8 Best Apps Similar To Rhetoric Public Speaking Game|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Rhetoric Public Speaking Game
Rhetoric Public Speaking Game
APP STORE: App Store $1.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.3.00(2017-11-07)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Education, Board
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Hablar en público. ¡El simple hecho de pensarlo ya acelera las pulsaciones! Y sin embargo, ser capaz de comunicar una idea en público es un importante y codiciado talento. Gracias a Rhetoric - The Public Speaking Game™, te convertirás en un mejor comunicador.
RHETORIC es un juego educativo creado por Florian Mueck y John Zimmer que te ayudará a mejorar tus habilidades de hablar en público y te lo pasarás en grande durante el proceso.
RHETORIC está diseñado para hasta 8 jugadores y te pondrá a prueba enfrentándote a una serie de tareas sobre hablar en público. Tú y tus compañeros subiréis al escenario y pronunciaréis una serie de discursos cortos, que varían en función de la casilla en la que caigáis.
Jugando a RHETORIC aprenderás a:
- hablar con la mínima preparación;
- controlar tus nervios;
- estructurar un discurso;
- hablar con convicción;
- disfrutar hablar en público.
RHETORIC puede jugarse en español, inglés, francés, ruso, alemán y catalán, y pronto estará disponible en otros idiomas. Hay tres temas: clásico, negocios y familia. Seguirán añadiéndose más.
¡Ahora, te toca hablar a ti!
Para crear esta versión digital de Rhetoric - The Public Speaking Game™, John y Florian trabajaron con Blowing Minds, un tremendo estudio indie de videojuegos ubicado en Barcelona, quienes diseñaron y desarrollaron la app.
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Apps Similar To Rhetoric Public Speaking Game
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Name:Alicante Bus Price:0,00 €
Description:App oficial de Subús, empresa que gestiona el transporte urbano en Alicante, para que vecinos y visitantes puedan acceder desde su móvil a toda la información actualizada sobre líneas, paradas, tiempos de espera, incidencias, puntos de interés cercanos e incluso la estimación de ahorro de emisiones de C02. Práctica y de fácil manejo. La aplicación cuenta con las siguientes secciones:
• Favoritos: Para guardar las paradas y líneas que más usas y así acceder más rápido.
• Plano: Paradas, líneas y puntos de venta de billetes más cercanos a tu ubicación, con imagen de Street View para ubicarlos.
• Avísame: Sistema que buscando parada, mapa o favoritos, recibir avisos sobre salidas de bus. Puedes filtrar que te avise cuando llegue el bus a la parada en una franja horaria.
• Próximo: ¿Cuándo llega el próximo bus?
• Código QR: Información de líneas y estimación de llegadas con la lectura del código QR de la parada.
• PDI: Puntos de Interés de Alicante, conectado con Google Places para mostrar información turística o de servicios; se puede visualizar junto con el mapa de paradas y líneas de bus.
• Notifícame: Activar notificaciones generales del servicio, como cambios de horarios o incidencias, para cada una de las paradas y líneas marcadas como favoritas.
• C02: ¡Gracias por usar el transporte público de Alicante! Aquí se ofrece el cálculo del ahorro en emisiones de C02 a la atmósfera cada vez que coges el bus y el acumulado de todos los usuarios.
Rating:2 Show Detail
Name:Dictionnaire Le Robert Mobile Price:$8.99
Description:NB : si vous avez un usage avancé de la langue française, nous vous recommandons d’acquérir Le Petit Robert de la langue française, l’application iOS de référence dans le domaine, offrant les définitions les plus riches sur mobiles et tablettes.
Profitez d’une interface pratique pour une consultation immédiate, où que vous soyez. Retrouvez près de 600 nouveaux mots de langue et noms propres dans cette application à nouveau actualisée !
Que vous soyez cruciverbiste, amoureux des mots, curieux d’apprendre ou simplement à la recherche d’une définition, cette application vous offrira des explications courtes, claires et de qualité.
Cette application compatible iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch ne nécessite aucune connexion internet et occupe peu de place sur votre appareil (70 Mo).
Le dictionnaire idéal pour un usage rapide et des réponses fiables, complètes et actualisées.
• 250 000 définitions (dont 35 000 noms propres)
• 30 000 étymologies
• 3 millions de synonymes et de contraires
• les expressions, locutions et proverbes
• conjugaisons : 10 000 verbes conjugués à tous les modes et à tous les temps
• le profil de chaque mot : nature grammaticale, genre, pluriel, fréquence d’utilisation
De nouvelles personnalités du monde politique, culturel, scientifique et sportif font leur entrée : Barbara Cassin, Philippe Conticini, Danielle Goyette, Antoine Griezmann, Miss.Tic, Gérard Mourou, Denis Mukwege, Donna Strickland…
Et de nombreux mots et sens nouveaux : baclofène,, biocapacité, cryptomonnaie, enfirouaper (Canada), infox, scroller, skiathlon, transhumanisme, transphobie, vidéoverbalisation…
Profitez également de fonctionnalités puissantes pour faciliter vos recherches dans le dictionnaire : reconnaissance phonétique, mots du dictionnaire cliquables, liens entre les articles, modification de la taille des caractères, historique de consultation, constitution de listes de favoris…
Faites défiler des mots fréquents ou rares de manière aléatoire. Amusants, savants, surprenants, cueillez ceux qui vous inspirent, feuilletez leurs définitions, découvrez leurs synonymes et créez vos listes de mots favoris pour apprendre en vous amusant.
Jouez avec plus d’un million d’anagrammes, pour lesquelles vous choisirez le niveau de difficulté. Besoin d’aide ? Acceptez les indices suggérés…
L’assistant vous donne un coup de pouce pour terminer vos grilles de mots croisés et mots fléchés :
• choisissez la longueur du mot et indiquez les lettres connues
• filtrez votre recherche en indiquant la nature grammaticale du mot
• l’assistant vous propose les solutions possibles parmi toutes les entrées du dictionnaire
Le Robert Mobile est une application intégralement redéveloppée, qui apporte de nombreuses nouveautés par rapport à Dixel Mobile :
• tout nouveau design de l’interface
• accès direct à la recherche depuis le menu d'accueil
• prononciation hors connexion de toutes les entrées
• possibilité de passer des définitions aux autres informations (profil, synonymes…) d'un simple geste
• nouvelle présentation des conjugaisons montrant tous les temps à la fois
• conjugaison à la forme passive de tous les verbes transitifs
• navigation hypertexte intelligente sur tous les mots
• nouvelle présentation des contraires pour chaque catégorie de synonymes
• possibilité de naviguer de synonyme en synonyme
• assistant de mots croisés : résumé de définition directement dans la liste des résultats de recherche
• Nouvelle interface des jeux de lettres plus intuitive
• possibilité d’ouvrir automatiquement le clavier au lancement
• résolution Retina sur tous les appareils le supportant
Une difficulté rencontrée avec cette application, une remarque ?
Contactez-nous sur [email protected] en indiquant vos coordonnées, le type d'appareil utilisé et votre message.
Merci d'avance.
Rating:2.4 Show Detail
Name:トイレ情報共有マップくん Price:¥0
Description:Dalam OPP curam, atau tidak ada pengalaman dari keringat dingin?
Waktu, tidak tahu mengunjungi Nandoki, OPP
Mutlak diperlukan untuk saat "toilet"
OPP Namun demikian, lokasi "toilet" tidak tahu, tapi ingin pergi sekarang! !
Yang bahkan sekali dan 2 tetapi bahwa ada pengalaman.
Untuk seperti OPP, di mana untuk menemukan toilet?
Dalam hubungannya dengan peta Google secepat dicari, "toilet" yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat nasional
Mudah, itu adalah peta-tipe navigasi app segera dicari.
Ini adalah konsep aplikasi informasi bersama oleh pengguna menyukai satu sama lain.
Mari berbagi informasi dan segera didaftarkan jika ada tempat di mana saya pikir ini
Orang untuk diselamatkan Anda harus memiliki pasti.
[Darurat pencarian toilet dan fungsi pin WC]
◎ navigasi GPS!
Menggunakan fungsi GPS dari Google Maps, atau memeriksa toilet dari lokasi,
Anda dapat memeriksa rute ke sana.
Juga-atau-! Karena mereka tegas dipasang juga fitur navigasi panduan suara pada sentuhan tombol!
Dan menatap dan mencari layar sudut Toka ... Anda tidak perlu adalah!
◎ jumlah rinci informasi! !
Ketika Anda tekan "WC pin" yang Sasa 'di MAP, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi toilet yang ditentukan.
Informasi adalah warna-warni! Washlet, multi-fungsi toilet ostomate Powder Room, popok tabel ...
◎ menambah dan berbagi informasi navigasi! Komunikasi dari pertemuan asisten cocok untuk menggantikan peta dan tujuan
Tekan "posisi" mark, memindahkan kursor ke lokasi toilet,
Ketika Anda menekan tombol Enter, masukkan informasi dari "toilet" baru,
Dan baru Anda dapat melahirkan "toilet pin".
Saya tidak tahu siapa saja dari bantuan, berdiri dalam peran orang lain.
Bukankah akan kontribusi kesejahteraan pertemuan saya indah komunikasi yang memegang dalam gotong royong?
◎ informasi peta yang baik, jika peta hanya apa yang Anda butuhkan! !
Ketika Anda tekan "kaca pembesar" mark, Anda dapat mempersempit ke toilet diperlukan untuk menempatkan cek di toilet dari item yang ingin Anda gunakan!
Keraguan bahwa informasi adalah lebih banyak lebih baik. Ini tidak berguna tidak ada kenyamanan yang dapat diambil bila diperlukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
Itu sebabnya aku aplikasi peta untuk dipilih.
【Tentang opsi persembunyian iklan】
Untuk menyembunyikan iklan, Anda harus mendaftar untuk "Opsi Sembunyikan Iklan".
【Iklan Sembunyikan Harga Opsi dan Periode】
※ Harga dapat berubah.
※ Periode diperbarui secara otomatis dari tanggal aplikasi dan satu bulan.
【Metode penagihan】
Ini akan dibebankan ke akun iTunes Anda dan akan diperbarui setiap bulan.
【Rincian Pembaruan Otomatis】
・ Periode berlangganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu bulan kecuali jika Anda membatalkan berlangganan opsi non-display iklan 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Biaya perpanjangan untuk periode berlangganan (satu bulan) akan diselesaikan dan dibebankan dalam waktu 24 jam sejak akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda berlangganan opsi sembunyikan iklan dengan biaya dari layar AppStore selama periode percobaan gratis sembunyikan iklan, periode uji coba gratis akan berakhir pada titik itu dan pembayaran akan terjadi.
[Cara membatalkan konfirmasi status pendaftaran / pembaruan otomatis]
1. Buka aplikasi "Pengaturan"
2. Pilih "iTunes & App Store"
3. Pilih "ID Apple: Alamat Email" yang ditampilkan di bagian atas layar
4. Ketuk "Tampilkan ID Apple" di sembulan yang ditampilkan.
5. Masuk sesuai kebutuhan
6. Pilih tombol "Kelola" di bawah item bertanda "Registrasi"
Aplikasi anggota bulanan yang saat ini terdaftar ditampilkan. Anda dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari sini. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari dalam aplikasi.
【Pembatalan untuk bulan berjalan】
Kami tidak menerima pembatalan untuk opsi sembunyikan iklan untuk bulan ini.
Kebijakan privasi
ketentuan layanan
Rating:4.35 Show Detail
Name:Cabify Price:Free
Description:Discover Cabify, a transport app that lets you move around the city comfortably and safely with your private car and driver. Begin to travel around your city Cabify style. With just a couple of taps of the app you can order a ride. In a few minutes you’ll have a car with a chauffeur waiting to take you wherever you want. And all with high safety standards.
How does Cabify work?
1. Order or reserve your journey. Open the app and tell us where you are and where you want to go. Choose the type of vehicle your want to travel in; Lite, Kids, Executive… discover all the options available in your city!
2. Confirm your journey and… a driver’s on their way! We’ll tell you the name of your driver and your vehicle details including the registration plate, and how far away it is.
3. Know the price before you travel. Forget about taximeters because we tell you from the start how much you’ll pay for the ride. What’s more, you can select the payment method that most suits you (credit or debit card, cash, PayPal… ).
4. Share the experience. You can send your journey details to family or friends so they know where you are in each moment.
What’s more, you can personalize your ride. In the Cabify app, select what music your prefer, whether you want the driver to open the door for you and if you want the air-conditioning on. All so you can move around the city in the most comfortable way possible.
Where is Cabify available?
Cabify is already available in more than 40 cities and is becoming a great alternative to owning a car or to other means of transport such as public transport or taxis.
- Mexico: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Mérida, Monterrey, Querétaro, Puebla.
- Colombia: Barranquilla, Bogotá, Cali, Medellín.
- Chile: Concepción, Santiago, Valparaíso.
- Ecuador: Guayaquil, Quito
- Panama: Panama City.
- Peru: Lima.
- Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rosario, Mendoza.
- Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo.
- Brazil: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Campinas, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, São Paulo.
- Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Seville, Valencia, Alicante.
- Portugal: Lisbon, Porto, Algarve.
What advantages does the Cabify app give you?
- Safety for you and yours. All journeys are geolocalized and can be shared immediately with a family member or friend, so they know which car and driver you’re with and where you are.
- The best drivers in the market. The selection process in Cabify is the most rigorous around. All the drivers go through a series of tests and training.
- Know the price before you travel. In all our journeys we show you the price before you order a ride. This way you can travel relaxed, knowing how much you’re going to pay.
- 100% personalization. You decide how you want to get around. Cabify differs from other public transport options or taxis due to how customizable it is to use. From choosing the payment method that best fits you to selecting the type of music that you’d like to hear. And all without any extra costs.
- With just one account, more than 40 cities. If you like to travel with Cabify you can do so in more than ten countries without the need to create new accounts or worry about how to pay.
Do you want to be a driver with Cabify?
If what really moves you is helping others discover the city, join one of the fleets of drivers that use Cabify. Start to drive with a safe app that offers you the best fares. Learn more and register in cabify.com/drivers or download the Cabify Drivers app.
Looking for corporate transport options for your business?
Offer your employees the best cars and drivers, with Cabify. Our corporate service will allow you to have a large fleet of vehicles at your disposal, designed to meet all your company’s needs. In addition, our management platform will allow you to have greater control of expenses and journeys made. Find out more at cabify.com/business.
Rating:4.7 Show Detail
Name:Uber - Request a ride Price:Free
Description:Chegue ao seu destino com uma viagem Uber ou bicicletas ou trotinetes JUMP.
Com a Uber, o seu destino está à distância de um toque. Aceda à aplicação e indique o seu destino. Um motorista nas proximidades irá ajudá-lo a lá chegar de forma fiável. Também pode alugar bicicletas e trotinetes JUMP.
Viaje a partir de quase qualquer ponto
Disponível em mais de 600 aeroportos e em mais de 700 cidades em todo o mundo, a Uber é uma ótima forma de tornar os seus planos de viagem mais tranquilos. Obtenha uma viagem a pedido ou agende-a com antecedência.
Encontre a viagem que procura
Independentemente do estilo, do espaço ou da acessibilidade pretendidos, a Uber pode ajudá-lo a encontrar a viagem que mais se adequa a si:
- Desfrute da qualidade premium e da elegância das viagens Black
- Evite o trânsito com uma bicicleta ou trotinete JUMP
- Viaje com mais espaço (e mais amigos) com o UberXL
Estas e outras opções de transporte estão disponíveis num só lugar com a aplicação Uber.
Saiba o preço final
Com a Uber, sabe o preço final antes de fazer a reserva. Assim, terá sempre uma ideia do preço que irá pagar antes de pedir a sua viagem.
A sua segurança é importante para nós
O nosso compromisso passa por tornar cada viagem com a Uber o mais segura possível. É por isso que concebemos novas funcionalidades de segurança e atualizámos as nossas orientações da comunidade com o objetivo de assegurar experiências positivas e respeitadoras.
- Pode partilhar a sua viagem
Tranquilize os seus entes queridos enquanto está em viagem e partilhe a sua localização e o estado da sua viagem, para que saibam que chegou ao seu destino.
- Pode contactar os serviços de emergência
Pode contactar as autoridades locais diretamente a partir da aplicação e a sua localização e os detalhes da sua viagem serão apresentados para que possa partilhá-los rapidamente com os serviços de emergência.
Classifique e dê uma gratificação ao seu motorista
No final de cada viagem, pode atribuir uma classificação e enviar comentários sobre a mesma. Também pode dar uma gratificação ao seu motorista através da aplicação para que este saiba que ficou satisfeito com a experiência.
Para ver se a Uber está disponível na sua cidade, visite https://www.uber.com/cities.
Siga-nos no Twitter em https://twitter.com/uber.
Faça ""gosto"" na nossa página do Facebook em https://www.facebook.com/uber.
Tem alguma dúvida? Visite uber.com/help."
Nem todos os produtos estão disponíveis em todos os mercados.
Rating:4.45 Show Detail
Name:ELSA - Learn English Speech Price:Free
Description:ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant) is an English pronunciation app that helps you speak English confidently and clearly.
Over 7 MILLION people have used ELSA’s award winning, artificially intelligent speech-recognition technology to learn English pronunciation.
ELSA can help you:
- Study English for your IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC exams, and even for your ESL classes.
- Learn essential English conversations and phrases before your travel trip.
- Practice English related to your field to advance your career.
Students and working professionals from over 130+ countries use ELSA to learn English fast.
Trusted by English Learners and Industry Experts:
- Chosen as App of the Day by Apple in 2019 and 2020
- Honorable Mention in the AI and Data category of Fast Company's 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards
- Top100 Influencers in State of EdTech Report by EdTech Digest 2020
- Grand Winner at SXSWEdu Launch 2016
- Gold Winner for “The Best Digital Learning App” by Reimagine Education 2016
- #1 Education App on ProductHunt 2016
- Mentioned by TechCrunch, Forbes, Mashable, VentureBeat, Yahoo, Salma Hayek, and more
Discover Your Speaking Proficiency and Score!
- Take a speech test that’s written by world-class experts and receive a detailed report of your pronunciation strengths and weaknesses. Learning a new language is easy if you know what to focus on.
Become Bilingual Quickly
- Learn English with an AI speech coach. Our AI will select the best bite-sized lessons to help you sound like a native speaker.
- Practice from over 1,600 lessons covering all English sounds and over 40 topics ranging from travel tips to job interviews for you to explore.
- Use ELSA’s English Dictionary to look up words and practice speaking them. You’ll be able to see how you compare to a native speaker and receive feedback to improve.
Improve Quickly with Speaking Challenges!
- Practice English with fun language games that cover core English skills like pronunciation, word stress, rhythm, intonation, listening, and conversation.
- After you speak a phrase, within seconds you’ll be able to (1) compare your voice to a native speaker, (2) receive instruction on how to correct yourself, (3) get feedback on other sounds via IPA through the Advanced Feedback feature, and (4) watch a video that shows you how to produce those challenging sounds.
- The secret to being bilingual is practicing in bite-sized amounts and receiving meaningful feedback along the way.
ELSA Pro Subscription
Subscribe to ELSA Pro for premium lessons and features! ELSA Pro comes with great benefits such as:
Access to 1,600+ bite-sized lessons and 40+ essential topics such as: American Culture, Travel 101, Job Interviews, Everyday English Conversations, Basic English Phrases, and much more!
Customized training to improve your pronunciation.
Tracking tools to help you see your progress in all essential skills like pronunciation, conversation, intonation, rhythm, stress and listening.
Payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions will automatically renew unless canceled 24 hours prior to the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription, manage auto-renewal settings in your iTunes account.
Speak English confidently and clearly.
Connect With Us
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.elsaspeak.com/
Blog: https://medium.com/@elsaspeak
Terms of Service: http://elsaspeak.com/terms
Privacy Policy: http://www.elsanow.io/privacy
Rating:4.7 Show Detail
Name:English idioms & phrases game Price:Free
Description:Use the method of spaced repetition to learn new idioms, enrich your vocabulary and sound like a native speaker. Practice and get new content every day for free.
Choose idioms from specific categories of your interest, add most useful to favorites and track your progress in the profile tab.
Play the games and learn even faster with gamification techniques.
English Idioms: Learn and Play app contains the following subscription options:
— Weekly with 3-days free trial at $9.99; Annual subscription at $99.99;
— Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged at the full price of the chosen subscription period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period
— Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
— Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
— Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
Privacy Policy: https://basenjiapps.com/docs/privacy_policy
Terms of Service: https://basenjiapps.com/docs/terms_of_use
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
Name:Dota Live Analytics Price:RM0.00
Description:Dota Live Analytics is your companion for watching live pro matches. Perfect for showing you all the important details at a glance, this app also brings you to the point analyses of how the current Dota match is going.
Want to know how all the lanes are performing while watching the action of the gank around the top T1 Tower? Who does the even kill score actually favor? Which of the teams is really farming more effectively? Does Radiant’s Carry have enough gold to buy-back if they are caught? For this and much more, this has you covered.
Dota Live Analytics Presenting you all the information you'd want while watching your favorite professional Dota 2 team fight it out, all live and concurrent with the action on the big screen!
Analysis Panels cover statistics like:
- Item Builds on Dota Heroes
- Performance evaluation of Carry Players
- Live evaluation of Radiant vs Dire net worths, their composition and momentum
- Detailed look at each team's score and individual KDA
- Tracking of Experience and Gold
- Calculations of Buy Back Status
- Minimap showing top tier team movements in real time
- Curated Twitch streams
Time to level up your viewing experience for the Dota 2 International!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail