8 Best Apps Similar To Twist Hit!|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Twist Hit!

Twist Hit!
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.9(2019-07-16)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Casual, Action
80.0K | <5K | 29.32K |
Fill the rings to plant trees and save the whole forest. How many trees can you grow?
Hold to fill the ring. Be careful to the obstacles!
Main Features
- Addictive gameplay
- Simple and satisfying
- Fun and relaxing to play
- Easy controls
- Bright effects
- Charming graphics
- Many different locations
- Intense arcade gameplay
- Unlock unique devices
Growing trees has never been so satisfying. Escape into the picturesque landscapes today.
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Apps Similar To Twist Hit!
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Name:Archero Price:Free
Description:Archer Heroes!
Entre em um mundo onde todos querem eliminá-lo! Você é o Arqueiro Solitário, a única força capaz de resistir e derrotar os exércitos do mal.
Acumule habilidades fantásticas e lute com toda a sua força, pois os exércitos infindáveis de inimigos não estão prestes a desistir. E lembre-se, depois de morrer você deverá começar tudo do princípio! Tenha cuidado!
Crie inúmeras combinações de habilidades exclusivas, todas projetadas para ajudar você a sobreviver. Explore mundos diferentes combatendo monstros e obstáculos.
Recursos principais:
• Habilidades aleatórias e exclusivas para ajudar você a explorar as masmorras.
• Conheça mundos deslumbrantes e centenas de mapas neste novo universo.
• Milhares de monstros nunca antes vistos e obstáculos intrigantes para derrotar.
• Aumente de nível e equipe-se com poderosos equipamentos para aumentar suas estatísticas.
Se tiver alguma dúvida, pergunte-nos em:[email protected]
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Emoji IO Price:Free
Description:This is an alternative client for #1 smash hit worm Game.
You can play realtime-online with millions people playing over the world
[How to play]
- Eat little dots and agar
- Avoid bigger worms
- Try to slither around enemies and become the biggest worm possible
Have fun!
Play against other people online! Can you become the biggest worm
Watch out - if your head touches another worm, you will be explode and then it's game over. But if you get other worms to run into YOU, the THEY will explode and you can eat their remains :)
Unlike other games, you have a fighting chance even if you're tiny! If you're a nimble navigator, you can swerve in front of a much larger snake to defeat them - no matter what size you are!
The biggest worm of the day gets to set a victory message that the ENTIRE WORLD will see!
Rating:4.25 Show Detail

Name:Screw Upwards 3D Price:Free
Description:Reach the top with the POWER OF SPINNING in this thrilling vertical adventure of nuts and bolts.
Jump through dastardly traps and unexpected twists and turns!
Go NUTS and score INSANE high-speed combos!
- One-touch easy-to-learn controls.
- Tons of Levels!
- Spectacular FX!
Rating:3.5 Show Detail

Name:Lines - Color Balls Price:Free
Description:Lines - Color Balls is a interesting puzzle game. It is easy to play, but to become a master is a challenge.
The goal is simple: Keep the screen as clean as possible by arranging balls of the same colors into lines to make them explode.
A line can be: Horizontal, vertical, cross up or cross down.
Features will support you to play easily and get best scores:
- Undo feature
- Resume the last game
- Save and load game (visually)
- Sound on/off
- Show next ball option
Rating:4.25 Show Detail

Name:Splice - Video Editor & Maker Price:Free
Description:Splice 简单易用、功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在 iPhone 或 iPad 上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器的性能,专门针对移动设备进行优化。只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过渡,添加慢动作效果,从而创作出想要分享的精美视频。专业编辑从未如此简单。
“最佳 iPhone 视频编辑器”
- Lifehacker,2015 年 12 月
- 2016 Webby 奖得主
- 最佳移动应用奖,2015 年 10 月
+ 自动按音乐的节拍同步视频。
+ 应用滤镜,调整背景颜色、方向等。
+ 添加标题幻灯片、文本覆盖层和自定义片尾字幕。
+ 为快动作或慢动作调整播放速度。
+ 修剪、剪切和裁剪照片和视频剪辑。
+ 选择过渡样式并控制过渡之间的速度。
+ 通过平移和缩放效果让照片栩栩如生。
+ 从大量免费音乐和声音效果中选择,或者使用自己 iTunes 收藏中的歌曲(取决于 iTunes 条款)。
+ 通过内置录音器,添加旁边或自定义声音效果。
+ 精确修剪和混合多个多个音频轨道。
+ 直接分享至 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook、邮件和信息等。
+ 将视频保存到相机胶卷中
• 订阅时长:周、月、年
• 一旦您确认购买,就会向您的iTunes账户收取费用。
• 购买后,您可以在账户设置中管理订阅,关闭自动更新功能。
• 您的订阅服务会自动更新,除非您在当前使用期结束前至少24小时关闭自动更新功能。
• 当前使用期结束前24小时内,会向您的账户收取续订费用。
• 取消订阅时,您的订阅服务会持续有效至当前使用期结束。自动更新功能将被禁用,但是不会退还当前订阅服务的费用。
• 如有免费试用,购买订阅服务后,免费试用中未使用的部分将会作废。
在未来版本的应用软件内,如果您有任何功能上的要求?请随时联系[email protected]与我们沟通
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Falling Down Stairs Price:Free
Description:Slide your finger to guide your ragdoll down incredibly huge stairs!
Bump other players, use boosts, have fun and win the race!
Try not to fall!
Find shortcut and make awesome jumps!
Reach the end and make you best dive into the finish ball pit!
Game Features:
- Free to play
- Simple one finger control
- Awesome physic!
- Play against opponents
- A lot of levels!
Rating:4.15 Show Detail

Name:Mr.クラブ 2 Price:¥0
Description:Mr. Crab 2 is trots om deel uit te mogen maken van ‘App Store Beste van 2016’!
Raad eens wie terug is? De onweerstaanbare, vriendelijke en gave superheld Mr. Crab. Dit keer heeft hij wat nieuwe vrienden meegebracht om met hem mee te gaan op het meest mooie en betekenisvolle avontuur. Lukt het Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden om alle verloren babykrabben te redden? Om dit te kunnen doen moeten ze goed kunnen springen, door spannende en leuke passages gaan en tot slot oppassen voor kwaadaardige vijanden. Lukt het de krabhelden te overwinnen?
Dit is het moment om Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden te helpen om de baby's terug te krijgen.
Timing is alles
In Mr. Crab 2 moet je al je timing en denkvaardigheden gebruiken om in ieder level gouden medailles te verkrijgen.
Uitdagende levels
Veel uitdagende en prachtige levels. Levels om gratis te behalen en levels om als kado uit een automaat te verkrijgen.
Pas je krab aan
Verzamel veel leuke voorwerpen zoals hoeden en maskers en pas je krabben aan.
Volg @illusionlabs op Twitter
Like ons op facebook.com/illusionlabs
Music gemaakt door Scott Tobin
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:TaniHub - Shop From Farmers Price:Free
Description:Selamat Datang di Aplikasi TaniHub! TaniHub merupakan bagian dari TaniGroup yang memiliki visi sederhana yaitu menjadikan petani lokal Indonesia tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Melalui TaniHub, para petani lokal dapat menjual hasil panen mereka kepada para individu maupun Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di berbagai wilayah. Kami bukan hanya sebuah platform e-commerce terkemuka untuk produk pertanian namun juga katalis untuk masa depan Agri-tech.
Belanja berbagai kategori produk petani lokal, mulai dari Buah, Sayur, Beras & Biji-bijian, Unggas & Telur, serta Ikan & Udang dengan harga sehati dan kualitas pasti.
Tersedia di Jakarta & sekitarnya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya. Kedepannya TaniHub akan terus meluaskan jangkauan distribusi produk panen lokal untuk ke depannya.
● Rasakan proses pembelian yang mudah – dengan tampilan aplikasi yang user-friendly dirancang khusus untuk mobile.
● Transaksi aman dengan metode pembayaran pilihan kamu – Bayar dengan transfer virtual account.
● Gratis Ongkir Tanpa Syarat dengan Armada Pendukung Petani Kita (TaniXpress)
● Transaksi aman dengan kemudahan pembayaran melalui Bank Transfer & Virtual Account
● Kemudahan Ekstra untuk Layanan PayLater bagi M***a TaniHub
● Promo menarik tiap harinya
Melalui TaniHub Anda tidak hanya mendukung pertumbuhanan dan perkembangan Industri pertanian, namun Anda juga membantu menjaga kesejahteraan para petani Indonesia.
Jadikan kegiatan berbelanja anda lebih bermakna, karena setiap pembelian yang anda lakukan, merupakan dukungan nyata bagi pertanian Indonesia.
Rating:0.3 Show Detail