8 Best Apps Similar To Sea Port: Ship Tycoon Strategy|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Sea Port: Ship Tycoon Strategy

Sea Port: Ship Tycoon Strategy

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0.57(2020-06-01)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Simulation, Entertainment, Strategy
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.5 (22.34K)

60.0K   100.0K 39.77K


来玩 Seaport 吧,这是一款船舶管理和战略模拟器!在岛上建立自己的城市,成为航运大亨!这是一款令人心情放松的贸易模拟和城市建设游戏,你将成为一个富有的海洋帝国大亨。



Seaport 特色:
▶ 在轻松的港口模拟器战略游戏中享受时光,并成为航运大亨
▶ 建设一个有许多不同建筑的城镇,如市政厅、锯木厂或仓库
▶ 接受培训,成为史上最好的船舶经理
▶ 在口袋里建立航运帝国,成为帆船、蒸汽船和集装箱船的经理。现在就开始建造!
▶ 制订个人战略,组建一支舰队,以帮助你发展母港城市
▶ 像房地产经纪人一样购买土地,并探索岛屿周围的水域,来扩展你的城镇
▶ 加入著名水手和探险家的行列,如克里斯托弗·哥伦布、阿美利哥·韦斯普奇等
▶ 不要让舰队闲置太久,而是要好好利用,来交易各种材料和商品
▶ 每月玩新的活动,并获得丰厚的奖励以推动游戏进程
▶ 在海上贸易模拟器中交易各种货物

你能成为成功港口城市的建设者吗?不要让成为航运大亨的雄心止步于空想。马上在 Seaport 中开始建造,这是最棒的船舶和贸易管理模拟游戏!


注意!Seaport 是一款免费下载的在线游戏,需要网络连接才能玩,一些游戏中的物品也可以用真钱购买。如果不想使用此功能,请在设备设置中禁用应用内购买。



喜欢我们的航运大亨模拟游戏吗?请在社交媒体上关注 @SeaportGame 以获取最新消息和更新。





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Apps Similar To Sea Port: Ship Tycoon Strategy

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Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles

Name:Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles                                                Price:Free

Description:加入 Diggy、教授,Linda、和 Rusty 的旅程!探索充滿礦藏的世界,學習古老的文明,解決難忘的謎題。在 Diggy 的冒險線上遊戲中逃離每個迷宮並揭開過去最神秘的事物!

這個 2D 迷宮中沒有任何秘密可以藏!在您發現這個故事的新角色或者可能是一個古老的文明時,在迷宮中找到自己的道路。你能逃脫這個地雷陣嗎?


Diggy 冒險的特色:
▶ 喜歡解謎嗎?在各文明中設有超過 1000 個謎題等著您來解答。
▶ 挑戰各種難度的 500 個迷宮。千萬別被困進地牢中!
▶ 500 多個有趣的角色等您來互動。點選您的礦工頭像並查看戰利品!
▶ 4 個神秘地點,許多被遺忘的寶藏。風暴般地穿越迷宮吧!
▶ 被謎題困住了?我們的線上客服人員會在24小時內回覆您。
▶ 每週新增免費內容:包括謎題和寺廟等等,別忘記持續關注這個迷宮遊戲的更新消息!
▶ 挖掘尋找神秘寶藏,完成神聖的任務並解開謎題。
▶ 扮演考古學家,努力找出遠古世界的秘密。
▶ 利用線索打開藏寶箱,以礦工的方式進行探索。
▶ 一邊挖礦,一邊尋找戰利品和寶藏!

挖掘這個 2D 謎題礦坑,獲得各式各樣的道具,利用道具來解開謎題,離線時恢復體力,或是在營地中製作新道具。您還能以各種裝飾品美化您的營地。打造新道具或製作材料以幫助您在地窖或迷宮中進行挖掘,成為這個世界中最優秀的尋寶冒險愛好者。這可不是一般的尋寶遊戲,您得找出每塊拼圖才能得到足夠的金塊以繼續進行尋寶冒險!

解開 2D 謎題並從迷宮中逃脫,就可以獲得獎勵和經驗點數,從而提高能量再生率或提升能量容量。繼續挖掘,完成由神所分配的遊戲任務,​​沿著正確的道路前行,找出新的密室,讓您把其他的冒險遊戲都拋諸腦後!您還可以暢玩特殊迷宮活動、地牢和優惠,以各種主題布置營地或送禮給其他玩家。解謎和逃脫!一邊逃離無盡的迷宮,一邊挖礦,還能從新文明中獲得新知!快來玩這個充滿謎題的 2D 挖礦冒險!

請注意:Diggy's Adventure 為免費線上遊戲,需要連接網路才能下載以進行遊戲。您也能以實際貨幣購買遊戲道具。如果您不想使用此功能請在您的裝置設定中關閉遊戲內購買功能。



喜歡我們的休閒解謎遊戲?請在社群媒體上關注 @DiggysAdventure 以獲得我們的最新資訊與更新消息。

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Public Transport Simulator

Name:Public Transport Simulator                                                Price:Free

Description:Jump behind the steering wheel in this driving simulator. There are three different types of missions, depending on what type of vehicle you choose. Choose one of many buses to transport passengers around the city. Jump in as a taxi driver and give a lift to clients waving their hands around the city. Choosing a race car, opens up Checkpoint racing tracks in the city. For each customer serviced or race finished, you get experience points, which unlock additional vehicles and locations. For each vehicle there are unlockable upgrades and paint jobs. Upgrades and paint jobs are unlocked simply by earning experience with that vehicle. Drive carefully! When you crash, passengers fall and you lose experience.

• Fully modeled 3D environments and vehicles.
• Interior and exterior view with free look.
• Realistic physics and ragdoll.
• Accident replays with screenshot possibility.
• Different control options.
• Bus driving.
• Taxi driving.
• Van driving.
• Bonus cars and races.
• Leaderboards.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Goat Simulator Waste of Space

Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space                                                 Price:$6.99

iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5

Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!

Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.

Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!

Principais características

* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente

Rating:4                                             Show Detail

Yahoo Finance

Name:Yahoo Finance                                                 Price:Free


- 登入Yahoo ID,隨即使用全新功能:
- 結合投資組合及追蹤清單功能,建立不同清單,方便查閱、整理持貨及目標投資項目資料。
- 清單設計靈活,可隨時隨地新增及移除股票、追蹤自己持貨狀況。
- 於不同裝置登入Yahoo 財經,均可管理清單。
- 立即下載,管理好你的持股資料!



Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Catan Universe

Name:Catan Universe                                                 Price:Free

Description:Play your favorite game CATAN anytime and anywhere: the original board game, the card game, the expansions and ‘CATAN – Rise of the Inkas‘, all in one app!

After a long voyage of great deprivation, your ships have finally reached the coast of an uncharted island. However, other explorers have also landed on Catan: The race to settle the island has begun!

Build roads and cities, trade skillfully and become Lord or Lady of Catan!

Go on a journey to the Catan universe, and compete in exciting duels against players from all over the world. The board game classic and the Catan card game bring a real tabletop feeling to your screen!

Play with your Catan Universe account on the device of your choice: You can use your login on numerous desktop and mobile platforms! Become part of the huge worldwide Catan community, and compete against players from all over the world, and on all supported platforms.

The board game:
Play the basic board game in multiplayer mode for up to three players free of charge. Master the free “Arrival on Catan” to permanently unlock the single player and custom match modes for the “Arrival on Catan” scenario, to play against the AI or your friends anytime.

For even more variety, unlock the complete basic game, the expansions “Cities & Knights” and “Seafarers” and the stand-alone variant ‘Rise of the Inkas’ as in-game purchases. Defend yourself against barbarian invasions, journey to new shores, and compete against cunning computer opponents.

The game edition ‘Rise of the Inkas‘ is another exciting challenge for you, as your settlements are doomed in their heyday. The jungle swallows the signs of human civilization, and your opponents seize their chance to build their settlement at the location they crave for.

The card game:
Play the introductory game of the popular 2 player card game “Catan – The Duel” online free of charge or master the free “Arrival on Catan”, to permanently unlock the single player mode against the AI.

Get the complete card game as an in-game purchase to play three different theme sets against friends, other fans friends or different AI opponents and submerge yourself into the bustling life on Catan.


- Trade – build – settle – Become Lord of Catan!
- Play on all your devices with one account.
- Faithful to the original version of the board game “Catan”, as well as the card game “Catan – The Duel” (aka “Rivals for Catan”)
- Design your own avatar.
- Chat with other players and form guilds.
- Play to earn numerous achievements and unlock rewards.
- Get additional expansions and play modes as in-game purchases.
- Get started very easily with the comprehensive tutorial.

Features in development:

- Compete in tournaments as guilds or for your own glory.
- Prove yourself in numerous additional expansions.

Free-to-play content:

- Basic game free matches against two other human players
- Introductory game free matches Catan – The Duel against a human player
- “Arrival on Catan” – permanently unlock board game custom-match mode against friends as well as single-player against the AI for board game and card game
- Registration bonus of 100 gold and 2 scrolls – unlock expansions and complete access to auto match, single player and custom matches with scrolls for a limited time
- Further scrolls by levelling up

Catan Universe supports iOS 10 or higher, and devices from the iPhone 5S.

Questions or suggestions for improvements:
Mail to [email protected]
We are looking forward to your feedback!

For more information on news and updates: www.catanuniverse.com or visit us on www.facebook.com/CatanUniverse


Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

PK XD - Explore the Universe

Name:PK XD - Explore the Universe                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to your virtual world!
PK XD is all about fun: create your own avatar, build your house, meet friends, and go on new adventures.

In this open world game, you’ll challenge yourself with minigames to get exclusive items and take your house, your looks, your pets, and all the fun to the next level.
Ready to explore this universe and join millions of players from all over the world?!

You already have a house, friends, work… the fun will be complete with your own virtual pet! From common to rare animals, you can find cats, dogs, pigs, cows, buffalos, hedgehogs, racoons, alligators, hippopotamus… phew! There are many cute creatures to be your partner in the game! Take care of them and let them grow by your side.

Your character, your rules! You can be a zombie, an unicorn, a witch, or even a dragon if you wish. Just use your imagination to combine all items available: monster slippers, futuristic boots, incredible wings, ninja swords, a cat mask, shark gloves, lobster gloves, golden hair, fun backpacks, incredible sunglasses, cool clothes, and much more.

Build your house, get new items, and decorate your home however you want. The only limit is your imagination! Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll find: Puff cloud, dance mat, lava lamp, wallpapers, fluffy rug, gamer chair, pictures, fantastic fireplace, heart-shaped balloons, kitchen items, bathroom items, and so much more!

There’s always something new on PK XD! Play minigames and complete quests in each season. What about some crazy run or delivering pizzas to earn coins?

This is your own virtual world! You can do whatever you want. So, in addition to exploring the world and taking up challenges, you can try different activities such as relaxing in the floats, having ice cream, jumping with the "power up", dancing different moves and styles, and having lots of fun with your friends and neighbors!

Build the game with us! We listen closely to your suggestions so that we can offer the best experience ever.

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Block Craft 3D: Building Games

Name:Block Craft 3D: Building Games                                                 Price:Free

Description:Crie e desenvolva a sua vila ou construa livremente em um mundo aberto ilimitado!

+ Crie o que você tiver vontade!
+ Encha o mundo com as suas criações!
+ Construa a sua vila!
+ Ajude a manter a sua população feliz!

Baixe agora e não perca atualizações incríveis!

Privacy Policy: https://www.fungames-forfree.com/games/blockcraft/legal/privacy

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Landlord Tycoon

Name:Landlord Tycoon                                                 Price:Free

Description:Este jogo de dinheiro ocioso motiva você a se tornar um mestre do mercado imobiliário! Invista em propriedades da vida real para construir seu império!

Em Landlord, o primeiro jogo magnata de negócios baseado em realidade, você pode apreciar um simulador de negócios, jogo de negociação e um pouco de realidade estética, tudo em um. É um jogo de fluxo de caixa onde você pode comprar, vender e trocar propriedades digitais, e com GPS e geolocalização, você joga o jogo em seus locais atuais!

• Inicie sua viagem imobiliária com US $ 50.000
• Construa o império de sua cidade baseado em lugares que você conhece; por exemplo, sua escola ou escritório
• Torne-se rico e ganhe dinheiro cada vez que alguém fizer o check-in em sua propriedade
(criado pelo Foursquare e pelo Facebook!)
• Melhore suas propriedades para ganhar ainda mais ou venda-as para obter um lucro rápido
• Aprenda finanças e economia possibilitadas pelo leilão realista

Torne-se o senhorio do seu império da cidade e tire proveito dele para se tornar o capitalista mais rico!

LEMBRAR! Você é o magnata dos negócios, então invista sabiamente - compre ações, troque com outros jogadores e concorra com seus amigos. Neste jogo a dinheiro, cada dólar conta à medida que você avança e constrói seu monopólio da vida real.

É uma batalha bilionária! Neste jogo de gestão, competir com outros proprietários, convidar seus amigos e desafiá-los para ver quem é o melhor magnata. Aprenda a usar seu dinheiro, gerenciá-lo da maneira mais eficaz.

Você pode conquistar o mercado imobiliário e se tornar o maior magnata dos negócios?
Baixe o senhorio agora!

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail