8 Best Apps Similar To 東網|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: 東網

APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 5.72(2020-06-05)
APP CATEGORIES : News, Finance
10.0K | <5K | 173.03K |
東網 iPhone版包括24小時更新的《即時新聞》及新聞影片、每日凌晨更新的《東方日報》報章豐富內容,新聞全港最多、更新速度最快,集合圖文影片,睇新聞至全面。
- 包羅新聞、東網巨星、財經、評論、生活、波經、馬經、體育即時新聞,全天候24小時不停更新,並具有天氣、交通新聞消息、推播精選、最高瀏覽、熱點、貼圖等欄目,另設有新聞收藏功能,新聞全港最多、更新速度最快、功能最強最齊全。
- 每天晨曦更新即日報章新聞,包羅報章新聞分類包括要聞港聞、兩岸國際、娛樂、財經、副刊、體育。
如對新版本有任何意見,歡迎電郵至:[email protected]
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Name:こんなフリーキックはイヤだ Price:¥0
hap Inc.
twitter @hap_inc
Rating:4.3 Show Detail

Name:FaceU - 아름다움을 불어넣다 Price:₩0
Description:Faceu has boasted approximately 300 million users all over the world, being extremely popular in Japan and South Korea. It has become a selfie APP used by all kinds of fashion icons, web celebrities and renowned stars.
Special effects including rain control, magics control and various film style filters updated, providing fresh ways to take selfie everyday!
【Over 1000 special sticker effects】
Seeing yourself being more glamorous with FaceU. Adorable cat's ears, dog's ears and animal stickers; chic outfits/accessories; interesting 3D effects, movie styles and fireworks; hair colors always changing; twisting facial expressions; styling in an ancient way; music stickers; multi-cell photo frame stickers and various kinds of special sticker effects are updated everyday for you to discover and explore!
【Powerful retouching function for your skin and styling】
Retouching function for your skin from level 1 to level 5, enabling you to get rid of the pimples, freckles and scars with one simple click while remaining a natural texture on your face. With a variety of face shapes for your choice, why not have a test on what kind of face shape you own?
【Professional filters】
Over 30 different fashionable filters available for you to switch around. Professional photographers and designers are invited by FaceU to modulate the filter. By routinely updating different styles of filters, even the same sceneries will be shot with different touches.
【Short videos+ music stickers】
More than 100 music stickers to be used with videos! And the FaceU music library offers massive background music for you to choose at will. From now on, video shooting will be way more interesting!
【GIF emoji packages】
You are now able to create your own GIF emoji packages with FaceU! GIF emojis are widely used in global social networks. The accelerating play mode facilitates to display your facial expressions and moves in a more amusing way~
(Facial recognition technology provided by SenseTime)
Comments are always welcomed~ Please contact:
[email protected] for feedbacks; and
[email protected] for business cooperation
Facebook: Faceu.official
Instagram: faceu_official
Twitter: @Faceu_official
One step to solve all problems, please contact our Facebook messenger: FaceU Feedback
(click https://m.me/join/AbbY3OnvUYFQfgn9)
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:Currency converter calculator! Price:Free
Description:Penukar mata wang yang kuat dan mudah.
+ Mod luar talian.
+ 150 mata wang dunia.
+ Widget mudah.
+ Kadar pertukaran semasa.
+ Carian mata wang pintar.
Terms of Use: https://getconverter.org/terms.html
Privacy Policy: https://getconverter.org/privacy.html
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄 Price:NT$ 0
Description:SUPER FAST – Scan 12 business cards in under one minute!
Zappoint is the business card organizer with privacy. Be cautious about FREE! Many so-called “free” business card organizers capture your data and then sell your data or repurpose it for advertising. Zappoint Business Card Organizer is a paid service that treats your business data as your business data – the way it should be.
Scan, capture and you're done. Information magically appears in your phone address book for everyday use.
The integrated world-class advanced camera imaging technology is so fast that you can scan a dozen business cards in under a minute. So, getting your backlog organized has never been easier.
Your data is your data. Period. Unlike most alternatives that commercialize a so-called “free” service by selling your data or using it for advertising, we provide a straightforward paid corporate service for professionals who must ethically manage their business contacts with uncompromising privacy standards.
* BASIC Account – FREE, business card image capture without OCR
* PLUS Account – $1.99 per month, up to 50 business card scans per month
* PREMIUM Account – $9.99 per month, up to 300 business card scans per month
In today’s world of free everything and promiscuous disrespect to your privacy, we invite you to use a professional service that is refreshingly honest and straightforward.
Download Zappoint
Rating:0 Show Detail

Name:Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian Price:RM24.90
Description:Tokyo Travel Guide Premium by BeetleTrip is your ultimate oversea travel buddy. Offline GPS locates and tracks your position in Tokyo at real time. The most important feature is: NO 3G/4G, NO Wifi and absolutely NO Network Data needed. 100% offline. This app provides you augmented reality direction guide, offline city map with all the metro/train stations, metro route search, must-go tourist attractions as well as Apple Watch support. Save you expensive roaming charges while you are traveling abroad.
1. 100% OFFLINE GPS LOCATION - NO INTERNET REQUIRED, offline GPS locates and tracks your position in the map at real time.
2. 100% OFFLINE COMPASS IN-APP - NO INTERNET REQUIRED - with GPS enabled, you can get offline compass to point you at the right direction, so that you will never get lost or go into wrong direction.
3. NO WIFI, NO 3G/4G, NO NETWORK DATA REQUIRED - save expensive roaming charges.
4. ALL METRO/TRAIN STATIONS PINNED - All metro and train stations in the city are pinned on the map, easy to find your way out and to anywhere the very moment you get off from transport.
5. METRO ROUTE SEARCH INCLUDED - Do not know which line to take and where to transit? Just key in your start point and the destination station, and our metro route search function will be able to help you in seconds.
6. WATCH SUPPORT - Using our Apple Watch App, you can easily track which must-go attractions you missed out, how far you are from it and how to get there using public transport. You can also send metro route search results to Apple Watch and use it while on the go, make life easier for every travelers.
7. AUGMENTED REALITY - Need directions to your next destination? Our augmented reality guide tells you precisely which direction to go, how far you are from it. Work best for short walking distances from attractions/stations.
8. MUST GO ATTRACTIONS and ATTRACTIONS INTRODUCTION INCLUDED - don’t miss anything, must go attractions are pinned red and attractions introduction are included, you can learn about background and history of the monuments or sites.
9. OTHER ATTRACTIONS and POINT OF INTERESTS PINNED - don’t miss anything, apart from must go attractions, we also provide other point of interests which are pinned blue in the map.
10. MARK YOUR OWN PIN ON THE MAP - need to go to places that we do not include in the map? No worries, you can easily pin your own points and write notes about specific points such as hotel booking number, restaurants booking info easily with our add pin function.
11. WEATHER FORECAST PROVIDED - Current weather and forecast for target city, alert you to potentially life threatening weather (thunderstorm, snow storm, etc), helps you to plan your outdoor activities better during the trip. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated weather data.
12. USEFUL CURRENCY CONVERTER PROVIDED - helps you to calculate expenses in foreign currency quickly while you are abroad. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated exchange rates data.
13. USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE - very easy to use, super convenient to operate, no hassles.
14. 100% COMPATIBLE - with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS 7.0 or above, however you will need to upgrade to iOS 8.3 or above to use the Apple Watch app.
With this app, you can easily travel in the world most popular cities without getting lost. Download it now!
Note: Please turn on the location services for the app in your device settings to use GPS.
Rating:0 Show Detail

Name:Currency - Global Exchange Rate Convertor Price:$0.99
Description:We keep updating exchange rate data from [Yahoo Finance] every hour, including exchange of gold, silver, platinum and currencies around 162 countries and regions.
We have optimized our App by cutting all less useful buttons and designs; and highlighted users' basic demand for exchange rates.
- Notifications plug-in
- Apple Watch available
- Exchange rate calculator
- Common currency sorting
Rating:1.75 Show Detail

Name:Now 新聞 - 24小時直播 Price:Free
◎ 即時新聞 – 一App睇盡時事、財經、娛樂、生活科技、體育、天氣及交通等最新資訊
◎ 直播新聞 – 免費任睇24小時Now 新聞台/ Now 直播台
◎ 自訂新聞 – 切合個人喜好,追蹤各種新聞主題及事件
◎ 天氣交通 – 盡覧全港或分區最新天氣及交通消息
◎ 搜尋新聞 – 輸入關鍵字,即可快速尋找相關新聞資訊
◎ 事件追蹤 - 貼心功能助你將新聞由頭跟到尾
◎ 熱門瀏覽 - 緊貼城中熱話為你蒐集Top100熱門新聞
◎ 新聞提示 - 第一手重要新聞資訊推送到你的手機
如對Now 新聞 App 有任何意見,歡迎電郵至:[email protected]
A:Now 新聞 App並非以收費模式運作,而且亦沒有要求閣下登記個人資料。所有用戶可完全免費使用。
A:Now 新聞 App的開發正不斷進行中,iPad版亦在考慮之列。其實現時閣下已可利用iPad於以下連結以優質畫面,免費觀看 Now 新聞台直播,希望能滿足到你的需要:http://news.now.com/home/live
Rating:3.25 Show Detail

Name:Yahoo Finance Price:Free
- 登入Yahoo ID,隨即使用全新功能:
- 結合投資組合及追蹤清單功能,建立不同清單,方便查閱、整理持貨及目標投資項目資料。
- 清單設計靈活,可隨時隨地新增及移除股票、追蹤自己持貨狀況。
- 於不同裝置登入Yahoo 財經,均可管理清單。
- 立即下載,管理好你的持股資料!
Rating:4.7 Show Detail