8 Best Apps Similar To Dark Riddle|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Dark Riddle

Dark Riddle

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 3.3.12(2020-05-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Puzzle, Entertainment, Adventure
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.35 (10.27K)

100.0K   <5K 14.51K



這部互動驚悚片中的主角是你自己,這得益於第一人的逼真相機。搬到一個新家,你會發現一些古怪的鄰居的行為。他從不離開他的家,從那裡經常發出一些奇怪的聲音,如哭聲。一個黑暗的夜晚,一個鄰居從他的房子裡拖出一個袋子,裡面的東西非常讓人想起人體。很明顯,正在發生一些可怕的事情。你不能遠離 - 你需要進入鄰居的房子,找出發生了什麼!但是,這不會那麼容易!他院子的每個角落都裝飾著一個可移動的攝像機,所有的門窗都被牢牢鎖住了。鄰居本人是一個相當危險的人,他會不擇手段,只是為了隱藏他所有的黑暗行為。如果他發現你,你不可能活著離開他的家!保持不被注意,使用你自己的聰明才智,發現一個可怕的秘密!



查找和使用有用的項目。找一個手電筒,青春痘,鑰匙,煤氣罐等 - 所有這一切對你在鄰居家裡都非常有用!

不斷看兩者 - 鄰居可以在任何地方等你!

在危急情況下,你可以嘗試逃離並在自己的家中避難 - 鄰居將無法通過!








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Name:三国志英雄传奇一款经典街机游戏                                                Price:¥0.00



Rating:1.25                                               Show Detail

Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles

Name:Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles                                                Price:Free

Description:加入 Diggy、教授,Linda、和 Rusty 的旅程!探索充滿礦藏的世界,學習古老的文明,解決難忘的謎題。在 Diggy 的冒險線上遊戲中逃離每個迷宮並揭開過去最神秘的事物!

這個 2D 迷宮中沒有任何秘密可以藏!在您發現這個故事的新角色或者可能是一個古老的文明時,在迷宮中找到自己的道路。你能逃脫這個地雷陣嗎?


Diggy 冒險的特色:
▶ 喜歡解謎嗎?在各文明中設有超過 1000 個謎題等著您來解答。
▶ 挑戰各種難度的 500 個迷宮。千萬別被困進地牢中!
▶ 500 多個有趣的角色等您來互動。點選您的礦工頭像並查看戰利品!
▶ 4 個神秘地點,許多被遺忘的寶藏。風暴般地穿越迷宮吧!
▶ 被謎題困住了?我們的線上客服人員會在24小時內回覆您。
▶ 每週新增免費內容:包括謎題和寺廟等等,別忘記持續關注這個迷宮遊戲的更新消息!
▶ 挖掘尋找神秘寶藏,完成神聖的任務並解開謎題。
▶ 扮演考古學家,努力找出遠古世界的秘密。
▶ 利用線索打開藏寶箱,以礦工的方式進行探索。
▶ 一邊挖礦,一邊尋找戰利品和寶藏!

挖掘這個 2D 謎題礦坑,獲得各式各樣的道具,利用道具來解開謎題,離線時恢復體力,或是在營地中製作新道具。您還能以各種裝飾品美化您的營地。打造新道具或製作材料以幫助您在地窖或迷宮中進行挖掘,成為這個世界中最優秀的尋寶冒險愛好者。這可不是一般的尋寶遊戲,您得找出每塊拼圖才能得到足夠的金塊以繼續進行尋寶冒險!

解開 2D 謎題並從迷宮中逃脫,就可以獲得獎勵和經驗點數,從而提高能量再生率或提升能量容量。繼續挖掘,完成由神所分配的遊戲任務,​​沿著正確的道路前行,找出新的密室,讓您把其他的冒險遊戲都拋諸腦後!您還可以暢玩特殊迷宮活動、地牢和優惠,以各種主題布置營地或送禮給其他玩家。解謎和逃脫!一邊逃離無盡的迷宮,一邊挖礦,還能從新文明中獲得新知!快來玩這個充滿謎題的 2D 挖礦冒險!

請注意:Diggy's Adventure 為免費線上遊戲,需要連接網路才能下載以進行遊戲。您也能以實際貨幣購買遊戲道具。如果您不想使用此功能請在您的裝置設定中關閉遊戲內購買功能。



喜歡我們的休閒解謎遊戲?請在社群媒體上關注 @DiggysAdventure 以獲得我們的最新資訊與更新消息。

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Craft Granny Mod

Name:Craft Granny Mod                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Craft Granny Horror Game Mod :
Try to find keys and escape from scary craft granny horror house...
Be quit, craft granny hears everything, keep in mind that if you drop tools the floor it create sounds.
you have 5 days to escape from craft granny.
Good luck, enjoy...

Rating:-0.15                                             Show Detail

Toca Life: Neighborhood

Name:Toca Life: Neighborhood                                                 Price:$3.99

Description:Welkom in je nieuwe buurt, vol met vriendelijke buren waarmee je kunt spelen. Ga op verkenning uit in je nieuwe wijk, stap even binnen bij cafés en winkels, en maak kennis met een nieuwe set personages. En weet je wat? Een Toca Life-app heeft nog nooit zoveel woningen gehad.

Wat is jouw interieurstijl? Minimalistisch, gezellig, boho of industrieel? Kies een van de vier appartementen of betrek ze allemaal! Ga naar binnen, neem de tijd om je te settelen, breng een bezoek aan je buren en nodig ze uit om je te helpen met het inrichten van je woning.

Ga naar de interieurwinkel waar je een hele hoop leuke spulletjes kunt vinden waarmee je je woning kunt inrichten. Planten, klokken, kussens en postbussen, maar ook schilderijen, stoelen en andere accessoires.
Ga niet weg voordat je een paar leuke foto's hebt gemaakt in de fotocabine. Kies een filter, bereid je vrienden voor op de flits en zeg 'cheese'!

Spreek met je vrienden af in Rob-o Café. Pak wat te eten van de lopende band of bestel een smoothie bij de grote robot. Je kunt kiezen uit vier lekkere smaken - welke kies jij?

Binnenkort introduceren we Toca Life: World, onze nieuwe mega-app waarin alle Toca Life-locaties worden samengebracht. Toca Life: World wordt de plek voor alle nieuwe thema's en updates, en zelfs een paar leuke verrassingen! We zijn er bijna klaar voor om deze app aan je te introduceren. Als je Toca Life: Neighborhood vandaag nog download, kun je het binnenkort koppelen aan de rest van je Toca Life-apps.

Maak kennis met 23 nieuwe personages
4 nieuwe appartementen met verschillende thema's om in te wonen en je te ontspannen!
Koop in de interieurwinkel nieuwe meubels en decoraties voor je woning - ga helemaal voor jouw stijl!
Ga met je beste vrienden naar Rob-o Café en kies lekker eten van de lopende band.
Haal een smoothie bij de grote smoothierobot - je hebt keuze uit maar liefst vier lekkere smaken!
Maak met familie en vrienden een foto in de fotocabine! Welke filter ga je gebruiken?
Haal een speelluiaard uit de Slothtato-speelgoedmachine!
Ga op zoek naar de geheime Rob-o Disco Club!
Breng een bezoek aan de kleine wezens die zich verstopt hebben in de lift!

Over ons:
Bij Toca Boca geloven we in de kracht van het spel om de verbeelding van kinderen te stimuleren en hen te helpen meer te weten te komen over de wereld. We ontwerpen onze producten vanuit het perspectief van de kinderen om kinderen in staat te stellen speels te zijn, creatief te zijn en te zijn wie ze willen zijn. Onze producten omvatten bekroonde apps die meer dan 200 miljoen keer zijn gedownload in 215 landen en bieden leuke, veilige en open spelervaringen. Lees meer over Toca Boca en onze producten op tocaboca.com.

Privacy is een kwestie die we heel serieus nemen. Lees ons privacybeleid voor meer informatie over hoe we met deze zaken werken: https://tocaboca.com/privacy

Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

Criminal Case: The Conspiracy

Name:Criminal Case: The Conspiracy                                                 Price:Free

Description:숨은 물건 찾기 어드벤처 게임에서 펼쳐지는 연쇄 살인 사건을 해결하시려면 다시 한번 그림스보로우 경찰국에 합류하세요. 단서를 찾아 범죄 현장을 수사한 뒤에 용의자를 신문하고, 살인범 검거를 위해 증거물을 분석하시면 됩니다. 수사 실력을 발휘할 준비가 되셨나요?

게임 특징:
• 새로운 범죄 현장을 수사하고 그림스보로우의 어두운 면을 파헤치기
• 단서를 조사하고 표본을 분석하여 증거 찾기
• 목격자와 용의자 신문하기
• 살인범을 법정에 세우기
• 5 버전 이상의 아이폰 및 모든 아이패드에서 실행 가능
• 아이팟 터치 4세대 기기 지원 불가

주의 – 크리미널 케이스: 더 컨스피러시는 부분유료화 게임으로, 일부 아이템의 경우 구매가 가능합니다. 구매를 원하시 않으시면 설정에서 'App 내 구입' 기능을 비활성화시켜 주세요.

크리미널 케이스: 더 컨스피러시는 이용약관과 개인정보보호정책에 의해, 13세부터 이용이 가능합니다.

이용 약관: http://www.prettysimplegames.com/terms-of-use
개인정보보호정책: http://www.prettysimplegames.com/privacy-policy

주간 구독으로 피자 구매시, 에너지 용량을 매주 170개씩 제공하며, 광고 없이 게임을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 구매시 매주 2.99 USD가 청구되며, 아이튠즈 구매 내역을 통해 확인 가능합니다. 3일간의 무료 체험 후, 구독이 자동 갱신됩니다.
이용 기간 종료 24시간 전, 자동 갱신을 끄지 않으시는 경우, 서비스 이용이 자동으로 갱신됩니다.

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Hello Stars

Name:Hello Stars                                                 Price:Free

Description:Must use brain to finish all levels. It's easy to learn but very difficult to master.

The job of each level is to guide a ball from a predetermined start point so that it touches all of the stars placed on the level. The ball and nearly all objects on the screen are affected by gravity. The first few levels are almost too easy, but as the difficulty increases you'll be thankful that you were able to practice the fundamentals of draw. As the game progresses, you'll have to use all sorts of theory to figure out a solution for each puzzle.

The Game Features:
- Hundreds of ways to solve each puzzle, can you find the best solution?
- 200+ of physics puzzles, more levels are coming soon!
- Flexible thinking is going to become the key to victory.
- Solutions can be found in the end of each level.
- Play 100+ of challenging
- Interesting physics puzzles, they're not as easy as they look.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Privacy Policy and Terms of use:http://www.hellostars.net/privacy.html

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Fran Bow Chapter 1

Name:Fran Bow Chapter 1                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Fran Bow is a creepy adventure game that tells the story of Fran, a young girl struggling with a mental disorder and an unfair destiny.

After witnessing the gruesome and mysterious loss of her parents, found dismembered at their home, Fran rushes into the woods, together with her only friend, Mr. Midnight, a black cat that Fran had previously received as a present from her parents.
In the forest, Fran goes into shock over the loss of her parents and when she recovers, she’s at Oswald Asylum, an oppressive mental institution for children, and Mr. Midnight is nowhere to be found.
After having a dream about her beloved cat, Fran decides to escape from the mental institution to find him and go back home to Aunt Grace, her only living relative.


* Story driven creepy psychological horror adventure game.

* Unique and peculiar hand drawn 2D Art-Style and 2D animation.

* Self administer medication to open the terrible hidden world that will help solve puzzles and find objects.

* A big variety of puzzles designed with different levels of difficulty and specifically based on the story.

* Original Soundtrack.

IMPORTANT: New iPad, 3rd Generation, iPad Mini 2, iPod Touch 6th Generation and later devices with at least 1 GB of System Memory--RAM or more) are strongly recommended when playing the Fran Bow apps. Older devices may experience crashes or not play the Fran Bow apps at all.

Rating:3.3                                                 Show Detail

Santa Baldis Basics Mods

Name:Santa Baldis Basics Mods                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Santa Baldi in Christmas Its Too Early for a christmas mod! I promise you will love it once you try it , fun-time educational game that teaches a slew of subjects in scary school .

This is now the best Features :

-New wall textures.
-New Playtime Music.
-New Better Math Music
-New Characters Looks

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail