8 Best Apps Similar To 掌上看家-手机电脑实时监视|AppSimilar

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Apps Similar To 掌上看家-手机电脑实时监视

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps


Name:燃脂運動:在家就能減重                                                Price:NT$ 0

Description:Latihan Pembakar Lemak - Latihan Rumahan Kurangi Berat cocok bagi pria maupun wanita yang ingin menurunkan berat dengan cepat. Dengan latihan pembakar lemak yang super efektif, Anda dapat menyingkirkan lemak di perut, kaki, lengan, dan mendapatkan bentuk tubuh lebih baik.

Tidak memerlukan peralatan, semua latihan dapat dilakukan di rumah atau di mana pun, kapan pun. Anda dapat melacak kalori yang terbakar dan turunnya berat dalam bentuk grafik. Ikuti program 30 hari dan luangkan 5–10 menit per hari untuk melangsingkan badan dan tetap sehat!

Latihan cocok untuk semua tingkatan, pria dan wanita. Berdasarkan target Anda, kami menyajikan latihan rumahan yang singkat dan efektif sebagai rutin personal. Intensitas latihan ditingkatkan secara bertahap untuk memudahkan Anda agar dapat terus berlatih.

Buat rutin latihan Anda sendiri dari ratusan latihan yang tersedia. Tidak perlu cemas jika lutut atau punggung Anda cedera, latihan yang tidak diinginkan dapat diganti dan Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan urutan latihan serta waktu istirahat.

Berlatih dengan musik dapat meningkatkan motivasi Anda hingga 35%! Kami menyediakan beragam musik untuk membuat Anda tetap semangat selama berlatih.

Lebih dari 300 latihan penurun berat untuk bagian-bagian tubuh yang berbeda, kaki, perut, bokong, lengan, pinggang, dada, dll. Semua latihan, yang dirancang oleh pelatih kebugaran profesional, terbukti membantu Anda mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yang diinginkan dan mengurangi berat secara efektif.

Latihan pembakar lemak yang berbeda setiap hari membuat pengurangan berat menjadi mudah dan menyenangkan. Tanpa peralatan, tanpa pusat kebugaran, Anda dapat berlatih di rumah atau di mana pun, kapan pun.

Animasi, video, dan instruksi mendetail memandu Anda sepanjang latihan. Berlatih dengan cara yang tepat dan raih hasil optimal. Seperti memiliki pelatih pribadi di saku Anda!

Kiat harian, termasuk cara makan dan menu, cara berpakaian, cara minum, membantu meningkatkan hasil pembakaran lemak Anda. Dengan pengingat latihan yang dapat disesuaikan, Anda akan lebih disiplin dan tidak akan lupa berlatih. Sinkronkan data dengan Apple Health.

Latihan pengurang berat, latihan pembakar lemak, latihan penurun berat, latihan kaki, latihan perut, latihan bokong, latihan dada, latihan lengan, latihan pembakar lemak perut, singkirkan lemak perut, latihan perut sixpack, latihan di rumah

Syarat dan Detail Berlangganan:
- Akses tanpa batas ke semua fitur, Rp 139ribu/bulan, Rp 569ribu/tahun
- Pembayaran akan dibebankan pada Akun iTunes setelah pembelian dikonfirmasi.
- Langganan otomatis diperpanjang kecuali perpanjangan otomatis dinonaktifkan paling tidak 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berjalan.
- Akun akan dibebankan tarif perpanjangan dalam 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berjalan.
- Langganan dapat dikelola oleh pengguna dan perpanjangan otomatis dapat dinonaktifkan dengan membuka Pengaturan Akun pengguna setelah pembelian
- Sisa periode percobaan gratis yang tak digunakan akan dihapuskan saat pengguna membeli paket berlangganan.

Kebijakan Privasi: https://leap.app/privacypolicy.html
Syarat Penggunaan: http://pay.mobihealthplus.com/app/fatburning.html

Rating:5                                               Show Detail

Pulse Secure

Name:Pulse Secure                                                Price:Free

Description:Pulse Secure for iOS enables secure connectivity over SSL VPN to corporate applications and data from anywhere, at any time. Using Pulse Secure, you can connect securely to your corporate Pulse Secure SA Series SSL VPN gateway and gain instant access to business applications and networked data from wherever you are. Our app’s integration with Pulse Workspace helps the enterprise mobilize their applications, govern their data, and respect the privacy of their employees without compromising native user experience.

For Client Software EULA, please refer: https://www.pulsesecure.net/support/client-software-eula/

Important Note: Pulse Workspace requires an enterprise license. Please contact your IT organization before attempting to use this client to connect to Workspace.

For Documentation and Release Notes, please refer:

For Documentation related to iOS Workspace onboarding please refer:

"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."

Rating:4.2                                                 Show Detail

Nintendo Switch Parental Cont…

Name:Nintendo Switch Parental Cont…                                                 Price:Free

Description:Nintendo Switch Parental Controls™ is a free app for smart devices to keep you engaged with your family's gaming activities on Nintendo Switch.
◆ A Nintendo Switch console with the latest available system version is required to use this app.

This is recommended for people worried about things such as:
1. Is my child spending too much time playing games?
2. What kind of games is my child playing?
3. Are the games my child is playing age-appropriate?

Below are three special features of the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app:
1. Monitor play time on your console.
Set a play-time limit and the console will notify users that the time limit has been reached.
Parents and guardians can check the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app to see if the time limit has been followed.
It is also possible to suspend gameplay automatically when the play-time limit is reached.

2. Check up on your console's gameplay.
The summary function allows you to easily see what games have been played on the console recently and how much time was spent playing each day.
View daily reports and monthly summaries of play activity. If you choose to receive push notifications, you'll be notified when a new monthly summary is available.
It's an easy way to see what kind of games your family is interested in.

3. Restrict console features.
Nintendo Switch functions can be restricted to prevent the console from playing games above a certain age rating.

◆ An Internet connection is required to use this app. Cellular data may be used. A Nintendo Account (for ages 18 and up) is also required.
◆ Restrictions to Nintendo eShop purchases can be set from Nintendo Account settings.
◆ Your use of this app is subject to the Nintendo Account User Agreement available at support.nintendo.com.
◆ In order to make use of all of the features and settings available in the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, all registered Nintendo Switch consoles need to be using the latest system version.

Rating:4.6                                             Show Detail


Name:HSBC US                                                 Price:Free

Description:The HSBC US app has been specially built for our US customers*, with reliability at the heart of its design.

Enjoy security and convenience with these great features:

• You can use Touch ID and Face ID on a supported iOS device.

• Future dated payments and transfers - You can now schedule future dated payments and transfers anytime, anywhere on your phone.

• Move funds from eligible U.S. accounts to your HSBC accounts in other countries

• View and download your statements.

• Quickly send money in real time to your eligible saved payees.

• If you're new to online banking, you can now register through the mobile app

• Already a customer? Log on with your existing online banking details

* Important note: This app is provided by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. for use by existing customers of HSBC Bank USA, N.A. only. Please do not download this app if you are not an existing customer of HSBC Bank USA, N.A.

HSBC Bank USA, N.A. is regulated in the U.S.by federal and applicable state laws and regulations.

Please be aware that HSBC Bank USA, N.A. provides the services and/or products available through this app to customers having an account relationship with HSBC Bank USA, N.A. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. cannot guarantee that the services and products available through this app are authorized to be offered in other countries, or that they are suitable for any particular person or appropriate in accordance with any applicable local laws, rules or regulations of any jurisdiction outside the U.S.

This app is not intended for download or use by any person in any jurisdiction where such download or use would not be permitted by law or regulation. The information provided through the app is not intended for use by persons located in or resident in jurisdictions where the distribution of such material or provision of such services/products is restricted . Customers availing of the services and/or products available through this app are required to comply with all applicable laws/regulations of their respective jurisdictions.

Rating:2.2                                                 Show Detail

Currency - Global Exchange Rate Convertor

Name:Currency - Global Exchange Rate Convertor                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:We keep updating exchange rate data from [Yahoo Finance] every hour, including exchange of gold, silver, platinum and currencies around 162 countries and regions.

We have optimized our App by cutting all less useful buttons and designs; and highlighted users' basic demand for exchange rates.


- Notifications plug-in
- Apple Watch available
- Exchange rate calculator
- Common currency sorting

Rating:1.75                                                 Show Detail


Name:OKOK·International                                                 Price:₩0

Description:OKOK Healthcare Management, an application for use with the smart Bluetooth scale, records and manages your body weight measurement results. With this APP, you can use the Bluetooth scale to check and manage various health indices for body weight, body fat, body water, muscle and etc. Though mainly used for body weight control, this APP utilizing your health indices also give you advice on everyday sport, food and sleep.

More information about this OKOK Healthcare Management APP our services provided and can be found at www.tookok.cn

This app support the Apple 'Health' App, If you authorized, we can sync all weight data to you Health app.

Rating:2.9                                                 Show Detail

Google Home

Name:Google Home                                                 Price:Free

Description:Thiết lập, quản lý và điều khiển các thiết bị Google Home, Google Nest và Chromecast cùng hàng ngàn sản phẩm nhà thông minh như đèn, camera, máy điều nhiệt và nhiều thiết bị khác – tất cả từ ứng dụng Google Home.

Bao quát mọi hoạt động trong nhà.

Thông qua tab Nhà, bạn có thể dễ dàng và nhanh chóng phát nhạc hoặc giảm độ sáng của đèn khi bạn xem phim, cũng như thực hiện nhiều thao tác khác. Điều khiển mọi thiết bị trong nhà chỉ bằng một lần nhấn và thực hiện mọi việc nhanh chóng. Tab Nguồn cấp dữ liệu làm nổi bật các sự kiện quan trọng nhất trong nhà bạn tại một nơi. Tại đây, bạn cũng sẽ tìm được một số cách để khai thác tối đa mọi thiết bị và cải thiện cách bố trí thiết bị trong nhà.

Tạo các quy trình giúp bạn bật đèn, kiểm tra tình hình thời tiết, phát tin tức và làm nhiều việc khác nữa bằng một lệnh đơn giản.

Xem tất cả luồng video và âm thanh đang phát trên mọi thiết bị trong nhà tại một nơi, thay đổi âm lượng, chuyển sang bản nhạc tiếp theo, hoặc nhanh chóng thay đổi loa phát.

Biết mọi việc đang diễn ra trong nhà trong nháy mắt. Chúng tôi thiết kế ứng dụng Google Home để giúp bạn biết được tình trạng ngôi nhà và giúp bạn nắm bắt mọi sự kiện mà bạn đã bỏ lỡ. Kiểm tra nhà bất kỳ lúc nào và xem tóm tắt những sự kiện xảy ra gần đây. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo nếu có chuyện quan trọng xảy ra khi bạn vắng nhà.

Thiết lập Nest Wifi sau vài phút bằng ứng dụng Google Home. Quản lý mạng của bạn ngay trên thiết bị di động. Chạy kiểm tra tốc độ, thiết lập mạng khách và dễ dàng chia sẻ mật khẩu Wi-Fi với gia đình và bạn bè. Quyết định thiết bị nào được ưu tiên có tốc độ nhanh hơn và sử dụng các quyền kiểm soát của cha mẹ như tạm dừng Wi-Fi để quản lý thời gian lên mạng của con.

* Một số sản phẩm và tính năng có thể không có sẵn ở một số khu vực. Bạn cần có thiết bị tương thích để sử dụng.

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail

Flute Simulator PRO

Name:Flute Simulator PRO                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true Flute.
Flute Simulator PRO - a new unique flute directly to your phone. About flute simulator, compose their own music using a brass instrument. Surprise family and friends!
Will appeal to all, especially to those who love good music! For those who love to write and make his own!
ATTENTION! The game was created for fun and jokes and does not bear any harm!
You can download the game now is completely free to use and without an internet connection! Leave us your feedback and evaluation, we really appreciate your feedback!

Rating:0.9                                                 Show Detail