8 Best Apps Similar To MissionClock|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: MissionClock

APP STORE: App Store $4.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.1.5(2020-06-04)
APP CATEGORIES : News, Education
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Keep up-to-date with space launches from NASA and other agencies around the world with MissionClock for your iPhone or iPod Touch.
MissionClock shows you a real-time countdown clock for upcoming missions, as well as information about missions that are currently underway. You can see major launch and ascent events as they happen, and receive alerts when mission conditions change.
• Gorgeous, at-a-glance countdown information
• T-clock and L-clock information
• Countdown holds
• Hold time remaining
• Current and significant event times displayed in multiple time zones
• Detailed mission event lists
• Time to/since each event
MissionClock’s main view shows the current time in three time zones (yours, UTC, and the mission’s). It shows the T-clock, including pauses for built-in launch holds, and the L-clock, letting you know how much real time remains before launch. For missions that have already launched, MissionClock will show you the Mission Elapsed Time (MET).
The MissionClock staff regularly compile space mission information from a variety of sources including contacts within NASA, and collect them on our servers. MissionClock is automatically updated with changes, so you stay informed.
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Apps Similar To MissionClock
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Name:iDaily · 每日环球视野 for iPhone Price:¥0.00
Description:「iDaily · 每日环球视野」是第一个提供超越 3000px 超高清分辨率图片的中文媒体应用,每天由中国最出色的图片编辑独家挑选,为读者奉上最高清晰度的全球视野体验。
1.超越视觉的震撼体验:3000px 超高清模式,前所未有的细节
2.距离我:地球发生的每一件事情,与你的距离都不会超过 20,000 公里
iPad.ly | 网址最短的中文 iPhone + iPad 资源分享网站荣誉推荐
Rating:4.85 Show Detail

Name:Akulaku - Installment Shopping Price:Free
Description:Dapatkan Kartu kredit Virtual dengan limit Kredit Rp.20000000!
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Jangan khawatir belanja di Aplikasi Akulaku. Akulaku akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk pelanggan. Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan banyak pilihan.
Jaminan Layanan Terbaik
Call Center Akulaku: 1500920, aktif dari Jam 8 Pagi - Jam 9 Malam. Setiap hari dari Senin - Minggu.
Pengiriman cepat, 48 jam pengiriman untuk Jabodetabek.
Retur mudah, pengembalian dapat dilakukan dalam 7 hari setelah menerima barang.
Refund Otomatis, dana refund di transfer ke rekening bank kamu dalam waktu 24 jam secara otomatis!
Layanan pembiayaan didukung oleh PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia yang berdomisili di Sahid Sudirman Center 11C, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.86, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10250, Indonesia, yang terdaftar di OJK sebagai perusahaan pembiayaan dengan nomor izin KEP-436/NB.11/2018
Facebook: facebook.com/AkuLakuIndonesia
Twitter: @akulakuID
Instagram: akulaku_id
WhatsApp: 6281113508161
Jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan, silakan hubungi customer care kami:
Telepon: 1500920
Email: [email protected]
Rating:1.35 Show Detail

Name:Auto Athkar for Muslim Hisn - أدعية اذكار المسلم Price:Free
Description:** أدعية - اذكار المسلم ***
اذكار الصباح والمساء، استغفار، تسبيح، أدعية مأثورة.. وغيرها الكثير
This is the best Athkar Muslim APP. DOWNLOAD FREE!
Athkar is a free app that helps you keep remembering (praying to) Allah. It supports English and Arabic and it is the first app that has the functionality of reminding the user of the Athkar which helps you keep remembering Allah.
Daily Athkar which all Muslims should adhere to in their daily life. These Athkar are taken from the trusted book of Hisn Almuslim.
اذكار الصباح والمساء، استغفار، تسبيح، أدعية مأثورة.. وغيرها الكثير
هذا التطبيق الإسلامي ولله الحمد وهو حصن المسلم من أذكار الكتاب والسنة
وهو مهم جدا لكل مسلم ومسلمة لقراءة الأذكار المطلوبة حسب العمل الذي تريد أن تعمله وأتمنى من الجميع تحميل هذا
التطبيق الإسلامي الجميل والرائع ولاتترددوا بالتبليغ ونشر هذا التطبيق للجميع والدال على الخير كفاعله وتقبل الله منا
ومنكم صالح الأعمال والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Enjoy using our app and if there is any issues please don't forget to contact us through our support URL.
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:ISS Real-Time Tracker Price:$2.99
Description:Spot the International Space Station with accurate, detailed overhead pass predictions for your exact location using GPS. Track the ISS in real-time. Tweet any crew members and learn about them with detailed bios and stats. Plus, get live streaming HD video of Earth. ISS Real-Time Tracker is the only app that gives you all this!
• Get accurate and detailed upcoming visible pass information for your current location.
• Each pass is rated with 0-4 stars to quickly show you which will be the most visible based on brightness (magnitude).
• Tracks position of the ISS in real-time on an interactive map of Earth with orbit ground track plots.
• Reports current ISS crew members with their key data and bios.
• Tweet crew members and view their feeds from space.
• When adding a pass to your calendar, alerts will be set for 1 hour before and again at 20 minutes before the start of the pass.
• Streaming live video of Earth from the ISS' EHDC.
• Optional music soundtrack while tracking.
• Info overlay shows the current ISS position in degrees, minutes, & seconds along with its altitude and velocity.
• Zoom control (map scaling) allows you to zoom in/out in each of 4 ranges from fine to large.
• Tracking update interval (from 1-6 secs) is automatically set for you, based on the map scale.
• Tap any overhead pass to create an event in your calendar.
• Choose from 3 position marker styles.
• All user settings and zoom slider positions are automatically saved between uses.
Rating:4.8 Show Detail

Name:Lyft Price:Free
Description:Try Lyft for a friendly, affordable ride whenever you need one!
Use Lyft to travel to your destination and enjoy the best carpool of your life with our trusted and highly-rated drivers.
Request a ride with the tap of a button and get picked up by a nearby community driver who’ll take you to your destination within minutes. Yes, it's that easy.
• Open the app and request a ride,
• Our driver will be there to pick you up in minutes.
• Get a ride and travel wherever you need to go – it’s as simple as that!
• See the cost of your ride in advance.
• Pay for your ride directly within the app.
• All Lyft drivers pass comprehensive background and DMV checks.
• Rideshare drivers are rated by passengers and only the highest-rated drivers are allowed on the road.
• Lyft provides a first-of-its-kind $1M liability insurance for total peace of mind.
Join the millions who’ve taken 5-star rides. Find reliable transportation wherever you travel. Download and get a lift today!
What people are saying:
"Ride-sharing programs like Lyft are providing commuters with less expensive and more social ways to get around. Users log into the app, specify where they’re heading, and a background-checked driver picks them up for less than a typical cab ride." - TODAY Show
“Lyft is a real community — with both the drivers and riders being inherently social — making real friendships and saving money.” – Time
"In a city where taxis can be scarce and… black town cars are rampant but expensive, Lyft has quickly gained visibility due to low prices and quirky branding." - Ad Age
"Lyft's focus on the everyman has recently extended to the wildly successful Lyft Line carpool service aimed at commuters, which offers discounts of 30% to 60% for sharing a Lyft ride with others." - Fast Company
Prices vary based on market condition.
By downloading the app, you agree to allow Lyft to collect your device's language settings.
Rating:5 Show Detail

Name:Pin - Clipboard Extensions Price:$2.99
Description:* 在 Mac App Store 搜索 Pin 可以找到 macOS 版本
# 所获推荐
- App Store 2016 年度十佳
- App Store 首页精品推荐应用
- App Store 热门应用
- App Store 工具应用 Banner
- App Store Widgets 集锦
- 少数派、36kr、最美应用、ifanr、极客公园、小众软件等网站推荐
- AppSolution、最美应用、豌豆荚 2015 年度应用
Pin 是基于剪贴板的效率工具,可以扩展剪贴板的功能:
• 复制后打开 Widget 进行记录、编辑
• 使用 iCloud 在多台设备中同步
• 用剪贴板数据发起一个动作,提供丰富的模板
• 动作完全可以自定义,并提供扩展插件
• 直接在通知中心预览结果
• 将剪贴板文本分词,方便复制或搜索其中一部分
• 自动提取出剪贴板中的链接、电话号码等信息
• 可以在分享面板和自定义键盘使用
有任何建议欢迎反馈到:[email protected]
QQ 群:303651247
Telegram 群:https://t.me/PinTG
Rating:4.4 Show Detail

Name:Etsy: Custom & Creative Goods Price:Free
Description:沢山そろっているユニークな商品の中から、特別なイベントはもちろんのこと、普段使いにもピッタリの商品を見つけてみましょう。世界中から集められたハンドメイド作品やビンテージ商品、クラフト作品を見て回りましょう。Etsy のアプリでは素晴らしいプレゼンとやユニークな結婚祝いの品、ハンドメイドジュエリーが見つけられるほか、おしゃれなアクセサリーやアート、衣類、家具など、一人一人に合わせておすすめ商品を提案しています。現在、世界中で Etsy を利用しているのは 3,400 万人。誰もが本当に素敵な商品を探しています。
Etsy アプリは、欲しかったものをすぐに見つけるのに役立ちます。
• お気に入りの商品やショップを保存しておけば、好みに合ったものが見つけやすくなります。
• お知らせ通知を受け取る設定にしておけば、お気に入りのショップに新しい商品が登場したり、お気に入りの商品がセール対象になると、通知がくるようになります。
• ショップオーナーと直接メッセージをやり取りして、自分用にカスタマイズしてもらうことも簡単にできます。
• Apple Pay など、さまざまな支払い方法を用意しています。簡単に、そして安全にお支払いを済ませることができます。
• 注文した商品がいつ発送されるか、いつ届くか(こちらの方がワクワクしますね)も分かります。
• 英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、オランダ語、イタリア語、スペイン語、ポーランド語、日本語で表示されます。
Etsy ショップをお持ちですか?Etsy セラーアプリでは、ショップの管理に必要なツールがすべてそろっています。たとえば、注文を処理したり商品を出品したり、ショップ統計を確認したり、ということが行えます。アプリストアで「 Etsy セラーアプリ」を検索してみましょう。
アプリの使い方でサポートが必要な場合は、 https://help.etsy.com
にアクセスし、「アプリで問題が発生しましたか?」を見てみましょう。こちらまでご連絡ください。 https://community.etsy.com/t5/Bugs-and-Technical-Issues/bd-p/bugs
Rating:4.95 Show Detail

Name:Sky Guide Price:$2.99
Description:Sky Guide makes stargazing simple. Just hold it overhead to automatically find stars, constellations, planets, satellites and more. With so many fun and powerful features, there is something for all ages and experience levels!
“Close to perfect.”
“It’s a dazzling piece of software…”
-David Pogue
“Sky Guide is one of the coolest apps in the App Store…”
- Apple Design Award 2014
- #1 app reached in 92 countries
Is it a star or the planet Mars? Knowing what's up in your night sky is now effortless with Sky Guide. Hold your iPhone or iPad up and Sky Guide automatically aligns itself to the stars above you—no setup required.
Have you ever wished you could recognize the constellations but didn't want to study those paper star charts? Sky Guide's augmented reality (AR) mode makes learning your way around the sky clear and effortless.
Whether you're in search of the constellation Virgo, the Andromeda Galaxy or the next big meteor shower, Sky Guide is jam-packed with information and rich graphics that will satisfy the most curious minds.
Voyage to the past and future with cinematic time controls. Know where the Moon will be later in the evening so you can capture that perfect photo. See what the sky looked like the moment you were born or be an eyewitness to history's greatest comets.
It's a star! It's a plane! No, it's a satellite! Sky Guide features hundreds of bright satellites for you to identify and track. You can also receive notifications whenever the International Space Station flies over your location.
Use Sky Guide anywhere—on your evening dog walk, camping trips or in the classroom. The app works with or without Wi-Fi, cellular service or GPS, so everything is at your fingertips no matter where you go.
Additional Features:
- Huge stellar catalog: 2.5 million stars!
- Filter: X-ray the sky and explore invisible wonders.
- Red night mode: Preserve your dark-adapted eyesight.
- Notification Center Widget: At-a-glance essentials including rise and set times for the Sun, Moon and planets.
- Apple Watch: Sky Guide can send you a notification when an event is about to happen in the skies above your location, like when the International Space Station is due to fly over. You can also keep tabs on the latest solar activity or add our super-accurate Moon Complication to your Apple Watch face.
Optional Features:
- Sky Guide SUPERMASSIVE. This extensive add-on gives you access to incredible high definition zooming, 680× larger star and deep sky catalogs, and exclusive cinematic tours.
Join the millions who have discovered a more personal connection to the stars with Sky Guide. It might forever change the way you look up.
Terms of use: https://fifthstarlabs.com/terms-of-use
Rating:4.9 Show Detail