8 Best Apps Similar To 컴투스프로야구2020|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: 컴투스프로야구2020


APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 6.0.4(2020-05-27)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Simulation, Entertainment, Sports

20.0K   300.0K <5K


* 2020년에도 이어지는 No.1 DNA! 2020 메이저 업데이트 *

# 레전드 No.1 DNA! 컴투스프로야구2020 메이저 업데이트!
- 모바일 야구 최강! 극강의 리얼리티를 자랑하는 컴프야 시리즈를 2020년에도 만나보세요!

# 가장 사실적인 야구 게임을 지향하다!
- KBO 리그 구장 및 10개 구단 로고 완벽 적용
- 실제 선수의 얼굴을 그대로! 실사와 더 가까워진 페이스 모델링
- 현역/은퇴 선수들의 타격폼과 투구폼을 그대로!

# 한계에 도전하는 재미! 스테이지 모드 추가!
- 다양한 스테이지에 도전하고 알찬 보상도 획득하세요!

# 선수 카드의 또 다른 진화! 시그니처 카드 추가!
- 선수 싸인이 포함된 특별한 카드 추가되었습니다.
- 선수 카드의 한계를 넘어 최고의 선수 카드를 제작하세요!

# 새로운 KBO의 전설! 레전드 2차 라인업 추가!
- 바람의 아들 이종범! 불사조 박철순! 양신 양준혁 등 새로운 전설 추가!
- 새롭게 추가된 레전드 카드를 지금 만나보세요!

# 최고의 칭호를 향해! 업적&위업 시스템 추가!
- 업적&위업을 달성하면 색다른 구단 로고와 칭호를 획득할 수 있습니다.
- 자신만의 가치를 증명할 수 있는 특별한 칭호를 획득하세요!

# 위시 선수와 함께 시작하는 나만의 야구!
- 가이드 미션 달성하고 원하는 KBO 리그 선수와 함께 나만의 야구를 시작하세요!

# 원하는 선수 정보를 한눈에! 카드 도감 추가!
- 이제 원하는 선수 카드의 정보를 쉽고 편하게 확인하세요!

# 류현진이 등장하는 유일한 KBO 모바일 야구 게임 컴프야!
- 코리안 몬스터 류현진 선수를 게임에서 만나보세요.

# 강한자가 살아남는다! 실시간 홈런 대전 홈런 로얄!
- 하나의 타구가 승부를 좌우하는 실시간 홈런 모드!
- 홈런 로얄 모드에서 홈런왕에 도전하세요!


단말기 앱 접근권한 안내

▶접근권한 별 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.

[필수적 접근권한]

[선택적 접근권한]
- 알림 : 게임 정보에 대한 PUSH 알림 시 사용합니다.
- 카메라 : 하이브 회원을 위한 프로필 이미지 촬영 시 사용합니다.
- 주소록 : 하이브 회원을 위한 주소록 친구 찾기 이용 시 사용합니다.
- 사진 : 하이브 회원을 위한 프로필 이미지 변경 및 게임 화면 저장/불러오기 등을 위해 사용합니다.

※ 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도, 해당 권한과 관련된 기능을 제외한 서비스의 이용은 가능합니다.

▶접근권한 철회방법
접근권한 동의 후, 다음과 같이 접근권한을 재설정하거나 철회할 수 있습니다.

- 단말기 설정 > 해당 앱 선택 > 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택


- 이 게임은 부분유료 아이템 구매가 가능합니다. 부분유료 아이템 구매시 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있으며, 부분유료 아이템은 종류에 따라 청약철회가 제한될 수도 있습니다.
- 이 게임의 이용과 관련된 조건(계약해지/청약철회 등)은 게임 내 또는 컴투스 모바일 게임 서비스 이용약관 (홈페이지에서 확인 가능, http://terms.withhive.com/terms/mobile/policy.html )에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
- 이 게임과 관련된 문의/상담은 컴투스홈페이지 http://www.withhive.com > 고객센터 > 1:1 문의 를 통해 하실 수 있습니다.

-미지원 단말 : iPhone 3gs 4g 4s, iPod Touch3~5G, iPad1~2, iPad Mini

컴투스와 함께 해요!

*컴투스프로야구2020 공식 카페 바로가기

*컴투스프로야구2020 공식 페이스북 바로가기

개발자 연락처
[email protected]





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Name:こんなフリーキックはイヤだ                                                Price:¥0



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Rating:4.3                                               Show Detail

FaceU - 아름다움을 불어넣다

Name:FaceU - 아름다움을 불어넣다                                                Price:₩0

Description:Faceu has boasted approximately 300 million users all over the world, being extremely popular in Japan and South Korea. It has become a selfie APP used by all kinds of fashion icons, web celebrities and renowned stars.
Special effects including rain control, magics control and various film style filters updated, providing fresh ways to take selfie everyday!

【Over 1000 special sticker effects】
Seeing yourself being more glamorous with FaceU. Adorable cat's ears, dog's ears and animal stickers; chic outfits/accessories; interesting 3D effects, movie styles and fireworks; hair colors always changing; twisting facial expressions; styling in an ancient way; music stickers; multi-cell photo frame stickers and various kinds of special sticker effects are updated everyday for you to discover and explore!

【Powerful retouching function for your skin and styling】
Retouching function for your skin from level 1 to level 5, enabling you to get rid of the pimples, freckles and scars with one simple click while remaining a natural texture on your face. With a variety of face shapes for your choice, why not have a test on what kind of face shape you own?

【Professional filters】
Over 30 different fashionable filters available for you to switch around. Professional photographers and designers are invited by FaceU to modulate the filter. By routinely updating different styles of filters, even the same sceneries will be shot with different touches.

【Short videos+ music stickers】
More than 100 music stickers to be used with videos! And the FaceU music library offers massive background music for you to choose at will. From now on, video shooting will be way more interesting!

【GIF emoji packages】
You are now able to create your own GIF emoji packages with FaceU! GIF emojis are widely used in global social networks. The accelerating play mode facilitates to display your facial expressions and moves in a more amusing way~

(Facial recognition technology provided by SenseTime)

Comments are always welcomed~ Please contact:
[email protected] for feedbacks; and
[email protected] for business cooperation
Facebook: Faceu.official
Instagram: faceu_official
Twitter: @Faceu_official
One step to solve all problems, please contact our Facebook messenger: FaceU Feedback
(click https://m.me/join/AbbY3OnvUYFQfgn9)

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail


Name:U+고객센터                                                 Price:₩0

Description:상담사 연결 없이 요금/사용량 조회, 서비스 신청/변경, 모바일 멤버십카드 기능까지 편리하게 이용할 수 있는 LGU+ 공식 무료 어플리케이션입니다.

국내 통신사 고객센터 앱 중 고객만족도 1위!
U+ 고객이라면 데이터 요금 걱정없이 무료!
* 단, 데이터 로밍 이용 중에는 이용이 불가합니다.

■ 청구서가 오기 전까지 지난달 사용 요금이 궁금하셨죠?
- 예상 청구금액 실시간 확인 가능
■ 소액결제 사기, 각종 스미싱 피해로부터 고객님을 지켜드립니다.
- 차단/차단해제
- 한도관리
- 이용내역 조회
- 비밀번호 설정/해제
- 결제업체 연락처 등 상세정보 확인
■ 언제 어디서나 통신요금을 신용카드로 즉시 납부할 수 있습니다.

1. 휴대폰은 물론, 홈 상품(인터넷/TV/070) 요금 및 청구서 조회
2. 휴대폰 요금제 및 부가서비스 신청/변경
3. 기본제공 잔여량 및 실시간 요금 확인
4. 소액결제 차단/차단해제 및 이용내역 확인
5. 모바일/홈 상품 약정정보 확인
6. 글로벌로밍 조회
7. 가까운 직영점 찾기
8. 자주하는 질문 찾기

Rating:2                                             Show Detail

숫자야구 플러스

Name:숫자야구 플러스                                                 Price:₩0

Description:숫자 야구는 숫자를 추측하면 정답 숫자와 비교해서 제시되는 힌트를 통해 정답 숫자를 맞추는 게임입니다.

[게임 방법]
- 스트라이크(S) : 선택한 숫자들중 정답 숫자와 같은 숫자가 있고 정답 숫자와 위치도 같은 숫자의 수
- 볼(B) : 선택한 숫자들중 정답 숫자에는 있지만 정답 숫자와 위치가 다른 숫자의 수
- 아웃(OUT) : 선택한 숫자들중 정답 숫자가 하나도 없는 경우

Rating:3.5                                                 Show Detail

Quran Pro

Name:Quran Pro                                                 Price:Free

Description:Quran Pro app is a collection of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design, and the best set of features.

Quran Pro app is FREE without any limitation.

With the Quran Pro app you can do:

• Translations
Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation ( French, English, Malay, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, or even have explanation and meaning). We support 30 languages in total.

• Bookmarks
You can bookmark your favorites surat and reciters from the player view

• Offline mode
Download recitations, playlists, and tracks, and bring your Quran with you anywhere using our offline mode. Download all the surats or one by one surat.

• Favorites
Create your personal Quran collection simply by marking playlists as your favorite.

• Multi-Platforms
Thanks to the technology Quran Pro supports AirPlay and CarPlay.

• Audio features​
Play audio in the background while you're using your iPhone/iPad. Repeat, shuffle, ​and timer functions are also included

• Today's Extension (Widget)​
The app offers a widget with your recently played audios.

• Design
The app has been redesigned to be faster, simpler, snappier UI, and more beautiful. In addition to optimized for Retina display on the new iPhone/iPad.

• Various Reciters:
All the most popular reciters are in the app, you can find the following names:
- A­bdul Rahman Al ­Soudais عبد الرحمن السديس
- Maher Al Mueaqly - ماهر المعيقلي
- Saoud Al Shuraim سعود الشريم
- Abdul Baset Abdel-Samad عبد الباسط عبد الصمد
- Mishary Rashid Alafasy - مشاري بن راشد العفاسي
- Saad El Ghamidi - سعد الغامدي
- Fatih Seferagic فاتح سفيرافيك
- And more.

- The application requires an internet connection with WiFi or 3G/4G for use in case you have not to download surat.

If you have any feedback, comments or issues? Please contact us directly

CarPlay® and AirPlay® are is a software feature and an Apple trademark.

Download Quran Pro today and enjoy listening to the best reciters in the world.

Privacy policy: https://quranpro.co/privacy
Terms of use: https://quranpro.co/terms

Rating:4.8                                                 Show Detail

MLB 9 Innings 20

Name:MLB 9 Innings 20                                                 Price:Free

Description:Featuring Mike Trout and Cody Bellinger, the MVPs of both leagues, the MLB 9 Innings 20 season begins!
Check out the PvP Battle mode only available in MLB 9 Innings 20!

Baseball is Back!
Stay in the game this season with MLB 9 Innings 20!
Officially licensed by MLB and MLBPA.

Game Features
# Stay in the Game with your favorite MLB players!
- Collect your favorite players with realistic characteristics and baseball plays!
- Full 3D experience with 2,000 MLB star players, realistic graphics of stadiums with all 30 teams and advanced simulation system!

# Enjoy various content!
- Conquer League Mode to dominate the World Series!
- Find the best players through dynamic Ranked Battle!
- Join the fierce competition among other MLB 9 Innings players worldwide in Clutch Hits Mode!
- Test your skills in a 45-second batting competition in our Arcade Mode!

# Fight as a team in Club Battle!
- Complete Club Missions with your team members to improve your club!
- Face off against challengers on the global scale in the new Club Battle!
- Create new items available only in Club Crafting!

Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball. Visit MLB.com.

Officially Licensed Product of MLB Players, Inc. MLBPA trademarks, copyrighted works and other intellectual property rights are owned and/or held by MLBPA and may not be used without the written consent of MLBPA or MLB Players, Inc. Visit MLBPLAYERS.com, the Players Choice on the web.

Device App Access Permission Notice

▶ Notice per access permission
Access permissions are requested in order for us to provide you with the following service when you use the app.


- Notifications: The permission is required to send you push notifications regarding the game.
- Camera: The permission is required to take profile pictures for HIVE members.
- Contacts: The permission is required to find friends registered to contacts for HIVE members.
- Photos: The permission is required to save/load game screens and change profile pictures for HIVE members.

※ Please note that you can still enjoy the service excluding features related to the above without giving access permissions.

▶ How to remove access permissions
You can always change access permission settings whenever you'd like.

- Device Settings> Select the corresponding app> Choose either to enable/disable access

Consumer Information:
Supports multiple languages: 한국어, English, 日本語, 中文简体, 中文繁體, Español.

Items are available for purchase in this game.
For Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service, visit

Terms of Service : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T1
Privacy Policy : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T3

For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire.
Visit www.withhive.com for tips and news about the game!

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail

Vietnamese by Nemo

Name:Vietnamese by Nemo                                                 Price:Free

Description:Nemo dirancang untuk mendorong Anda mulai berbicara sejumlah kata yang paling berguna dalam Bahasa Vietnam secara langsung dan dengan penuh rasa percaya diri. Dengan jutaan kali unduh dari seluruh dunia, Nemo kini tersedia untuk Bahasa Indonesia.

◆ Setiap Kata Bahasa Vietnam diucapkan secara jelas dalam kualitas audio yang bagus dari seorang penutur asli.
◆ Semua audio-nya diunduh ke perangkat Anda, dan tersedia dalam mode offline atau dalam mode pesawat terbang.
◆ Kuasai aksen Anda dengan Studio Bahasa. Cukup rekam suara Anda saat mengucapkan sebuah frasa kemudian dengarkan suara Anda setelah suarapenutur. Lalu coba lagi. Andaakan KAGUM betapa cepatnya aksen suara asing Anda berubah.
◆ Nemo tidak dibuat dalam bentuk pembelajaran sama sekali. Hal ini ditujukan agar bisa digunakan sepanjang hari, kapan pun Anda punya waktu senggang untuk disisihkan.
◆ TIDAK DIPERLUKAN DASAR Bahasa Vietnam terlebih dahulu.

Aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Vietnam ini tersedia lengkap dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan 10 bahasa lainnya.

Nemo menargetkan semua kata dan frasa yang paling kerap diucapkan dalam percakapan. Bagi pemula, kami telah menyiapkan daftar "Belajar 10 Hal Saja", “Belajar 50 Hal Saja”, dan “Belajar 100 Hal Saja” untuk pengenalan singkat dari seluruh intinya. Pembelajar tingkat menengah dapat meneruskan ke pelajaran dengan kata yang paling sering diucapkan untuk wisata dan bisnis kemudian mulailah bercakap-cakap menggunakan Bahasa Vietnam dalam waktu satu bulan. Pembelajar tingkat lanjut akan merasakan manfaat dari teknologi Studio Bahasa untuk memperbaiki aksen bahasa asing mereka.

Dengan Nemo, Anda dapat menyusun kartu kilas sendiri untuk melatih keahlian bahasa yang ingin Anda tingkatkan. Ketika mengawali sebuah topik baru, atur kartu kilas untuk melatih terjemahan dari Bahasa Vietnam ke Bahasa Indonesia jadi Anda dapat terbiasa dengan sejumlah kata baru. Selanjutnya, ganti untuk menerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Vietnam untuk melatih hafalan sekaligus kemampuan berbicara Anda. Untuk menguasai secara sempurna, ganti dengan kartu yang khusus melatih kepekaan pendengaran Anda dan menyempurnakan pelafalan Anda.

Semua kartu dapat ditandai sebagai favorit, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyusun rangkaian kartu yang memfokuskan sejumlah kata pada hari itu. Aktifkan Mode Ulasan untuk merekap yang Anda pelajari pada permulaan hari agar meningkatkan penyimpanan hafalan Anda.

Telusuri apa yang Anda inginkan untuk belajar setiap saat. Buku frasa menawarkan akses cepat ke kosakata dalam aplikasi melalui antarmuka kamus Bahasa Vietnam - Bahasa Indonesia. Nemo juga berfungsi sebagai penerjemah. Cukup temukan kata yang Anda inginkan di antarmuka pencarian dan mainkan audio-nya lewat perangkat pengeras suara.

◆ Ketahui yang tidak diketahui atau dapatkan kenyamanan dengan semua frasa wisatawan.
◆ Tingkatkan kecakapan Anda dengan angka dan kata kerja paling penting serta blok bangunan kalimat.

Gunakan keahlian baru Anda untuk berkenalan dengan teman baru, memesona teman lama, membuat anak-anak tersenyum, lolos dari kemacetan, merasakan hal-hal baru, berbicara penuh percaya diri, dan menjadikan pengalaman wisata dan budaya Anda kian kaya dan memuaskan.

Unduh aplikasi gratis ini sekarang!

Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail


Name:BASEBALL 9                                                 Price:Free

Description:Enjoy fast-paced, realistic baseball game, featuring compact gameplay and informative stats.

Play BASEBALL NINE to become the Legend League Champion!

* Game Features
- Lean and fast gameplay!
- Casual characters and serious game mechanics!
- Pitching and fielding as fun as batting!
- You can play base running manually!
- Comprehensive player stats!
- Improved Autoplay with selective automation of player, inning, watching, and quick result.
- Rename, gear up, and customize your players!
- Offline mode available!

* Fast, compact gameplay!
- Enjoy a speedy, streamlined playing experience.
- Hit massive dingers and get thrilling strikeouts.
- Specialized auto functions by game, by inning, and by player are a given!

* Enjoy realistic baseball!
- Experience gameplay with realistic baseball rules.
- Simulated results based on actual game stats.

* Recruit and develop your roster!
- Recruit players and develop them by raising stats of your choice
- Equip and upgrade skills to develop them into specialists.
- Raise the player tiers to turn them into hall of famers.

* Customize your players!
- Rename them and set them as left-handed or right-handed batters or pitchers.
- Change their faces, pick body types, and choose different batting and pitching motions.
- Try equipping a range of bats, gloves, cleats, guards, and glasses to customize your players in unique ways.

* Manage your team and get promoted to higher leagues!
- Rename your team and change its emblem and uniform.
- Expand into new stadiums and manage the team’s cumulative stats.
- Advance to the postseason and win for promotion to a higher league.

* Supports tablets.

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail