8 Best Apps Similar To Docs To Go Premium|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Docs To Go Premium
Docs To Go Premium
APP STORE: App Store $16.99
CURRENT VERSION : 5.4.0(2019-03-01)
APP CATEGORIES : Business, Productivity
<5K | 10.0K | <5K |
Office em qualquer lugar: exibir, editar, criar arquivos do Microsoft® Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) e exibir arquivos Adobe PDF® em seu dispositivo iOS.
Documents To Go® Premium contém a melhor exibição e edição de documentos, incluindo opções de salvamento e sincronização diretamente para seu dispositivo iOS, seu desktop e notebook via WiFi e para o serviço em nuvem de sua preferência (iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox OneDrive ou SugarSync). Uma compra inclui as versões de iPad e iPhone.
• Fundada em 1984, a DataViz é líder do setor no desenvolvimento de soluções de produtividade e Office móvel para iOS, Mac e muito mais.
• A InTact Technology™ mantém a formatação de documento original dos arquivos editados.
• Sem a necessidade de entrar com uma conta para iniciar a criação de arquivos e a liberdade para salvá-los onde você escolher!
• Todos os seus arquivos em um único aplicativo. Você não precisa baixar componentes ou aplicativos de serviço de armazenamento em nuvem ou outros separadamente.
• Suporte técnico disponível via e-mail por pessoas reais em sua casa ou escritório ou pela nossa robusta base de conhecimento em DataViz.com.
• Visualize, edite e crie arquivos do MS Office 97-2013.
• Visualize arquivos PDF, iWork, texto e .RTF.
• Visualizar, editar, salvar e sincronizar com diversos serviços de computação em nuvem.
• Salve as alterações diretamente em seu dispositivo, em serviços múltiplos de nuvem ou em seu computador com nosso aplicativo de desktop/notebook - gratuito em sua compra (esse aplicativo permite o acesso aos arquivos em seu desktop e a sincronização por uma conexão WiFi).
• Envie e receba anexos de e-mail compatíveis usando o aplicativo incorporado Mail.
• Abra e edite arquivos no Docs To Go com qualquer aplicativo de terceiros compatível com o recurso "Abrir em" do iOS.
• Gerenciador de classificação de arquivos (classifique sua lista de arquivos por nome, data da modificação, tamanho etc.).
• Compatível com o compartilhamento de arquivos do iTunes via cabo USB para mover arquivos manualmente.
APLICATIVO DE DESKTOP GRATUITO disponível para sincronização bidirecional de arquivos via WiFi - Sincronize e transfira arquivos/pastas em um aplicativo de desktop fácil de usar.
• Formato do tipo de fonte, tamanho, cor, negrito, itálico, sublinhado e texto destacado
• Exibição de alta fidelidade para gráficos incorporados, tabelas, comentários, notas de rodapé/notas explicativas, caixas de texto, sumários e hiperlinks
• Alterar o alinhamento do parágrafo
• Alterar marcadores e numerações
• Localizar e substituir
• Contagem de palavras
• Abrir arquivos protegidos por senha do Word 97-2013
• Exibir gráficos e imagens
• Congelar painéis
• Classificar
• Opções abrangentes de formatação de célula e número
• 111 funções compatíveis
• Inserir, excluir, redimensionar, ocultar/reexibir linhas e colunas
• Renomear, inserir e excluir planilhas
• Localizar/localizar próxima
• Abrir arquivos protegidos por senha do Excel 97-2013
• Edição com PowerPoint no slide - Edite o conteúdo e a formatação de slides diretamente no slide x uma exibição de estrutura de tópicos separada.
• Classificação/exibição de miniatura de slides
• Exibição pelo PowerPoint de alta fidelidade, incluindo: gráficos, MS Office SmartArt e muito mais
• Visualizar/editar/adicionar notas do palestrante
• Classificar slides
• Promover/rebaixar marcadores
• Abrir arquivos protegidos por senha do PowerPoint 97-2013
• Função "aperte para ampliar" para o tamanho/a dimensão desejada da página do PDF
• Abrir PDFs protegidos por senha
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![BÁO MỚI: Đọc Báo, Tin Mới 24h](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/901982508440c3848875faa655f3f188.jpg)
Name:BÁO MỚI: Đọc Báo, Tin Mới 24h Price:Free
Description:Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]
Báo Mới là ứng dụng đọc báo chính thức của BaoMoi.com - trang tổng hợp tin tức tự động hàng đầu Việt Nam. Sử dụng công nghệ máy tính thông minh độc quyền của BaoMoi.com, ứng dụng cho phép bạn đọc nhanh các tin tức nóng và mới nhất trong ngày được chọn lọc từ hơn 100 báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.
* Đọc tin theo cách của riêng bạn với 2 chế độ duyệt tin khác nhau chỉ có ở Báo Mới.
* Tin nóng và mới nhất được tổng hợp và chọn lọc thông minh, cập nhật liên tục từ các báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.
* Video chọn lọc, đa dạng mọi thể loại: hài hước, giải trí, công nghệ, đẹp, độc, lạ.
* Liên tục cập nhật các sự kiện nóng: Đại hội Đảng, Biển Đông, Bầu cử Tổng thống Mỹ, Vòng loại World Cup, EURO 2020, Chiến tranh thương mại Mỹ - Trung, Căng thẳng Triều Tiên, Nữ sinh giao gà, SEA Games 2019, Tổng thống Trump gặp ông Kim Jong Un ở Thượng đỉnh Mỹ Triều, ...
* Dễ dàng chia sẻ thông tin lên các mạng xã hội hàng đầu như Zalo, Facebook.
* Dễ dàng lựa chọn và thêm các đầu báo yêu thích vào trang chủ.
* Tốc độ nhanh, được tối ưu cho kết nối 2G/3G/Wifi.
Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]
Rating:2.55 Show Detail
![一家民宿 - 全球華人民宿預訂平臺](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/abb7c206fc51aef7d03769f2f44d17e0.jpg)
Name:一家民宿 - 全球華人民宿預訂平臺 Price:NT$ 0
Rating:3.75 Show Detail
![Scan App +](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/1f51517716d14cac55cd08c59bcb96bf.jpg)
Name:Scan App + Price:Free
Description:Scan App + превращает ваш iPhone или iPad в портативный сканер. Это крошечный сканер в вашем кармане. Сканируйте документы в 3 простых шага: захват, предварительный просмотр и отправка. Отправляйте по электронной почте, сохраняйте в Files App или Photos App. Сканируйте в pdf, затем загружайте в Google Drive, Dropbox или OneDrive. Параметры сканирования включают режимы: "Черно-белый", "Цветной" и "Оттенки серого". Регулируйте размер pdf-файла с помощью параметров: "большой", "средний" и маленький" размера файла.
Сканировать можно практически все:
∙ Scan App + находится с вами на ходу: сканируйте чеки, визитки, бланки, договора.
∙ Сканируйте в pdf на память: фотографии, журнальные и газетные статьи, книги, рецепты.
∙ Сканируйте документы, чтобы взять с собой: проездные документы, материалы лекций, купоны, штрихкоды, список продуктов, партитуры.
Камера работает как камера-сканер и автоматически определяет бумагу, помещенную на контрастный фон. Сканируйте одну или несколько страниц одновременно с помощью Scan App +.
Высококачественные сканы:
Сканируйте фотографии в режиме "Черно-белый", "Цветной", "Оттенки серого" или "Оригинальное фото". Scan App + использует новейшую технологию мобильного сканирования для создания высококачественных сканов. Регулируйте размер файлов с помощью параметров: "большой", "средний" и "маленький".
Сохраняйте, отправляйте и обменивайтесь:
Отправляйте pdf-файлы с отсканированными вами документами по электронной почте. Scan App + может осуществлять загрузку прямо в Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive. Сохраняйте отсканированные фотографии в Photos App. Сохраняйте в iCloud через Files App или отправляйте в другое приложение. Предлагая 9 параметров экспорта, Scan App + облегчает отправку сканов документов.
Храните крошечный сканер всегда при себе. Scan App + является быстрым PDF-сканером, который станет необходимым инструментом в вашей повседневной жизни.
Если вам нравится Scan App +, поставьте нам оценку на App Store.
Если у вас имеются какие-либо вопросы или отзывы, свяжитесь с нами по адресу: [email protected].
Scan App + Безлимит доступен для покупки пожизненно или по подписке: 1 год, 1 месяц или 3 месяца. Точную цену для своего региона уточняйте в приложении. сумма платежа будет списана со счета вашей учетной записи iTunes при подтверждении покупки. подписка продлевается автоматически, если только автопродление не отключено минимум за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. со счета вашей учетной записи будет списана оплата за продление подписки в течение 24 часов до окончания текущего периода. пользователи могут управлять подписками, а автопродление можно отключить, зайдя в настройки учетной записи пользователя после покупки.
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Microsoft Excel](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/975132a30d22e483339ebc2eb91c7ca0.jpg)
Name:Microsoft Excel Price:Free
Description:Microsoft Excel, l’application de feuille de calcul, vous permet de créer, d’afficher, de modifier et de partager vos fichiers rapidement et aisément. Gérez les feuilles de calcul, tableaux et classeurs joints à des e-mails sur votre téléphone à l’aide de cette puissante application de productivité.
Tableaux et feuilles de calcul : Créez, calculez et analysez
• Gérez votre budget, vos tâches ou vos analyses financières avec les modèles modernes d’Excel.
• Représentez graphiquement des formules familières pour calculer et analyser des données.
• Les nombreuses fonctionnalités de productivité et options de mise en forme enrichies facilitent la lecture et l’utilisation de vos classeurs.
• Utilisez l’affichage Cartes pour voir et gérer facilement les feuilles de calcul.
Application de productivité : Consultez, modifiez et travaillez en tout lieu
• Consultez vos fichiers Excel sur n’importe quel appareil.
• Modifiez vos données, ou mettez à jour vos tâches en tout lieu.
• Utilisez les options de tri et de filtre des colonnes pour mettre en évidence des données.
• Créez, dupliquez, masquez et affichez des feuilles de calcul.
Analyse de données
• Analysez des données à l’aide de graphiques courants.
• Ajoutez et modifiez des légendes de graphique pour mettre en évidence des données.
• Créez des diagrammes et graphiques en secteurs à partir de vos données.
Finances : Budgets et comptabilité
• Gérez vos budgets à l’aide de feuilles de calcul et graphiques agiles.
• Cernez vos besoins financiers à l’aide d’outils familiers.
• Estimez vos contributions fiscales, vos finances personnelles, etc.
Dessinez et annotez à la main
• Prenez des notes, surlignez votre feuille de calcul, créez des formes ou rédigez des équations avec l’onglet de dessin d’Excel sur les appareils tactiles.
Le partage simplifié
• Partagez vos fichiers du bout des doigts pour inviter d’autres personnes à les modifier ou les commenter.
• Copiez votre feuille de calcul dans un e-mail en préservant son format, ou joignez un lien à votre classeur pour d’autres options de partage.
Téléchargez l’application mobile Microsoft Excel pour créer, organiser et gérer des données et feuilles de calcul à partir de votre iPhone ou iPad.
Pour créer ou modifier des documents, connectez-vous avec un compte Microsoft gratuit sur un appareil équipé d’un écran d’au moins 10,1 pouces.
Tirez pleinement parti de Microsoft Office avec un abonnement Microsoft 365 éligible pour votre téléphone, tablette, PC ou Mac.
Les abonnements mensuels Microsoft 365 achetés à partir de l’application sont facturés sur votre compte App Store et automatiquement renouvelés dans les 24 heures précédant la fin de votre période d’abonnement en cours, sauf si le renouvellement automatique a été désactivé au préalable. Vous pouvez gérer vos abonnements dans les paramètres de votre compte App Store.
Cette application est fournie par Microsoft ou par un éditeur d’application tiers, et fait l’objet d’une déclaration de confidentialité et de conditions générales distinctes. Les données recueillies via ce magasin et cette application peuvent être accessibles à Microsoft ou à l’éditeur d’application tiers (selon le cas), et transférées, stockées et traitées aux États-Unis ou dans tout autre pays où Microsoft ou l’éditeur d’application et leurs filiales ou prestataires de services sont établis.
Consultez les termes du contrat de licence logiciel Microsoft pour Microsoft 365. Suivez le lien « Contrat de licence » sous Informations. En installant l’application, vous acceptez ces modalités.
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Adobe Acrobat Reader for Docs](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c3e92f4d878e697f0dc8e4076dbebe00.jpg)
Name:Adobe Acrobat Reader for Docs Price:Free
Description:The free Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF app is trusted by millions of people around the world.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free global standard for reliably viewing, signing, and commenting on PDF documents.
• Quickly open and view PDF documents.
• Search, scroll, and zoom in and out.
• Choose Single Page or Continuous scroll mode.
• Comment on PDFs using sticky notes and drawing tools.
• Highlight and mark up text with annotation tools.
• View and respond to annotations in the comments list.
• Use Apple Pencil with iPad Pro for exceptional commenting precision.
• Quickly access documents shared for viewing, review, or signature.
• Collaborate with others by adding your comments to PDFs sent to you for review.
• Receive activity notifications for files you’ve shared for viewing and review.
• Track pending actions on documents shared with you.
• Easily share PDFs with others by creating links you can send by email.
• Easily access scanned PDFs that you’ve captured using the free Adobe Scan app.
• Open your scans in Acrobat Reader to fill in, sign, review, and share.
• Quickly fill out PDF forms by typing text into fields.
• Use your finger or Apple Pencil to e-sign any PDF document.
• Sign in to your free Adobe Document Cloud account to store and access files across devices.
• Star files to keep important documents at your fingertips.
• Connect to your Dropbox account and access other storage providers including iCloud Drive, Box, Microsoft OneDrive, and Google Drive.
• Print documents from your device.
Switch to dark mode in iOS 13 and change the background color of the app window. This is not only easy on the eye in low light, but may also prolong the battery life of your device.
• Access PDFs and other files stored on your Google Drive with ease.
• Create, view, edit, combine, compress, export, share, and star Google Drive files directly in Acrobat Reader.
Subscribe for even more PDF power. Subscriptions work across mobile and web.
• Organize and edit PDFs.
• Create PDF files from documents or images.
• Export PDFs to Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
• Compress PDFs to reduce file size.
• Combine files into one PDF.
• Payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase.
• Subscriptions automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a Microsoft Intune supported partner app and accommodates multiple identities.
Terms & Conditions: Your use of this application is governed by the Adobe General Terms of Use (https://adobe.com/go/terms_linkfree_en and the Adobe Privacy Policy (http://www.adobe.com/go/privacy_policy_linkfree_en).
Do Not Sell My Information: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/ca-rights-linkfree.html
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
![FineScanner PRO-PDF Scanner](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f2b0c75b20e93fbd1be1a0b9fd056f44.jpg)
Name:FineScanner PRO-PDF Scanner Price:$59.99
Description:ABBYY FineScanner AI - the first smart AI-powered scanner that turns your mobile device into an all-purpose tool to quickly capture docs and books, create electronic copies in PDF and JPEG and extract texts from scans for further editing and sharing.
FineScanner AI - the top mobile scanner for iPhone or iPad from ABBYY, a global leader in Content IQ technologies and solutions.
*** Ranked #1 Business application in 98 countries ***
*** Winner of SUPERSTAR Award in the "Document Capture" category in the Mobile Star Awards ***
Use FineScanner AI to scan paper documents, books, agreements, receipts, magazine articles, notes, recipes, charts, tables, slides, whiteboards or even billboards on the street and get perfect digital copies.
• PDF & JPEG. Scan any text and save scans to JPEG images or cross-platform PDF documents
• ABBYY NEURAL NETWORK. Detect images with text inside the phone gallery to speed up the scanning process
• OFFLINE OCR. Quickly extract text from scans into TXT format on your device without an internet connection.
• ONLINE OCR. Recognize text (OCR) on scans in 193 languages (including Latin, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean alphabets) and choose from among 12 output formats including Word, Excel, PDF, preserving the original document formatting.
• BOOKSCAN TECH. When scanning books, BookScan will split the opposing pages into two separate images and correct any distortions and lighting defects. It will unbend any curved lines as if you pressed the book against the glass of a conventional scanner (Internet required, up to 100 pages per document).
• SIRI SHORTCUTS. Open scans with Siri and set the flow of actions with scans using Shortcuts app.
• ANNOTATE SCANS. Discover a set of easy-to-use tools to modify your PDFs: add your signature or a text box, use highlighter, write with a pen, or conceal content with the redaction tool.
• PASSWORD ON PDF. Add a password for the image-only PDF files while exporting and sending via email.
• MULTIPAGE DOCS. Create, edit, and enhance separate images or large multi-page documents without any additional selection on the viewfinder (up to 100 pages per document).
• AUTO-CAPTURE AND FILTERS. Excellent visual quality with auto-capture of page boundaries and advanced image filters, which processes scans in color, greyscale or black-and-white versions.
• BUILT-IN FILE STORAGE. Save scans inside the app with tags and search capabilities.
• SHARE & EXPORT. Send results by e-mail, save in cloud storages - iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, Evernote and more, transfer docs to your Mac or PC using iTunes sharing.
• AIRPRINT. Print out scans directly from your iPhone or iPad.
If you are interested in volume licensing (from 100 licenses) for your company or any customization of the app, please contact us at [email protected]
Read us:
Twitter @abbyy_mobile_ww
Do you like FineScanner? Please leave a review!
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
Name:表格制作-表格在线编辑手机版 Price:¥0.00
客服邮箱: [email protected]
Rating:5 Show Detail
![Fax Print Share Lite (+ Postal Mail and Postcards)](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/98920f1ff061c6e8007052c321014ae6.jpg)
Name:Fax Print Share Lite (+ Postal Mail and Postcards) Price:Free
Description:Fax Print & Share Lite is identical to our Fax Print & Share app, except that it stores a maximum of 7 files/folders, and displays ads. It enables you to print, fax, and share documents and photos, and upload files to FedEx Office® Print Online.
"VERY EASY TO USE. I was in New York on vacation an had to fax signed documents. I was able to do it all from my iPad. I love it." - B, Dec 15, 2011
"GREAT TO HAVE!! It has got me out of a bind many times" - KL, Dec 15, 2011
"EXCELENTE APLICACIÓN. Funciona muy bien, fácil de usar..." - MR, Nov 30, 2011
"PERFECT. Thanks to this i have a job!" - T, Oct 3, 2011
"WOW. I've knocked down probably 30 apps before I found this jewel!" - DP, Sep 15, 2011
• View/print many document types, including PDF, Word, Excel, bitmap, TIFF, text, HTML, Open Office, GIF, and encapsulated PostScript.
• Create new text documents.
• Use a web browser to transfer files between your computer and this app.
• Print to networked or shared printers. No additional software is necessary. This app includes support for over 1,400 printers from HP, Epson, Canon, Samsung, Brother, Lexmark, Xerox, Ricoh, Oki, Kyocera, Infotec, NRG, Lanier, and many more!
• Send faxes to over 220 countries and territories worldwide - no subscription required![1]
• Get a professional USA-based toll-free number for your incoming faxes and voicemail.[2]
• Send postcards and letters via USPS (postal mail).
• Print remote files on MobileMe, Box.net, or Dropbox, or download them into this app.
• Print web-based files or download them into this app. (Pro version only)
• Capture and process images from your onboard camera or photo album.
See the list of printer models this app supports at http://www.ndilitechnologies.com/help.html.
• Use a web browser to transfer files between your computer and this app.
• Use iTunes to upload files into this app.
• Use a WebDAV server to transfer files.
• Email a file to yourself. Then, open the Mail app, press and hold down the attachment until the "Open In..." menu appears. Select this app from the list of apps displayed.
Yes. In addition to the built-in user guide, you can also ask questions via our real-time chat Customer Support module.
Notes Regarding the optional Toll Free Number Subscription:
• Title of service: Toll-Free Number Subscription
• Length of subscription: 1,3, 6 or 12 month options
• Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
• Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
• Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal
• No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period
• Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
• Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase
[1] Each fax unit purchases a one-page fax that can be sent in 60 seconds or less to a destination in the United States or Canada. The number of fax units needed to transmit a one-page 60-second fax to a destination in another country is listed in the rate card within this app. Please note that a page that requires a longer transmission time (for example, a page containing high resolution graphics) consumes additional fax units.
[2] To receive voicemail or faxes, you must setup an incoming toll-free phone number. The toll-free phone number requires a monthly subscription. 60 minutes/month are included free with subscription. Toll-free numbers are USA-based numbers and are accessible in the United States only.
Rating:3.35 Show Detail