volksrepublik China, Südkorea, Nepal und Malaysia.
Senden Sie Geld direkt auf ein Bankkonto oder sofort an eine von über 72.000 Abholstellen auf den Philippinen (bei BDO, BPI, Metrobank, Cebuana Lhuillier, M Lhuillier, GCash sowie an jeder SM-Mall), in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesien, Bangladesch, Thailand, und Pakistan.
Senden Sie Ihrem Empfänger Geld per Privatadressen-Zustelloption über die Sacombank in Vietnam direkt nach Hause.
Senden Sie Geld an mobile Geldbörsen auf den Philippinen, in Bangladesch, Indonesien, Nepal und Sri Lanka.
Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten oder sofort an mehr als 12.500 Abholstellen in Polen, Bulgarien, Rumänien und der Türkei.
Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten in Ungarn, Kroatien und der Tschechischen Republik.
Wir arbeiten zurzeit aktiv an einer Ergänzung mit neuen Ländern und an der Ausweitung unseres Netzwerks. Bleiben Sie dran!
Rating:4.8 Show Detail

Name:Jump Desktop (RDP, VNC, Fluid) Price:$14.99
Description:Leave your laptop behind. Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere.
Jump Desktop is a remote desktop application that lets you securely connect to any computer in the world. Compatible with both RDP and VNC, Jump Desktop is secure, reliable and very easy to set up. Jump Desktop also supports our own, high performance, next generation remote desktop protocol called Fluid Remote Desktop.
Easy setup and reliable:
Jump Desktop is very easy to setup; anyone can do it! Just visit: https://jumpdesktop.com on your PC or Mac, click the ‘Automatic Setup’ link and follow step-by-step instructions. You’ll be up and running in no time. Also - not subscriptions!
Jump encrypts the connection between computers to ensure privacy and security. Automatic connections are always encrypted by default. Supports NLA, TLS/SSL encryption for RDP. SSH Tunnelling and SSL/TLS encryption for VNC. Fluid Remote Desktop uses DTLS for secure connections.
Powerful features:
* Works with almost any computer and operating system.
* Supports physical mice! On iOS 13 and iPadOS, Jump Desktop supports the accessibility mouse with some limitations. Jump Desktop also supports special physical mice with no limitations. For more information visit https://jumpdesktop.com/mice.
* Fluid Remote Desktop protocol supports high performance remote desktop and audio.
* Easy and secure setup: Automatically configure your PC or Mac for remote access using Wi-Fi/3G/LTE without worrying about your router settings. Setup as many computers as you like – there are no limits!
* Built for iPad Pro, iPad, iPhone and iPod
* iPad Pro features: Full support for split-screen multitasking and Apple Pencil.
* Open multiple simultaneous connections
* Live connection previews
* Protect your server settings using Touch ID
* Connection syncing via iCloud connection syncing
* Advanced Bluetooth keyboard: The best bluetooth keyboard support on the App Store. Shortcuts, function keys and arrow keys - everything works. Also includes macros for keys no available on bluetooth keyboards (i.e function keys)
* SSH tunneling with password and public key authentication supported
* Supports large custom screen resolutions and VGA/HDMI out
* Full mouse support via touch gestures: left, right and middle button clicks, dragging, scrolling, precision pointer movement
* Multiple gesture support - includes the ability to draw or write using your finger
* Copy/paste: Transfer text to or from your computer using the pasteboard
* HDMI/VGA external monitor support: View your desktop on an external monitor using a cable or AirPlay. Jump Desktop will let you utilize you external display as a true monitor (not as a mirror like other apps on the store).
* Multi-core rendering engine makes Jump Desktop one of the fastest RDP and VNC engines on the planet
* Full support for Linea and Infinea barcode and MSR scanners. Includes support for E2E encryption.
RDP features:
* Supports RD Gateway
* Supports custom resolutions. Set any resolution you want including Retina resolutions.
* Dynamic RDP resolution updates on Windows 8.1+
* Remote printing: Send print outs from your computer to your iPad/iPhone device (exclusive RDP print redirection feature on the App Store!)
* Folder sharing
* Audio streaming
* Console sessions
* International keyboard layouts
* Multiple monitor support on Windows 7+
* Multi-touch redirection support on Windows 8+
Fluid Features:
* Super high performance, adaptive remote desktop
* Audio streaming
* Strong encryption built into the protocol
* Connect from anywhere, even restricted networks without requiring networking knowledge
* Clipboard sharing
VNC features:
* Tested with Mac OS X, TightVNC, RealVNC, UltraVNC, Linux (Ubuntu Remote Desktop)
* Secure: Supports SSH tunneling as well as SSL encryption
* Black & white, gray scale, 8, 16 and 24-bit color to help optimize bandwidth
* Multiple monitor support
* Macs: Support locking the Mac's screen and syncing the pasteboard
Rating:4.2 Show Detail