8 Best Apps Similar To PicsArt Photo & Video Editor|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: PicsArt Photo & Video Editor

PicsArt Photo & Video Editor
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 14.9.2(2020-06-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Photo & Video, Social Networking
5.0M | 3.0M | 2.89M |
PicsArt는 믿을 만한 모바일용 올인원 사진 및 동영상 편집 어플입니다. 인상깊은 사진 효과, 그림 도구, 이미지 편집기, 콜라주 및 스티커 메이커, 카메라, 사진 필터, 동영상 에디터, 무료 이미지 라이브러리, 페이스 스왑 기능, 뷰티 및 다양한 도구를 만나보세요! 2019년에 세계에서 14번째로 가장 많이 설치된 앱 중 하나가 되며 현재까지 누적 설치 수가 10억을 넘은 PicsArt와 함께 창의력을 발휘하세요. 당신의 사진이나 저희 네트워크의 사진을 가지고 자르기, 잘라내기, 또는 그리드 기능을 사용해보세요.
PicsArt에서 무엇보다도 인기있는 스케치 효과, 글리치 효과, 빈티지 필터, iMessage 스티커 등을 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다!
당신의 멋진 사진들을 Instagram에서 #picsart 해시태그로 게시하여 특별히 실려 되실 수 있습니다!
사진 편집기
자르기와 스트레칭 또는 복제를 위한 수많은 도구. HDR 포함한 예술적인 사진 필터, 프레임, 배경 및 테두리로 가득한 라이브러리. 미세 조정을 위해 브러쉬 모드를 사용하고 투명도를 조절할 수있는 레이어를 사용하여 이중 노출을 성공하세요. 100 개 이상의 글꼴로 사진에 텍스트를 쉽게 추가하고 밈을 만들 수 있습니다.
동영상 편집기
이제 멋진 사진 기능을 동영상에 사용할 수 있습니다. 재미있는 필터와 스티커로 스토리에 활기를 불어넣고 소셜미디어 게시물의 사이즈를 조정하세요. 전문적인 경험 없어도 독창적인 이미지를 만들 수 있습니다.
개체 제거 도구
사진에서 원하지 않는 물체를 빠르고 쉽게 제거하세요. 원하는 영역을 브러시로 칠하고 필요에 따라 브러시 크기를 조정하세요. 이제 PicsArt의 매력은 모두에게 먹혀 듭니다. 사람, 건물, 흠, 선 등에 제거 도구를 사용하세요.
편집 시간을 반으로 줄이세요. Replay를 사용하면 편집 단계를 (처음부터 끝까지) 보고 단계당 한 번의 탭으로 자신의 이미지에 쉽게 적용할 수 있습니다. 각 단계는 원하는대로 맞춤형 설정이 가능합니다. PicsArt 커뮤니티는 하루에 수많은 새로운 Replay를 추가하며 최근에 추가된 Replay는 언제나 사용 가능합니다.
리믹스와 FREE-TO-EDIT 이미지
PicsArt는 최초로 모바일에서 이미지 리믹스를 허용한 앱입니다! #freetoedit 사진부터 시작해 맞춤형 에딧까지 추가 후 PicsArt 커뮤니티에 다시 공유하세요.
셀카를 찍고 손으로 그린 스케치처럼 만들어보세요. 스케치는 윤곽선을 감지하고 일을 대신에 해줍니다. 배경과 선의 색상을 원하는대로 변경하세요. 5 가지의 스케치 효과를 사용해 보세요.
Gold로 고고! PicsArt Gold에 가입하면 수천 개의 프리미엄 스티커, 폰트, 프레임, 콜라주와 마스크에 액세스할 수 있습니다! 항상 새롭고 특종 콘텐츠를 추가하고 있습니다. 이 모든 것은 광고없이 편집할 수 있습니다. 명목상 월별 또는 연간 가입료로 3,000 달러가 넘는 콘텐츠를 얻을 수 있습니다.
PicsArt Gold 멤버십을 무료체험으로 시작하세요. 무료 체험은 계정마다 한번씩으로 제한됩니다. 무료체험이 종료되면 가입비가 부과됩니다. 현재 기간이 종료되기 최소 24 시간 전에 자동갱신을 해제하지 않으면 Gold 가입이 자동 갱신 됩니다. 귀하의 가입 요금제에 프로모션 할인이 적용되는 경우 현재 기간이 종료되면 할인이 만료되며 갱신 시 표준 요금이 청구됩니다. 멤버십을 관리하거나 자동갱신을 끄려면 iTunes 계정의 가입 부분으로 이동하세요. 결제가 확인되면 귀하의 iTunes 계정에 청구됩니다. 이용 약관에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하십시오: https://picsart.com/privacy-policy?hl=en
무료 스티커 또는 스티커 메이커
PicsArt의 컷아웃 도구로 맞춤형 스티커를 만들고 공유할 수 있습니다. 5백만 개 이상 유저들의 창작 스티커가 이미 인앱에서 사용 가능합니다. 사진에 스티커를 추가하고 (편집 당 30 개 이상의 스티커) 다른 사용자 이미지를 리믹스하고 iMessage를 통해 공유해 보세요.
콜라주 메이커와 그리드
100개 이상의 무료 그리고 사용하기 쉬운 템플릿. 그리드 스타일, 템플릿 또는 자유형 콜라주를 만들어보세요.
PicsArt Draw에 맞춤형 브러쉬와 레이어 그리고 전문적인 그리기 도구들이 포함돼 있습니다.
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Apps Similar To PicsArt Photo & Video Editor
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |

Name:LG ThinQ Price:Free
Description:Il servizio Smart Home che permette di utilizzare gli elettrodomestici in modo intelligente!
Oggi, anche la vostra casa diventa Smart insieme a LG ThinQ che permette di utilizzare ancora più comodamente i vari elettrodomestici e dispositivi IoT della LG.
[Funzioni principali]
■Registra e gestisci gli elettrodomestici di casa tua con l'applicazione ThinQ.
Puoi collegare facilmente vari elettrodomestici della LG, ad esempio TV, frigorifero, styler, lavatrice e perfino dispositivi IoT e visualizzarli tutto insieme.
■Aziona gli elettrodomestici a distanza anche quando sei fuori casa.
Con l'applicazione ThinQ puoi monitorare casa tua quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Puoi anche azionare l'aspirapolvere, la lavatrice, ecc. a distanza.
■Acquista le parti necessari direttamente dall'applicazione.
Usando il negozio dell'applicazione ThinQ, puoi acquistare le componenti certificati LG in modo sicuro.
■Utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
Attraverso l'applicazione, puoi controllare in anticipo lo stato dei tuoi elettrodomestici e prevenire i guasti.
※Le funzioni disponibili sull'applicazione potrebbero variare in base al paese.
-L'applicazione LG ThinQ supporta il sistema operativo iOS 10.0 e superiori. Le ricordiamo che con dispositivi iOS 9.3 e inferiori, non è possibile utlizzare l'ultima versione dell'applicazione.
[Autorizzazione dell'accesso]
Al fine di fornire servizi, LG ThinQ utilizza l'autorizzazione dell'accesso come riportato di seguito. Nel caso in cui l'autorizzazione dell'accesso sia facoltativa, anche se non si presenta il proprio consenso, è possibile utilizzare servizi ma l'uso di alcune funzioni dell'applicazione potrebbe essere limitato.
■Autorizzazione dell'accesso facoltativa
-Effettuazione di chiamata e impostazioni di chiamata: Servono quando si imposta la configurazione come paese, lingua ecc. e quando ci si collega alla nostra Assistenza Clienti dopo aver utilizzato la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
-Posizione: Serve per controllare informazioni SSID dei dispositivi al momento della registrazione e informazioni del wifi da collegare sulla lista wifi. Serve anche per cercare e usufruire delle informazioni come tempo, posizione attuale, ecc.
-Immagini, video, file: Lo spazio di archiviazione viene usato quando si scarica il software di dispositivo che deve essere collegato.
Inoltre, nel caso di certi dispositivi, si può inviare e salvare fotografie via smartphone.
-Contatto: Serve per controllare informazioni account quando si effettua il login sull'applicazione.
-Telecamera: Serve quando si legge un codice QR.
-Microfono: Serve quando si utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
Rating:4.15 Show Detail

Name:Emoji IO Price:Free
Description:This is an alternative client for #1 smash hit worm Game.
You can play realtime-online with millions people playing over the world
[How to play]
- Eat little dots and agar
- Avoid bigger worms
- Try to slither around enemies and become the biggest worm possible
Have fun!
Play against other people online! Can you become the biggest worm
Watch out - if your head touches another worm, you will be explode and then it's game over. But if you get other worms to run into YOU, the THEY will explode and you can eat their remains :)
Unlike other games, you have a fighting chance even if you're tiny! If you're a nimble navigator, you can swerve in front of a much larger snake to defeat them - no matter what size you are!
The biggest worm of the day gets to set a victory message that the ENTIRE WORLD will see!
Rating:4.25 Show Detail

Name:Coin Mania: Farm Dozer Price:Free
Description:The MOST addictive and realistic carnival coin pusher game ever! Win super prize! Get the coin dozer style game for ipad and iphone now.
In this epic coin dozer style game free with real prizes created by AE Mobile Limited, you will play as the little boy named Ethan who wants to help grandpa to build a house on the farm life. He find my match pushing machines which collect coins: flip a coin, toss a coin, push and shake the coins to make up all easy magic tricks with coin.
Follow the line, try to coin collecting as many silver and gold coins as you can into the coin box.Collect coins to make you be coinmaster.
This coin collecting games, win each value prizes Ethan coin drop and exchange. Coin flip into the coin slot games. TV Ethan prepared more than 50 collectible prizes for you, identifier the value of them, each set of real prizes you complete will unlock an unique ability, such as coin flapper. The prizes almost has prototype on google arts and culture. With the improvement of your game level, new scenes will be displayed and enjoy the world tour.
Dear Ethan put 20 collectibles in his pirates or zombie room, each collectibles has a quest in it. Help Ethan to solve these problems and lighten all the collectibles. Hurry up, start jurassic coin dozer, make the collectibles re-decorate the room and show their original appearance.
LET'S GO!! Join the coin pusher games with Ethan! Push piles of gold coin counter and prizes your way! BE coinmaster! Pay attention to those special coin finder to help you out!
No worry if you are run out of coins, madden mobile Coin generator will fill your coin box for free all the time. If you are in a hurry, you can always buy coins from the store.
This Coin Games free offers:
-Coin games for ipad and iphone with the same high qulity.
-Impressive 3D graphics and amazing realistic physics.
-Easy to play, Piles of coin party prizes and delicious letter cookies to collect.
-20 collectibles mean 20 coin quiz challenges waiting for you. May be you can find the prizes prototype on google arts and culture.
-Classic slot games: Quick win lots of gold coin hack for any game.
-Lucky wheel: Spin the wheel of fortune to win big bonus.
-Gold egg broken: Guess which gold egg has super coin value prize.
-Weekly live events bring lots of fun: pirate items, casino items waiting for collection .
-High quality production recalls your childhood memory about the country club from your hometown and its coin machine.
Look out for awesome updates to earn unlimited coin and welcome to experence other offline casino games and carcade games of AE Mobile limited.
Visit our coin collecting app Facebook fan page at
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Yes, you can play the BEST jurassic coin dozer ever with no internet, offline, dont need wifi. offline casino games to play free with unlimited coins. Collect the prizes, find their original look on google arts and culture may help you understand the cultural of the game.
AE Mobile Limited Disclaimer:
*Coin Mania: Offline casino games is intended for use for amusement purposes only. THERE IS NO REAL CASH PAYOUT YOU CAN EARN.
*Coin Mania: bingo and slot games does not offer real money gambling or an opportunity to win real money.
Rating:3.75 Show Detail

Name:Quran Pro Price:Free
Description:Quran Pro app is a collection of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design, and the best set of features.
Quran Pro app is FREE without any limitation.
With the Quran Pro app you can do:
• Translations
Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation ( French, English, Malay, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, or even have explanation and meaning). We support 30 languages in total.
• Bookmarks
You can bookmark your favorites surat and reciters from the player view
• Offline mode
Download recitations, playlists, and tracks, and bring your Quran with you anywhere using our offline mode. Download all the surats or one by one surat.
• Favorites
Create your personal Quran collection simply by marking playlists as your favorite.
• Multi-Platforms
Thanks to the technology Quran Pro supports AirPlay and CarPlay.
• Audio features
Play audio in the background while you're using your iPhone/iPad. Repeat, shuffle, and timer functions are also included
• Today's Extension (Widget)
The app offers a widget with your recently played audios.
• Design
The app has been redesigned to be faster, simpler, snappier UI, and more beautiful. In addition to optimized for Retina display on the new iPhone/iPad.
• Various Reciters:
All the most popular reciters are in the app, you can find the following names:
- Abdul Rahman Al Soudais عبد الرحمن السديس
- Maher Al Mueaqly - ماهر المعيقلي
- Saoud Al Shuraim سعود الشريم
- Abdul Baset Abdel-Samad عبد الباسط عبد الصمد
- Mishary Rashid Alafasy - مشاري بن راشد العفاسي
- Saad El Ghamidi - سعد الغامدي
- Fatih Seferagic فاتح سفيرافيك
- And more.
- The application requires an internet connection with WiFi or 3G/4G for use in case you have not to download surat.
If you have any feedback, comments or issues? Please contact us directly
CarPlay® and AirPlay® are is a software feature and an Apple trademark.
Download Quran Pro today and enjoy listening to the best reciters in the world.
Privacy policy: https://quranpro.co/privacy
Terms of use: https://quranpro.co/terms
Rating:4.8 Show Detail

Name:SPEEDTEST MASTER - Test Speed Price:Free
Description:Internet lente? Ça bloque pendant les jeux? Toutes ces situations pourraient vous casser la tête! Ça vous dit un test pour vérifier la qualité du réseau?
Le SpeedTest Master est un testeur de débit Internet , il teste la bande passante, le fibre optique, le débit ADSL, le débit WiFi pour détecter la rapidité de connexion Internet. Il vous permet de tester le WiFi, le 2G, 3G, 4G et le 5G avec tous les opérateurs. D’un seul clic, vous connaîtrez vitesse Internet de votre en seul 30 secondes.
Vous voulez savoir le stablement de votre Internet? Ce testeur de débit et de vitesse WiFi gratuit, vous donnera la réponse!
Que-ce qu’il fait?
- Tester la vitesse de débit du téléchargement ,chargement et délai ping.
- Avancer le test ping pour vérifier la stabilité Internet.
- Vérifier qui consomme votre Internet.
- Diagnoser automatiquement le réseau de votre dispositif si Internet se rend mauvais
- Détailler des informations de vitesse, de sabilité, de signal d’Internet.
Plus de détails sur ses caractéristiques :
-Ce testeur de débit Internet vous informe des données détaillées et vous pouvez vérifier la vitesse Internet: Délai, Upload, Téléchargement, Download, Consommation de débit Internet/débit 4G, Adresse IP.
-Cet analyste de réseau vous aide à vous renseigner sur la stabilité du réseau, la vitesse du WiFi et vous saurez la raison de stagnation pendant les jeux.
-Il détecte votre dispositif de connexion Internet et en même temps garantit la sécurité de vos informations personnelles.
-Ce débit testeur diagnostique le réseau et trouve tous les problèmes. Par exemple, pourquoi Internet a rompu subitement ou pourquoiil n’y a pas d’accès aux pages de site même si la connexion est déjà activée.
-Ce test de WiFi garde tous les données, les résultats des tests sont permanents, pour vous faciliter à faire des comparaisons avec les situations de connexion Internet présentes et précédentes.
Service client:
Si vous avez des questions sur les tests de rapidité de connexion Internet pour les téléphones portables, n’hésitez pas à demander au SpeedTest Master, car d’un seul clic, vous connaîtrez la situation de votre connexion Internet.
Enfin, aucune question ou idée, contactez nous par l’émail :
[email protected]
Prix de l'abonnement:
- 1 mois: 2,49 $ US
- 12 mois: 9,99 $ US
- À vie: 23,99 $ US
- Vente aux nouveaux utilisateurs: 1 mois pour 0,49 USD, puis 9,99 USD par an
- L'abonnement peut être annulé à tout moment dans les paramètres d'identification Apple et iTunes d'App Store. Tous les prix incluent les taxes de vente locales applicables.
- Le paiement sera facturé sur le compte iTunes lors de la confirmation de l'achat.
- L'abonnement se renouvelle automatiquement sauf si le renouvellement automatique est désactivé au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours.
- Le compte sera facturé pour le renouvellement dans les 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours, et indique le coût du renouvellement.
- Les abonnements peuvent être gérés par l'utilisateur et le renouvellement automatique peut être désactivé en accédant aux paramètres du compte de l'utilisateur après l'achat.
- Aucune annulation de l'abonnement en cours n'est autorisée pendant la période d'abonnement actif.
Politique de confidentialité: https://app.netspeedtestmaster.com/speedtest_master_privacy_policy.html
Conditions d'utilisation: https://app.netspeedtestmaster.com/speedtest_master_terms_of_service.html
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Super Bino Go 2: Jump N Run Price:Free
Description:Super Bino Go 2, a new 2020 version of Bino - one of the best classic old school adventure or platform games, will impress you with a brand new and wonderful adventure.
Your mission in this journey is to help Bino fight all ugly enemies on his way through the different lands and fulfill his classic mission: Princess Rescue at the final destination.
Let's have a look at what awaits for you in our classic Super Bino Go Game:
- 6 Iconic Lands and 110 levels to explore
- Brutal Boss to defeat every 10 levels
- Easy control like in the classic platformers
- 100+ Evil Monsters that will prevent you from winning
- Plenty of coins to collect and become a Treasure Hunter
- Daily worthy gifts that will support your adventure
- Lucky Wheel with tons of worthy prizes
To pass such difficult levels, you should seek help from 3 types of powerful items hidden in the bricks or use your collected coins to buy:
- "Power" drink to become the Big Bino.
- "Bomb" drink to smash the monsters by the destructive bombs.
- "Shield" drink that will protect Bino in a limited amount of time.
Get ready and Join one of the most fascinating adventure ever with Super Bino Go 2.
Smash all monsters - Beat your friends' records - And finally, SAVE THE PRINCESS
Download the best classic adventure games and Become the best Bino now!
Follow us now for direct support and more tutorials:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/binoadventure/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4B1K1_C8B18U02XAejd5w
Terms of Use: https://sites.google.com/view/imosystermsofuse
Privacy Policy: http://sites.google.com/site/imoprivacypolicy/
Rating:4.35 Show Detail

Name:اندلسي : تصميم و تعديل الصور Price:Free
Description:تطبيق عربي بتصميم حديث وسريع ومميزات حصرية
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:( مميزات التطبيق ):-:-:-:-:--:-
- جديــــد: امكانية حفظ التصاميــم والتعديــل عليهـا في وقــت لاحق.
- جديـــد: مشاركة التصاميم والتعديل عليها في اي جهاز iOS يحتوي على تطبيق اندلسي عن طريق واتساب، تيلكرام، اي مسج، البريد الالكتروني وجميع التطبيقات الاخرى.
::::: خطـوط عربيــة:-
عدد كبير من اجمل الخطوط العربية والمزيد من الخطوط قادمة في التحديثات.
::::: الكتابة على الصور :-
امكانية تعديل على خصائص الخط مثل الالوان والظل وتحديد الخط والمزيد
::::: الملصقات:-
مجموعة كبيرة من الملصقات التي تحتوي على العديد من الأقسام مثل التشكيلات والمخطوطات والتأثيرات وغيرها. حيث يمكنكم التعديل على الوان الملصقات وظلها
::::: الطبقـات :-
لوحة الطبقات حيث يمكنك التحكم في تسلسل النصوص والملصقات والصور كما في الفوتوشوب تماماً
::::: مكتبة الصور:-
أندلسي متصل بشبكة صور تحتوي أكثر من (1,500,000) صورة عالية الدقة مع ميزة البحث عن الصور بالعربية والانجليزية ويمكنك تنزيل الصور والتعديل عليها.
::::: مميزات أخرى :-
- امكانية التصميم بخلفية شفافة لعمل ملصقات الواتس اب.
- امكانية الكتابة على لوحة ذات خلفية ملونة او صور جاهزة او اي صورة من مكتبة الصور.
- امكانية قص الصور باحجام مختلفة كما يمكن جعل حجم التصميم مختلف عن حجم الصورة.
- مشاركة الصور على منصات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي (فيسبوك, انستغرام, سناب جات...)
- سهولة العمل على التطبيق وسرعته مع تصميم يليق بالمستخدم العربي.
- دعم الوضع الليلي (الداكن) في iOS 13.
وهنالك العديد من المميزات الاخرى لتكتشفها بنفسك...
سوف يتم تحديث التطبيق باستمرار وهناك الكثير من المميزات قادمة
اذا كان لديكم اقتراح او في حالة وجود مشكلة في التطبيق يمكنكم التواصل معنا عن طريق البريد الالكتروني الموجود في الاعدادات وسوف نكون سعداء لخدمتكم
لا تنسوا تقييم ومشاركة التطبيق لكي يصل الى اكبر عدد من المستخدمين
لمزيد من المعلومات حول الحديثات وطريقة استخدام التطبيق تابعوا حساب التطبيق على الانستكرام الموجود في اعدادات التطبيق.
شكرا لدعمكم...
Rating:2.95 Show Detail

Name:K+ Clavier Plus - Personnalise Price:0,00 €
Description:Do you want to personalize the keyboard on your iPhone or iPad to make it as you would like it? However, do you lack features such as auto corrector, emojis, emoji text, professional fonts and the ability to make your private messages secure?
Keyboard Plus is the solution!
Keyboard Plus is adaptable for all kinds of users.
Try out this keyboard and I ensure you that you will not go back to using other keyboards.
Key features:
- More than 1 million different possible keyboard combinations, your own imagination is the limit
- Save your favourite themes
- More than 40 different typographies so you can choose your favourite
- More than 40 different types of writing
- More than 40 different sounds
- A dictionary to help you write quicker and forget about spelling mistakes
- Auto-Emoji: Emoji dictionary
- Integrated Emoji-Art: so that you can send your friends emoji creations
- Completely functional without activating “Total Access” (It is necessary to temporarily activate total access if you want a theme, language, or if you want keyboard sounds)
- More than 19 languages supported (English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Turkish, Norwegian, Dutch…) and we will gradually add new languages with future updates
We hope this will be the keyboard that you use most on a daily basis.
If you have any doubts or suggestion, we encourage you to leave us a comment. We read them all!
Rating:3.95 Show Detail