8 Best Apps Similar To 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT

24FPS - Video Filter & LUT
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.3.9(2020-06-09)
APP CATEGORIES : Photo & Video
30.0K | <5K | <5K |
** Melhores de 2019: Tendências de Aplicações do Ano ** - Apple
"O 24FPS permite captar impressionantes vídeos cinemáticos no seu iPhone" - Apple
A 24FPS convida-o a gravar e editar vídeos com filtros cinematográficos reais inspirados em títulos de filmes, com A.I. que aprende a estética da sua cor ao longo do tempo para recomendar efeitos únicos.
• Dê qualquer vídeo com um visual cinematográfico com LUTs feitos profissionalmente.
• Ajustes avançados em HSL, temperatura, realces, etc na edição.
• A.I. filtro de recomendação que aprende você como o seu uso mais o aplicativo.
• Estabilize as imagens à medida que você grava para um rastreamento cinematográfico suave.
• Zoom de inércia para tornar qualquer close dramático e divertido.
• Raspador de rosto de alta qualidade e alisamento realista da pele.
• Grave e salve instantaneamente vídeos filtrados sem demora.
• Adicione músicas e edite seus clipes com um conjunto completo de edição.
• Importe e processe vídeos de suas bibliotecas existentes.
• Importe e use qualquer arquivo Polarr QR Filters ou LUT (.cube).
Opções de assinatura 24FPS:
US $ 3,99 por mês
US $ 28,99 por ano
Você pode se inscrever para ter acesso a todas as LUTs premium oferecidas dentro de 24FPS.
Comece sua assinatura 24FPS com um teste gratuito de 7 dias. Assim que o período de avaliação terminar, será cobrada uma taxa de inscrição. As assinaturas são cobradas mensalmente ou anualmente na taxa selecionada, dependendo do plano de assinatura.
As assinaturas mensais ou anuais desbloqueiam os mesmos recursos em 24FPS. Os preços em outros países podem variar e as cobranças podem ser convertidas em sua moeda local, dependendo do país em que você vive.
As assinaturas são renovadas automaticamente com o custo do pacote escolhido, a menos que sejam canceladas com 24 horas de antecedência antes do final do período atual. A taxa de inscrição é cobrada na sua conta do iTunes na confirmação da compra. Você pode gerenciar sua assinatura e desativar a renovação automática acessando as Configurações da conta após a compra. Qualquer porção não utilizada de um período de avaliação gratuita será perdida quando o usuário adquirir uma assinatura durante a avaliação gratuita.
Termos de uso: https://www.polarr.co/policy/polarr24_terms.pdf
Política de privacidade: https://www.polarr.co/policy/polarr24_privacy.pdf
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Apps Similar To 24FPS - Video Filter & LUT
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |

Name:BÁO MỚI: Đọc Báo, Tin Mới 24h Price:Free
Description:Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]
Báo Mới là ứng dụng đọc báo chính thức của BaoMoi.com - trang tổng hợp tin tức tự động hàng đầu Việt Nam. Sử dụng công nghệ máy tính thông minh độc quyền của BaoMoi.com, ứng dụng cho phép bạn đọc nhanh các tin tức nóng và mới nhất trong ngày được chọn lọc từ hơn 100 báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.
* Đọc tin theo cách của riêng bạn với 2 chế độ duyệt tin khác nhau chỉ có ở Báo Mới.
* Tin nóng và mới nhất được tổng hợp và chọn lọc thông minh, cập nhật liên tục từ các báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.
* Video chọn lọc, đa dạng mọi thể loại: hài hước, giải trí, công nghệ, đẹp, độc, lạ.
* Liên tục cập nhật các sự kiện nóng: Đại hội Đảng, Biển Đông, Bầu cử Tổng thống Mỹ, Vòng loại World Cup, EURO 2020, Chiến tranh thương mại Mỹ - Trung, Căng thẳng Triều Tiên, Nữ sinh giao gà, SEA Games 2019, Tổng thống Trump gặp ông Kim Jong Un ở Thượng đỉnh Mỹ Triều, ...
* Dễ dàng chia sẻ thông tin lên các mạng xã hội hàng đầu như Zalo, Facebook.
* Dễ dàng lựa chọn và thêm các đầu báo yêu thích vào trang chủ.
* Tốc độ nhanh, được tối ưu cho kết nối 2G/3G/Wifi.
Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]
Rating:2.55 Show Detail

Name:Plotagon Story Price:Free
Description:Want to try the easiest and most fun way to create animated movies ever invented? This is how easy it is:
1 Choose a scene
2 Create your own actors
3 Write your story and let Plotagon make it come to life
4 Save your masterpiece and share it with the world!
Please use #Plotagon when sharing. We’re always looking out for the next blockbuster!
Get Plotagon Story and experience this award-winning storytelling tool!
We literally TURN TEXT TO FILM!
● Create yourself, a celebrity or your friends to act in your movie
● Record your own voice, add sound effects and music
● Share your story on YouTube and other social media apps
Plotagon is an award-winning storytelling tool for all ages. With this app, you essentially have an animation studio in the palm of your hand.
What's on your mind?
For Plotagon Terms of Use please refer to: https://www.plotagon.com/legal/
Rating:3.45 Show Detail

Name:VideoShow Video Editor & Maker Price:Free
1.訂閱樂秀(VideoShow) VIP會員資格包括以下功能:無水印,支持高清視頻導出,滾動字幕,長視頻GIF製作,自定義視頻封面,視頻參數調節,視頻疊加,添加馬賽克,視視頻同框,頻轉音頻,視頻壓縮,畫面裁切,以及所有付費素材/音樂/字幕/主題/貼紙特權。
2.訂閱時間:取決於您的選擇,樂秀(VideoShow) VIP提供免費試用(按月費續訂),按年訂閱。價格取決於您選擇的訂閱套餐,並在您確認購買時收取訂閱費。樂秀(VideoShow)的所有付費功能和內容均可在會員期內無限制使用。
7. 隱私政策:http://file.enjoy-global.com/privacy/privacy_policy_ios.html
樂秀粉絲官方QQ群: 824939373
樂秀官網: http://www.videoshowapp.cn
反饋郵箱:[email protected]
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:Adobe Photoshop Mix - Cut out, combine, create Price:Free
Description:Create anything you can imagine, anywhere you are.
Use the official Adobe Photoshop Mix app to easily create and share professional multilayered images and designs in minutes.
New feature: Now, add text layers to create stylish typographical designs for everything from Instagram to Invitations.
Want to do more? (of course you do):
• Combine multiple images/layers to dream up something truly magical.
• Easily remove or replace any object (people and things).
• Selectively retouch and fix flaws.
• Quickly share with friends or post to social.
• Send to Adobe stock and sell your media to the world’s largest creative community.
Still more? (HELLO DESIGNERS):
• Experiment with different blend modes and fill opacities within each layer until you get the look you want. Mix includes some of the most popular blend modes from Photoshop CC.
• Adjust colors and contrast or apply preset Looks (filters) to your pictures. Enhance the entire image or just a portion with the touch of your finger.
• Nondestructive editing means your original images stay pristine and untouched.
• Take your mobile project to the next level with Adobe Photoshop CC.
The world's best imaging and design app is at the core of almost every creative project. Work across mobile and desktop to create and enhance your photographs, designs, artwork, videos, and more.
Love photography? Check out the Creative Cloud Photography plan. It gives you Lightroom and Photoshop, the most powerful editing tools around. With Creative Cloud, you can open and edit Photoshop files in Mix and send compositions to Photoshop CC for further refinement — layers, masks and all. Open and mix Lightroom images and send directly to your Lightroom Collections. And move images between Mix, new Photoshop Fix and Lightroom for mobile for a complete mobile editing experience.
Creative Cloud also lets you use Photoshop CC features in Mix, including Shake Reduction. And all your edits are synced across all your computers and devices. Make a change on you iPad, it’ll show up on your desktop. Take your photography further with the Creative Cloud Photography plan.
Take a look at these other free Adobe photography apps to build your experience and extend your creativity:
• Photoshop Fix — Edit facial features, heal, lighten, liquify, color and adjust your images to perfection — and then easily share them across other Creative Cloud desktop and mobile apps.
• Lightroom Mobile – Capture, edit, organize and share professional quality images from your smartphone or tablet.
Sign up for an Adobe ID within Photoshop Mix for free. Adobe online services, including the Adobe Creative Cloud service, are available only to users 13 and older and require registration and agreement to additional terms and Adobe's online privacy policy at http://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy-linkfree.html. Adobe online services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration, and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail

Name:Line Puzzle: String Art Price:Free
Description:Drag & Divide lines as you want!
Connect and weave lines to make wonderful shape and patterns of STRING ART.
Line Puzzle: String Art is a Line puzzle game.
Easy to play' game for all ages.
• Drag and connect the lines to a point
• Try to make them same as suggested shape above
• Nails cannot be moved
• Lines cannot be overlapped
• NO WIFI? NO PROBLEM! Enjoy line puzzle anytime, anywhere!
• FREE & EASY TO PLAY! Suitable for all ages.
• NO penalties or time limits; You can enjoy Line Puzzle: String Art at your own pace!
- Over 300+ puzzles are unique and full of fun and amazing challenges!
- Soothing sounds and gorgeous visual effects
- Designed for iPhone & iPad.
• Line Puzzle: String Art contains ads like banner, interstitial, video and house ads.
• Line Puzzle: String Art is free to play, but you can purchase In-app items like AD FREE and Hints.
• [email protected]
Like us on FACEBOOK
• https://www.facebook.com/BitMangoGames
Thank you!
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Splice - Video Editor & Maker Price:Free
Description:Splice 简单易用、功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在 iPhone 或 iPad 上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器的性能,专门针对移动设备进行优化。只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过渡,添加慢动作效果,从而创作出想要分享的精美视频。专业编辑从未如此简单。
“最佳 iPhone 视频编辑器”
- Lifehacker,2015 年 12 月
- 2016 Webby 奖得主
- 最佳移动应用奖,2015 年 10 月
+ 自动按音乐的节拍同步视频。
+ 应用滤镜,调整背景颜色、方向等。
+ 添加标题幻灯片、文本覆盖层和自定义片尾字幕。
+ 为快动作或慢动作调整播放速度。
+ 修剪、剪切和裁剪照片和视频剪辑。
+ 选择过渡样式并控制过渡之间的速度。
+ 通过平移和缩放效果让照片栩栩如生。
+ 从大量免费音乐和声音效果中选择,或者使用自己 iTunes 收藏中的歌曲(取决于 iTunes 条款)。
+ 通过内置录音器,添加旁边或自定义声音效果。
+ 精确修剪和混合多个多个音频轨道。
+ 直接分享至 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook、邮件和信息等。
+ 将视频保存到相机胶卷中
• 订阅时长:周、月、年
• 一旦您确认购买,就会向您的iTunes账户收取费用。
• 购买后,您可以在账户设置中管理订阅,关闭自动更新功能。
• 您的订阅服务会自动更新,除非您在当前使用期结束前至少24小时关闭自动更新功能。
• 当前使用期结束前24小时内,会向您的账户收取续订费用。
• 取消订阅时,您的订阅服务会持续有效至当前使用期结束。自动更新功能将被禁用,但是不会退还当前订阅服务的费用。
• 如有免费试用,购买订阅服务后,免费试用中未使用的部分将会作废。
在未来版本的应用软件内,如果您有任何功能上的要求?请随时联系[email protected]与我们沟通
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:FaceStar App Price:$2.99
Description:The photos used to produce the clips will not be shared or used by us for any commercial purpose. After the processed clips are sent back to the users, the photos will be automatically erased from our servers. We don't collect any data from your pics!
Rating:4.45 Show Detail

Name:Popular Wars Price:Free
Description:Want to know how it feels to be popular?
Then this game is for you!
Already popular?
Then this game is for you!
None of the above?
This game is definitely for you!
How to be popular :
* Collect followers from anywhere on the map!
* Grab other players' followers to eliminate them!
* Lead hundreds of people and show them who's the boss!
* Super high tech swarming algorithm
* Mega dynamic and "destructible" environment
* Extra cute faces that will follow you everywhere you move
* And a whole lotta fun!
Rating:2.5 Show Detail