8 Best Apps Similar To TIX ID|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: TIX ID


APP STORE: App Store    Rp 0
CURRENT VERSION : 1.19.0(2020-03-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Hiburan, Gaya Hidup

<5K   <5K <5K


TIX ID adalah aplikasi pemesanan tiket nonton pertama di Indonesia. Dapatkan tiket nonton dengan di cinema favoritmu (Cinema XXI, CGV, Cinépolis) dengan aman, tanpa ribet, dan tanpa antre.

Kenapa TIX ID?

Tanpa ribet
Beli tiket nonton di bioskop favorit mu lebih aman dan mudah dengan TIX ID. Selamat tinggal ribet dan antre!

Fitur seru
Kamu pecinta film sejati? Nikmati fitur-fitur seru terkait film di aplikasi kami. Mulai dari sinopsis, rating, gambar, trailer, hingga jajaran cast semuanya dapat kamu temukan di aplikasi TIX ID.

Selalu update
Dapatkan juga berbagai berita seru terkait dunia film dengan membaca TIX Now dan Spotlight.

Pembayaran mudah
Nikmati pembayaran yang CEPAT dan MUDAH dengan akun DANA kamu.

Banyak hadiah
Semakin banyak transaksi semakin banyak juga LOYALTIX ang bisa kamu kumpulkan. Nantinya poin akan dapat kamu tukarkan dengan berbagai penawaran ekslusif hanya untuk kamu!

Ingin tahu lebih banyak? Anda memiliki masukan untuk TIX ID? Atau ingin sekadar bertanya? Hubungi kami melalui social media kami atau kontak e-mail kami di [email protected]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tix_id/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tixid/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tix_id





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Apps Similar To TIX ID

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Movies Anywhere

Name:Movies Anywhere                                                Price:Free

Description:No matter where you purchase your favorite movies, Movies Anywhere lets you bring them together in one app.

Create an account with Movies Anywhere and only pay for the movies you want to watch.

Sync your digital accounts to bring your movies together from iTunes and other participating retailers in your Movies Anywhere collection in seconds!

Whether it’s date night or a late night, we’ve got you covered. With over 7,500 movies, there’s a movie for every occasion.

Stream your movies AND download for later. No matter where you go, your Movies Anywhere collection will go with you.

Smartphone, laptop, connected TV, tablet — wherever you want to watch, we’re there.


Rating:4                                               Show Detail

FaceStar App

Name:FaceStar App                                                Price:$2.99

Description:The photos used to produce the clips will not be shared or used by us for any commercial purpose. After the processed clips are sent back to the users, the photos will be automatically erased from our servers. We don't collect any data from your pics!


Rating:4.45                                                 Show Detail

Clinical Pattern Recognition: Neck/Upper Back Pain

Name:Clinical Pattern Recognition: Neck/Upper Back Pain                                                 Price:$19.99

Description:Top Rated Clinical Pattern Recognition App for Physical Therapists is finally here!

An innovative, simple to use, evidence-based app, developed to help students and clinicians organize and access the overwhelming amounts of information regarding diagnosing, assessing, movement faults, and treatments.

This app is specially designed for healthcare professionals. It's a digital pocket-size reference guide that you can use in either the classroom, in the clinic, at home or on the go.

Everything you need to learn and use about Orthopedics is at your fingertips!

~~ Used in Residency and Fellowship training ~~
~~ Used by some of the Top Physical Therapy Programs in the United States ~~
~~ Developed by a team of Orthopaedic Specialists and Doctorate level educators ~~

• A powerful, comprehensive app linking research to clinical practice
• Guideline-based classification system for all body regional pain
• Direct links to PuBMed abstracts for all techniques
• Use Clinical Pattern Recognition to develop your clinical reasoning
• Quick access to all special tests/physical exam, all manual therapy and exercise techniques
• Major re-organization of content to facilitate improved reasoning development
• Implemented user feedback related to categorizing treatments based on purpose
• Categorized treatments related to associated impairments to minimize confusion with treatments for primary impairments
• Reorganized movement exam based on functional movements for easier integration
• Added new pain science content based on recent evidence
• Common pain referral patterns frequently link to hypotheses including:
- Facet syndrome
- Cervical radiculopathy
- Neck sprain/strain
- Whiplash
- Cervicogenic headache
- Tension headache
- Scoliosis
- Rib sprain
- Thoracic dural adhesions
- Kyphosis

• Intuitive user interface that mimics the clinical reasoning of a master clinician
• A complete guide for identifying patient presentations, differential diagnosis, impairments, movement faults and interventions
• Over 300 multi-angle, high definition videos per joint
• Clinical reasoning videos for key findings, differential diagnosis, associated impairments, movement faults and interventions

• Physical therapists/Physiotherapists
• Physical therapy assistants
• Osteopathic physicians
• Athletic trainers
• Clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal conditions
• Medical professionals
• Educators
• Chiropractors
• Anyone interested in rehabilitation

***** CPR is amazing!
By Robbin G. SPT, a CPR user

"Clinical Pattern Recognition is an amazing app that helps streamline my thought process when trying to think through how to handle a specific diagnosis. It covers all of the important topics such as relevant tests, clinical findings, treatments, and even related diagnoses. The video instruction is a wonderful bonus so that I can really see what I should be doing and how I should be doing. This app would be of great benefit to students and clinicians alike!"

***** Highly Recommend!
By Julia , a CPR user

"As a first year PT student, this app is an essential resource for categorizing the variety of dignoses, key findings, and interventions. The layout is easy to navigate, the information is comprehensive, yet concise, and the videos are SO helpful! Particularly for the cervical spine, the videos are my lifesavers for differentiating and remembering all the various techniques - definitely recommend this to all other PT students!"

***** Awesome app!
By Dipaleeee

"This is a great app because it's very concise and easy to use. It provides all the tools needed as a physcial therapist and has the ability to make one into a great clinican. Highly recommend!"

Rating:0                                             Show Detail

Revenge of Sultans

Name:Revenge of Sultans                                                 Price:Free

Description:Junte-se à jogadores de todo o mundo neste jogo de estratégia online em tempo real, e estabeleça seu próprio império às margens do Mar Mediterrâneo! Como um Senhor em nosso mundo, você será obrigado a enfrentar desafios intensos e a travar batalhas épicas em nome de seu Reino, sinta as esperanças de seu povo e estabeleça-se como um poderoso Rei, trazendo paz e prosperidade para as terras sob seu governo.

Haverá uma sucessão interminável de rivais que cobiçam o trono que é seu por direito, e cabe a você esgotar os limites de sua capacidade estratégica e permanecer um passo à frente. Colete recursos, treine tropas e defenda seu reino. Guerras surgirão, e você deve usar todo o seu conhecimento e habilidade para garantir que você saia do lado vencedor, de pouco a pouco, até que o mundo inteiro esteja aos seus pés!

Experimente a Batalha em um Nível Épico
Comande tropas bizantinas de elite à medida que você aniquila seus inimigos, cercado pelo clamor da batalha. Para o vencedor vão os despojos, para o perdedor, a ignomínia. Com um poderoso exército nas suas costas e alimentado pelos mais recentes avanços tecnológicos, você estará pronto para enfrentar o mundo!

Explore a rica costa do mar Mediterrâneo
Perigos incalculáveis o aguardam entre uma paisagem selvagem e virgem. Mas para aqueles que desejam viajar, e possuem um exército para se defender de monstros, há muito a explorar nas Relíquias deste novo interior. Encontre recursos ilimitados ou termine em uma longa e incrível aventura.

Supere seus problemas com Estratégia
Você foi escolhido pelo povo para servir como Rei, mas seus inimigos são engenhosos e tentarão destruir seu Reino por qualquer meio possível. Você consegue acompanhar as demandas do seu povo? Ou a falta de recursos prejudicará sua economia? Lembre-se, você sempre pode pedir ajuda a seus aliados! Escolha seus aliados com cuidado, pois eles serão inestimáveis em seu caminho para a dominação do mundo!

Lute ombro a ombro com seus Amigos
Você, sem dúvida, fará muitos novos amigos em seu longo caminho para a realeza, mas tenha cuidado para não deixar seus velhos amigos para trás; convide-os a jogar ao seu lado e conquistar o mundo juntos! Compartilhe suas vitórias e glória com seus amigos e criem um Reino próspero juntos!

● Construa seu castelo, atualize e defenda-o com Torres, Muros e Armadilhas.
● Construa seu próprio exército de Espadachins, Arqueiros, Montadores de Camelo, Catapultas e outras ferramentas e guerreiros poderosos.
● Batalhe com outros jogadores de todo o mundo, derrote-os e arrebate seus recursos.
● Guerras de estratégia em tempo real.
● Junte-se com outros jogadores e amigos para formar grandes alianças.
● Aceite desafios PvP e prove sua coragem contra os melhores Senhores do Reino.
● Lute contra outros clãs na guerra do trono e se vingue de seus inimigos.
● Viva as guerras medievais e reviva a história.

Pacotes de Inscrição
Se inscreva e receba 7 dias seguidos de excelentes ofertas dos pacotes semanais.
A Apple monitora e gerencia todos os pagamentos feitos através do iTunes.
Após a confirmação da compra, todas as taxas serão cobradas da sua conta do iTunes.
As assinaturas serão renovadas automaticamente, a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada ao menos 24 horas antes do término da assinatura.
As taxas de renovação serão cobradas na sua conta e confirmadas dentro de 24 horas após o término da assinatura.
Você pode gerenciar suas assinaturas e pode desativar a renovação automática nas configurações da sua conta depois que uma assinatura for configurada.
Quando períodos de avaliação gratuita são oferecidos, qualquer tempo restante da avaliação será descartado assim que você comprar a assinatura completa

Suporte ao usuário
Meu Senhor, se você tiver algum comentário, por favor, envie-nos uma mensagem em [email protected]
Política de Privacidade: http://www.onemt.com/policy.html
Termos de serviço: http://www.onemt.com/terms.html

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Orario Treni

Name:Orario Treni                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:Search for all Italian train timetables and buy train tickets with Orario Treni, a hassle-free journey planner for all tourists and local commuters

Main features:
- Check Italian train timetables
- Buy train tickets from Trenitalia, Italo, Trenord
- Buy Trenitalia and Trenord subscriptions and carnets
- View train departures and arrivals from/to a specific train station in real time
- Real time train status, progress, delays and platform number
- Advanced train route planner combining many different operators
- Sync your Trenitalia, Trenord and Italo tickets
- Add tickets to Wallet
- Be up to date for service disruptions and strikes

Included Train operators:
- Trenitalia (booking available)
- Trenord (booking available)
- NTV Italo (booking available)
- EAV Circumvesuviana e Metrocampania
- Ferrovie del Gargano
- FAS Sangritana
- TPER Trasporto Pubblico Emilia Romagna
- TTE Trentino Trasporti Esercizio
- FSE Ferrovie Sud Est
- FNB Ferrovie Nord Barese
- Sistemi Territoriali
- Ferrovie Udine-Cividale
- Trasporto Ferroviario Toscano
- Umbria Mobilità (ex FCU)
- FAL Ferrovie Appulo Lucane
- and more

For any issue or suggestion please contact support at [email protected]

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Okko Фильмы HD. Кино и сериалы

Name:Okko Фильмы HD. Кино и сериалы                                                 Price:0 ₽

Description:- Фильмы и сериалы в Full HD и без рекламы;
- Спортивные трансляции в прямом эфире и записи;
- Возможность просмотра без интернета;
- Один профиль на пяти устройствах;
- Премьеры культовых сериалов одновременно со всем миром;
- Еженедельное обновление каталога.

Okko — один из крупнейших легальных российских онлайн-кинотеатров в России. Смотрите в Okko фильмы, сериалы, мультфильмы, научно-образовательное кино и спортивные трансляции.

Наслаждаетесь кинопросмотром в Full HD и без рекламы! В популярный пакет «Оптимум» (399 руб/мес) входят голливудские блокбастеры и российские комедии, европейские драмы и мультфильмы для самых маленьких.

Пакет «Премиум» (799 руб/мес) включает в себя «Оптимум» и все остальные подписки Okko, в том числе «Сериалы Amediateka» и START. «Премиум» идеально подойдёт поклонникам сериалов и тем, кто любит смотреть кино на большом экране в 4K.

Okko Спорт (подписка «Англия. Премьер-лига» 549 руб/мес) — это раздел онлайн-кинотеатра Okko, где эксклюзивно транслируются все матчи Английской Премьер-лиги в прямом эфире и в записи. Сильнейшие комментаторы страны и собственная спортивная редакция обеспечат полное погружение в самый зрелищный футбол!

Скачивайте кино на мобильное устройство и смотрите даже без интернета в самолёте, на даче, или за границей. К своей учётной записи в Okko вы можете подключить до пяти любых устройств: компьютер, смартфон, планшет, Smart TV, PlayStation или Xbox.

Выберите подходящую подписку в Okko:
- Сериалы Amediateka: Мировые премьеры лучших сериалов (599 руб/мес);
- Суперхиты: Премьеры, культовое кино и эксклюзивы подписки (только в пакетах «Оптимум» и «Премиум»);
- Мировое кино: Популярные зарубежные фильмы всех жанров (299 руб/мес);
- START: Эксклюзивные российские сериалы и фильмы (349 руб/мес);
- Сериалы: Русские и зарубежные сериалы разных лет (199 руб/мес);
- Лучшее для детей: Анимация от Disney и кино для всей семьи (199 руб/мес);
- Наше кино: Новинки проката и вся классика (229 руб/мес);
- Короткие мультики: Развивающие мультсериалы для детей 0+ (149 руб/мес);
- Наука и образование: Документальное кино, лекции и курсы (149 руб/мес);
- Фильмы в Ultra HD 4K: Кино в превосходном качестве (только в пакете «Премиум»).

Подробная информация о подписках:
- Информация о цене и сроке действия каждой подписки доступна до осуществления покупки;
- Подписка автоматически продлевается не менее чем за 24 часа до окончания текущего срока действия до тех пор, пока она не будет отменена самим пользователем;
- Денежные средства списываются с учетной записи пользователя в течение 24 часов до окончания текущего срока действия подписки с указанием цены и длительности;
- Управление приобретенными подписками и их удаление осуществляется в настройках пользовательского аккаунта Apple;
- Если вы не оформляли подписку до этого, вам будет предложен бесплатный пробный период. Бесплатный пробный период доступен для подписок «Сериалы Amediateka», Пакет «Оптимум», «START», «Англия. Премьер-лига». Отмена бесплатного периода автоматически отключит подписку.
- Пользовательское соглашение: https://okko.tv/terms
- Политика конфиденциальности: https://okko.tv/privacy

Поддержка пользователей Okko: + 7 800 700 55 33 и [email protected].

Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

Genius: Song Lyrics & More

Name:Genius: Song Lyrics & More                                                 Price:Free

Description:Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics, videos and crowdsourced musical knowledge.

Find annotated lyrics for all your favorite songs, or browse what's hot on Genius.

Watch interviews with your favorite artists about the music you love.

Explore a world of knowledge, crowdsourced from millions of obsessed fans – the Genius community.

With verified content from artists and producers.

Hold your phone up to the music, tap the soundwave button (powered by ACRCloud), and lo, the annotated lyrics appear. You can also easily navigate the lyrics for all the songs in your iTunes library.

You’re the genius: highlight some text, tap “Annotate,” and share your knowledge.

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

FaceArt: Photo Editor&Hair

Name:FaceArt: Photo Editor&Hair                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to FaceArt! This app provides powerful beautify tools and amazing filters to convert your selfie into artwork. Create the most stunning photos ready for either professional profile or social media.

Try on signature makeup styles! Find the makeup style best suits you. See how subtle, natural changes to your facial contours can refine your appearance.

Face Retouch
Modify every detail of your photo, enlarge your or change face contour. Make each one look like it came straight out of a high-fashion media. Now you can be sure that all your portraits are the best version of you.

Hair Style
Do not know what hairstyle to make today and how? Choose the best hairstyle and change it instantly! All hairstyles is made by professional stylists, you will be excited about the quality.

Animal Face
It is believed that everyone has an animal inside, this feature will help those who are not able to find out what animal is in their body.

Aging Face
Have you ever wondered what your face will look like when you were 50, 70 or even 90? We will show you the magic aging procedure of your face.

Cartoon Effect
Fascinating, unique and artsy cartoon effects. Apply artistic effects to new or existing photos. Transform your photos to cartoons, sketches, oil paintings or pencil drawings.

Popular Stickers
Various categorized stickers for those who like to take selfies! Decorate your selfie by the variety of stickers.

Stunning Filters
Bring magic into your photos. Easy to choose from amazing selfie filters and stylize your photos with filters, previewing favorite filter effect instantly.

FaceArt Privacy: https://www.dawnkeylimited.com/privacy-policy
FaceArt Terms of Service: https://www.dawnkeylimited.com/terms-of-service

We offer subscription options as followed, the price will change depending on the currency

- Weekly subscription
- Monthly subscription
- Yearly subscription

Content provided during subscription period:
- Unlock all sticker categories
- Unlock all features in facelift, makeup and filter section
- Weekly update new makeup fashion styles

- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. - Subscriptions automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.
- Subscriptions may be managed through
https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039 by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off through the above link after purchase.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period. Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.

Rating:2.25                                                 Show Detail