8 Best Apps Similar To We Camera 03 | Street View App|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: We Camera 03 | Street View App

We Camera 03 | Street View App
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.7.6(2018-03-23)
APP CATEGORIES : Navigation, Travel
40.0K | <5K | <5K |
We Camera 03 is an app that anyone can use Street View easily.
Main Features:
• Current location navigation (Street view and map are synchronized)
• Point designation by hold
• Create route
• Street view and map on the same screen
• Multiple pins
• Four types of map
• Share
• Search
• Traffic
• Full screen
• iPhone / iPad and Latest devices, Latest iOS
• Device Rotate (Portrait / Landscape)
The map uses Google Maps SDK for iOS.
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Name:OpenMaps - Mappe topografiche Price:0,00 €
Description:Over ten digital topographic maps , designed for hikers , explorers and outdoor activities. You can find all kinds of roads, mule tracks, dirt roads, country roads ...
Do you want to plan a day trip but you lack precisely the map of the place ? No problem with OpenMaps . You can freely consult a wealth of detailed maps
Why use OpenMaps:
This map references the live tiled map service from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project and other open source map server.
Indispensable for trekkers, mountaineers, mountain bikers, or simple enthusiasts of hiking.
What'is OpenStreetMap:
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an open collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. Volunteers gather location data using GPS, local knowledge, and other free sources of information and upload it.
The resulting free map can be viewed and downloaded from the OpenStreetMap server: http://www.OpenStreetMap.org. See that website for additional information about OpenStreetMap. It is made available as a basemap for GIS work in ESRI products under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
With this new version is included today widget with altitude, sunrise sunset calculator and current address.
Rating:0 Show Detail

Name:Grids Creator Pro for Instagram Banner-s & College Price:2,29 €
Description:Turn your pictures into big tiled banners to share on Instagram and make your profile stand out from the crowd!
Grids Creator Pro allows you to create large photo grids on your Instagram page so that when people are looking at your Instagram profile, they will see one large photo that has been slit into blocks. Think of it as a photo puzzle for Instagram. Now your instagram profile will show a full banner instead of small pic.
Features -
1. You can create 3 type of grids.
2. App will suggest you which image to post one by one.
3. Easy to crop the pic within the app.
No WaterMark and No Limits for Grids
Grids Creator Pro introduces a totally new way of using your Instagram, wrapped in simple and easy to use design. Don't miss the chance to express yourself by adorning your profile page and posting breathtaking large scale images.
Have a try for fun and it’s FREE!
Rating:0.1 Show Detail

Name:Translate - Translator AI Price:Free
Description:翻译 - 译者AI使用人工智能和机器学习的最佳翻译结果。
○订阅为$ 9.99USD美元每周,$ 19.99USD美元每月$ 79.99USD每年*
“*价格等于”Apple的App Store定价矩阵“”相当于美元订阅价格的价格。所有价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。我们偶尔会将促销价作为奖励或限时在促销期间进行合格购买的机会。由于这些活动的时间敏感性和促销性,我们无法在降价或促销活动时提供价格保护或追溯折扣或以前购买的退款。
Rating:4.45 Show Detail

Name:G.I. Joe: War On Cobra PVP Price:Free
Description:¡Elige un bando y lucha en G.I. Joe: War on Cobra! ¡Construye, mejora y defiende tu base en este juego multijugador competitivo de estrategia lleno de acción que tiene a tus héroes favoritos de G.I. Joe y a los villanos de Cobra!
La guerra continúa... ¿a quién jurarás tu lealtad? ¡Lucha con o contra personajes icónicos como Duke, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Roadblock, Storm Shadow, Baroness y muchos más! Despliega o acaba con unidades como H.I.S.S., Mamba, V.A.M.P. y drones terrestres. El futuro de la Tierra está en juego, ¿la salvarás o la conquistarás?
● ¡Colecciona cartas de héroes, tropas, comandantes y vehículos para personalizar tu mazo y así poder atacar a los enemigos o defender tu base!
● ¡Compite con otros jugadores en eventos JcJ y sube en la clasificación!
● ¡Equipa a tu escuadrón y defiéndete por tierra, agua o aire con defensas especiales como torretas, minas marinas y depósitos de tropas para conseguir la victoria!
● ¡Elige un bando! Las facciones de G.I. Joe y Cobra tienen unidades y edificios únicos. ¡Juega en el otro bando para una experiencia de juego increíble!
● ¡Completa una variedad de misiones que van cambiando para ganar recursos adicionales y recompensas especiales para tus tropas!
Colecciona cartas y personaliza tu mazo para mejorar a tus héroes, tropas, comandos y vehículos. Abre los cargamentos llenos de unidades y recursos esenciales. ¡Sube en la clasificación para desbloquear personajes o armas mejoradas y mucho más!
Lucha contra jugadores de todo el mundo en eventos y guerras entre alianzas por petróleo, minerales, información y la clasificación JcJ. Despliega unidades en batalla para atacar las bases enemigas y hacerte con sus recursos. ¡Los vehículos pueden trasportar héroes de más para llevarlos hasta los frentes y desbloquear armas especiales y más pistolas! ¡Sube en la clasificación para tener las mejores recompensas!
¡Crea recursos para aumentar la protección de la base y participar en batallas épicas! ¡Mejora tu base para defender tus recursos de las tropas enemigas, que están decididas a quitártelos para usarlos! Tendrás acceso a defensas nuevas y avanzadas a medida que personalices y subas de nivel tus cuarteles generales.
La aplicación está disponible en inglés, francés, alemán, español, coreano y japonés.
Cuando juegues a G.I. Joe: War on Cobra, D3Publisher of America, Inc. recabará datos de usuarios con tal de mejorar la experiencia de juego de nuestros jugadores de G.I. Joe: War on Cobra.
G.I. JOE y todos los personajes relacionados son marcas registradas de Hasbro y se usan con el permiso de © 2020 Hasbro. Todos los derechos reservados. Licenciada por Hasbro.
Rating:4.5 Show Detail

Name:GPS-Trk 3 Price:¥0
Description:Professional-grade, new generation GPS system that works in both Stand-Alone Mode and Network Mode.
[Trusted name in smartphone GPS app since 2009. For both iPhone and iPad. Subscription is required for app use.]
1) Stand-Alone Mode (smartphone only)
In this mode, GPS-Trk works as traditional professional-grade GPS app.
• Full functionalities packed into clean easy-to-use UI.
• Reliability (several days of continuous measurement).
• Scalability (very long track like around the earth).
• Store all past tracks of several years on smartphone. Effectively, you never have to delete tracks to save space.
• Minimal usage of battery, network data and disk storage.
• Track with photos.
• Import / export track file in KML, KMZ, eKML, eKMZ, GPX format (with photo for KMZ, eKMZ) via email attachment, Dropbox.
• Apple Maps, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap (Offline map for OpenStreetMap)
• Track measurement works even without network (Cellphone, Wi-Fi).
• Track measurement by time or by distance.
• Track animation.
• Single app supports both iPhone and iPad. (screen optimized differently.)
2) Network Mode (smartphone + GPS-Trk Net)
The easiest way to share your GPS track path (with photos) with friends in real-time!
[Check it out at https://gpstrk.hc-eng.com]
During adventures (climbing, biking, airplane, ship) or business (fleet management), your friends, support team can watch your movement.
The user records track (movement, photos) with GPS-Trk app on smartphone. The other persons can watch the track moves remotely in real-time with any web browser (smartphones, PCs).
Free - create public tracks. (for Hobby. Show it to the world!)
Subscription - create shared or private tracks. (for Business)
You carry smartphone and friends watch your movement with Web browsers.
You put smartphone on target (scientific research, car, kid, pet etc.) and you monitor its movement with Web browsers.
[Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Payment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. You can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your account settings on the App Store after purchase.
Terms and Conditions: https://hc-eng.com/terms-and-conditions/
Privacy Policy: https://hc-eng.com/privacy-policy
Rating:1.35 Show Detail

Name:MetService Price:Free
Description:MetService NZ Weather Features include:
- Morning, afternoon, evening and overnight icons for 47 forecast areas, set by our meteorologists, to help you plan your day
- Automatically see the forecast and observations that are most relevant to you, by enabling location services or choosing your suburb, town or city
- Customise your weather dashboard and the order of forecast modules
- 48 hour forecast graphs
- Interactive national temperature map
- Severe Weather Warnings and Watches for your location
- MetService TV updates for your region
- Real-time, zoomable Rain Radar for your area, with quick link
- 3 day, zoomable Rain Forecast maps
- Live Traffic Cameras for urban locations
- Widget available
Full terms and conditions regarding the purchase and use of MetService mobile applications are available here: www.metservice.com/about/application-terms
Rating:2.35 Show Detail

Name:Visited: Map where I've been Price:Free
Description:Visualisiere deine Reise mit deiner eigenen, personalisierten Reisekarte. Markiere alle Länder, in denen du gewesen bist und die, die du noch besuchen möchtest. Möchtest du alle 50 Staaten der USA sehen? Markiere sie einfach auf deiner Karte und schau, wie weit du schon gekommen bist. Teile deine Karte mit Familie und Freunden und vergleiche deine Reisen mit denen von anderen auf der ganzen Welt. Erhalte personalisierte Reisestatistiken darüber, wie viel du noch von der Welt sehen willst.
Visited lässt dich:
• Deine eigenen, personalisierten Karten mit eigenen Farben erstellen, die zu dir passen
• Deine Erlebnisse mit denen von Reisenden aus der ganzen Welt vergleichen
• Deine eigenen Karten via Facebook, Twitter, SMS, E-Mail oder als Ausdruck teilen und zeigen, wo du demnächst hinwillst
• Länder markieren, in denen du warst und in die du noch reisen willst
• Herausfinden, wie viel Prozent der Welt du bereits besucht hast
• Sehen, wie viel Prozent jedes Kontinents du besucht hast
• Die Zahl der Länder sehen, die du besucht hast
• Dich von deinen bisherigen Reisen und den Ländern, in denen du noch nicht warst inspirieren
• Deine Reiseziele im Auge behalten, indem du die Länder markierst, in die du noch reisen möchtest
• Sehen, wie weit du auf deiner Reise bist – Land für Land
• Die Prozentzahl und Anzahl der US-Staaten, die du bisher besucht hast, herausfinden
• Sehen Sie die Top 10 der beliebstesten Länder, die Sie von Ihrer Heimatstadt aus besuchen können.
• Sehen Sie zusätzliche Statistiken zu Ihren Reisen.
• Sehen Sie sich Informationen zu jedem Land an, einschließlich einiger Beispielattraktionen, Einwohner und Gebiete in jedem Land.
• Sehen Sie den Rang eines jeden Landes, basierend auf der Beliebtheit bei anderen Reisenden.
• Fügen Sie eigene Notizen auf Länderebene hinzu.
• Wählen Sie Regionen für mehr als 20 Länder aus, einschließlich: Brasilien, China, Indien, Russland, Großbritannien und mehr.
• Verfolgen Sie Ihre Erlebnisse wie Golf, Schnorcheln/Tauchen, Skifahren, Weintouren und andere.
• Offline-Modus
Visited wurde von Reisenden für Reisende entwickelt. Es hält fest, in welchen Ländern du bereits gewesen bist und zeigt dir, was du noch vor dir hast. Es wird dich inspirieren, die Welt zu erkunden. Planst du einen Road Trip durch die USA oder Europa? Setze ihn einfach auf deine Reiseliste. Sieh, in wie vielen Ländern und US-Staaten du schon warst und vergleiche deine Reisen mit denen anderer Reisender aus aller Welt. Halte nach jeder Reise fest, wo du gewesen bist (wie du es bei einem Tagebuch tun würdest). Sieh, wie viele der US-Staaten und wie viel Prozent der Kontinente du besucht hast und teile es ganz einfach mit deinen Freunden. Erhalte personalisierte Reisestatistiken und sieh, wie viele Länder noch auf deiner Besuchsliste stehen!
Rating:4.45 Show Detail

Name:Timestamp Camera Basic Price:Free
Description:Timestamp Camera is the best(maybe the only) app to automatically add timestamp to new videos in real time.
• Automatically insert current time and address when taking photo or video in real time, you can change time format or select the address around easily. Timestamp Camera is the only App that can record video with the time watermark accurate to millisecond(0.001 second).
- Support 81 timestamp formats.
- Support change font, font color, font size.
- Support set timestamp in 6 positions: top left, top center, top right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right.
- Support auto add address and GPS.
- Support input and display custom text on camera.
- Support input and display tag on camera and insert to the Exif.
- Support change opacity of text and text background.
- Support four text margin modes: no margin, one line margin, half line margin, suitable for printing
• Support display altitude and speed.
• Support display map on the camera.
• Support display compass on the camera.
• Support import watermark logo image to display on the camera.
• Support change photo resolution, support the maximum resolution supported by the camera.
• Support change video resolution(540P, 720P, 1080P, 4K) and fps(30fps, 60fps).
• Support record video without audio.
• Support pause and continue record fragments to one video.
• Support timer to take picture (3, 5, 10 seconds with count down).
• Has 4 modes. "Video", "Square", "Timelapse" support record video and capture photo. "Photo" mode only support capture photo with special optimization.
• All the effects are real-time and can be used when taking photo or video.
• Support change effect, toggle camera when recording.
• Support "Battery saver mode", the brightness of screen can be changed when turn it on.
• Support show 3x3 grid.
• Support import photo as a virtual camera.
• Support portrait and landscape.
• Support both iPad and iPhone.
• Photo and Video will be saved to Camera roll.
Please mail us cybfriend@gmail.com if you have any problem or suggestions. Thank you.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail