8 Best Apps Similar To 9 Quotes - Discover the Baha'i Writings|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: 9 Quotes - Discover the Baha'i Writings

9 Quotes - Discover the Baha'i Writings
APP STORE: App Store $2.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.3(2017-06-13)
APP CATEGORIES : Reference, Books
<5K | <5K | <5K |
9 Quotes is for everyone who likes to explore the Baha'i Writings, if you ever take a book and open it just to read any passage your eye falls on - this App is for you.
The beautiful interface is designed to be simple and task oriented, yet stunningly beautiful and inspirational. This App is perfect for meditation and reflection and I promise you will find Quotes that you have never come across before.
Of course you can Immerse yourself deeper into the Writings and read complete books, using the generated Quotations as entry points.
If you find a text that you want to keep, I integrated this App with the One Ocean app. Simply select a text and press Quote to send it over into your One Ocean collection.
Get 9 Quotes and let it inspire your habit of reading the sacred Baha'i Writings, and support the further development of beautiful Baha'i related software.
There is only one reason why this App was created and this reason is love and inspiration. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy it in your readings as much as I do and am always just one e-mail away to engage in a communication about further ideas and or assistance.
Much Love
MC & E
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Apps Similar To 9 Quotes - Discover the Baha'i Writings
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Name:Cursive Writing App@ abCursive Price:$1.99
Description:KEY FEATURES
1. Learn lowercase cursive letters
2. Learn uppercase cursive letters
3. Learn how to connect cursive letters
4. Practice cursive words
5. Practice additional cursive words
6. See cursive writing animation
7. Convert any words to cursive by using the Cursive Writing Converter
Rating:3.9 Show Detail

Name:Good News Bible (Audio GNB) Price:Free
Description:The Bible (from Koine Greek τα βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. There is no single "Bible" and many Bibles with varying contents exist. Various religious traditions have produced different recensions with different selections of texts. These do largely overlap however, creating a common core.
List of chapters (Old Testament):
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Job, Psalms, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
List of chapters (New Testament):
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation
Rating:4.75 Show Detail

Name:iDaily · 2014 年度别册 Price:$0.99
Description:■ 「iDaily · 2015 年度别册」现已上线,App Store 搜索「2015 年度别册」即刻获取最新别册■
每一天,我们从全球超过 30000 张新闻图片中选出最能够拓展视野、打动人心的镜头记录。一年 365 天,你所看到的「iDaily · 2014 年度别册」即是这 1000 万张新闻图片中最出色的 1000 个画面,1000 个瞬间。
「iDaily · 每日环球视野」2014 年度别册,用一千张全球最顶尖的新闻图片,与你一同重温这颗星球上人类文明的 2014 年。
1.超越极限的视觉体验:3000px 超高清晰图片
2.时间轴:365 天,纵览全球事件
这颗星球上发生的每一件事情,与你的距离都不会超过 20,000 公里。
iDaily 年终巨献,Clover 四叶新媒体荣誉出品。
Rating:0.75 Show Detail

Name:Bible Price:Free
Description:在全世界超过 1.8亿个设备上,人们用最受好评的圣经软件来阅读、聆听和分享圣经 --- 这可是完全免费的!超过1千个圣经译本,并有数百种语言的选择。还有数以百计的读经计划,以40多种语言呈献给您。添加您个性化的高亮显示、书签、公开或保密的笔记。
* 您有30多种语言的选择来设置圣经软件的使用介面。
* 备有775种语言,数以百计的圣经译本供您轻松选择。
* 从多个最常用的译本里选择,如 CCB 当代译本、CUNPSS 新标点和合本、CUNPSD 新标点和合本 (上帝版)、CNVS 新译本、CSB 中文标准译本、RCUVSS 和合本修订版。
* 离线圣经:在没有网络连线时也可以阅读 (只限特定译本)。
* 聆听有声圣经,享受全新的跳过功能、播放速度和定时器控制。 (有声圣经只限特定译本,并不提供下载)。
* 通过圣经软件中建立的友情,使圣经成为您最亲密的人际关系的中心点。
* 观看您和朋友一连串的读经活动,比如做笔记、做书签与高亮显示。
* 一起学习神的话语时,在圣经软件中通过评论来分享您的观点、提出问题并进行有意义的交流。
* 上百个读经计划: 您可找到灵修计划,还有在一年内借着探讨专题、部分或整本圣经内容来引导你的读经计划。
* 观看和分享《圣经》电视短剧、改变世界的电影《耶稣》和《The Lumo Project》
* 用关键字来搜索圣经。
* 全新的主题让您选择,通过调色板来个性化您圣经软件的整体使用体验。
* 经句图:将经文转为可以分享的艺术创作。
* 以您自订的色彩来高亮显示—— 就像用纸质圣经。
* 书签标示经文: 分享、背诵或者只是要标记您喜爱的经文。
* 通过社交网络、电子邮件或短信与朋友分享经文。
* 给经文添加笔记:可设置为只有您自己看得见的保密模式、或将笔记公开与朋友分享。
* 有了 YouVersion 的免费帐户,您可通过云端同步在任何接受支持的设备上看见您所有的笔记、高亮显示、书签和读经计划。
* 轻松阅读的设置,如字体选择、文字大小和亮度调整。
与 YouVersion 联系
* 在圣经软件里直接联系服务支持。
* 点赞我们的 Facebook : http://facebook.com/youversion
* 关注我们的 Twitter : http://twitter.com/youversion
* 跟进我们博客的最新消息: http://blog.youversion.com/zh-hans/
* 使用网络版 YouVersion : https://www.bible.com/zh-CN
Rating:5 Show Detail

Name:Faladdin - Fortune Teller Price:Free
Description:Faladdin is an extraordinary fortune telling app! It's free on a daily basis!
Faladdin offers individual analyses about life by combining its deep learning skills and ancient knowledge of mystical disciplines like Tarot, Astrology, Clairvoyance and Coffee Cup Reading.
Since Faladdin's artificial intelligence is being developed constantly, we may soon need to change the question "What is Faladdin?" into "Who is Faladdin?" and, he may reply to you directly.
Faladdin is far beyond a fortune telling app. It sheds light on the future by evaluating person's past and making inferences about present.
Faladdin is an award winning app, enjoyed by millions of users around the globe, in different language options.
Some things need to be experienced to be understood. Don't hesitate, download it and come in! See it yourself!
Not Aladdin, not falaaddin, not falladdin , not falattin. This is "Faladdin"!
EULA: https://www.faladdin.com/eula
Rating:4.7 Show Detail

Name:Poesie: Classic Poem a Day Price:Free
Description:Welcome to Poesie!
Poesie is a portal into the world of poetry. We put thousands of classic and contemporary poems in your pocket with plenty of ways to explore, discover, and interact.
What makes our daily poem special?
• We highlight a different classic and contemporary poet each week to teach you about their work.
• Featured poems include an informational blurb to help you understand the poem and are paired with great artwork to help set the mood.
• All of our poems are interactive and social. Highlight lines, publish recordings, and discuss with other users.
And there are many more features!
• Save and revisit favorite works using your Poesie profile. You'll also get weekly recommendations based on your preferences.
• Explore our library of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, including some of the best names in poetry today.
• Discover the history of poetry using our curated collections, spanning cultures, eras, and themes in poetry.
Join our growing community of poetry lovers and begin discovering and reading more poetry today.
Subscription Options
Poesie is a subscription-based app. Every user starts off with a free trial, so you're welcome to explore the app and see if it is right for you! Once you're a subscriber, you can cancel anytime.
Following your free trial, we offer two levels of access.
(1) Monthly - $1.99/mo
(2) Yearly - $14.99/year
As a subscriber, you'll also be supporting the arts. We share a portion of all subscription revenue directly with featured poets and publishing houses.
Please note: if you don't want to keep a subscription, make sure to cancel before your free trial is over to avoid being charged.
Poesie Libraries
Classic poetry: Our classic poetry library guides you through the greatest poetry ever written. For each poet we feature, we curate a selection of poems to help you learn about and discover their work. You can also explore the history of poetry with our poetry programs, search poetry by mood and genre, and even read short stories.
Contemporary poetry: We are glad to bring you some of the best poetry being published today. Our contemporary poetry library ranges from debut publications to Pulitzer Prize-winning work and features poets from a variety of countries. We offer all poets we work with a share of all subscription purchases - so part of your subscription goes directly to supporting contemporary poetry.
Community poetry: We have a community library available to upload your own poems and read poetry by other users... please be supportive! You can also leave recordings, comment, and highlight your favorite lines on poems across the app.
We add new poems and programs every month. Paired with great artwork, audio recordings, and educational notes, there's no better way to start off your morning than with our poem of the day.
Contact Us
- If you are a poet who'd like to see your work in the app, please send us an email. We would be happy to discuss partnership options.
- If you see content that you don't think belongs in the app, please reach out to us. We will work with you to make sure our content is in agreement with permissions.
- If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions for our app, please reach out! We appreciate all feedback.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poesieapp/
Rating:2.15 Show Detail

Name:Daily Horoscope App 2020 Price:Free
Description:#1 HOROSCOOP-APP VAN 2020!
De meeste mensen zeggen meestal dat ze niet geloven in horoscopen, maar toch leest en beluistert bijna iedereen ze elke dag.
Abonnement geeft u dagelijks toegang tot gedetailleerde en dagelijkse voorspellingen voor gezondheid, liefde en werk en een ervaring zonder advertenties. Je kunt 3 of 7 dagen gratis proberen.
Horoscope_month is een automatisch verlengbaar abonnement: $ 19,99 / maand. Dit abonnement wordt bij aankoopbevestiging aan iTunes-account in rekening gebracht en wordt aan het einde van elke maand automatisch verlengd tot $ 19,99, tenzij het ten minste 24 uur van tevoren wordt geannuleerd vóór het einde van de huidige periode.
U kunt het abonnement beheren of automatisch verlengen op elk gewenst moment uitschakelen via de instellingen van uw iTunes-account. Elk ongebruikt deel van een proefperiode indien aangeboden wordt verbeurd wanneer u een abonnement aanschaft, indien van toepassing. Bezoek voor meer informatie:
Hoe u zich kunt afmelden: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202039
Privacybeleid: https://www.daily-horoscope-app-2018.com/privacy-policy
Algemene voorwaarden: https://www.daily-horoscope-app-2018.com/terms-conditions
Rating:4.35 Show Detail

Name:MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA Price:Free
Description:"MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA" is the official manga reader from Shueisha Inc., and is available globally.
We publish the greatest manga in the world such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach and other more.
You can read the latest chapters of the best manga for FREE, DAILY, and SIMULTANEOUSLY with its release in Japan!!
Download MANGA Plus now and get started!
■ A message from Masashi Kishimoto, author of “Naruto”
« Jump’s manga will now be available at the same time all over the world!
Now that it’s an official service, there will be a lot to read!
Wonderful! »
Read the latest chapters of our weekly magazine for free and simultaneously with Japan.
New titles published on the magazine will be also added immediately so make sure and check back regularly!
・BORUTO: Naruto next generations
・DEMON SLAYER: Kimetsu no yaiba
...and lots more!
you can read our completed titles for free too.
A new chapter will be updated every day or week.
...and lots more!
Post your comment to the manga you read!
You can read other comments and enjoy the FAN community or just simply support the creator by sending a message.
Add your favorite manga into your “Favorites”
Not only it would be a shortcut to the manga,
you would also receive a notification when a new chapter has arrived!
The money raised from the in-app ads will be directly returned to the creators.
Use of Pirated manga sites or apps will harm creators to create new manga.
For the creators and the future of manga, please read manga through our official reader.
Subscribe to our Facebook page for news and information.
English: https://www.facebook.com/mangaplus.en/
Español: https://www.facebook.com/mangaplus.es/
Rating:3.9 Show Detail