8 Best Apps Similar To Fun FaceApp Photo Filters|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Fun FaceApp Photo Filters

Fun FaceApp Photo Filters

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0(2020-02-23)
APP CATEGORIES : Lifestyle, Entertainment

70.0K   <5K <5K


Make fantastic photos with crazy funny face filters including the popular Dog filters and many more animals filters. Add Stickers and Image Filters to make your snaps super funny. You can easily share to Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Wechat and more social networks.

This App is not endorsed or associated with Snapchat or Snap Inc.

- Doggy, Cat, Elephant and many animals face effect stickers
- Rainbow effect stickers;
- Comic style bubbles to add to your photos
- Add Photo Filters like Instagram
- Many other special face effect stickers

How we can use Fun Face Photo Filters and stickers App:

• Take new photo with Camera or chose photo from the gallery.
- Adjust Photo with Zoom in and Zoom out
• Select Emojis/stickers to put on your images
- Zoom in/Zoom out, Rotate left/right with 2 fingers to adjust emojis.
- Select Photo Filter effect
- Save Images to camera roll or Share directly on Instagram, Snapchat or other social networking networks.





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Apps Similar To Fun FaceApp Photo Filters

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Flags Quiz - Guess what is the country!

Name:Flags Quiz - Guess what is the country!                                                Price:S$ .00

Description:**** What is the flags?
Each level contain flags of all countries in the world, can your recognize them?

√ SIMPLE *instant fun*
- no registration, its free!
- very easy to play, nothing complicated.

√ ADDICTIVE *big fun*
- play alone or with your friends for the win
- some easy levels, other very hard
- high challenge

**** new levels are coming in future updates, endless fun!
You are going to love this game!

Rating:0                                               Show Detail

Viber Messenger: Chats & Calls

Name:Viber Messenger: Chats & Calls                                                Price:Free

Description:Viber is the FREE, simple, fast and most secure messaging and calling app. The messenger of choice for over 1 billion users worldwide! Text now for free and make high-quality crystal-clear phone calls.

Viber is completely free. All you need is a data plan or Wi-Fi connection and you’re good to go. Make free international calls, send text messages, open a group chat, and so much more! Download Viber today to connect with people, no matter who they are, or where they are from.

Why is Viber the best messaging app for you?

Send Free Messages
Staying in touch has never been easier. Send a free text message, share a photo, a sticker or GIF, a video or any other file.

Make Free Audio and Video Calls
Make crystal-clear audio and instant video calls to friends and family for free!

Open a Group Chat
Catch up with friends, family and coworkers by opening a group chat for up to 250 members.

Chat and Call with 100% Privacy
Thanks to end-to-end encryption, any type of information you share on Viber will always remain between yourself and the person you’re talking to. Any message you send makes its way from your device to the recipient’s in the form of an encrypted code that only their device can translate to plain text using an encryption key. Encryption keys exist only on user devices and nowhere else. So, no one — not even Viber — can read your messages.

Self-Destruct Your Secret Chats
Start a Secret Chat which will let you set a self-destruct timer for every message in your conversation so that after your message is read, it’s automatically deleted from your recipient’s phone.

Express Yourself with GIFs and Stickers
Words can only say so much! Express your every emotion with over endless of GIFs and over 35,000 stickers from the Viber Sticker Market.

Start a Viber Community with Unlimited Members
No matter what you’re interested in, you can now start your own Viber Community! Interact with an unlimited number of people, about a shared topic or passion. Enjoy more admin controls than ever before as well as new conversation features in a unique chat space where you get to call all the shots.

Enrich Your Conversation with Chat Extensions
Spice up your conversations with a variety of useful Chat Extensions including easy access to your favorite links, GIFs and videos, Yelp, YouTube, Booking, Spotify and more.

Make Low-cost Calls to Landlines with Viber Out
Call landlines, non-Viber users or anyone who doesn’t have an internet service or a mobile phone with Viber Out’s low-cost international calling service.

Viber Out Subscriptions are a bundle of minutes to call a specific destination, which are purchased in-app and renew monthly or weekly depending on your plan. If you subscribe via iTunes, payment will be charged to your iTunes Account when the purchase is confirmed. Subscriptions automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your Account will be charged for this renewal up to 24 hours before the end of the current period at the rate of your selected plan. You can manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal at any time by going to your iTunes Account settings on your device.

And so much more:
● Mention friends in a group so they don’t miss out on anything
● Broadcast messages to multiple contacts
● Pin messages to the top of your group’s screen
● Reply to any specific message within a group chat
● Share your location
● Exchange contacts with friends

Viber is part of the Rakuten Group, a world leader in e-commerce and financial services.
Install Viber Free Messenger Now and Start Connecting!

Terms & Policies: https://www.viber.com/terms/

Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作

Name:印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作                                                 Price:¥0.00


+ 无论是照片或者是视频编辑,都可以使用大师滤镜及InterPlus滤镜,且分段添加不同滤镜;
+ 支持单段视频的亮度、对比度、曲线等细调;
+ 上百款动画文字、字幕、标记、智能水印;
+ 全能视频剪辑,裁剪、变速、多点分割、复制、删除、排序、倒放、静音,为你创意视频提供基础剪辑功能;
+ 炫酷转场动画:擦除、黑白场过渡、模糊、旋转变焦、方向变焦、缩放,并支持三种速度调档;
+ 支持16:9/9:16/3:4/2.35:1/1:1画幅,支持不同视频的画面旋转及缩放;
+ 支持本地音乐导入;
+ 支持3分钟高清视频保存;

+ 大师滤镜:夏永康、许熙正、章元一、张悦、林海音等大师原创滤镜;
+ InterPlus场景滤镜:人像、美食、胶片、黑白、经典电影滤镜等,还有多种照片编辑工具:曝光、增强、饱和度、暗角、颗粒、褪色,高阶曲线等;
+ 光效素材:80款光效素材,支持亮度、饱和度、色相调整;
+ 专业摄影简约水印:我们调研了数千款水印素材,总结出最简约最有专业风格的水印素材,让每张精心的摄影作品打下标志性水印,当然,你也可以直接通过印象导入你本人创作的个人水印;
+ 专治照片强迫症:多尺寸裁剪、自由旋转、水平校正、垂直校正;
+ 高清图片导出;



# InterPhoto Pro 会员订阅说明

- 您可以在会员期间内无限使用所有素材(滤镜、动画文字、水印、光效),同时享用专属的高级功能,比如免解锁素材、去官方水印、视频无限时长导出以及其他即将发布的新功能;
- 订阅按月或年收费,价格取决于选择的订阅套餐。或者,选择一次性付款购买(非订阅);
- 购买连续订阅会员的账号,会在确认购买后支付相关费用。会员订阅到期后将自动续订,除非您在当前订阅周期结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订。会员续订会在当前订阅周期结束前的24小时内发生,届时将根据您选择的会员方案从您的iTunes账号扣费。
- 如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机”设置“-->进入 “iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择InterPhoto连续订阅会员取消订阅即可。根据 Apple 的政策,在活动订阅期内不能取消当前订阅。购买后,将不会为任何未使用的部分退款。
- 所有私人数据都会遵守 InterPhoto 隐私政策及条款处理。请点击链接参见


如果您遇到任何问题或者需要进一步帮助,请通过邮件 interphoto@adnonstop.com 与我们联系解决,或进入QQ交流群:1533141194

Rating:5                                             Show Detail

Infltr - Infinite Filters

Name:Infltr - Infinite Filters                                                 Price:Free


櫻飛設計作為 iOS 上最先進的相片編輯器,使用上也非常簡單——對於高階和初學的攝影人士,都是理想的應用程式。使用無限的櫻飛濾鏡,即可完美製作所有相片、影片、原況照片、動畫 GIF 和景深相片!

• 只要在螢幕上平移手指,即可無限制地變更濾鏡,櫻飛是唯一能這麼做的應用程式。持續以任何方向平移,濾鏡就會持續變更。

如同 Tapsmart 在訪談中所說,櫻飛「強烈鼓勵實驗精神,而取得良好的結果後,會讓人感覺有些神奇。」

• 提供超過 7 百萬種濾鏡組合,用來設計自己的濾鏡,讓每張圖片變得完美。
• 28種令人驚豔的編輯工具,讓最愛的濾鏡臻於完善。
• 拍攝快照或之後編輯影像時均可新增濾鏡。

只要滑動手指,即可透過工具編輯相片、影片、原況照片、動畫 GIF 和景深相片,實現裁切和翻轉影像,還能進行強大的編輯,例如透視、水平校正、旋轉、銳化、飽和度、對比度、亮度、暈影、色溫、濃淡、色調、選擇性 HSL、雙重曝光、打光、陰影、打光色調、陰影色調、淡化、粒紋、色彩轉移、色彩覆蓋和曝光。

• Stuff.tv 表示,櫻飛「名稱很短,但具有許多工具,而且確實具有上百萬個濾鏡。」


• 每天從櫻飛的小工具探索新的濾鏡!

做好完美的圖片後,就能分享了櫻飛可以超級輕鬆地透過 WhatsApp、Snapchat、Instagram、Instagram Story、GIPHY 等分享編輯後的相片、影片、原況照片、動畫 GIF 和景深相片。

• 許多應用程式都會縮小影像比例,但櫻飛則會保留 HD 解析度——這對編輯全景相片或使用 DSLR 相機拍攝的人來說,是個好消息。
• 提供市場上最強大的深度相片編輯器——獨立編輯圖片的背景和前景!
• 與 Dropbox 關聯後即可在線上編輯您的照片。



Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail

Photo Wonder

Name:Photo Wonder                                                 Price:Free

Description:● ยอดผู้ใช้ทะลุ 100 ล้านคน จากผู้ใช้กว่า 218 ประเทศ
● ได้เป็นแอพฯยอดนิยม 5 อันดับแรกในประเภทโปรแกรมแอพฯถ่ายรูปวีดีโอของ App Store ในกว่า 20 ประเทศและเขต

PhotoWonder เปิดเผยความงามในตัวคุณให้โลกประจักษ์ได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลา

● เอฟเฟ็คกล้อง: ระบบ real-time ถ่ายภาพอาร์ตๆได้แบบทันที
กล้องถ่ายรูปเอฟเฟคพิเศษมากมาย สามารถทำเอฟเฟคระหว่างถ่ายได้ ถ่ายภาพสวยด้วยแชะเดียว
● ตกแต่งภาพ : ตัดภาพ หมุนภาพและปรับโทนสีได้อย่างสะดวก
ตัดและหมุนภาพ ปรับความสว่าง ปรับคอนทราสต์ และความเข้มสีได้ตามที่ต้องการ
● การเสริมความงาม : เพียงแค่ใช้นิ้วถูหรือแตะสัมผัส ก็สามารถมีผิวสวยใสเรียบเนียน ไร้สิวไร้รอยด่างดำ หรือจะทำตาโตแป๋วแหวว รูปร่างผอมเพรียวก็สะดวกทันใจ ที่สำคัญยังมีฟังก์ชันอายไลน์เนอร์ และที่ปัดแก้มไว้คอยเติมสีสันให้ใบหน้าของเพื่อนๆได้สวยใสปิ๊งยิ่งขึ้น
● เอฟเฟค: ยกระดับรูปถ่ายด้วยเอฟเฟคต่างๆ PhotoWonder ทำให้รูปถ่ายของคุณมีคุณภาพสูงสุด
PhotoWonder รวบรวมคอลเลคชั่นเอฟเฟคสวยๆ ไว้ให้คุณเลือกมากมาย เพียงคลิกเดียว คุณก็จะเข้าถึงคลังเอฟเฟคศิลปะเท่ห์ๆ เช่น แสงนวล, โลโม, สไตล์ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง, ปรับแต่งเป็นโทนบลู, เอฟเฟครูปถ่ายเก่า ทำให้รูปถ่ายของคุณถ่ายทอดความรู้สึกได้หลายหลายมากขึ้น
● การตกแต่ง: ด้วยเครื่องมือการตกแต่งมากมาย PhotoWonder ทำให้ภาพของคุณมีเอกลักษณ์
PhotoWonder ได้คัดสรรภาพประกอบและแสตมป์ที่น่าสนใจมากมาย อีกทั้งข้อความแฟชั่นต่างๆ สำหรับการสร้างภาพที่สะท้อนตัวคุณ
● ภาพปะติปะต่อ: การนำชิ้นส่วนของภาพมาปะติปะต่อตามต้องการ PhotoWonder เตรียมผนังภาพไว้ให้คุณ
PhotoWonder มี 3 โหมดในการทำภาพปะติปะต่อ: รูปแบบที่กำหนดไว้, ฟรีสไตล์ และการปะติปะต่อจากรูปถ่ายรูปแบบที่หรูหรากับฉากหลังที่สดใสช่วยสร้างผนังภาพของคุณเอง
● กรอบรูป: กรอบรูปหลายหลายรูปแบบช่วยให้รูปถ่ายของคุณน่าสนใจยิ่งขึ้น. มีทั้งแบบที่เรียบง่ายและซันซ้อนให้เลือกมากมาย

● 1เดือน PhotoWonder สำหรับ฿๖๙.๐๐, การต่ออายุอัตโนมัติในตอนท้ายของแต่ละเดือนที่฿๖๙.๐๐
●การชำระเงินจะถูกหักออกจากบัญชี iTunes ของคุณที่ยืนยันการสั่งซื้อ
●การสมัครของคุณต่ออายุโดยอัตโนมัติเว้นแต่การต่ออายุอัตโนมัติถูกปิดอย่างน้อย 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนสิ้นงวดปัจจุบัน
●บัญชี iTunes ของคุณจะถูกเรียกเก็บเงินสำหรับการต่ออายุภายใน 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนสิ้นสุดระยะเวลาปัจจุบันและระบุค่าใช้จ่ายของการต่ออายุ
●คุณสามารถจัดการการสมัครของคุณและปิดการต่ออายุอัตโนมัติโดยไปที่การตั้งค่าบัญชีของคุณใน iTunes store หลังจากซื้อ

หากคุณต้องการยกเลิกการสมัครโปรดไปที่การตั้งค่า iTunes & App Store และทำตามคำแนะนำที่เกี่ยวข้อง

●เงื่อนไขการใช้งาน: https://public-policy.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/motu/ios/protocal-EN.html
●นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว: https://public-policy.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/motu/ios/privacy-EN.html

e-mail: photowonder@do-global.com.

Rating:3.45                                                 Show Detail

Photo Editor゜

Name:Photo Editor゜                                                 Price:Free

Description:Photo Editor will enhance the beauty and magic of any of your photos. With a single tap, you can now add hand-made crafted filters, light leaks, original gradients and much more. Photo Editor offers a wide range of filters and overlays to get creative, turning your ordinary iPhone shots into beautiful, one of a kind images with unique colors and contrast. Create your own look with exclusive curated gradients, authentic filters, and professional-grade adjustments. With the simple sharing tools, inspiring others is made easy.

- Filters
- Light leaks
- Gradients
- FX
- Grain effect
- Import photos from gallery

You'll find light leaks, tasteful grain, and perfectly tuned gradients. Easily adjust the opacity to suit your needs. With Photo Editor, you can achieve perfection effortlessly. With is elegant and intuitive user-interface, editing your photos to your liking has never been easier! All you have to do is choose a photo from your library or take a picture using the application, apply the filters and gradients you want and save the result in your gallery or share it on social media. Now you can create beautiful pictures with all the tools and effects you need to edit your photos to perfection.

Terms of service: https://bendingspoons.com/tos.html?app=generic&version=0.1.0
Privacy policy: https://bendingspoons.com/privacy.html?app=generic&version=0.1.0

Have a feature request you would like to see in a future version of the app? Do not hesitate to contact us at photoeditor@bendingspoons.com

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail


Name:Desygner                                                 Price:Free

Description:O MELHOR E MAIS SIMPLES APLICATIVO DE DESIGN mencionado pela Forbes, Product Hunt, Social Media Examiner e Portal Terra com mais de 1 milhão de layouts.

Junte-se a mais de 250 mil novos usuários todos mês gratuitamente.

NÓS OFERECEMOS AS IMAGENS PROFISSIONAIS ROYALTY FREE MAIS BONITAS PARA USAR! NÃO PAGUE por pacotes como na maioria dos aplicativos, as vezes até $10 por uma imagem toda vez. Nós disponibilizamos fontes e gráficos grátis e muito mais são adicionados todos os dias.

Se você está procurando uma solução de Branding para o seu negócio, confira nosso Marketing Hub We Brand, usado por algumas das maiores empresas do mundo.

Centenas de templates com design profissional já no tamanho certo para tudo o que você precisar.

Com o nosso editor de logo para sua nova marca, negócio, ou evento, e mais.

Snapchat Geofiltros

Blog & Website – Motivação, Viagens, Comida, Música

ANÚNCIOS já no tamanho certo basta simplesmente ajustar para:
IAB e muito mais

QUALQUER MATERIAL DE MARKETING que você precisar basta escolher:
Posters – Vendas, Eventss, Clubes, Festas, Motivação, Música
Cartões de Visita – Fotografia, Moderno, Minimalista
Flyers A5, A4, DL, US, internacional – Eventos, Clubes, Bandas, Imóveis, Negócios
Capas para E-Book, Kindle e Livros – Romance, Suspense, Não-Fiction
Capas para Álbuns & CD – Playlist, Podcast, Music Mix, Singles
Placa Vende-se
Lista de Preços
Campanhas de Email
Web Banners

Você pode editar e até apresentar do seu celular! – Vendas, Negócios, Educação, Projetos, Estilo de Vida, qualquer coisa.

Convites e Cartões – Aniversários, Festas, Casamento, Noivado, Natal, Chá de bebe
Cartões Postais e Cartões - Nascimento, Agradecimento, Festas, Casamentos, Noivado, Amor
Montagem de Fotos – Aniversários, Amor, Família, Crianças
Posters Procura-se ou Perdido
Capas de Revistas e Jornais
Modelos de Cartões de identificação e Fotos de Perfil
Planejadores e Painel de Visualização
Memes e Recompensas


AGORA É SÓ APROVEITAR a experiência de criar designs do seu aplicativo ou qualquer lugar online em minutos.

COMPARTILHE via mensagem, email e mídias sociais, ou faça o download e imprima do seu celular em segundos.

Desygner é a única ferramenta online que permite editar seus designs de um computador, tablet or celular totalmente grátis.

DESYGNER sempre oferece uma versão GRATUITA.

Se leva seus designs mais a sério, você vai gostar da nossa assinatura do Desygner Premium. Por apenas 7,49 € ao mês ou 55,99 € ao ano, você pode desbloquear sua biblioteca para armazenar cores, fontes e recursos de imagem e ter acesso a centenas de templates premium. Por favor, note que esta é uma assinatura auto-renovável que é renovada para o mesmo valor dentro de 24 horas antes do final do período atual, a menos que a renovação automática é desligada pelo menos 24 horas antes do final do período. A auto-renovação pode ser cancelado a qualquer momento, acessando as suas configurações no iTunes Store após a compra. pagamento será cobrado em sua conta iTunes na confirmação da compra no caso de uma assinatura mensal e no final do período de avaliação gratuita no caso de uma assinatura anual. O preço pode variar de acordo com seu país. Qualquer parte não utilizada de um período de avaliação gratuita será perdida quando o usuário adquirir uma assinatura do nosso serviço.Para mais informações, por favor acesse nossos termos de serviço https://desygner.com/legal/terms-of-service e a nossa política de privacidade https://desygner.com/legal/privacy-policy.

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail

Cartoona Photo Editor

Name:Cartoona Photo Editor                                                 Price:Free

Description:After a development process of 1.5 years, we proudly present Cartoona which, we believe, is a great art app! This may even be a first! Cartoona uses deep learning technology and offers you amazing results by using cutting edge AI technology.

Cartoona is a photo editing app including lots of different cartoon and art effects. You can create comics, cartoon characters, sketches, artful oil paintings, striking art works or pencil drawings from your photos just in a few seconds.

EXCELLENT USER EXPERIENCE: In black-box tests we have run, 8 out of every 10 users have stated that Cartoona is the best art app they have ever used! Download our app now and share your feedback with us! We review each comment you make on Apple Store. We value your opinion and try to make Cartoona even more perfect according to your feedback.

NEW FILTERS EVERY WEEK: We add new filters to Cartoona every week to keep our content refreshed. Don’t forget to use Cartoona everyday to discover new filters!


-Cartoona produces high-resolution output.
-You can scale images in accordance with popular social media platforms.
-Cartoona has unique light effects!


You can try Premium in order to enjoy updated content of Cartoona.

About Subscriptions

We are offering in-app purchases and a 7-day free trial for the premium version of Cartoona! The Premium version allows you to have unlimited access to all content and share without watermark. You can purchase a weekly subscription for a short-term trial. We advise you to purchase a yearly subscription to better benefit from the Cartoona Premium. The cost will be charged to your iTunes account and it will vary from country to country. You will be able to see the fee amount before completing the purchase. Subscriptions with in-app purchases will be renewed according to the renewal scheme of the selected payment plan. To terminate automatic subscription renewal, you must deselect the automatic subscription renewal option at most 24 hours before your subscription expires. You can cancel your automatic subscription renewal at any time from your iTunes account settings. Where applicable, the privileges granted during the free trial period that have not been used will lose their validity at the time the user purchases a subscription of the related publication.

Privacy Policy: http://cartoona.creativebits.com.tr/privacy/
Terms Of Services: http://cartoona.creativebits.com.tr/tos_apple/

Rating:4.45                                                 Show Detail