8 Best Apps Similar To 오사카지하철|AppSimilar

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APP STORE: App Store    ₩0
CURRENT VERSION : 0.0.2(2015-11-16)
APP CATEGORIES : 내비게이션, 여행

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Apps Similar To 오사카지하철

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그린카 – 이동을 새로 그리다

Name:그린카 – 이동을 새로 그리다                                                Price:₩0

Description:이동을 새로 그리다, 그린카.
그린카와 함께 이동하며 새로운 일상을 그리다!
지금 회원가입 시, 3시간 무료 이용권을 드립니다.
그린카와 함께 새로운 이동을 그려보세요.

▶ 간편/합리적인 서비스
- 최소 30분부터, 10분 단위로 예약 가능
- 주행요금, 하이패스도 사용한 만큼만
- 최초 1회 결제수단 등록하면 이후 예약 시 자동 결제

▶ 보다 저렴하게
- L.POINT 사용 및 적립 가능
- KT 멤버십 최대 20% 할인

▶ 스마트웰컴
- 다가가면 열린다!
BLE 기술 통한 국내 최초 '스마트웰컴'(오토도어) 기능 제공

▶ 스마트키로 쉽게
- 비상등/경적으로 손쉽게 차량 찾기
- 차량 상태/그린존정보/이전 사용자들의 댓글 확인

[접근 권한 설정 안내]
그린카는 서비스 이용 시 특정 기능에 한해 아래의 권한을 요청합니다.
아래의 접근권한은 허용하지 않아도 그린카 서비스를 이용할 수 있으나, 일부 기능의 사용은 제한됩니다.

- 위치: 내 위치에서 가까운 그린존 확인
- 카메라: 면허증 인식, 차량상태 확인, 그린댓글 작성 등 사진 촬영
- 사진: 촬영한 면허증, 차량사진 등을 내 기기에서 불러와 그린카에 전송

※ 접근 권한 동의 여부는 ‘설정> 그린카> 권한’ 에서 변경하실 수 있습니다.

[APP 사용환경]
-지원 OS버전: iOS 9.3 이상, WatchOS 2.0 이상
-지원 단말기: 아이폰 4S이상

※ iOS 9.3 이전 버전 유저분들은 모바일웹을 이용해주세요 :)

- 모바일웹: https://m.greencar.co.kr/index.do
- 공식블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/greencar_co
- 공식페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/greencarkorea
- 이용가이드 동영상: https://youtu.be/YcleuinAtLg

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian

Name:Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian                                                Price:RM24.90

Description:Tokyo Travel Guide Premium by BeetleTrip is your ultimate oversea travel buddy. Offline GPS locates and tracks your position in Tokyo at real time. The most important feature is: NO 3G/4G, NO Wifi and absolutely NO Network Data needed. 100% offline. This app provides you augmented reality direction guide, offline city map with all the metro/train stations, metro route search, must-go tourist attractions as well as Apple Watch support. Save you expensive roaming charges while you are traveling abroad.

1. 100% OFFLINE GPS LOCATION - NO INTERNET REQUIRED, offline GPS locates and tracks your position in the map at real time.

2. 100% OFFLINE COMPASS IN-APP - NO INTERNET REQUIRED - with GPS enabled, you can get offline compass to point you at the right direction, so that you will never get lost or go into wrong direction.

3. NO WIFI, NO 3G/4G, NO NETWORK DATA REQUIRED - save expensive roaming charges.

4. ALL METRO/TRAIN STATIONS PINNED - All metro and train stations in the city are pinned on the map, easy to find your way out and to anywhere the very moment you get off from transport.

5. METRO ROUTE SEARCH INCLUDED - Do not know which line to take and where to transit? Just key in your start point and the destination station, and our metro route search function will be able to help you in seconds.

6. WATCH SUPPORT - Using our Apple Watch App, you can easily track which must-go attractions you missed out, how far you are from it and how to get there using public transport. You can also send metro route search results to Apple Watch and use it while on the go, make life easier for every travelers.

7. AUGMENTED REALITY - Need directions to your next destination? Our augmented reality guide tells you precisely which direction to go, how far you are from it. Work best for short walking distances from attractions/stations.

8. MUST GO ATTRACTIONS and ATTRACTIONS INTRODUCTION INCLUDED - don’t miss anything, must go attractions are pinned red and attractions introduction are included, you can learn about background and history of the monuments or sites.

9. OTHER ATTRACTIONS and POINT OF INTERESTS PINNED - don’t miss anything, apart from must go attractions, we also provide other point of interests which are pinned blue in the map.

10. MARK YOUR OWN PIN ON THE MAP - need to go to places that we do not include in the map? No worries, you can easily pin your own points and write notes about specific points such as hotel booking number, restaurants booking info easily with our add pin function.

11. WEATHER FORECAST PROVIDED - Current weather and forecast for target city, alert you to potentially life threatening weather (thunderstorm, snow storm, etc), helps you to plan your outdoor activities better during the trip. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated weather data.

12. USEFUL CURRENCY CONVERTER PROVIDED - helps you to calculate expenses in foreign currency quickly while you are abroad. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated exchange rates data.

13. USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE - very easy to use, super convenient to operate, no hassles.

14. 100% COMPATIBLE - with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS 7.0 or above, however you will need to upgrade to iOS 8.3 or above to use the Apple Watch app.

With this app, you can easily travel in the world most popular cities without getting lost. Download it now!

Note: Please turn on the location services for the app in your device settings to use GPS.

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail


Name:トイレ情報共有マップくん                                                 Price:¥0

Description:Dalam OPP curam, atau tidak ada pengalaman dari keringat dingin?
Waktu, tidak tahu mengunjungi Nandoki, OPP
Mutlak diperlukan untuk saat "toilet"
OPP Namun demikian, lokasi "toilet" tidak tahu, tapi ingin pergi sekarang! !
Yang bahkan sekali dan 2 tetapi bahwa ada pengalaman.
Untuk seperti OPP, di mana untuk menemukan toilet?
Dalam hubungannya dengan peta Google secepat dicari, "toilet" yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat nasional
Mudah, itu adalah peta-tipe navigasi app segera dicari.

Ini adalah konsep aplikasi informasi bersama oleh pengguna menyukai satu sama lain.
Mari berbagi informasi dan segera didaftarkan jika ada tempat di mana saya pikir ini
Orang untuk diselamatkan Anda harus memiliki pasti.

[Darurat pencarian toilet dan fungsi pin WC]
◎ navigasi GPS!
Menggunakan fungsi GPS dari Google Maps, atau memeriksa toilet dari lokasi,
Anda dapat memeriksa rute ke sana.
Juga-atau-! Karena mereka tegas dipasang juga fitur navigasi panduan suara pada sentuhan tombol!
Dan menatap dan mencari layar sudut Toka ... Anda tidak perlu adalah!

◎ jumlah rinci informasi! !
Ketika Anda tekan "WC pin" yang Sasa 'di MAP, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi toilet yang ditentukan.
Informasi adalah warna-warni! Washlet, multi-fungsi toilet ostomate Powder Room, popok tabel ...

◎ menambah dan berbagi informasi navigasi! Komunikasi dari pertemuan asisten cocok untuk menggantikan peta dan tujuan
Tekan "posisi" mark, memindahkan kursor ke lokasi toilet,
Ketika Anda menekan tombol Enter, masukkan informasi dari "toilet" baru,
Dan baru Anda dapat melahirkan "toilet pin".
Saya tidak tahu siapa saja dari bantuan, berdiri dalam peran orang lain.
Bukankah akan kontribusi kesejahteraan pertemuan saya indah komunikasi yang memegang dalam gotong royong?

◎ informasi peta yang baik, jika peta hanya apa yang Anda butuhkan! !
Ketika Anda tekan "kaca pembesar" mark, Anda dapat mempersempit ke toilet diperlukan untuk menempatkan cek di toilet dari item yang ingin Anda gunakan!
Keraguan bahwa informasi adalah lebih banyak lebih baik. Ini tidak berguna tidak ada kenyamanan yang dapat diambil bila diperlukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
Itu sebabnya aku aplikasi peta untuk dipilih.

【Tentang opsi persembunyian iklan】
Untuk menyembunyikan iklan, Anda harus mendaftar untuk "Opsi Sembunyikan Iklan".

【Iklan Sembunyikan Harga Opsi dan Periode】
※ Harga dapat berubah.
※ Periode diperbarui secara otomatis dari tanggal aplikasi dan satu bulan.

【Metode penagihan】
Ini akan dibebankan ke akun iTunes Anda dan akan diperbarui setiap bulan.

【Rincian Pembaruan Otomatis】
・ Periode berlangganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu bulan kecuali jika Anda membatalkan berlangganan opsi non-display iklan 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Biaya perpanjangan untuk periode berlangganan (satu bulan) akan diselesaikan dan dibebankan dalam waktu 24 jam sejak akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda berlangganan opsi sembunyikan iklan dengan biaya dari layar AppStore selama periode percobaan gratis sembunyikan iklan, periode uji coba gratis akan berakhir pada titik itu dan pembayaran akan terjadi.

[Cara membatalkan konfirmasi status pendaftaran / pembaruan otomatis]
1. Buka aplikasi "Pengaturan"
2. Pilih "iTunes & App Store"
3. Pilih "ID Apple: Alamat Email" yang ditampilkan di bagian atas layar
4. Ketuk "Tampilkan ID Apple" di sembulan yang ditampilkan.
5. Masuk sesuai kebutuhan
6. Pilih tombol "Kelola" di bawah item bertanda "Registrasi"
Aplikasi anggota bulanan yang saat ini terdaftar ditampilkan. Anda dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari sini. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari dalam aplikasi.

【Pembatalan untuk bulan berjalan】
Kami tidak menerima pembatalan untuk opsi sembunyikan iklan untuk bulan ini.

Kebijakan privasi

ketentuan layanan

Rating:4.35                                             Show Detail

TraduCam - Photo Translator

Name:TraduCam - Photo Translator                                                 Price:Free

Description:Traduz qualquer imagem ou texto usando a tua câmera!

• Traduz em mais de 100 idiomas.
• Aprende a pronunciar palavras e frases diferentes corretamente.
• Acessa traduções antigas, mesmo offline.
• Copia, cola e compartilha traduções em um toque.

Traduções suportadas:
Africâner, Albanês, Alemão, Amárico*, Árabe*, Armênio*, Azerbaijano, Basco, Bengali*, Bielo-russo, Birmanês*, Bósnio, Búlgaro, Canarês, Catalão, Cazaque, Cebuano, Chicheua, Chinês (simplificado), Chinês (tradicional), Chona, Cingalês, Coreano, Corso, Crioulo haitiano, Croata, Curdo, Dinamarquês, Eslovaco, Esloveno, Espanhol, Esperanto, Estoniano, Filipino, Finlandês, Francês, Frísio, Galego, Galês, Georgiano*, Grego, Guzerate*, Hauçá, Havaiano, Hebraico, Hindi*, Hmong, Holandês, Húngaro, Igbo, Iídiche*, Indonésio, Inglês, Ioruba, Irlandês, Islandês, Italiano, Japonês, Javanês, Kannada*, Khmer*, Laosiano*, Latim, Letão, Lituano, Luxemburguês, Macedônio, Malaiala*, Malaio, Malgaxe, Maltês, Maori, Marata*, Mongol, Nepalês*, Norueguês, Pachto*, Persa*, Polonês, Português, Punjabi, Quirguiz, Romeno, Russo, Samoano, Sérvio, Sessoto, Sindi*, Somali, Suaíle, Sinhala* Sueco, Sundanês, Tadjique, Tailandês, Tâmil*, Tcheco, Telugo*, Turco, Ucraniano, Urdu*, Uzbeque, Vietnamita, Xhosa, Zulu.
* O reconhecimento de texto não está disponível para este idioma.

Conexão com a Internet é necessária para traduzir.

Nota: A versão gratuita pode estar sujeita a limitações (ex. número de traduções diárias), que estão sujeitas a alterações.

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Se vives na União Europeia e pretendes cancelar o teu pedido, podes fazê-lo no prazo de 14 dias. Para fazê-lo, basta seguir o processo descrito na App Store. Tem em atenção e reconheçe: não podes cancelar o teu pedido ou obter um reembolso se fizeste download da aplicação e começaste a utilizá-la (i.e., por exemplo, ao abrir e utilizar a aplicação).

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Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail


Name:에어부산                                                 Price:₩0

Description:A whole new AIR BUSAN in my hand! Experience our new UI & UX, booking process, mobile check-in and many more new functions all in one application! Plan and manage your trip much easier way!

[ Mobile exclusive services ]
- Support biometric recognition: Face ID and fingerprints.
- Price Watch: Receive PUSH notification when the conditions (destination, date, price, time) are fit.
- Mobile boarding pass: Can save the boarding pass in application and airplane mode.
- Apple Wallet: For iOS can save the boarding pass in Apple Wallet.
- Airplane mode contents: Mobile boarding pass / Airport & counter information, FLY&FUN, Immigration form, Basic in-flight service)
- Attendance check: Do the attendance and earn STAMPs
- PUSH: Provide various promotions, preferred routes, additional services

[ Key services and features ]
- SNS login: Kakao / Naver (Only available in Korean) / Google / Line (Available other than Korean)
- Domestic/International booking integration: Providing integrated UI on booking process.
- Child/Infant age calculator: Automatically calculates age to identify child/infant.
- Favorite Passenger: Manage passenger’s basic and passport information.
- New simple payment methods: Support Naver Pay and WeChat Pay.
- Check-in: Check-in domestic & international flights and issue boarding pass.
- AIR LOG: View boarding records (DOM & INT’L) and manage your history with timeline function!

※ AIR BUSAN Reservation Center: (82) 1666-3060

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail

Shazam: Music Discovery

Name:Shazam: Music Discovery                                                 Price:Free

Description:Shazam akan mengidentifikasi lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik. Temukan, artis, lirik, video, dan daftar putar, semuanya gratis. Telah diinstal oleh lebih dari 1 miliar orang, dan terus bertambah.

“Shazam adalah aplikasi yang seperti sulap.” - Techradar.com

“Shazam adalah solusi ... sebuah terobosan.” - Pharrell Williams, wawancara GQ

Temukan judul lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik.
Dengarkan dan tambahkan lagu ke daftar putar Apple Music atau Spotify.
Bernyanyi bersama dengan lirik yang sinkron dengan lagu.
Tonton video musik dari Apple Music atau YouTube.
Baru! Aktifkan tema Gelap di Shazam.

Gunakan Pop-up Shazam untuk mengidentifikasi musik di aplikasi apa saja—Instagram, YouTube, TikTok ...
Tidak ada koneksi? Tidak masalah! Bisa Shazam saat sedang offline.
Nyalakan Auto Shazam untuk terus menemukan lagu bahkan ketika Anda keluar dari aplikasi.

Cari tahu apa yang populer di negara atau kota Anda dengan tangga lagu Shazam.
Dapatkan rekomendasi lagu dan daftar putar untuk menemukan musik baru.
Buka lagu apa saja secara langsung di Apple Music atau Spotify. Bagikan lagu dengan teman melalui Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, dan lainnya.

Ketersediaan dan fitur dapat berbeda di setiap negara.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang praktik privasi Shazam, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi, tersedia di https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/id

Rating:5                                                 Show Detail

Secret Love!Has been started!!

Name:Secret Love!Has been started!!                                                 Price:Free







Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week

Name:BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week                                                 Price:Free

Description:The BrainPOP Jr.® Movie of the Week app delivers a different animated movie every week - plus related quizzes and educational activities - free! Ideal for kids in Kindergarten through grade 3, BrainPOP Jr. spans topics across Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Math, Health, Arts, and Technology. The gentle, humorous, and relatable characters Annie and Moby serve as guides through each topic, empowering kids to form their own ideas. BrainPOP Jr. is designed to cultivate critical thinking skills and encourage children to ask questions and make connections. The app is easily navigable by kids ages 5-9.

For even more access to BrainPOP Jr.’s award-winning content, log in with your school's username (free!) or choose an optional in-app subscription and enable kids to explore hundreds of topics beyond the Movie of the Week.

In-App Subscription Options*:

“BrainPOP Jr. Full Access Subscription” – Unlimited access to all of BrainPOP Jr.’s movies and bonus features. (BrainPOP Jr. site subscribers can log in to the app at no additional cost.)

*Subscription will automatically renew each month, within 24 hours of its expiration. Your credit card will be charged through your iTunes account. To stop auto-renewal, turn off the feature in your iTunes account settings at least 24 hours prior to your subscription’s expiration. Current, active subscriptions cannot be cancelled.

Since its 2006 launch, BrainPOP Jr. has been a safe and trusted online environment where early learners can further explore what they're studying at school, or delve into any other age-appropriate subject they're curious about.

Also check out the award-winning BrainPOP Featured Movie app - which offers animated movies and quizzes for older students; and the BrainPOP ESL app - for English language learners.

About BrainPOP:

BrainPOP creates cross-curricular digital content that engages students and supports teachers. Our trusted and award-winning resources are used in more than 40 percent of U.S. elementary and middle schools by millions of monthly visitors. Since our earliest days almost two decades ago, we’ve maintained a commitment to helping kids make sense of the world around them. The BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week app is a small part of that mission. Visit us at jr.brainpop.com to learn more.

Terms of Use: http://www.brainpop.com/about/terms_of_use/
Privacy Policy: http://www.brainpop.com/about/privacy_policy/
User Agreement: http://www.brainpop.com/about/user_agreement/

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail