8 Best Apps Similar To TutoPLAY Best TutoTOONS Games|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: TutoPLAY Best TutoTOONS Games

TutoPLAY Best TutoTOONS Games

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 3.1.5(2017-09-22)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Education, Family

9.0K   6.0K <5K


TutoPLAY is an all-in-one app pack of most wanted TutoTOONS games.
We hand-selected and added the best TutoTOONS games to one app. Full premium game versions inside with new TutoTOONS games added every month. Just tap and play!

Start Your 7-Day Free Trial
Download the TutoPLAY app and get unlimited access to all TutoPLAY games for the whole week. Enjoy the full game versions for free for the whole seven days!

TutoPLAY Subscription
TutoPLAY is like Netflix except it provides TutoTOONS games. Choose from our subscription plans to get all current and future content:
$4.99 for 1 month
$49.99 for 1 year
$99.99 forever
TutoPLAY subscription is a one-time purchase that you can cancel any time, fast and easy. No hidden fees, full game versions only, no other in-app purchases after you subscribe. Subscribers will also get all upcoming TutoPLAY content at no extra charge!

TutoPLAY Games:
1) Sweet Baby Girl Clean Up 3
2) Princess Gloria Horse Club
3) Mia and Her Mammoth
4) Sweet Baby Girl Summer Fun 2
5) Peach & Friends Pajama Fun
6) BFF World Trip Hollywood
7) Monster Sisters 2 Home Spa
8) Sweet Baby Girl Cleanup 4
9) Sweet Baby Girl First Love
10) Ice Palace Princess Salon
11) Monster Sisters Summer Party
12) Sweet Baby Girl Tooth Fairy
13) Princess Amy Wedding Salon 2
14) BFF World Trip Hollywood 2
15) Princess Gloria Horse Club 2
16) Pony Girls Horse Care Resort 2
17) Sweet Baby Girl Pop Stars
18) Kitty Meow Meow - My Cute Cat
19) Crazy Twins Baby House
20) Christmas Animal Hair Salon 2
21) Farm Lake City Christmas
22) Princess Gloria Ice Salon
23) Fashion Show Top Model DressUp
24) Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2

Safety Comes First
TutoPLAY is a safe, secure and friendly environment to play in:
- No ads.
- No in-app purchases.
- No violence or inappropriate content.
- Hand-selected and premium games only.

Important Note
Your feedback is very important for us – share it by writing us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

By downloading this app you agree to TutoTOONS Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: http://tutotoons.com/privacy_policy/

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Apps Similar To TutoPLAY Best TutoTOONS Games

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Seek by iNaturalist

Name:Seek by iNaturalist                                                Price:Free

Description:Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you. Earn badges for seeing different types of plants, birds, fungi and more!

• Get outside and point the Seek Camera at living things
• Identify wildlife, plants, and fungi and learn about the organisms all around you
• Earn badges for observing different types of species and participating in challenges


Found a mushroom, flower, or bug, and not sure what it is? Open up the Seek Camera to see if it knows!

Drawing from millions of wildlife observations on iNaturalist, Seek shows you lists of commonly recorded insects, birds, plants, amphibians, and more in your area. Scan the environment with the Seek Camera to identify organisms using the tree of life. Add different species to your observations and learn all about them in the process! The more observations you make, the more badges you’ll earn!

This is a great app for families who want to spend more time exploring nature together, and for anyone who wants to learn more about the life all around them.


Seek does not require registration and does not collect any user data by default. Some user data will be collected if you choose to sign in with an iNaturalist account, but you must be over 13 or have your parents permission to do so.

Seek will ask permission to turn on location services, but your location is obscured to respect your privacy while still allowing species suggestions from your general area. Your precise location is never stored in the app or sent to iNaturalist unless you sign in to your iNaturalist account and submit your observations.

Our image recognition technology is based on observations submitted to iNaturalist.org and partner sites, and identified by the iNaturalist community.

Seek is created by the iNaturalist team. iNaturalist is a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society. Seek was originally created with support from HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and enhanced with support from Our Planet on Netflix and WWF.

Rating:3.55                                               Show Detail

Goat Simulator Waste of Space

Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space                                                Price:$6.99

iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5

Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!

Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.

Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!

Principais características

* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail


Name:Egg!                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Egg the game: a game of Eggs.

Everything in the world is Eggs. All our history, all our future civilizations, they are all Eggs. It has always been Eggs, it will always be Eggs.

Just like in real life, Eggs grow differently based on how you take care of them. What will you do? What will you hatch? The world is your Egg.

Everything is Eggs.

Except the wizards
they are pigs.

And the creatures too,
but that’s no surprise.
You’re quite the creature yourself.

- Raise Eggs alone or with a friend.
- Shape your Egg’s personality.
- Hatch over 70 majestic creatures!
- Play a variety of mini-games!
- Visit friends and make new ones in the Eggverse!

~Brought to you with love from the makers of Egg Baby~

Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @eggverse #eggthegame

Downloading this application is in accordance and acceptance of the Nix Hydra Games, Inc. End User License Agreement and Terms of Service: http://www.nixhydra.com/eula

Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Masha and the Bear: Dentist

Name:Masha and the Bear: Dentist                                                 Price:Free

Description:Laten we tandarts bezoeken samen met favoriete personages van de cartoon Masha and the Bear! Speel en leer veel nieuwe en interessante dingen over het beroep van een tandarts. Ontdoen van verval, tanden poetsen en vullingen aanbrengen. Maak een verzameling tandartshulpmiddelen en foto's van tevreden klanten. Help Masha om de glimlachen van elk dier glanzend en mooi te maken!

Rating:3.85                                                 Show Detail

My Talking Hank

Name:My Talking Hank                                                 Price:Free

Description:Com mais de 7 BILHÕES de downloads e sucessos mundiais como Meu Talking Tom e Minha Talking Angela, Talking Tom and Friends agora têm um aplicativo gratuito NOVO EM FOLHA. Apresentando: Meu Talking Hank! Cuide do Talking Hank, o cachorrinho mais fofo que existe. O Hank precisa de seu <3! Ele está pronto para a aventura e para explorar as ilhas tropicais do Havaí, mas ELE PRECISA DE VOCÊ!

Adote seu próprio Hank, um cachorrinho muito fofo. Ele é único. É um filhote tão lindo que você não vai conseguir parar de olhar para ele! Cuide do Hank, seu novo animal de estimação virtual favorito. Dê comidas deliciMeu Talking Hank agora tem um novo minigame viciante de pegar macacos. Além disso, a experiência de jogo que você conhece e adora recebeu diversas melhorias e upgrades.osas para ele, leve-o ao banheiro e balance-o para dormir em uma rede debaixo do céu estrelado.

O Hank ama fotografia! Ele quer tirar fotos de todos os animais selvagens que vivem na ilha. E há muitos deles para descobrir, incluindo um Coelho Branco fofinho, um Flamingo bobão, o Hip Hop Pótamo estiloso e muitos mais. Visite diferentes áreas da ilha. Coloque brinquedos e alimentos para os animais. Espere eles aparecerem e... CLIQUE!... para coletar fotos deles.

O Talking Hank não só repete tudo o que você diz com uma voz engraçada, mas ele também leva a diversão a outro nível! Morra de rir de suas constantes aventuras, travessuras no banheiro e muito, muito mais! Se você gosta de aplicativos no estilo tamagotchi e de jogos de colecionar, você vai se apaixonar pelo My Talking Hank.

Bem-vindo ao Havaí: Conheça essa ilha maravilhosa que é o seu lar! O visual é legal dia e noite!
Crie o Hank: O Hank precisa que você cuide dele, desde dar comida até levá-lo ao banheiro!
Tire fotos: Ajude o Hank a completar seu álbum tirando fotos de animais selvagens e exóticos.
Atraia animais: Alguns deles ficam com medo do Hank, e você vai precisar de alimentos e brinquedos para atraí-los!
Continue jogando: Há muitos outros coisas para descobrir no My Talking Hank, então continue explorando!

A Assinatura Mensal Premium do Hank – que oferece um desconto de 80% em todas as poções de energia, o dobro de recompensas de dinheiro virtual para todos os animais atraídos e +150% mais diamantes em todas as compras de diamantes – tem preço de US$ 4,99 por mês.

O pagamento será cobrado em sua Apple ID na confirmação da compra. A assinatura é renovada automaticamente, a menos que seja cancelada pelo menos 24 horas antes do término do período de assinatura atual. Sua conta será cobrada pela renovação durante as 24 horas antes do término do período de assinatura atual. Você pode gerenciar e cancelar suas assinaturas acessando os ajustes de sua conta da App Store após a compra. Quando você cancelar sua assinatura, o cancelamento será aplicado a partir do próximo período de assinatura. Observe que excluir o aplicativo não cancela sua assinatura. Você pode restaurar suas compras na tela da loja dentro do jogo.

Este app contém:
- Promoção de produtos e publicidade da Outfit7
- Links direcionando os consumidores a nossos sites e outros apps da Outfit7
- Personalização de conteúdo para induzir os usuários a jogar novamente no app
- Assistir vídeos de personagens animados do Outfit7 por meio da integração com o YouTube
- Opção de realizar compras no app
- Itens estão disponíveis por preços diferentes em moeda virtual, dependendo do nível atual do jogador
- Opções alternativas para acessar todas as funcionalidades do app sem efetuar quaisquer compras no app com dinheiro real (progredir de nível, funcionalidades no jogo)

Termos de uso: http://outfit7.com/eula/
Política de privacidade: http://outfit7.com/privacy-policy/
Suporte ao Cliente: [email protected]

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Trivia Crack 2

Name:Trivia Crack 2                                                 Price:Free

Description:SHOW OFF YOUR SMARTS ** Challenge your friends and family to a trivia competition, and prove how smart you are!

TRAIN YOUR BRAIN ** Who says trivia isn't useful? You will keep your brain sharp with Trivia Crack 2. We have thousands of challenging trivia questions for you!

COLLECT CHARACTERS ** Collect our original characters to level up and win amazing prizes!

BECOME A TRIVIA EXPERT ** Answer questions in our 6 categories: Art, Science, History, Entertainment, Sport and Geography, and show how smart you are!

CREATE YOUR OWN TEAM ** Join a team of Trivia experts, or create your own and climb the rankings. Lots of prizes await!

FULLY RENOVATED GRAPHICS ** Enjoy our beautiful animations and environments, with sharper colors than ever!

- Play with your friends and family
- Sharpen your brain with thousands of challenging questions
- Join a team or create your own
- Exchange items with your friends
- Enjoy our fully renovated graphics!

- Hundreds of thousands of questions
- More than 20 languages
- Millions of active users to challenge
- User-created questions
- And loads of fun, completely free!

What are you waiting for? Download the game now and become the smartest in town!

VIP Membership

If you subscribe now, you can:
-Play without ads
-Get endless lives
-Obtain special packs and discounts.

- Subscriptions start at USD 4.99 monthly. 3-month subscription is USD 11.99 USD and annual subscription is USD 39.99*.
- Enjoy a 3-day free trial. Subscription automatically renews for the same price and period as the chosen package unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
- You will be able to access VIP deals for the duration of the subscription.
- Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the cost of the chosen package.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings after purchase.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.
- You may cancel a subscription during its free trial period via the subscription settings in your iTunes account. This must be done 24 hours before the end of the subscription period to avoid being charged. Please visit http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4098 for more information.
- You may turn off auto-renewal from your iTunes Account Settings. However, you won’t be able to cancel the current subscription during its active period.
- Any unused portion of a free-trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a VIP Membership.

Links to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be found below
Privacy Policy: https://www.etermax.com/privacy
Terms of Use: https://www.etermax.com/terms

* Prices are equal to the value that "Apple's App Store Pricing Matrix" determines as the equivalent of the subscription price in USD


For more information, visit www.triviacrack.com
Have questions? Need troubleshooting? Find help at support.etermax.com

Join our community!

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/triviacrack
- Twitter: @triviacrack
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/triviacrack
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/triviacrack

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

DocsApp - Consult a Doctor

Name:DocsApp - Consult a Doctor                                                 Price:₹ 0

Description:24 घंटे, अपने मोबाइल पर चैट और कॉल पर विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर से बात करें।
India's No 1 Online Doctor consultation app

1. Ask your health question
2. Get a doctor allotted to you
3. Give your details, upload diagnostic reports, affected areas photos for the doctor
4. Get prescriptions and answers from doctor with in minutes!
5. Order medicines and diagnostic tests to your home!
6. Your samples will be collected from home and diagnostic reports will be delivered to home!
Get to experience a 360 degree healthcare from your mobile!

DocsApp - Chat with Doctor Now is the best app to consult a specialist MD Doctor online. Download the Docs App and ask a doctor any health question you are having and get the response from top doctors in India with in 30 minutes. Now Docs can be consulted from an app with in minutes!

500000+ patients already took doctor consultation from DocsApp, Join them and get best docs based on doctor rating and doctor review
3000+ specialist MD Doctors who offer online consultations on DocsApp

NoAppointment NoTravel NoWait

Reputed MD Doctors online on DocsApp from Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi
Completely private and secure chats with Docs from these specialties
Gynecology/Gynaecology, Dermatology, Hair Scalp Care, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Weight management, Infertility, Pregnancy diet, Pregnancy problems, Lactation problems, Sexology, Acidity and gas problems
Use DocsApp to chat with a doctor in 30 minutes, complete the consultation, rate and review the doctor.

Ask a question, give basic details and get connected to a specialist MD doctor. Consult with the doctor through chat or call with out any hassles at your convenience and give rating and review for the doctor. No need to go through the pain of booking an appointment, traveling in endless traffic and waiting at clinic or hospital for doctor to get free. Doctor reviews your problem, diagnoses and gives prescription for medicines or blood tests. Directly consult expert doctor online on the go through DocsApp!

Now you can also book diagnostic tests through the app, avail home pick up service and get the report directly on the app for the doctor to diagnose. Doctor gives the prescription on the app. You can even order medicines that the Doc has prescribed through the app.

DocsApp has doctors from all the below specialties

Gynecology/Gynaecology - PCOS, late periods, irregular periods, PCOD issues and all women related health problems
Dermatology - skin issues, rashes, itching, dry skin issues, acne, black spots etc.
Hair Scalp Care - hair fall issues, dandruff issues, rashes and itching on scalp, dry hair, hair whitening
Psychiatry - depressions, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, mental tensions and other mental health issues
General Medicine - Fever, cold, infections, digestion problems, cough and any other general health problems
Pediatrics - Fever, Cold for babies, Growth tracking, diet and food for babies, vaccination etc
Weight Management - Diet & Nutrition for Weight management, personalized diet charts and exercise charts for gaining and losing weight
Infertility - IVF, conceiving treatment plans
Lactation counseling - for new mothers on how to feed babies.
Pregnancy diet - post pregnancy weight management, personalized diet and exercise charts for post pregnancy weight management
Sexology - All sex related problems.
Acidity and Gas problems

For any of the above medical problems, you can find a specialist doctor to chat with in DocsApp.

In case of a medical emergency please visit your doctor immediately

DocsApp is Making Docs and Patients interaction through the App seamless! Download and be part of the India's largest online medical health portal for consulting doctors!
Stay Healthy and Happy
#NoAppointment #NoTravel #NoWait

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Hazel - 1-hour PM2.5 PSI Readings for Singapore

Name:Hazel - 1-hour PM2.5 PSI Readings for Singapore                                                 Price:S$ 0.00

Description:Hazel tells you how bad the haze is right now, right where you are.

Make better decisions about whether you need a mask, or if you should be bringing your baby out.

Hazel calculates the 1-hour PSI using a formula provided by NEA. It converts the concentration of PM2.5 pollutant into a scale from 0–500.

Hourly push notifications keeps you up to date about the latest 1-hour PSI readings the moment NEA releases the data.

Rating:1.75                                                 Show Detail