8 Best Apps Similar To Live Home 3D - Interior Design|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Live Home 3D - Interior Design
Live Home 3D - Interior Design
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 3.8(2020-05-01)
APP CATEGORIES : Productivity, Lifestyle
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.55 (10.67K)
200.0K | 20.0K | <5K |
Live Home 3D 是最直观、功能丰富的住宅设计应用。无论您是规划未来住宅改装的私房屋主还是尝试消除创意想法和可视方案之间差距的专业设计人员,都能实现自己的目标。Live Home 3D 可助您一臂之力。
应用内购买适用于在 iPhone 和 iPad 上安装的应用程序。
• 创建精细的 2D 楼层平面图。
• 美观的实时 3D 渲染。
• 身临其境的扩增实境体验。将您的 3D 住宅投入真实环境,您甚至可以环绕住宅漫步或步入其中。
• 最多能构建带阁楼的两层建筑。
• 一系列详细的视频教程。
• 内建“帮助助手”和免费、快速的技术支持服务。
• 带有房屋项目和样本间的项目库。
• 在 iOS、macOS 或 Windows 10 设备间共享 Live Home 3D 项目。
• 使用“房间”工具绘出完整房间。
• 使用“弧形”和“笔直墙壁”工具绘制墙壁。
• “自动轮廓”基于矢量图的 2D 家具表示。
• 在 2D 平面图视图下绘制时实时查看墙壁、天花板和地板尺寸。
• 选择必要的测量单位(英寸、英尺、公尺等)。
• 使用智能尺寸工具设置底层对象或墙壁之间的距离。
• 借助智能导线和对象贴合精准定位。
实时 3D 环境
• 直接在 3D 中实现调整照明、添加和移动对象、应用材料等。
• 在 3D 或 2D 中做出的所有更改,实时以 3D 渲染。
• 穿越 3D 内饰。
• 设置多个镜头,从不同视角查看房屋。
• 设置真实地理位置、一天中的时间和阴天以获得自然照明。
• 在项目全过程中调整灯具,获得真实照明场景。
• 使用程序的高级技术创建位于拐角的窗户和复杂开洞。
• 细节水平工具允许优化 3D 对象和提高项目速度。
• 专业阴影地图技术让阴影柔和自然。
3D 模型和材料
• 2,000 种以上的家具和其他模型。
• 从 Trimble 3D Warehouse™(之前称为 Google 3D Warehouse™)无缝导入模型。
• 提供逾 2,100 种材料。
• 设置精确的材料瓷砖尺寸,以了解房屋翻新项目需要多少材料。
• 屋顶助手带有 12 个可自定义的屋顶模板。
• 添加自定义分段,以完全自定义屋顶。
• 16 种可自定义的屋顶窗。
• 将结果分享到 Facebook、Twitter、Vimeo 或 YouTube。
• 导出 3D 视图为 JPEG、TIFF、PNG 和 BMP。
• 分享 360°全景 JPEG 图像到 Facebook。
• 渲染逼真的视频漫游。
• 创建立体 3D 视频、360°视频,甚至立体 3D 360°视频。
• 支持 iCloud。
* 程序的免费版本导出时添加水印。
应用内购买 Standard 功能:
• 创建任意多个项目。
• 从导出中移除水印。
• 使用自定义的图像作为纹理。
• 以 COLLADA、FBX、OBJ 或 3DS 格式导入对象。
• 导出整个项目或选定的对象至 COLLADA、VRML 2.0 版或 X3D 格式。
• 快速将项目副本通过邮件、信息或 AirDrop 发送。
应用内购买 Pro 功能(包括全部 Standard 功能):
• 无限楼层。
• 立视图。
• 自定义屋顶形状。
• 基于多边形的物块工具用于绘制阳台、门廊等等。
• FOV(视野)和平行镜头投影。
• 导出整个项目或选定的对象至 USDZ, SCN, SCNZ, FBX, OBJ, 3DS 格式。
• 影片和 360°全景的导出品质扩展到超高清,而静态照片则扩展到高清(16000x16000)。
• 光编辑器(帮助向一个导入对象添加光源)。
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![LG ThinQ](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/b101c6b7438dd3ed4ad9b8479b56c8bf.jpg)
Name:LG ThinQ Price:Free
Description:Il servizio Smart Home che permette di utilizzare gli elettrodomestici in modo intelligente!
Oggi, anche la vostra casa diventa Smart insieme a LG ThinQ che permette di utilizzare ancora più comodamente i vari elettrodomestici e dispositivi IoT della LG.
[Funzioni principali]
■Registra e gestisci gli elettrodomestici di casa tua con l'applicazione ThinQ.
Puoi collegare facilmente vari elettrodomestici della LG, ad esempio TV, frigorifero, styler, lavatrice e perfino dispositivi IoT e visualizzarli tutto insieme.
■Aziona gli elettrodomestici a distanza anche quando sei fuori casa.
Con l'applicazione ThinQ puoi monitorare casa tua quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Puoi anche azionare l'aspirapolvere, la lavatrice, ecc. a distanza.
■Acquista le parti necessari direttamente dall'applicazione.
Usando il negozio dell'applicazione ThinQ, puoi acquistare le componenti certificati LG in modo sicuro.
■Utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
Attraverso l'applicazione, puoi controllare in anticipo lo stato dei tuoi elettrodomestici e prevenire i guasti.
※Le funzioni disponibili sull'applicazione potrebbero variare in base al paese.
-L'applicazione LG ThinQ supporta il sistema operativo iOS 10.0 e superiori. Le ricordiamo che con dispositivi iOS 9.3 e inferiori, non è possibile utlizzare l'ultima versione dell'applicazione.
[Autorizzazione dell'accesso]
Al fine di fornire servizi, LG ThinQ utilizza l'autorizzazione dell'accesso come riportato di seguito. Nel caso in cui l'autorizzazione dell'accesso sia facoltativa, anche se non si presenta il proprio consenso, è possibile utilizzare servizi ma l'uso di alcune funzioni dell'applicazione potrebbe essere limitato.
■Autorizzazione dell'accesso facoltativa
-Effettuazione di chiamata e impostazioni di chiamata: Servono quando si imposta la configurazione come paese, lingua ecc. e quando ci si collega alla nostra Assistenza Clienti dopo aver utilizzato la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
-Posizione: Serve per controllare informazioni SSID dei dispositivi al momento della registrazione e informazioni del wifi da collegare sulla lista wifi. Serve anche per cercare e usufruire delle informazioni come tempo, posizione attuale, ecc.
-Immagini, video, file: Lo spazio di archiviazione viene usato quando si scarica il software di dispositivo che deve essere collegato.
Inoltre, nel caso di certi dispositivi, si può inviare e salvare fotografie via smartphone.
-Contatto: Serve per controllare informazioni account quando si effettua il login sull'applicazione.
-Telecamera: Serve quando si legge un codice QR.
-Microfono: Serve quando si utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
Rating:4.15 Show Detail
![MLB 9 Innings 20](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/829b2eab6a151f3e51aa94faca211c49.jpg)
Name:MLB 9 Innings 20 Price:Free
Description:Featuring Mike Trout and Cody Bellinger, the MVPs of both leagues, the MLB 9 Innings 20 season begins!
Check out the PvP Battle mode only available in MLB 9 Innings 20!
Baseball is Back!
Stay in the game this season with MLB 9 Innings 20!
Officially licensed by MLB and MLBPA.
Game Features
# Stay in the Game with your favorite MLB players!
- Collect your favorite players with realistic characteristics and baseball plays!
- Full 3D experience with 2,000 MLB star players, realistic graphics of stadiums with all 30 teams and advanced simulation system!
# Enjoy various content!
- Conquer League Mode to dominate the World Series!
- Find the best players through dynamic Ranked Battle!
- Join the fierce competition among other MLB 9 Innings players worldwide in Clutch Hits Mode!
- Test your skills in a 45-second batting competition in our Arcade Mode!
# Fight as a team in Club Battle!
- Complete Club Missions with your team members to improve your club!
- Face off against challengers on the global scale in the new Club Battle!
- Create new items available only in Club Crafting!
Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball. Visit MLB.com.
Officially Licensed Product of MLB Players, Inc. MLBPA trademarks, copyrighted works and other intellectual property rights are owned and/or held by MLBPA and may not be used without the written consent of MLBPA or MLB Players, Inc. Visit MLBPLAYERS.com, the Players Choice on the web.
Device App Access Permission Notice
▶ Notice per access permission
Access permissions are requested in order for us to provide you with the following service when you use the app.
- Notifications: The permission is required to send you push notifications regarding the game.
- Camera: The permission is required to take profile pictures for HIVE members.
- Contacts: The permission is required to find friends registered to contacts for HIVE members.
- Photos: The permission is required to save/load game screens and change profile pictures for HIVE members.
※ Please note that you can still enjoy the service excluding features related to the above without giving access permissions.
▶ How to remove access permissions
You can always change access permission settings whenever you'd like.
- Device Settings> Select the corresponding app> Choose either to enable/disable access
Consumer Information:
Supports multiple languages: 한국어, English, 日本語, 中文简体, 中文繁體, Español.
Items are available for purchase in this game.
For Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service, visit
Terms of Service : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T1
Privacy Policy : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T3
For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire.
Visit www.withhive.com for tips and news about the game!
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Planner 5D - Interior Design](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f23163f3ac83b8dd6397014a13274551.jpg)
Name:Planner 5D - Interior Design Price:Free
Description:Quer esteja a remodelar, renovar ou conceber a sua casa de sonho, o Planner 5D pode ajudar! Crie plantas detalhadas em 2D e 3D, procure num catálogo com mais de 5000+ itens e crie imagens realistas como fotografias dos seus projetos. Com mais de 20 milhões de transferências em todas as plataformas, o Planner 5D torna o design de interiores mais fácil do que nunca!
Planeamento de divisões com design intuitivo de arrastar e largar
-Crie plantas, esquemas e disposição de mobiliário personalizados
-Arraste e largue paredes, portas, janelas, mobiliário e decoração com facilidade para o seu projeto
-Projete nos modos 2D e 3D
-Aplicação simples de utilizar, sem necessidade de qualificações especiais
-Conceba uma divisão, casa de banho, cozinha, quarto, sala, apartamento completo, casa, escritório ou até um pátio
-Uma ferramenta útil para projetar uma nova casa, renovar, reorganizar e redecorar
Personalize totalmente os seus projetos
-Crie um design totalmente exclusivo ou comece com um projeto de exemplo
-Procure no catálogo regularmente atualizado com mais de 5000+ itens de mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, decoração, artigos para a casa, paisagística, etc.
-Personalize a cor, textura e tamanho do mobiliário
-Personalize as cores e materiais do chão e paredes
-Crie designs extremamente detalhados e personalizados, tanto para interiores como para exteriores
Guarde, consulte e partilhe o seu projeto
-Guarde um número ilimitado de projetos
-Veja o seu projeto de qualquer ângulo, em modo 3D
-Inicie sessão com o Google+ ou Facebook para trabalhar nos seus projetos em qualquer plataforma, incluindo o seu portátil ou outro dispositivo móvel
-Exporte os seus projetos
-Função de "Instantâneo" para criar imagens de alta qualidade dos seus projetos, realistas como fotografias, que pode partilhar, com iluminação, texturas e sombras realistas
- Guarde e partilhe os seus projetos com os familiares, amigos e profissionais do setor
Funcionalidades adicionais
-Trabalhe em projetos offline
-Sem qualquer publicidade
-Multi idioma
-Alterne entre os sistemas de medidas Métrico e Imperial
Se tiver dúvidas, não hesite em contactar-nos para:
[email protected]
Ou envie uma mensagem para a nossa equipa de suporte tocando no botão "Reportar um Problema", no ecrã de perfil.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planner5D
Instagram: https://instagram.com/planner5d
O Planner 5D pode ser utilizado sem uma subscrição ativa com um catálogo limitado e sem a capacidade de personalizar mobiliário. As funcionalidades Premium podem ser ativadas com uma subscrição Mensal por 4,99 $ ou subscrição Anual por 9,99 $ (os preços variam em função da região)
O pagamento das suas subscrições será cobrado no seu cartão de crédito através da sua conta iTunes, aquando da confirmação da compra. As subscrições são automaticamente renovadas a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada até 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição atual. As subscrições e a renovação automática podem ser geridas/desativadas nas definições de conta do iTunes.
O preço da subscrição poderá variar com a localização.
Política de privacidade: https://planner5d.com/pages/privacy/
Termos de serviço: https://planner5d.com/pages/terms/
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
Name:トイレ情報共有マップくん Price:¥0
Description:Dalam OPP curam, atau tidak ada pengalaman dari keringat dingin?
Waktu, tidak tahu mengunjungi Nandoki, OPP
Mutlak diperlukan untuk saat "toilet"
OPP Namun demikian, lokasi "toilet" tidak tahu, tapi ingin pergi sekarang! !
Yang bahkan sekali dan 2 tetapi bahwa ada pengalaman.
Untuk seperti OPP, di mana untuk menemukan toilet?
Dalam hubungannya dengan peta Google secepat dicari, "toilet" yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat nasional
Mudah, itu adalah peta-tipe navigasi app segera dicari.
Ini adalah konsep aplikasi informasi bersama oleh pengguna menyukai satu sama lain.
Mari berbagi informasi dan segera didaftarkan jika ada tempat di mana saya pikir ini
Orang untuk diselamatkan Anda harus memiliki pasti.
[Darurat pencarian toilet dan fungsi pin WC]
◎ navigasi GPS!
Menggunakan fungsi GPS dari Google Maps, atau memeriksa toilet dari lokasi,
Anda dapat memeriksa rute ke sana.
Juga-atau-! Karena mereka tegas dipasang juga fitur navigasi panduan suara pada sentuhan tombol!
Dan menatap dan mencari layar sudut Toka ... Anda tidak perlu adalah!
◎ jumlah rinci informasi! !
Ketika Anda tekan "WC pin" yang Sasa 'di MAP, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi toilet yang ditentukan.
Informasi adalah warna-warni! Washlet, multi-fungsi toilet ostomate Powder Room, popok tabel ...
◎ menambah dan berbagi informasi navigasi! Komunikasi dari pertemuan asisten cocok untuk menggantikan peta dan tujuan
Tekan "posisi" mark, memindahkan kursor ke lokasi toilet,
Ketika Anda menekan tombol Enter, masukkan informasi dari "toilet" baru,
Dan baru Anda dapat melahirkan "toilet pin".
Saya tidak tahu siapa saja dari bantuan, berdiri dalam peran orang lain.
Bukankah akan kontribusi kesejahteraan pertemuan saya indah komunikasi yang memegang dalam gotong royong?
◎ informasi peta yang baik, jika peta hanya apa yang Anda butuhkan! !
Ketika Anda tekan "kaca pembesar" mark, Anda dapat mempersempit ke toilet diperlukan untuk menempatkan cek di toilet dari item yang ingin Anda gunakan!
Keraguan bahwa informasi adalah lebih banyak lebih baik. Ini tidak berguna tidak ada kenyamanan yang dapat diambil bila diperlukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
Itu sebabnya aku aplikasi peta untuk dipilih.
【Tentang opsi persembunyian iklan】
Untuk menyembunyikan iklan, Anda harus mendaftar untuk "Opsi Sembunyikan Iklan".
【Iklan Sembunyikan Harga Opsi dan Periode】
※ Harga dapat berubah.
※ Periode diperbarui secara otomatis dari tanggal aplikasi dan satu bulan.
【Metode penagihan】
Ini akan dibebankan ke akun iTunes Anda dan akan diperbarui setiap bulan.
【Rincian Pembaruan Otomatis】
・ Periode berlangganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu bulan kecuali jika Anda membatalkan berlangganan opsi non-display iklan 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Biaya perpanjangan untuk periode berlangganan (satu bulan) akan diselesaikan dan dibebankan dalam waktu 24 jam sejak akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda berlangganan opsi sembunyikan iklan dengan biaya dari layar AppStore selama periode percobaan gratis sembunyikan iklan, periode uji coba gratis akan berakhir pada titik itu dan pembayaran akan terjadi.
[Cara membatalkan konfirmasi status pendaftaran / pembaruan otomatis]
1. Buka aplikasi "Pengaturan"
2. Pilih "iTunes & App Store"
3. Pilih "ID Apple: Alamat Email" yang ditampilkan di bagian atas layar
4. Ketuk "Tampilkan ID Apple" di sembulan yang ditampilkan.
5. Masuk sesuai kebutuhan
6. Pilih tombol "Kelola" di bawah item bertanda "Registrasi"
Aplikasi anggota bulanan yang saat ini terdaftar ditampilkan. Anda dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari sini. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari dalam aplikasi.
【Pembatalan untuk bulan berjalan】
Kami tidak menerima pembatalan untuk opsi sembunyikan iklan untuk bulan ini.
Kebijakan privasi
ketentuan layanan
Rating:4.35 Show Detail
![PK XD - Explore the Universe](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/7a0faefcbf2027470c07c7810bec8c9d.jpg)
Name:PK XD - Explore the Universe Price:Free
Description:Welcome to your virtual world!
PK XD is all about fun: create your own avatar, build your house, meet friends, and go on new adventures.
In this open world game, you’ll challenge yourself with minigames to get exclusive items and take your house, your looks, your pets, and all the fun to the next level.
Ready to explore this universe and join millions of players from all over the world?!
You already have a house, friends, work… the fun will be complete with your own virtual pet! From common to rare animals, you can find cats, dogs, pigs, cows, buffalos, hedgehogs, racoons, alligators, hippopotamus… phew! There are many cute creatures to be your partner in the game! Take care of them and let them grow by your side.
Your character, your rules! You can be a zombie, an unicorn, a witch, or even a dragon if you wish. Just use your imagination to combine all items available: monster slippers, futuristic boots, incredible wings, ninja swords, a cat mask, shark gloves, lobster gloves, golden hair, fun backpacks, incredible sunglasses, cool clothes, and much more.
Build your house, get new items, and decorate your home however you want. The only limit is your imagination! Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll find: Puff cloud, dance mat, lava lamp, wallpapers, fluffy rug, gamer chair, pictures, fantastic fireplace, heart-shaped balloons, kitchen items, bathroom items, and so much more!
There’s always something new on PK XD! Play minigames and complete quests in each season. What about some crazy run or delivering pizzas to earn coins?
This is your own virtual world! You can do whatever you want. So, in addition to exploring the world and taking up challenges, you can try different activities such as relaxing in the floats, having ice cream, jumping with the "power up", dancing different moves and styles, and having lots of fun with your friends and neighbors!
Build the game with us! We listen closely to your suggestions so that we can offer the best experience ever.
Rating:4.25 Show Detail
Name:Hago Price:Free
Description:Hago es una aplicación social y de juegos todo en uno: conoce personas nuevas y juega con chat de voz. ¡El super popular Hago tiene ahora más de 100 millones a nivel mundial!
#Conoce personas nuevas
Millones de usuarios están en línea al mismo tiempo. Puedes hacer nuevos amigos mientras juegas o chateas desde cualquier parte del mundo.
Usa la función "WeMeet" de chat para decir hola a nuevos amigos, ¡nunca sabes a quién vas a conocer en Hago!
#Chat de voz
¡Comience un chat de voz con nuevos amigos de todo el mundo y juntos pueden cantar una canción o hablar sobre cosas interesantes!
#Muéstrate en la Plaza
Comparte tu ánimo/estado de hoy con fotos, recibirás montones de Me gusta y respuestas muy pronto de muchas personas
#Desafío batalla
¡Disfruta diferentes tipos de batallas divertidas con tus nuevos amigos!
Rating:2.8 Show Detail
![Unfold — Story Templates](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f797e7f57be632a1a2a3ce3c7f3d7d2e.jpg)
Name:Unfold — Story Templates Price:Free
Description:Create beautiful stories with 200+ award-winning templates.
· Create your story with 200+ templates from collections like Film Frames and Ripped Paper
· Use advanced text tools with curated fonts and add unique stickers
· Capture your content with the Unfold Camera and edit with 15 filters and effects
· Export your stories in high resolution for seamless sharing to other platforms
About Unfold+
A membership to help you reach your creative potential. Become a member and unlock the full experience.
· Access to all templates and fonts
· Early access to new collections
· Exclusive releases and designs
· Cancel anytime
Join Unfold+ to enable access to all app features. Annual subscription billing will start after the trial period andAfter the 7 day free trial, this subscription will automatically auto-renew each year. Or if you choose a monthly subscription, your billing will start immediately and auto-renew each month. Subscriptions will automatically renew unless cancelled at least one day before the renewal date within 24 hours before the end of the current period. Payment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. If you subscribe before a free trial ends, the remainder of the trial period will be forfeited. You can manage and cancel your subscription by going to your account settings in the App Store – but seriously, you won’t want to.
Privacy Policy —
Terms of Service —
Unfold from Squarespace —
Thanks for creating with Unfold! We love hearing your ideas and feedback. Email us at [email protected] or DM us on Instagram at @unfold.
Rating:4.95 Show Detail
![West Game](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/4e06e858600acb4c59a824a6063ab0ce.jpg)
Name:West Game Price:Free
- 自分だけの町を作ってカスタマイズ。
- 強大な軍隊を編成して、敵に打ち勝ちましょう!
- 保安官を指揮して部隊を勝利に導きましょう。
- 有名なカウボーイやアウトローを雇って、栄光のために戦ってもらいましょう。
- 世界中にいる数百万のプレイヤー達との対戦。
- 怖いもの知らずのアライアンスに参加し、味方と共にラリー戦争で強力なライバルに立ち向かいましょう!
- ゲーム内のリアルタイムチャット回線を使って友達と戦略を伝えたり議論したりしましょう。
- リサーチを行って街の開発を効率よくブーストしましょう。
- 保安官のために伝説の武器を鍛造しましょう。史上最高の司令官を用意しましょう!
- 荒野をうろつく残忍な無法者たちを倒し、レア装備、素材、リソースをタダで手に入れましょう!
- 様々なイベントに参加し、貴重なリワードを毎日獲得しましょう。
- ネットワーク接続は必須です。
- 無料ダウンロード
Rating:4.25 Show Detail