8 Best Apps Similar To My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager

My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 4.0.2847(2020-05-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Casual, Simulation, Sports

<5K   8.0K <5K


Become a world-famous fitpreneur without even breaking a sweat! Welcome to a highly addictive fitness lifestyle simulation game where you are the personal trainer, manager, and designer of your own fitness empire.

Start by opening a boutique fitness studio and expand your gym through training both regular clients and professional athletes, opening up a juice bar, redesigning with new décor and upgrading your gym how you see FIT!

Immerse yourself in the world of fitness by helping coach clients on the path to health, and you might become the next fitness tycoon in the business.

Exciting features in this fitness simulator game:

- Become the largest fitness influencer in town in this fully immersive gaming experience, polished with stunning graphics
- Level up to unlock new features and upgrades for your gym
- Blast through hundreds of challenges, quests, and achievements

- Unlock over 100 exercises
- Train professional cyclists, tennis players, martial artists and more
- Trade your best athletes at Sport Agency and find the best contracts for your teams

- Be the head stylist of your gym with customizable flooring, wallpapers, décor and more
- Choose from different pieces of real fitness equipment
- View friends’ studios to get inspired

- Open an organic juice bar café to fuel gym goers
- Make delicious and healthy drinks to serve thirsty customers
- Farm and harvest fresh crops of your favorite fruits

- Connect your account to your Facebook and Game Center to play with your friends, and see how they’ve built their own gyms!

My Gym is completely free to play but some optional in-game items will require payment.

Follow us to get news and updates!

Privacy policy: http://tatemgames.com/page/privacy-policy/

Thank you for playing our games. We read all of your comments and do our best to make game better!





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Apps Similar To My Gym: Fitness Studio Manager

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kiss her more

Name:kiss her more                                                Price:¥0.00

Description:Pretty Barbie sick, her doctor tell her to keep in the hospital for observation for some days.
Barbie's boyfriend, these days go to the hospital to take care of her, and they want to kiss, but a fear of being found.
Let us help them now!

1, press anywhere to kiss, release to stop kiss.
2, avoid the nurses and the pets peeking.

Hurry start the sweetly kiss!!

Rating:2.45                                               Show Detail

WildCraft: Wild Sim Online

Name:WildCraft: Wild Sim Online                                                Price:Free


オオカミ、キツネ、オオヤマネコおよびそれ以上のものとしてあなたの冒険を起動し、新しい冒険にあなたの家族を取ります。 敵からあなたのカブスを保護するためにマルチプレイヤーゲームとフォームの動物の家族で友人と遊びます。 あなたの家族の遺産は、ワイルドクラフトで育つように新しい動物の品種のロックを解除!


- あなたの冒険を始める:
- 狼
- 狐
- リンクス
- もっと!

- 動物シミュレータ:名前、性別、毛皮の色、樹皮、目、ボディサイズ、およびよりによってそれぞれの家族のメンバーをカスタマイズ!
- 家族を上げる:家族あたり最大6つのカブスを持っており、あなたの遺産を続けます。
- 動物のシミュレータは、あなたが新しいものを開始するには、あなたの現在の家族を残すことができます.

- 世界を探検し、ユニークな場所に移動します。
- アドベンチャー野生の夏、冬、春と秋の要素を生き残ります。

- バトル危険な野生動物などの敵とあなたの家族を守ります。
- 特定の敵を倒した後の成果を戦ってロックを解除します。

- 友達と遊んで、世界を探索し、敵と戦う。
- 効果的にあなたの家族を保護するために、友達とバトルの敵。




あなたの好きな野生動物の一つとして、家族を上げ、巨大な3Dの世界を探検。 ワイルドクラフトであなたの冒険がより困難にするために多くの敵を戦い、単独でそれらを取るために友人に参加しましょう。


Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Idle City Empire

Name:Idle City Empire                                                 Price:Free


- 【自动建造】自己的城市,在您离开期间持续替您赚钱赚到手发软
- 【收集并升级】无数种劲酷建筑和企业
- 【狂欢节与冰淇淋】:一路狂欢爽不停,即可提升城市的幸福度和产能
- 【声望系统】:人口增长到一定数量即可搬去新地方
- 【精明投资】:由自己机智决定何时升级、重建、赚取放置收益
- 【和朋友一起建城】,赚取更多额外奖赏!


我们随时愿意听取您的反馈意见:[email protected]


来自赫尔辛基的《Idle City Empire》开发团队向您致意

Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Productive - Habit Tracker

Name:Productive - Habit Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:A aplicação Productive é uma ferramenta gratuita e fácil de usar que o ajuda a construir uma rotina de hábitos positivos e capazes de mudar a sua vida. Defina os seus objetivos pessoais, monitorize o seu progresso e mantenha-se motivado para alcançar níveis cada vez mais elevados de sucesso!

O que pode fazer com a aplicação Productive?

- Planear os seus hábitos com um interface fácil de usar
- Agendar os hábitos relativos a qualquer altura do dia
- Definir lembretes inteligentes para cada altura do dia
- Manter-se no caminho certo com a ajuda de informações úteis

Porque deve descarregar a aplicação Productive?

O interface, claro e bonito, é intuitivo e fácil de usar e vai ajudá-lo a manter o foco e a determinação necessários para criar novos hábitos e alcançar novos objetivos.

A aplicação é totalmente personalizável - pode dar nomes aos seus hábitos ou rotinas, escolher um ícone único e até definir a sua cor.

Monitorize os seus hábitos e analise o seu progresso - construa sequências motivadoras de hábitos ou rotinas que conseguiu concluir e de dias perfeitos. Quanto maior for a sequência de rotinas já concluídas, maior será a probabilidade de manter o mesmo nível de produtividade.

Os lembretes inteligentes fazem um resumo do que está agendado para cada parte do dia.

A Productive pode auxiliar os adultos a lidar com a sua PHDA ao ajudá-los a concentrar-se numa rotina diária.

Subscreva Premium para obter ainda mais funcionalidades fantásticas e incrementar a sua produtividade pessoal:
- Número ilimitado de hábitos
- Melhoramentos nos lembretes para hábitos
- Estatísticas motivadoras para cada hábito
- Tendências dos hábitos, com dados semana a semana
- Bloqueio por palavra-passe, para manter privada a sua lista

* Os pagamentos das subscrições serão cobrados através da sua conta do iTunes aquando da confirmação de compra.
* As subscrições renovar-se-ão automaticamente e os pagamentos serão cobrados através da sua conta do iTunes, a menos que a renovação automática tenha sido desativada, pelo menos, 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição em curso. O custo da renovação depende do seu Plano de Subscrição. Os nossos Planos de Subscrição padrão são:
* Subscrição mensal
* Subscrição por 3 meses
* Subscrição por 1 ano
Para as outras moedas, o preço corresponde ao valor indicado no mesmo escalão de preços da Matriz de Preços da App Store.

* As subscrições com período de avaliação gratuita renovar-se-ão automaticamente, passando a subscrições pagas. Pode cancelar ou gerir a renovação automática das subscrições com período de avaliação gratuita, após a compra, indo até às Definições da Conta. O cancelamento entrará em vigor 24 horas após o último dia do período de subscrição em curso e será alterado para o serviço gratuito.
* Atenção: qualquer parte não utilizada de um período de avaliação gratuita (se este for oferecido) perder-se-á aquando da compra de uma subscrição premium durante esse período de avaliação gratuita.

Se tiver qualquer dúvida ou sugestão que nos permita melhorar a aplicação, por favor não hesite em contactar-nos através de [email protected]


Se vive na União Europeia e pretende cancelar o seu pedido, pode fazê-lo no prazo de 14 dias. Para fazê-lo, basta seguir o processo descrito na App Store. Tenha em atenção e reconheça: não pode cancelar o seu pedido ou obter um reembolso se fez download da aplicação e começou a utilizá-la (i.e., por exemplo, ao abrir e utilizar a aplicação).

Política de Privacidade: http://www.apalon.com/privacy_policy.html
EULA: http://www.apalon.com/terms_of_use.html
AdChoices: http://www.apalon.com/privacy_policy.html#4

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

BetterMen: Home Workouts

Name:BetterMen: Home Workouts                                                 Price:Free

Description:"Développez vos muscles, perdez de la graisse et restez motivé avec BetterMen App !!!
- Des centaines d'exercices en salle et à domicile
- Instructions et vidéos claires pour tous les exercices
- Plans de repas et recettes
- Plans de formation créés par les meilleurs entraîneurs personnels

C'est comme avoir le meilleur entraîneur personnel dans la paume de votre main, disponible 24/7/365. L'application BetterMen comprend une routine d'entraînement bien conçue spécialement conçue pour vos objectifs. Nos séances d'entraînement ont la meilleure combinaison d'exercices, de fréquence, de nombre de répétitions, de nombre de séries et de temps de repos pour aider à atteindre votre objectif souhaité. Chaque exercice expliqué avec vidéo de la bonne exécution. Faites de votre corps une machine à brûler les graisses et à développer vos muscles avec cette routine à haute intensité!

BetterMen vous proposera une liste de plans de repas équilibrés et sensés, élaborés en fonction de vos habitudes et besoins alimentaires. Il vous accompagnera également à chaque étape du chemin parcouru pour atteindre la meilleure version de vous-même. Il le fera en:
- donner des conseils et des guides sur la bonne alimentation;
- vous aider à définir vos plans de repas hebdomadaires personnalisés;
- vous offrant des séances d'entraînement pour vous débarrasser de l'excès de graisse;
- vous offrant des séances d'entraînement par intervalles de sprint;
- démontrer chaque étape des séances d'entraînement par des vidéos instructives de haute qualité;
- fournir des conseils sur la bonne exécution de l'exercice.

Vous pouvez essayer gratuitement l'application BetterMen en vous inscrivant à une période d'essai gratuite. Pendant la période d'essai gratuite de 3 jours, vous bénéficierez du traitement vedette et pourrez essayer toutes les fonctionnalités de mise en forme et de régime.

Notre plan d'abonnement Premium de 6 mois offre un accès illimité à tous les niveaux de chaque routine d'entraînement imaginable en échange d'un seul paiement. De plus, un abonnement d'une semaine est disponible pour les utilisateurs. Pour votre commodité, les abonnements BetterMen sont définis pour se renouveler automatiquement dans les 24 heures précédant la date de fin de l'abonnement. Vous pouvez annuler votre abonnement à tout moment dans les paramètres de votre compte iTunes, mais aucun remboursement ne sera accordé pour toute partie inutilisée des conditions. Le paiement sera débité du compte iTunes lors de la confirmation de l'achat. Toute partie inutilisée d'une période d'essai gratuite, si elle est offerte, sera perdue lorsque l'utilisateur achètera un abonnement à cette publication, le cas échéant.

Veuillez noter que vous ne pourrez pas utiliser les fonctionnalités de l'application sans abonnement actif.

BetterMen est intégré au kit Santé, vous pouvez donc trouver vos données d'activités dans l'application Santé.
La critique constructive est toujours la bienvenue. Nos spécialistes de la condition physique, de la perte de poids et de l'alimentation, ainsi que nos développeurs, travaillent constamment à l'amélioration de l'expérience utilisateur BetterMen et répondent à un éventail plus large de besoins de nos clients.

En savoir plus sur nos conditions générales ici - https://bttrm-men.com/info/terms.html
Politique de confidentialité: https://bttrm-men.com/info/privacy-policy.html
Contactez notre support client via [email protected] "

Rating:4.1                                                 Show Detail

Restaurant Paradise

Name:Restaurant Paradise                                                 Price:Free

Description:Еда, прекрасная еда! Если вы – ценитель пищи, вам непременно понравится наше потрясающее гастрономическое разнообразие магазинов для гурманов! Создайте и управляйте собственным островом ресторанов, продавайте блюда разных кухонь мира, инвестируйте в ингредиенты и разблокируйте любящих повеселиться гурманов! Наполните свой остров восхитительными блюдами, такими как пряная пища или сладкие десерты. Независимо от ваших кулинарных предпочтений, у нас есть все, что вам нужно. Побалуйте себя нашей разнообразной пищей, включая морепродукты, десерты, закуски, аперитивы, салаты и напитки! Наши рестораны подают только натуральную, органическую и здоровую пишу без консервантов!

- Стройте и расширяйте свой остров ресторанов! Повышайте уровень магазинов, изменяя их внешний вид. Проводите ярмарки питания и распродажи, чтобы заработать большие деньги!
- Управляйте своими магазинами! Используйте ингредиенты и снадобья, чтобы повысить популярность магазинов. Продумывайте расположение обеденных столов, декорации и услуги, чтобы повысить привлекателтьность!
- Инвестируйте в новые предметы и привлекайте новых гурманов! Наблюдайте, как они взаимодействуют. Старайтесь удовлетворить их и получить щедрые чаевые!
- Получайте вознаграждение за выполнение задач и достижения!
- Играйте с друзьями, оставляйте чаевые в их магазинах и много зарабатывайте вместе! Посетите другие удивительные острова ресторанов!
- Попадите в Золотую и Очаровательную таблицы лидеров и узнайте, кто лучший ресторатор!

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

myDartfish Express

Name:myDartfish Express                                                 Price:Free

Description:PREMIUM MYDARTFISH SUBCRIPTION (in-app purchase required to use this app)

Capture – Analyse – Share and Improve Faster

Dartfish Express is the ideal video coaching tool for sport. Get instant feedback during practice, analyze in slow motion, compare side-by-side, add your expert view, share and much more. Use the solution trusted by more than 72% of the medal winners at the Olympic Games.

WINNER OF THE TABBY AWARD 2013 (http://tabbyawards.com/winners)

by quickly identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses.

* RECORD videos optimised for slow motion replay using your device’s camera.
* IMPORT from your camera roll or from other apps; Email, Dropbox etc
* Control video replay FRAME-BY-FRAME or SLOW MOTION.
* COMPARE two videos side-by-side.
* ZOOM into the video.

to video by using powerful analysis tools.

* Use DRAWINGS and LABELS to aid understanding of what the video reveals.
* Measure ANGLES and TIMES
* Ensure that what is learned is not forgotten - share your opinion using VOICE or TEXT NOTES.
* Breakdown the motion with STILL SHOTS that can be shared without sending the whole video.

* SYNCHRONIZE between your iPhone and iPad
* STREAM video without download or make available OFFLINE
* BACKUP your videos and free up space on your device


The recurring monthly payment is automatically charged to your iTunes account. To stop service, go to your account Settings and turn off auto-renew at least 24-hours before the end of your billing period.

Dartfish Terms of Use: https://www.dartfish.com/terms


Start the experiment with Dartfish, the world leader in video solutions for sports.

"Our teams really appreciate your efforts in providing an effective mobile solution for their ever changing competition and training environments. This brings together all elements of their Dartfish use. Cheers!" Kristin Collins – Netherlands Olympic Committee

Rating:1.35                                                 Show Detail

Virtual Table Tennis

Name:Virtual Table Tennis                                                 Price:Free

Description:Virtual Table Tennis™ is the only one based on 3D PHYSICS and supported ONLINE MULTIPLAYER Table Tennis game series in the App Store.

Watch trailer on youtube: http://youtu.be/SsJWwZPcTvs

Featured by Apple in "The Best Games You've Never Played".

Main features:

• Multiplayer via Internet or Bluetooth!

• Based on the independent 3D physics system, motion of Ping-Pong can be brought to life perfectly.

• As the design of AI system based on the human behaviors, it possesses various behaviors such as reaction, speed, strength, endurance, defense, etc.

• Accurate and visual control mode can truly simulate various way of strike and smash in the match. Besides, players can make adjustments in “Options” according to their own preferences.

• Players are confronted with AI opponents with various styles and capabilities in the game.

• Various game modes such as Animation tutorials, free practices, Arcade Mode, Tournament Modes, and Multiplayer Mode!

• You want to play your own music? No problem! If the game detects that the iTunes is playing music, the game music will close itself automatically.

• Game Center, Twitter and Facebook integrated!

• 3D sound system (earphone available)

More brilliant details can’t be perceived until you pick up, we can ensure that!

Rating:4.45                                                 Show Detail